• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,429 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 15

“FOR THE LOVE OF~” Luna shouts, as she lost a game between Yoruichi again. Playing games was one thing, but after being confined in the moon for a thousand years... it's kind of hard to pick up the games she used to play, but not so much for human games.

“I must say, no one has ever got this game end faster than you did, Ms.Yoruichi.” Celestia said, praising her sister's fast learning of the game. It some sort of hopping-based play, though it was new... and might be as the same rules for pony-skip.

“Actually, this game is called hopscotch; we played it all the time where I come from when I was a little girl.” Yoruichi said, as she went for her turn.

“Is that so? So you’re an expert at this...” Luna said, as she watches Yoruichi's movements. hopping and skipping all around the black squares on the floor of the castle...

“Well yes, as the matter of fact...” Yoruichi finishes her turn and flips to a finish., showing off a bit.

‘I give up.” Luna Proclaims... as she stood up and sat at her throne almost as if she's sore are losing. Which it is.

“Goodness my dear sister, I thought you would put up a better battle than that...” Celestia giggles at Luna, who was blushing at that time.

“I was...merely gave her a chance, my dear sister...” Luna replies, not looking through her sister's eyes.

“Want to play a different game instead, your Highness's?” Yoruichi suggested, as she tells them what to play next...


Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Byakuya watches Applejack and her Brother work on the fields of apple orchards... They seemed to be happy and cheerful when they work, which Byakuya considered this as perseverance and hard working bunch of horses, despite the primitive yet slightly advanced proceedings of this country, hence Equestria...

Byakuya stood up from his tree, closing the book he was reading as he heads towards the two ponies... Applejack and Big Mac looks at him while he goes closer. And spoke...

“May I help you...?”

(1 Hour Ago)

“Woah... Look at him sis! He’s huge! and looks cool! What is he? Is he a monkey? Why does he have a stick? why is his hair black and white? And~” Applejack puts a hoof at her sister Applebloom’s mouth.

“I’m sorry Mr. Byakuya. She tends to say such things, that nopony could understand, heh heh...”
Applejack said, while giving a sheepish smile over to Byakuya.

“It’s quite alright, Applejack.” Byakuya said, while looking around the place. He spots a red stallion coming out of its room, the other was kind of old and slowly moves towards him.

“My, what a nice looking monkey you got there, Applejack.” The old one said, which probably offended Byakuya, but he didn’t mind it at all...

“Oh, This here is, Granny Smith...” Applejack said, gesturing to her grandmother. “And this here is my Brother, and Sister. Applebloom and Big Macintosh.”

Byakuya gave a bow on her family.... “It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintances, Apple’s.” He said, in a formal fashion... But they all gave him a warm, Apple family greeting, also known as a the rapid hand/hoof shake...

Byakuya, was invited him to have dinner. But then he reminded Applejack that the princess is preparing a diner feast for them...

Which she completely forgotten...

“Ah shoot! Ah forgott’n ‘bout that! Ah better work first then so that we can go back to the castle then...” Applejack quickly went outside, with Big Mac closely behind...

“So, what are ya excatly?” Applebloom asked at Byakuya again... He entertained Applebloom for half an hour, answering questions non-stop, until she fell asleep with a kido spell from Byakuya, that he learned when he was young. It was effective...

After putting her to the couch and putting a blanket on her, he made his way out of the barn and into the apple fields... and sat down the tree where he reads a book he was carrying with him...

Byakuya watches Applejack and her Brother work on the fields of apple orchards for almost half an hour... They seemed to be happy and cheerful when they worked on the field, which Byakuya considered them as perseverance and hard working bunch of horses, despite the primitive yet slightly advanced proceedings of this country, hence Equestria... Byakuya stood up from his tree, closing the book he was reading as he heads towards the two ponies... Applejack and Big Mac looks at him while he goes closer. And spoke...

“May I help you...?”

Applejack and Big mac looked at each other, wondering why would he help, but that aside, they let him help... but before Applejack and Big mac can kick more apples...

“Shatter, Senbonzakura...”

Before the two ponies knew it, the apples fell from one basket after another, when there are no baskets there a minute ago... And in a flash, all the baskets are gathered at the barn one by one, in a stack... Though it's impossible for his Zanpaktou to do all these things... something in Equestria made things with his weapon a bit... sentient. Though he knew it was alive, he didn't realize it can do such... as well as only bruising those ponies he fought before rather than cutting them to pieces...

Both of Applejack and Big Mac, is surprised and amazed at the same time... mouths wide agape, and can’t say one word out of it...

Byakuya walks towards them, and leans to say something...

“All the apples have been harvested... Shall we go now?” Byakuya said, before he heads to the farms exit... Applejack was still amazed, she soon gathered her thoughts and followed Byakuya out, waving goodbye to the still shocked Big Mac...


At Sugar Cube Corner, Kenpachi is eating peacefully at the table. He was given a tray of cookies and a glass of chocolate milk. He didn't have much of a choice so he eats them, the ponies were all afraid to go near him though, for some reason..

Kenpachi sees them and thinks that he might as well be kind for once to them.“Hello there...” He said, flashing them a smile... But when he did that, the entire pony customers rushed outside... running in fear... Kenpachi frowns at himself and looks at his half bitten cookie, he lost his appetite and throws it away, and stood up...

“Pinkie, let’s get out of here...” Kenpachi called out for Pinkie, who was busy serving to the three remaining customers... who was fortunate enough not to see Kenpachi's sinister smile of doom.

“Just a minute! Wait where are we going?” Pinkie asked as she serves the last one to a light green pony.

“We’re heading back at the...castle. Remember? The princess prepared us diner, at least, I’ll get real food in me...not all sugar...” He said, in a deep voice... Pinkie took off her apron and went to wash up; she went out to Kenpachi and tugs him...

“Come on! Let’s go, Let’s go, Let’s go, Let’s go, Let’s go,!!!” She said over and over again... Kenpachi was getting more and more agitated and irritated... Kenpachi held his irritation in and walked outside with Pinkie.

Pinkie started to ask so many questions, non-sense and begging to give him nicknames! His face was very...VERY annoyed now...

Before he could say something, something hovers above them, Kenpachi looked at it and Sees an eagle-like beast with huge claws and a large beak with a lion for a back...

“Pinkie Pie!!” It shouted and looks directly at the pink pony...

“Oh, hey Gilda!” Pinkie waves, as the beast walks towards them...

“You know this beast?” Kenpachi asked, as he looks down at Pinkie.

“She’s not a beast, she’s Griffon...” Pinkie said.

“Great, another lunatic...” Kenpachi said, while looking at sky where the Griffon is.

The griffon went face to face with Pinkie, as Pinkie just smiles while being stared at... “Don’t you think I forgot what you did to me and Dash, I came here to give whats coming to ya!” Gilda proclaims, as Pinkie stood there smiling...

“What, a cake?!” Pinkie lets out a huge smile, thinking that she might get as that... But Gilda has something else in mind...

“I’m gonna give you a hard knock!” Gilda pulls back her claws to go for a fist, and charges towards Pinkie, but before she connects, Kenpachi caught her claws, hitting him dead on the hand...

“W-what the?! Who the hay are you, you bi-pedal monkey!” She yells.

Kenpachi was at his limits of annoyance... He looks at Gilda with a devilishly and grim smile, which made Gilda almost shiver out of that sheer sight... He was also not fond... of bullies...

Kenpachi gave his power to his right hand, which was holding Gilda’s fist and pushes her back. Gilda tumbles and flaps her wings and flies to the sky... She was angered by this creature’s interference, and changes her aggression towards Kenpachi.

“Finally!!” Kenpachi shouts as he spreads his hands and arms wide open... “Come on! Give me what you got birdie!”

Gilda was fuming; she reveals her claws and slashed Kenpachi over and over again. All the ponies went out, and watch Kenpachi being severely attacked by Gilda.

“Somepony, stop her!” One pony shouts.

“He might get hurt!” Another pony shouts.

All of them shouts for her to stop, but Gilda doesn’t listen... She keeps on slashing, over and over, until she got tired... But to her surprise, Kenpachi was still standing!

“You done yet?” Kenpachi asked, still retaining the evil grin.

All of the ponies dropped their mouths open. After all that punishment, he still stands and has the ability even to smile at his condition was severely amazing, and terrifying at the same time...

“Now it’s my turn...” Kenpachi disappears and reappears behind Gilda and gave a swift cuts and slashes with his Zanpaktou, Gilda yelled in pain, as her body gets more and more slashes.

She didn’t understand it... After all that, he still stood there like there was nothing to him... and he was able to move so fast, in his current condition of much scratches and cuts delivered by herself... Kenpachi gave her a punch for the final blow, tossing her to the air, and lands in a pile of mud...

Kenpachi stood there, watching the injured Gilda struggles to stand up... then looks at Kenpachi...

“W-w-what a-are you?!” She mutters, as she stood up but barely...

“Who... me?” Kenpachi said, as he points his thumb at himself... “I’m just a... Soul Reaper...”

Gilda was paralyzed; Gilda knows something about a Pony Reaper... The one who takes the souls of the dead, but she can’t believe one was in Ponyville!

“I suggest you scurry back to where you crawled from and never bother this Pink pony... Or else....” Kenpachi gave his Grim Smile to her once more; this time... she quickly flies off in the speed like of Rainbow Dash and zooms towards the sky, never heard from again...

The entire crowd of ponies where shocked, amazed and... slightly afraid to see of how one pony or thing can withstand such amounts of injuries...

Kenpachi then went to Pinkie and kneels on her... “You better get on my back... It’s a lot faster for me to go to the castle of you’re in my back...”

Pinkie tilts her head, but despite that she smiles “Okie dokie lokie!” She said cheerfully and jumps to his back... and in a flash... he was gone...

“Did he just...” One pony said... pointing out to the sky where Gilda was last seen...

“Yup, he just drove off one of the biggest bullies in Ponyville...” Said another pony in the crowd...

“Serves her right, she was acting like a jerk lately...” An old pony said... all of them started talking about Kenpachi, and how he got rid the most unfriendly Griffon out of their town... And they were grateful that she finally left there for good...

Just as Kenpachi was beginning to get popular... one pony shouts out... “By the way... Did you see his smile?”


All of them shivered in fear of the mere memory of that...