• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,429 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 19

Toshiro was now taking care of two ponies in that room, one was Fluttershy, the other... was Trixie... Toshiro already got his hands full with just one, along with the other animals then he had to bring Trixie inside...

“What was I thinking?” He said to himself, regretting this all too late. Suddenly he hears a knock on the door... Stood up to answer it, when Trixie grabbed his arm...

“Please don’t go...” She said. Trixie really became really attached to him... which made Toshiro annoyed...

“I’m just going to answer the door... now let go!” He said, as Trixie lets his arm go... Toshiro went towards the door only to feel a familiar Spiritual Pressure...

“Ishida?” He said, as he opens the door...

“Toshiro...?” Ishida said, surprised to see Toshiro in a place like this... “What are you doing in there?” He asked.

“I’m just staying here to look after Fluttershy, just when she awakes from her sleep...” Toshiro reasoned...

“Why not just leave her and go back to the castle for the dinner?” Ishida asked...

“Well I was about to an hour ago... when~” before Toshiro can continue, Trixie called out...

“Who’s that at the door? Please come back to me....” Trixie called... Making Ishida even more confused as he is...

“As you can see... I got my hands full on another pony...” Toshiro said... sighing as he talked.

“Say what... Nevermind... Can you help me with something?” Ishida said, trying to change the odd topic on hand.

“What do you need?” Toshiro asked, slightly glancing towards the living room...

“Do you know where can I find some gems?” Ishida asked. Toshiro was completely stumped...

“Excuse me?” Toshiro asked, trying to confirm if Ishida said the right thing...

“I said, Where can I find some gems? I need them since Rarity asked me to get some for her.” Ishida said...

“Wait... since when did you became a servant?”
“Please don't ask. Just tell me where I could find these gems...” Ishida asked. Toshiro was really out of place, and hasn’t had the time to go for a research... Instead... he went to one and only source who knows the whole place rather than him is... Trixie...

“Trixie! Can you come here for a minute?” Toshiro asked, Trixie heard him call and trots near him...

“I see you made a friend...” Ishida said, while admiring Trixie’s cape and wizard hat she’s wearing...

“Could you tell Ishida here, the way to where he could get some gems?” Toshiro asked Trixie, who gave him a sweet smile...

“Just across that path, go through Everfree forest and turn right, there you will see a clearing, and beyond that is another road towards a mountain with a cave filled with gems... you cant miss it!” She said, Trixie then leaps on Toshiro’s shoulder, (like Pikachu) and tries to find the right spot to lean against Toshiro. Surprisingly, Toshiro can still stand.

“Looks like this one, is quite attached to you..” Ishida said, slightly laughing... Toshiro was frustrated enough as he is... in a blink of an eye, Toshiro points his Zanpaktou towards Ishida...

“Just go and get your gems before I freeze you to death...”

Ishida went pale... and gulps air, before he backs away and went towards the direction where Trixie pointed out...

“Damn, That guy could be so “Cold Hearted” sometimes...” He said to himself, too bad no one heard his joke though...

He walks along the path and eventually goes inside the Everfree Forest... He actually doesn’t know that the Forest was home of ferocious monsters and odd creatures lurking in every corner... waiting to pounce on something...

“Ishida.. what have you got your self into...” He said to himself... talking a little loud. He was not even half way to his Destination when a Manticore spotted him, unknown to Ishida, it was already prowling him... Ishida was so haunted by that image of Ichigo, that he didn’t felt the Presence of the Manticore, Ishida continued to walk towards the path when a Hydra notices something moving... The Hydra spots some fresh meat... The Manticore leaped and was about to pounce at him, when the Hydra attacked and snatched the Manticore.

Ishida turns around, to see what was the rustling sound was... but nothing was there... “Must have been the wind...” He said to himself...

As he continues onwards, a cockatrice happened to slither out of its nest and sees Ishida coming... The cockatrice was preparing to turn him to stone but just got stepped by the inattentive Ishida... leaving the cockatrice in a flattened situation...

“Did I stepped on something?” Ishida looked back, but didn’t saw anything... “Must be nothing...” The continued on...

While he was moving on,he keeps trying to erase that very same image in his head, while virtually dodging every dangers he didn’t even notice...

For instance...

Ishida was walking towards a steep cliff when another Manticore spots him and was about to lunge but hits a tree as soon as Ishida was turning... A pack of Cockatrice was high tailing behind him but fell in a trap hole, that recently made by Gem-dogs. Ishida in the other hand, avoided it... apparently... And as he nears a river, a river serpent was sleeping there making a bridge on the other side... Ishida was looking at the sky at that moment, when he was crossing the “Bridge”, at the same time, four more Manticore’s were chasing him... the Manticores latched on the Sepent’s back, causing it to wake up and goes to a rampage... Ishida was already long gone when it happened...

Finally he arrived at the Cave...

“Huh?” He looks in front of him... “This must be the cave... wait... that’s funny... I could have sworn I was still far ahead...” He said to himself... which he obliviously not noticing the carnage he left while trying to erase the bad image in his head... He shrugs this up, and just went inside to finish this...

“Lets get this over with so I can go back to the castle...” He hesitates to go inside, but later goes in anyway... as he enters the cave, his eyes were immediately greeted with thousands of gems, piled in a mountain filled with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, and other valuable stones...

Ishida’s mouth drooled and his eyes glimmered in the sight of those precious rocks in front of him...

He quickly recollected himself and goes back at the task, he goes inside and was about to gather some gems when he remembered something important... something he should use for the gems...

“WHERES MY BUCKET!!??” He shouted... and echoes through out the cave...

At that moment... A dragon woke up from his sleep...
While Ishida was busy panicking, the dragon was already watching his movements, observing what he might do...

“Ah, Screw the bucket! I’ll carry them my self!” He quickly shoves a fist-full of gems through his shirt... at the very same moment, the dragon crept behind Ishida and was breathing down behind him.

Ishida got a bit frustrated because of the hot air blowing right on his back... as he was about to look behind to find out whats the cause of that warm air, he soon drops all gems both startled and petrified of what he was seeing...

In front of him, was a huge green dragon staring right at him!

“What do you think your doing in my cave?” The dragon asked, in a deep but terrifying voice. “And why are you taking my gems?” He adds.

Ishida was petrified and unable to move because of fear. “What the fuck?! Is this a dragon?” He said to himself...

The dragon was furious for this lowly being, because of the fact that he tried to steal his gems... The dragon then took a deep breath and was about to blow fire... Ishida quickly notices this and dodge his flames, just in time.

Ishida tumbles down the cave, enough time to see the dragon whips its tail...

“If this keeps up, I might as well fight this thing!” he said, while dodging the dragons attack...

Ishida took out his Quincy Cross, and generates a bow... He quickly took shots at the dragon, doing a little damage through it... The dragon flinches at the slight damage he got...

“LIsten!” Ishida shouts, “I don’t want to hurt you! Just give me some few gems and I’ll be on my way!”

“FOOL!!” The dragon shouts, and breathes fire at him again.

Ishida quickly charges his Kojaku and shoots it directly at the dragon, which gave him a small wound on the side... The dragon quickly went to a rampage and attacks Ishida repeatedly...

“I didn’t want to do this.. But if you keep you’re rampage on going.. I may need to silence you...” Ishida Proclams

“I LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!!!” The dragon demands...

Ishida wasted no time with this pathetic battle... he quickly leaps high and focuses his energy towards the dragon and then fires a powerful shot...

“Licht Regen!!!”

The shot soon became a barrage, and hits the dragon head on... leaving a huge crater in its wake...