• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,164 Views, 100 Comments

A Human in an Equestrian Asylum - Mr Anomalous

A human is thrown into an asylum in Equestria, because of the humanity that is his own...

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My Ultimate Fear is Realized

My Ultimate Fear is Realized:

There may or may not be something that I have refrained to tell you about, just like the gun and the ponies, only, metaphorically, the 'gun' is the fact, and the 'ponies' you. You will have to wait just a while longer to find out what exactly that is.

I sat in the back of this wagon, surrounded by giant orderlies, and shivering about as hard as one could. An asylum! An Asylum!? I don't see what I did to deserve this. Oh god, oh god please don't make me go to an asylum! There were just some dreams!

Despite my feelings, I kind of understood Celestia's actions. Over the top? Yes. Irrational? Yes. But Equestria was a beautiful, beautiful world, and peaceful beyond imagination. Someone like me was a massive threat. I was taint, so I would sow taint, whether I meant too or not. There was nothing I could do now. I would just have to either escape and somehow find a way home, or convince these over-protective ponies that I was no threat to them or their families.

There was no straight jacket for me. Thank god, mostly because I was a human, and they only had straight jackets that fit ponies. Naturally. So, instead, my hands were cuffed behind my back, and I was surrounded by more orderlies that a normal psycho would. I rode for about...and hour and a half, in complete silence. There was complete silence outside the carriage once we left Ponyville, then I could feel the vehicle tilt upwards. Probably from going up a ramp of some sort. At least gravity was doing a good job, go Newton.

Then, I heard voices approaching. They grew louder and louder. I guessed that we had reached Canterlot, the pretty city that perched on the side of a tall mountain. After a while, the voices grew more in the distance, and more silence for a shorter time than before. Then the carriage came to a somewhat-screeching halt. The back doors were thrown open and the light scorched my retinas.

I wanted to shield them but, HEY! GUESS WHAT!? Handcuffs.

The Asylum was beautiful, but that didn't mask the fact that it was still an asylum. There was a long, gravel path that was flanked by hedges and flowers that lead up to a building that, to me, looked somewhat like a German bunker from World War II. Concrete, barred windows...

But, of course, there were potted flowers in the windows. There was even a little 'Hanging Gardens' thing going on on several places off of the roof.

On either side of the path, past the plants, was a vast lawn. It was empty of all life save the grass itself and many small, white butterflies. Past that, there were sandstone cliff walls on either side. Behind me, the carriage sat on a dirt road that went past the cliff and back down to what I assumed to be Canterlot.

I was grabbed by two orderlies and led up to the solid building. As we approached, the structure cast a dark, foreboding shadow over us.

Ice coated my stomach unlike any fear I'd ever felt before, but my rational side won out, saying, "Does it really look like you can battle these guys?"

I looked at each orderly and agreed. I swallowed my fear and went into the disturbingly beautiful building. Not like the orderlies would have let me choose otherwise anyway.


I sat in the Asylum's courtroom. The purpose of this court is for anyone who gets institutionalized for an illegal reason. My reason wasn't necessarily illegal, but I'm pretty sure that threatening to kill Princess Celestia's prize student could count as being illegal.

There was no one there but me, the judge, and the bailiff.

This court was just an act; there was no way I was getting out.

It was a very short trial. I admitted to everything.

My sentence was an attendance to this asylum until my 'insanity was cured.'

Again, everything went by quickly. I was then rushed and thrown in a good 'ole padded cell, complete with small, barred window high up in the wall.

I sat there one the floor for about fifteen minutes before three ponies came in. I could tell by their garb that they were a doctor, a nurse, and an orderly, who stood by the door with a bored expression on his face.

The Doctor, who was a brown unicorn with large, round glasses, pulled out a clipboard from...somewhere?, and began asking questions, Hello, I'm Dr. Purplecross, do you have any other mental instabilities that us ponies have yet to diagnose you with?"

I took a big breath and said, "I have a small case of borderline aspergers....and..."

The Doctor finished jotting something down and then peered over the rims of his glasses, "Yes...?"

"....I have a very, very severe case of dementephobia."

The Doctor's eyes widened.

"That's exactly why I did what I did to try and get out of this place."

Dementephobia. It was fear of insanity or insane people. Yeah, this asylum was my worst freaking nightmare.

"And I also have a small case of schizophrenia."

"Small case?"

"It only happens at night. And they're nice voices, fortunately. Its not like I've ever killed anyone because 'the voices told me to.'"

The Doctor nodded, and then gestured to the Nurse, who nodded fiercely and left the room.

I was just about to ask what she was up to when she came back in, dragging a cart behind her. Looked like dinner. It was surprisingly good, and I got over the fact that the Doctor was watching me intently as I ate.

"Well, even if you're not a violent psychopath in your world, we're going to keep you here and cure you of both your violence and hopefully, the other three."

I shrugged, chewing my food somewhat melancholy-like. It was a steak. A steak. Nummy.

The Doctor left the room, and the Nurse walked up to me.

"Hello!" she said, rather enthusiastically.

"I'm Nurse Ichor!"

She reminded me of Pinkie Pie and so many levels.

"Okay, if you need anything, just let me know. Do you like books or board games?"

I raised my eyebrow. I hated board games. More than anything. They were the most boring things my hands have ever experienced.

"No, I don't like those type of games, but I do like books."

I had an idea. Not on how to escape, yet, but...perhaps I could get some free education here.

"Yeppers, we have lots of books!"

"Okay, do you have anything on psychology?"

"Well, yes, this is any asylum...."

"Okie dokie, get me some books on Psychology, and, if you can, some stuff on any type of mathematics and science, If you'd please."

About five minutes later, there were three or four stacks of very large books. I was going to need them.