• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,429 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 7

“It’s morning, Ichigo! Rise and shine!” Pinkie went to his room and tugs on the sleeping Ichigo. But in reality, he’s already awake. Pinkie pulled his blanket off and jumped on him yelling “DOG PILE!!”
Ichigo lets out air as Pinkie drops into him.

“Pinkie, GET OFF!!” Ichigo literally pushed her away, bumping her head to the door. She held her noggin and her mane deflates as it went straight and before Ichigo knows it, Pinkie starts to cry…
She cried loud and tears flow down like a waterfall, Ichigo hates crying, let alone sobbing. Pinkie, continued to cry like there’s no tomorrow until Ichigo can’t take this anymore, He got up and went to the crying Pinkie and throws a fist at her, and Pinkie closed her eyes, assuming that he’s going to punch her daylights out of her. But instead of a hurtful experience, Pinkie felt a pet on the head…

“There, there… I’m sorry okay? Don’t cry now…” Ichigo said, surprisingly even for himself. If it was Rukia, he would just shrugs it off and leave her crying, but something about Pinkie Pie, makes Ichigo, laugh inside…

“Now, Can we get breakfast? I’m a bit hungry now…” As soon as Pinkie hears that he was sorry, her ears perked and her mane went puffy again. She lets out a squeal and rushed down to the kitchen, and prepares a fresh batch of cookies and a pitcher of Chocolate milk. Ichigo sat down at a table while Pinkie sets the confections on his table, with a smile and a giggle, Pinkie zips back to the kitchen and bakes more pastries for the shop.

“Well, it’s better this way… These ponies are not that bad at all…” Ichigo said, as he eats some cookies. Before he could even swallow, he felt a very strong Spiritual Pressure…and its familiar… Ichigo grabs some cookies and drank a glass of chocolate milk and went out to find the source of the Anomaly.

“Where are they?” Rukia keeps asking Toshiro, which making him annoyed for quite some time now.

“For the last time Rukia, I DON’T KNOW!” He shouts out of frustration.

“I’m only asking…” Rukia said silently, as she glared at Toshiro.

“Huh?” Ukitake stops, as he suddenly feels a strong Spiritual Pressure near their location. “You feel that?” He said, wondering if they all feel it too... they all looked to where the pressure is coming from.
Love spots something, “What’s that?” He points out to some horses coming out of the tree line and into the clearing.

“Ponies!” Yachiru shouts, and jumps off Kenpachi’s back, but Kenpachi was quick and stops Yachiru from her tracks, before she can even drop to the ground.

“Those things on their backs…they look like Zanpakto’s!” Ukitake proclaims, as they all saw the sword like figures on the back of the two ponies. Rukia knows this Spiritual Pressure, she can’t be mistaken… “Brother?” She said, and took a step forward towards the two ponies.

“Huh?” Renji looks up, seeing someone running towards them, as it goes closer he recognized it, or her to be exact.

“Rukia?” Renji proclaims.

Byakuya looks forward seeing his younger sister runs towards them with a few others following close behind, all of them stopped immediately and gawks at the slightly two familiar looking ponies.

Byakuya lets out a frown, “Don’t you dare let out a~” Before he could finish, all of them laughed their heads off, even Kenpachi and Rukia laughed, not to mention the loudest.

Byakuya remained cool and collected; he took a deep breath and calmly said… “SHUT UP!”

Well, almost calm and collected…

All of them stopped but Toshiro still giggling in the back ground. There was a moment of silence for a brief time before Rukia broke it and spoke.

“What happened to the both of you?” She asked, as everyone was wondering why they turned to ponies in the first place…

“We don’t know! The only thing we remembered was going to the portal and waking up like this!” Renji proclaims, as Byakuya wants to know as well…

“Oh, wait a minute!” Just then, Rukia remembers something in her pocket. “Mayuri gave us this; he said something about mutations or something like that…” Rukia gave a vial to both of them, they drank the liquid and as soon as they do, they begin to form into humans again.

Renji stretches his arms and legs, happy to be back to normal, while Byakuya just stood there, like it was nothing to him. But in reality of his mind, he’s completely glad that he’s not a cherry butt anymore.

“Brother, did you find Ichigo?” Rukia asked Byakuya, who was just standing there seemingly thinking about something.

“I’m afraid we haven’t, Rukia.” Byakuya replies. Rukia looks at Renji and asked him the same thing, but he only shook his head. In a funny chance of nature, all of them heard each other’s stomach growled, even Byakuya. All of them blushed at this simultaneous stomach growls.

“What do you say; we all hunt for some food?” Love suggested, not knowing if that’s a good idea.

“Hunt for some food? What are you a cave man?” Renji protested, there’s no way he’ll hunt for food in some strange land, with monsters roaming around the forest, its crazy!

Then again…

“GET BACK HERE YOU WHITE RABBIT!!!” Renji runs around in circles, chasing a white rabbit holding a small clock in its paws.

“Wait, does that rabbit…” Yachiru said, noticing that clock in its paws.

“What about the rabbit, Yachiru?” Ukitake said, sitting down on the grass.

“Nevermind, probably just my imagination” Yachiru goes back to the game of cards where Rukia, Aikawa, Kenpachi ,Yachiru and Toshiro were playing. While Ukitake laid on the soft grass, Byakuya on the other hand kneels on an edge of a clearing, meditating.

Renji on the other hand was busy catching food, for himself.

“Is Renji seriously going to catch that rabbit and eat it?” Yachiru said, while eating a homemade rice ball.

“I guess he really likes rabbit meat…” Love commented, while stuffing himself with another helping of rice balls.

“Hey! That was my rice ball!” Rukia shouts at Love.

“Too late it’s in my mouth now!” Love chews the rice cake, and made Rukia angry. She grabbed Love by the neck and strangles him over and over. Toshiro breaks it up, but not before Love puking at him, which made Toshiro furious, as he now strangles Love for this… Ukitake breaks the two from killing Love and drags the unconscious Reaper to the side of a tree…

Meanwhile, oblivious of the situation on the group…Renji corners the rabbit at a gorge.

“Heh, got you now you little piece of meat!” As Renji gets ready to grab the rabbit, the earth suddenly shakes, causing to tumble backwards. This gave the rabbit enough chance to slip by him and ran away.

Just then something roared from beyond the tree line, along with an immense Spiritual Pressure. All of them looked at each other, not recognizing this Pressure at all…

All of a sudden, a huge red bear with a stellar body roars out of the forest and heads straight at them, fearing the worst, they all prepared for battle… Renji came back just in time to see the huge creature thunders down the forest, looking fierce and about to let out an assault to the Soul Reapers