• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,164 Views, 100 Comments

A Human in an Equestrian Asylum - Mr Anomalous

A human is thrown into an asylum in Equestria, because of the humanity that is his own...

  • ...

I Get Another Visitor

I Get Another Visitor

After that experience, I was more frustrated than afraid. How dare they! How dare they! I explained everything to them, everything, and yet just because I have a different mindset, I'm still in this damned asylum.

I was back in my room, pacing angrily. Yes, pacing angrily is perfectly possible.

It was late, but I could not sleep. I was simply far to outraged.

At least, not then. I eventually became tired enough, and feel into my cot, not even bothering to pull the blanket over my head.

The next morning, I was sick. I vomited several times. Because of this, I managed to shirk classes. Meals were brought into my room for me, and I was fed like a child; the nurse (not Ichor, sadly) spooned the muck into my mouth as if I were nothing but a child. It was infuriating, but there was nothing I could do about it. Every time I tried to protest, the Nurse simply tutted me and continued spooning the cold meal into me. It was tasteless.

An hour or so later, I vomited the meal up. I couldn't keep anything down.

What the heck was wrong with me?

As the time approached twelve (and I was about ready to kill myself) there came another knock to my cell door. Another useless knock. I didn't answer.

The door opened and what I saw there did not help my mood whatsoever.

It was Princess Celestia.

I was filled with anger. What was she doing here?

She looked...sad. Sort of guilt ridden. She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

"Save it."

The Princess closer her mouth and looked at the floor. It was silent ofr a long time. Celestia's mane and tail flowed endlessly, casting lights around the room.

Finally, she spoke again. This time I let her. Not like I could really do anything.



She took a long, deep breath.

"John. You know why I sent you here in the first place?"

"Because I had a dream, a dream that I had no control over."

"...Yes. Yes I did, John."

I froze. What?

"I wanted to protect my kingdom and my subjects. I thought you a threat because of the things you had seen. I was afraid that you would slip, and perhaps plant a seed. I was afraid of that. I know see how blind I was."

I sat up, all of my attention on Celestia.

"John. I am sorry. I am so sorry. I thrust you deep into your worst fear, because I thought you insane. I now realize that there is more of a chance of your becoming insane if you were to be kept here."

"Princess....what are you saying...?"

"John. I said it once, and I shall say it again: I am sorry. I am here to take you away from here."

My eyes widened. I was surprised, but that surprised quickly turned to glee. Then guilt found its way into my heart.

"Princess. What about Twilight? I threatened her life. Are you sure you wanna let me go after I did something like that?"

She paused.

"Twilight visited you before me. And, if you have gotten to know her well enough before I did this to you, you will know that she sent me a report."

I smirked. Of course.

"She told me how sorry you were, how much you apologized. I also read the report from the asylum that reached me this yesterday. The doctors still think you a madcolt, but I know better. I realize what I did. And I'm sorry..."

Her voice faltered. She was beginning to cry.

"Princess. I don't know what to say..."

"Just be silent, young one, and come with me. I have already released you."

I smiled, and was just about to leap from my cot when I remembered how ill that I was.

"Um. Princess? I'm pretty sick....I can hardly move..."

She smirked and walked over. She was still huge.

"Be still."

She lowered her horn to my chest, and I went as stiff as a boner.

Suddenly, I was filled with energy. My sickness, gone, my tiredness, gone. I felt like I could take on the world.

I sprung out of bed, literally, and landed aside the Princess. She laughed a bit, and I did too.

We walked out the door, and everyone was looked at us. And there was Nurse Ichor.


I went over the Ichor, looked her deep in the eyes, (which were going misty, and her bottom lip was trembling) and practically attacked her with a hug.

She hugged me tight back.

"I know that I wasn't here for very long, but man you're awesome."

I set her down and practically had to dive out of range from her stream of tears.

She was waving, and I waved back.

Celestia and I were just about to reach the door when we rounded a corner and ran into-who else?-Twilight, he stared at us wide-eyed. She had a giant stack of paper in her magic.

She began to look back and forht between the two of us, then at her papers.

"P-p-Princess? John? What's going on here?"

Princess Celestia smiled and said, "John is free."

Twilight's eyes widened, if possible, even more, then they went into a deep scowl.

"Argh!" and the papers went flying.

"I had an entire load of evidence supporting the fact that you were not crazy, and now it was just a big waste of time!"

She looked angry, but, of course, I had to laugh. Soon, Celestia joined me, and then Twilight rolled her eyes and laughed along with us.

A golden aura surrounded the scattered papers and organized them into a neat pile, where they vanished.

"I have returned your work to your library. Now, let's go back to Ponyville and call Pinkie for a celebration."


The party was brilliant, of course, and even Celestia managed to have some fun, (with pranks, how else?) and, sadly, the party had to end. Spike was glad to see me back, and I went to bed.

The next morning was much like the last one spent here, excluding my institutionalization and hostage-taking of Twilight.

As was the next. And the next.

Eventually, we had to address the inevitable problem: how was I going to get home? I loved it here, but I just didn't belong, and we all knew that. Much research was done, but to no avail.

After my twelfth night in Equestria I woke up not in the library, but at home. I was laying on the floor. There was a pin in my head.

I sat up and was startled. Where was I? Then sadness dawned on me. Was it all a dream? My wonderful (and not-so-wonderful time spent in Equestria, all of it a fabrications of my mind?

It was as if I had never gotten any sleep: I was tired. Too tired, in fact, to think much further on the subject. I climbed into my real bed and slept hard. I dreamt of Twilight, of Princess Celestia, and of the wonderful world of Equestria.

The next morning, I was still on Earth, and I did some research. It was Saturday. I new episode of My Little Pony came out today!

I hurried over to my computer and opened YouTube. I found it and double-clicked on it. It was your standard episode, (this one was about Spike finally getting to spend some time with Rarity) but, at the end.after the entire cast shared a laugh, Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn, turned to the screen and winked.

It might have been just me, but I think I heard her say, "Goodbye John."

I consulted my other friends. They claimed that no such winking ever came from Twilight. Yet, every time I watched that specific episode, there it was.

Everything was back the way it was supposed to be, though sometimes I get quite nostalgic, I know I'm not crazy.

Am I?

Author's Note:

Yes, there will be a sequel, soon actually, I know that the ending was somewhat rushed, but I wanted to work on a couple other stories a bit.

Comments ( 19 )
Comment posted by Dumbgamer99 deleted Feb 22nd, 2013


Also if this is the end, then you should flick the story to Complete.

bah so what if your insane, what matters is what you focus on, if you focus on imposing stupid laws and force a person into basicly a prison then that is bad and will likely to cause that person to go insane, just like me .....wait FORGET I TYPED THAT!:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Yes. That was truly a great story and we demand sequel to it.:moustache:

Wow, that was a REALLY good read. Actually, now I wonder if this has potential for a sequel.....

There was no conflict whatsoever, this was a big Mary Sue. We didn't even get the chance to see any character development either. What I got out of this was "Hey I'm in Equestria, my entire life revolves around video games, wow now I'm in an asylum, oh hey the author made this place sound like rehab only better, oh and now I'm going home after a quick decision made upon the part of the princess'.

That...ended ubruptly.... I was hoping for him to at least to "one flew over the coocoos nest" or something.

i was was kinda hoping he would slowly descend into insanity then go on an epic murderous rampage... but that is jut me

Wasn't it noted in the first chapter that there was no My Little Pony on Earth? How could he watch a new episode if it doesn't exist?

Holy crap. You just discovered a massive in-consistency with my writing. Thanks! I will... Go repair that.

2704291 No problem. I was thinking it had something to do with a mental breakdown he had in the asylum that would lead into the sequel.

Oh... I have to write a sequel eventually.

2704304 Where is it? Where is the sequel? Give me a link.

You're right it was rushed. It's a great idea that needs to be fleshed out and have more justification.
What if Anon dreamed of being in an SMOD version of Half-Life 2? All the ponies would think he was a traumatized hero with his crowbar and OICW.

6222563 One day, perhaps, I will re-write the whole thing.

Oof, that was... Not an ending.

Very nice story. Interesting characters!

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