• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,429 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 17

(After Kenpachi, Ukitake, and Byakuya left...)

Toshiro was sitting in the living room of Fluttershy, while reading a simple book. Toshiro was glancing around, when he sees the small animals scurrying around the house: a kitten was resting on his lap the whole time, as he pets it as he gets the time for it. He waited for Fluttershy to wake up... Toshiro was getting bored so he went out for a bit, still waiting Fluttershy to wake up.

Some time later, Toshiro decided to walk for a bit so he took a step out. As soon as he does he felt the fresh air breezed towards his face, he was about to go for a stroll when he heard a soft cry...

The young Captain looks around to find the source, and stumbles upon a pony with blue coat and slightly blue mane... with a magicians hat... Toshiro was curious of why is she crying like that, so he went closer and asked...

“Why are you crying?” Toshiro asked. The pony jerked back, as she was startled. Adding insult to injury, her face fell on a mud pile.

“W-who are you?!” She asked, as she quickly wipes her tears and mud.

“My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya... A captain of the 13th court guard squads of the Soul Society...” Toshiro hasn't got any trouble of introducing himself as a soul reaper, since he was already being looke at when he went to pass through town.

Trixie looks at him with utter disgust...”Not another one...” She mutters...

“Whats your name?” Toshiro asked, with a simple smile... Somehow that made the pony blush a bit...

The Magician mare reluctant to say her name, but gathers her remaining courage and shouted her name with half-pride tone“I-if you must know, I’m the Great and Power Trixie!” She proclaims...

Toshiro suddenly felt that this one is a boastful type of animal.. “Okay... Trixie... Why are you crying earlier? Did something happened?” Toshiro asked, usually this isn't his thing, he showed to the others that he was serious yet irritable type of person, but still he secretly has a soft spot for animals specially talking ones. since he’s in a sweet and lovable place and also a kid, he guessed he could just have some fun, at least no other Soul Reapers were watching...

“I was, bested by a lowly person, a Sou~” Trixie said, but didn’t continue... If that last one was powerful what more can this one do?

“A what?” Toshiro asked again, trying to let her continue what she was gonna say..

“A beast! A beast bested me in front of the whole Ponyville.” She said, nearly crying.

“Did he hurt you?” Toshiro asked in concern.

“N-not really... He just... he just...” Trixie said, before she lets out a hiccup... Toshiro finds this cute for some reason and sits next to her to comfort her a bit...

“Look, I figured your a boastful type, from the way you proclaimed you name in such manner...” He started, looking up to the sky.

“Excuse me?” Trixie said, as she stood up...

“Look, I didn't mean to insult you, buts its true... you are a bit boastful...” Toshiro said, Trixie was about to say something, but quickly holds it back...

“Its true... I have been a bit... boastful...” She said, slightly admitting it...

“What did you do earlier that made that, “beast” bested you with something?” Toshiro asked...

“Well, the Great and Powerful~” before she can make her trademark proclamation Toshiro puts a finger through her mouth and cuts her sentence off...“You should leave the “Great” and “Powerful” thing when were talking, okay?” Toshiro said, Trixie again was about to say something, but holds it back...and just follows what he said...

“Okay... Trixie, was performing on stage when a... beast went up and humiliated me...” She said, a bit lying on what she was saying, leaving out that the fact that she started it...

“And , no one came to help you out?” he said, as Trixie looks at him..

“There is one, but she was my rival... and the one who humiliated me in the first place...” She said, as she kicks off a stone on the ground...

“Rival? Did she do something wrong?”

“W-well no... you see... I tried to stop an Ursa Minor from rampaging through town and she meddled with my plans... and made the entire town hate me...” She said.

“Meddled? Did she not helped you out? Did she made you look bad?” He said.

“Well... She kind of... Helped the town, to get rid of the beast... after... after I did...” She said, admitting it...

“Did you started that rampage?” He asked...

“No!” He shouted... “Why would the Great and~” Again Toshiro stops her, “O-oh... right...” She said, and sits back.

“Now then... Did she really humiliate you in front of those people, I mean ponies...” Toshiro isn't used to the pony culture yet...

“Actually...no, she just... stopped the Urza, nothing more...” She said, with a little modesty in it...

“And what does this pony’s name?” Toshiro asked...

“Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie said...

Toshiro recognized this name... and just continued his conversation...

“Was it her who stopped this... Ursa beast?” He asked...

“Y-yes...” Trixie said...

“Did she tried to help you in any other way?” Toshiro asked.

“She did, reached out for me, when I was about to cry earlier... but I slapped her hoof and ran...” She said, tearing up a bit...

Toshiro pats her head...”You see, even though you treat her as a rival... She is trying to reach out to you... Why don't you give her a chance to be your friend?” Toshiro said, and stood up to pat her in the head. “If someone reaches out for you, you should reach out as well...” He said, with a smile...

Trixie never felt this before, she was being cared by someone, other than herself. Trixie gave a weak smile and nods to him.... “Sure, Trixie will do just that...” She said.

“And by the way... lose the Third Person or Pony talk too, its kind of... irritating...” Toshiro said, making Trixie’s jaw drop... But it was true... So she stood up and walked away towards the forest. Toshiro looked at her as she goes out of sight...

“Heh, She was just like you when you were young... Eh, Momo?” He said to him self, as he goes back inside... Toshiro was about to sit down and read again, when he heard a loud scream outside... He quickly flash steps outside and looks for the source of the scream... It was coming from inside the forest!

“Trixie!” He shouted as he flash steps towards Trixie.

He moves with a blur, looking where Trixie could be...”Man, How fast this pony can travel in just three minutes?” He asked himself, wondering how so... Then he spots her, on a clearing with an odd looking creature...

“H-help!” She squealed, and frantically runs, but she has no where to go, she was cornered by an eight, headed beast...

“Damn! Great, more monsters!” he quickly charges to the rescue...

"Reign over the frosted heavens..." He releases his Zanpaktou... “Hyorinmaru!!”

By the time Hyorinmaru was done, the Creature was already a frozen corpse... It only took Toshiro ten seconds flat, not even breaking a sweat... He then goes to Trixie who was shivering in terror...

“It’s okay Trixie, it’s gone...” Toshiro said, while leaning down at her... Trixie peeks out to see if it’s really gone, then gave Toshiro a huge hug of relief...

“T-thank you...” She said silently...

Toshiro became all red, blusing... If Matsumoto saw this, she wont let this go without a briddle gossip going around Soul Society...

“I-i-its okay.. please let go of me...” Toshiro tries to shake her off, but her grip was too strong...

Toshiro doesn’t know what to do with her, but it seems she has nowhere to go... He has no choice but to let her stay in Fluttershy’s cottage.

“I just hope, Fluttershy wont be too angry at me by doing this...” He said to himself as he carries the clinging Trixie on his arms...
He gave out a long sigh... and walks inside, one thing bothers him though...

“Did I just made her... have a crush on me?”