• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,430 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 32

Ichigo was looking down at the room, hearing a slight drip of water from somewhere. He was counting how many the water dripped since 5 hours ago... He was counting at five hundred sixty-seven...

Then something broke his count, someone or something entered the room...

“Come on, Aizen wants you on the Main Hall...” Discord said, cutting the chains on the weakened Ichigo, and drags him out of the room...

He was dragged towards the Hall, where his fellow Soul Reapers were bind in the floor across the hall, as for the ponies, they were on a cage in the center of the hall...

“Let them go! They have nothing to do with you, Aizen!” Ichigo yelled, trying to reason with Aizen who was sitting on a throne, not even taking notice to Ichigo’s words...

“Discord, you don’t know what you're doing! Let me go! I can help you be free of Aizens control!” Ichigo pleads to Discord to help them, but he just remained quiet and moved towards Aizen’s side...

Ichigo was in a disadvantage... His Zanpaktou was at Aizens side of the throne... along with other Zanpaktous of his friends...

“Discord... “ Aizen said, then he throws him a scarlet orb which Discord quickly catches.

“What is this?” Discord asked, as he gazed at the bright red orb.

“It's a Soul Remover... If the Elements are inside them, it should be absorbed by the orb along with their souls...” Aizen said, making Ichigo cringe on that idea...

“What of their souls?” Discord asked...

Aizen looked at him with a very cold gaze that almost make one's soul freeze, then said...
“I have no need of their souls... Destroy them if possible...”

Discord was in shock... He never meant to go this far...

“Hey... Isn't that going too far Aizen?” Discord said towards Aizen as he walks towards him. “I mean, taking revenge on the Soul Reapers and taking revenge on those ponies for my side is fine... but killing them?! I think that's a little off my jurisdiction.”

Aizen didn’t like what Discord had said, he quickly appears in front of the Draconequus and struck him into the gut...

Discord cringed and knelt down holding his abdomen. Aizen looked down on Discord with such fury in his eyes.

“I’m disappointed at you Discord... To think that you wanted revenge on those who imprisoned you in stone, yet I, who freed you and helped you out of your pathetic imprisonment, had the nerve TO DISOBEY ME?!” Aizen hated being disobeyed, he punched Discord straight into his face sending him flying across the hall and crashing onto the wall...

Discord dropped the orb on the floor and rolled down on Aizen’s feet as he picked it up himself. “Good help doesn't come by these days...” He said as he heads towards the four frightened ponies... “You’re elements shall be mine...”

Aizen pointed the orb at them and begins to extract the souls of the four helpless ponies.

Twilight felt that something was pulling her out from her skin... “W-what's happening?!” She called out.

Rarity on the other hand fainted long before Twilight can ask the question. Fluttershy was petrified, fear completely engulfed her as Aizen sucks her soul out. Applejack was standing firm, trying to resist the orbs influence...

Aizen was impressed a bit towards the orange one, but his amusement went to frustration, as he didn’t saw any trace of the Elements anywhere in the stream of their soul...

Aizen grew even more angered at this, they must have hiding it so well that even his soul orb can't suck it out. Aizen stops and leans on the cage.

“I’ll make a deal... Give me the elements... and I’ll let you all go...” Aizen said, simple and straight... But Applejack didn’t believe him one bit...

“Buck you! As if we give y’all the elements!” Applejack said, panting and a bit exhausted on what Aizen just did to them...

Aizen stepped back, he knew that negotiation was out...m so he did what he can only think of... Suck their soul out until there’s no more left...

Aizen starts its monstrous act once again and pointed the orb towards them and started the drain of their souls, while the four ponies screamed in agony...

Aizen was enjoying every moment of this... just as they were about to pass out, something exploded on the main gates, making Aizen lose his concentration and focused instead on the door... He saw two silhouettes within the smoke, standing on their hind hooves...

“Do I have to say that?” One said...

“Yeah, it’ll be fun trust me!” Said another with such enthusiasm in her voice...

“Fine...” Said the other voice...

Suddenly a random spotlight shined on the two...

“Prepare for Rescue!”

“Make it Double Rescue!”

A pink mane pony suddenly appears...

“To protect the world from devastation...”

Then another pony appears, this time it’s rainbow colored...

“To Unite all ponies within our nation”

“To denounce the meaning of truth and love”

“To extend our reach to the stars above...”



“Elements of Harmony, to the rescue!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

‘Uhm... That’s... right?” Trixie said behind the two mares...

“Oh come on Trixie! You can do better than that!” Pinkie said, as she waves her Zanpaktou.

“Can we just save them? I want to try out my Zanpaktou!!” Dash proclaims, as she swings her weapon.

Aizen was in complete surprise. He never thought in all his years as a Soul Reaper back in Soul Society, he never seen a talking horse become a Substitute Soul Reaper before...

Pinkie spots her friends on a cage, suffering from the earlier doings of Aizen... making Pinkie deflate her mane...

Pinkie glared at Aizen. “What have you done TO THEM?!” Pinkie yelled as she suddenly appears in front of him and swung her blade towards him, Aizen barely dodged it and tumbles down the flight of stairs. Rainbow Dash flew across the hall with Trixie running after her, they went to the cage where Twilight and the others were held captive, Trixie uses her magic snapping the chains and Dash bashing the open, freeing her friends.

“You guys alright~” Applejack cuts her off and hugs Rainbow Dash as tight as she could...

“Ah knew ya come fer us...” Applejack said, Dash returned her embrace and turns to her other friends...