• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,430 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 30

Ichigo woke up at a dark and humid place, his head was hurting and his vision is a bit blurry... light is a bit visible from the dark room. Ichigo tries to move his hands, but it was bound at a wall, his legs are bound from the ground as well... Ichigo suddenly remembers his dream about Pinkie...

Ichigo thinks back of what just happened earlier....

Rukia and Ukitake attacked the dragon on the flank while Toshiro freezes its hands... Kenpachi keeps sliding back at the head of the dragon, hitting it multiple times... Ishida shoots energy arrows at it, damaging it from behind.

It was a fierce battle indeed, as the Soul Reapers are gaining the upper hand, as they were about to perform the fatal blow, something blasted through the forest, cutting the dragon in half and sending all of them crashing to the nearby trees, the ponies was still protected by the barrier Inoue made, but a tree crashed through it, knocking them all unconscious.

Ichigo was the only one conscious at that time, he looked at his comrades and saw them all knocked out... he cringes at his injury and looks up only to see Aizen and another dragon at his side... Aizen kicks Ichigo through the head, making him blackout completely.

“What are you going to do with them?” A voice breaks the silence. Ichigo held his breath.

“I have no need for those Soul Reapers,” said another voice. “all I wanted are those horses.”

“You mean, ponies.” Said the first voice, then a slap echoes through the room.

“I don’t care, I just want those elements, if what you say about them is true, then I might get out of this pathetic world and take revenge on Soul Society once and for all!” The voice said.

Ichigo knew that voice all too well...

“Aizen.” He said to himself.

“Well its not easy to get them...” The voice said.

“Well make yourself useful and go FIND THEM!” Aizen shouts, obviously getting annoyed.

After that discussion, Ichigo heard footsteps going away, then he saw a silhouette of a dragon going inside the dim lit room.

“Damn that human, I’m not some kind of slave he can boss around, I have feelings too...” The voice said, apparently a male. “I deserve respect too!” he continues...

Ichigo feels a slight Spiritual Pressure on this one... and It was not familiar to him...

As the creature walks towards the light, Ichigo got a good look at him... it was Discord...

“Stupid jerk...” Discord said, as he picks up several materials from the room and walks out. Right before Discord completely disappears Ichigo shouts...


This caught Discords attention, and peeks back at the room... “What?” He said to Ichigo.

“Tell me, he’s not treating you well, right?” Ichigo said, going straight to the point. Discord remains silent. “Why do you have to do what ever he say to you? Are you his puppet for his ploy?” Ichigo said.

“That's none of your business!” Discord shouts back.

“Listen to me, once he’s finished using you... he’s going to get rid of you! And any weakling he sees!” Ichigo said.

“Are you calling me weakling?!” Discord snaps back.

“No offence, but with Aizen pushing you around... you are.” Ichigo said, while looking straight at Discords unusual eyes.

“You mind your own beeswax!” Discord shouts back.

“Think about it, do you want to be a slave for him? And once he’s done he might kill or feed you to his Hollows?” Ichigo reasons. This made Discord thinking, but he shunned this and just moves out of the room, leaving Ichigo alone in there...


“That was amazing!” Luna said, examining Dash from head to hoof. “How did you ever bring her back to life?!”

“It was not easy as you think... It took me 50 years to perfect a revitalizing serum...” Mayuri said, while putting his things away.

“So what you're saying is... I died?!” Dash remarks...

“Indeed you did...” Celesita said, as he looks at Mayuri. “But, this person helped you live again, you should thank him for it...” Celestia said with a smile.
“Yeah? Well thank you then odd looking... monster...thing...” Dash can’t make out of what to say, since she doesn’t know what his name is...

“I beg your pardon?!” Mayuri said, outraged of what she just said about him.

“His name is Mayuri, another one of those Soul Reapers.” Celestia explains, Dash just tilts her head.

“Thats a “He”?” Dash said, pointing to Mayuri. “”He” looks more like a cross between a monster and a monkey if you asked me...” Dash said, as she puts her hooves on the back of her head, resting it there while flying.

“Why you little~ I should have dissected you and put you in my collection of corpses you ungrateful piece of lifeform!” Mayuri said, enraged even more.

“Now, don’t get angry Mayuri. Remember you're in my domain...” Celestia said, while maintaining her poise.

Just when Mayuri was about to make another outburst, something caught all of their attention. outside the castle, they clearly heard a flapping of wings, and something landing at the same time.

Luna and Celestia looked at each other and then to Mayuri. Spike and Trixie went to the door and looked outside to see what made that noise, but all they saw was darkness of the evening night.

Then out of the corner of Trixie’s eyes, she spots movement, as it moves to the side of the castle, Celestia flies towards the door and went out to the courtyard. She searched the entire area, for she felt a familiar presence around.


Celestia looks back, then looks in front.

“Psst! Over here...” A voice said as Celestia spun around, and saw a shadow on the side of the castle.

Celestia went towards the dark figure hiding beside the building, but as she went closer, the figure flies at the top of the castle, Celestia follows it, Luna went outside as well and saw her sister flies towards the top of the castle, she prepares to follow her sister, but she was stopped by Trixie.

Luna was about to ask to let her go, when Trixie looked at her with an assuring look. Luna just looked at her sister, as she flies towards the top.

Celestia reaches the very most top of the castle. She looked towards the horizon and saw the entire land in a magnificent illuminating glow, below she spots Ponyville. Next to it was Sweet Apple Acres, at the far end of the town, was Fluttershy’s cottage... It was a sight to behold!

Usually when her sister Luna went to the top, she always gets dizzy and goes down just after a few seconds...

This bit of memory made Celestia giggle a bit.

“What’s so funny?” A voice breaks her reverie.

Celestia jerked a bit, startled by the sudden voice. Celestia gathered her thought and spoke. “What’s your business here stranger?” She asked.

“I have something to say that may startle you even more...” The Stranger said, looking down at the ground.

Celestia can’t guess who this mystery pony...or creature is. By the tone of its voice, it was male... and by the way its standing, it's clearly not a pony. and because it's wearing a very long robe, she can’t determine or recognize its face. But somehow, she knew this creature, she just can’t put a hoof on it...

“And what may that be?” Celestia asked.

The stranger looked at her, with its glowing yellow eyes, and spoke. “Your ponies and the Soul Reapers are captured by Aizen...” He started, at this point Celestia’s face turns to a worried expression.

“Aizen captured them? How? What could he possibly want with my little ponies and those Soul Reapers?” She asked.

“He intends to get the Elements of Harmony, and use it to get himself to a place called Soul Society.” He continues. Celestia’s face grew even more worried...

“He can’t get the elements, because they are hidden somewhere.” Celestia said.

“By his decision, I don't think he knows that much... He thinks that the Elements of Harmony are within them... thats funny because they ARE the Elements of Harmony, am I not?” The Stranger said, grinning beneath his robe.

“True, one can be confused with the Elements, since they are just that...” Celestia said, growing more weary.

“Unless you rescue them... They will be all killed, and when Aizen finds out that they don't have the REAL Elements... He’s going to destroy the entire land, and all its inhabitants in it...” The Stranger said.

“Who are you?” Celestia asked. “Why are you telling me all this?”

The Stranger looked at her, thinking what to do next...

“Are you sure you want to know?” The Stranger asked, which Celestia only responded with a nod...

The Stranger took a time to decide if he wants to reveal himself, then after a minute he decided... He took the hood and slowly took it off with his claws... and removed it...

Celestias mouth fell down wide then took loud gasp, her eyes widened and her coat stand on end... as she sees the true face of who she was talking to...