• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,164 Views, 100 Comments

A Human in an Equestrian Asylum - Mr Anomalous

A human is thrown into an asylum in Equestria, because of the humanity that is his own...

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I Get a Visit

I Get a Visit

I was up pretty late reading. The pony's math and science was a bit different than ours, but it was similar enough, and it worked. I finally crashed in the uncomfortable bed around one or two in the morning. I would regret this, because, as I found out the next morning, there is a schedule that everyone in the Asylum follows, and I was no exception.

I was woken up at seven-thirty the next morning by a very loud, annoying buzz. I tried to find the source of the sound, wanting to smash it to bits, but, unfortunately, it was emanating from an intercom beyond my reach, even if I stood on my bed.

Shortly afterwards, Nurse Ichor and the same orderly entered my cell.

"Wakey-wakey sleepy head! Time to start your first day!"

Seriously, this Nurse and Pinkie Pie would be the greatest of friends. Same enthusiasm, same strange terminology...

I groaned.

"Oh, come on! Its not that bad! We have a big day today! There's gonna be arts and crafts, music lessons..."

Oh, so this place was like school?


Wait. Did she say music?

"When...when is music class, Miss Ichor?"

The perky pony stopped walking out the door and turned around to face me.

"Oh, you like music, do you? Well, It can actually be whenever you want! You see, I was just about to explain to you as we walked towards breakfast, that you can choose your own classes!"


"Okay, let's grab some breakfast."

Nurse Ichor beamed.

I followed her down the halls, and she gave me the tour.

"This is the arts-and-crafts room....math class....gym..."

After about five or six minutes, we arrived at a pair of white double-doors with round windows in each of them.

Above it was a sign labeled Cafeteria.

"Here we are!"

It was actually pretty nice. It had an open roof, which meant warmth and light for everyone inside. There were even some trees and plants growing from little stone circles. The room was surprisingly empty.

"Where is everyone?"

"Oh, there's more than one cafeteria here, this one is somewhat un-used though."

Why? Another question reached my head as I began to pay attention the the open roof.

"What if it rains?"

Nurse Ichor answered, "Oh, don't worry about that, we have magic!"

Of course. What a silly question.

The orderly took place by the doors and waited patiently as the happy pony guided me towards the line.

The cooks were the most stereo-typed lunch ladies I've ever seen.

Big, warts, hair-nets and the like.

The food was surprisingly mediocre though. Cheesecake, (I FREAKING LOVE CHEESECAKE!) steak, mashed potatoes...there was even soda. No Red Bull or Mountain Dew, but it was still pretty nice.

Nurse Ichor grabbed her own food and we sat across the table and began to chat about whatever. The Asylum, patients, and what classes are like.

We finished our trays, (mine was wiped clean) and handed the trays over to the cooks, who then took them to the back, most likely to get washed.

"Oookaayy, waddaya wanna do first?"

"Music." I played the guitar, and the drum kit. I hoped that they had at least one of those.

Another beam, "Nice choice! I'll take you there! But then I have to go help out with some other things, but don't worry: I'll be back to guide you to your next class of choice!"

Awww. I really liked this Nurse.

We walked in comfortable silence for another few minutes, and we came to the intended destination.

"Now, be warned, you're still the only alien-thingie here, so don't be surprised. The teachers have been informed about you, so no need to worry about them, but still..."

I shrugged and walked inside.

The day continued much the same. Nurse Ichor guiding me to classes of my choice, me having to introduce myself to a variety of psycho-ponies, and me slaughtering all of them in whatever we were doing.

There was a drum-kit in music class, and I, with the permission of my teacher, a big, mustachioed pony, sat down and played, as best I could, with the limited cymbals and single bass, August Burns Red's "Empire."

I answered almost all of the questions in math class, I made the best drawing in drawing, etc, etc.

Finally, it was lunch time.

This time, the cafeteria was much more packed. I got the exact same assortment of food as last time, and, once again, I sat with Nurse Ichor, chatting.

After lunch was over, Nurse Ichor announced that classes were over, and I could return to my room.

There's this awesome little reward system in which, if you do well in your classes and not kill any of the staff, you get these points which you can use to 'purchase,' customization for you cell.

Wow. This idea would make a really good RPG. Get to work Bethesda.

I did so well earlier that day that I got a bookshelf that was loaded with books, both fiction and non-fiction, a nice little rug, and a poster that featured the Royal Guard.

"Join Today!" it read.

Anyway, I was sitting on the floor (which was seriously more comfortable than my cot) and reading the first installment of the Daring-Do series when there was a knocking at my cell door.

I thought that was kind of pointless, seeing as it was locked from the outside, but I called, "Come in!," regardless.

The lock clicked and Nurse Ichor bounded in, "Guess whaaaat? You have a visitor!"

A visitor? Who the hell-

"John?" Standing in the doorway was Twilight Sparkle.

I was immediately over-run with guilt. I had threatened to take this poor unicorn's life for my own selfish fears. I couldn't even look her in the eye. What was she even here for?



I heard hoof-beats as she approached me.

She stood over me, I was still sitting cross-legged on the floor, for a few moments, and then swooped in and wrapped me in an hug. She was so small and soft, and she smelled like books. Surprise.

"John, I'm so sorry."

What was she apologizing for?

"What are you apologizing for, it should be me who's sorry..."

She pulled away and gave me a playful punch.

"You should be. You really scared me back there."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

Don't do it! Don't do it! Be a MAN John!

I couldn't. A single tears dripped from my cheek.

The Purple Unicorn smiled.

"Its okay John, I forgive you."

She embraced me yet again, and began to cry as well.

Nurse Ichor was letting it loose.

I may be in an Asylum, but, heck, at least I now I could live with myself somewhat.