• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,429 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 6

“This is not happening!!! THIS IS NOT FREAKING HAPPENING!!!” Renji shouts and rants, not accepting that he became a pony... Renji starts to rip some of his “Fur” and mane to convince himself it’s just a dream and it’s not true...but all he got was a pained expression on his face, realizing it’s not a dream...

“Stop your whining Abarai...” A voice said, just behind Renji, “You do not complain what form you take... Even if it is~” Byakuya came out, the same form as Renji...

Renji held back a laugh when he saw Byakuya...but can’t help it, and burst out laughing loudly...

“You’re no different to me Renji...” Byakuya said, as he stood in front of him... Renji laughed even more loudly when he saw that Byakuya’s flank has a cherry on it...

This made Byakuya embarrassed and nearly blushed, that the fact that his behind has a cherry tattoo...but he hides this fact to Renji.

Just then something moved on the bushes... Renji stopped laughing and holds his Zanpaktou, while Byakuya was already on the offensive... before they could ask each other what the noise was... A Manticore appeared… three to be in fact...

“What are those things?” Renji asked, as he readies Zabimaru, while Byakuya with Senbonzakura.

“They are called Manticores, mythical beings that have a lion’s head, and a scorpion tail... supposedly a humans head, but this one is different kind of Manticore.” Byakuya explains.

“Less explaining, more fighting! It’s obvious these creatures are hostile!” Renji proclaims as he releases his spiritual pressure. “Ban Kai...” His sword and clothes suddenly changed to a new form... “Hihiō Zabimaru!”

Byakuya draws out Senbonzakura and readies for battle

Both of them charged towards their adversaries and attacked the three Manticore’s simultaneously with both of their Zanpaktou at ready.

“TAKE THIS YOU LOW LIFE!!” Renji extends Hihio Zabimaru towards one of them, it quickly dodges it but was caught from behind and knocking it down, it got up and charged again. Renji grinned and continue the bout between the Manticore.

On the right side, Byakuya was standing on the middle of the two Manticore’s circling him, ready to pounce. The two of them flies up and dives towards Byakuya.

“Scatter... Senbonzakura...” Byakuya’s Zanpaktou just dissolves leaving him seemingly defenseless, the two Manticore’s dives down until it was only a centimeter between them and Byakuya, until... both of them got shredded and fell down dead, Byakuya’s sword reforms to its blade state, leaving Renji with the lone Manticore.

“Oh, real nice!” He said in frustration as he was having a hard time with his opponent...

“You barely harmed your opponent, and yet you call yourself a lieutenant? You’re such a weakling...” Byakuya commented, which made Renji furious and lets out a frustrated cry, he detached all of the spines of his sword and lets it sink its barbed blades to the Manticore’s body, impaling it to death.

The beast fell down to the ground, only letting out a loud thud before blood starts to come out of it...

“Did you see that?! Ha! How’s that for a weakling, BYAKUYA!” He boasted, only to be stopped by Byakuya’s cold stare.

“Don’t push your luck, Renji. After all I am still your captain in command.” Byakuya said calmly. He turns around and heads eastward, Renji was still in a paralyzed state of shock, he thought Byakuya was going to punch him or something because of his previous outburst. Lucky for him, Byakuya is in a slight good mood, or not...

Renji follows him, hoping to get out of the forest and find some answers of why their appearance suddenly changed from human-form, to horse-like form when they entered the portal in the first place...


At the other side of the forest, Rukia along with the others came out of a portal, same one as Renji and Byakuya used...

“Woah, were in a forest?! I was expecting to be some kind of magical place…” Yachiru said, surprised that it wasn’t what she was hoping for...

“Oh, quit complaining!” Love said, as he scratches his head, brushing his afro hair along.

“Is this the land Genrusai told us about?” Rukia said, checking her own status. “That’s odd...” Rukia said, “I could have sworn that something happened to us back there...” Rukia said, referring when the time they went inside the portal.

Kenpachi, was the last one out of the portal, a bit queasy from the trip.

“Did I just saw, a horse in front of me earlier?” Kenpachi asked, while holding his head...

“A horse?” Ukitake asked, “Oh, yeah! Now that you’ve mention it... I saw a horse in front of me as well...” He remembers it clearly as day, as he tries to remember further who was in front of him.

“Does that matter anyway?” Toshiro said, as he walks out of the clearing. “Let’s go find Renji and Captain Byakuya, before they get into trouble here.” Toshiro proclaims, they all agreed and followed him across the tree line deeper into the woods...


Meanwhile, after being unconscious for about four hours... Ichigo came to.

“Where am I?” Ichigo said, as he opens his eyes. “Shit... I must have dozed off, the last thing I remembered was eating some cupcakes and muffins and then...and then...” He stops and tries to move his hands, but was restrained by something... “H-HEY!!”

Ichigo wiggles and struggles then felt ropes holding his arms upward and spread across a table of some sort, even his feet are tied down.
“HEY!! Get me outta here!!” Ichigo struggles to break the ropes but it’s on too tight, Ichigo’s eyes looks around, trying to know where he’s at...

“Oh! Are you awake down there?” A voice echoes throughout the dark place. Ichigo searches for the voice, but all he can see was darkness...

“I’m coming down, hold on now...” Ichigo hears footsteps from above him, and going to somewhere to the right, then a door opens, creaking as it does.

A light shines to the doorway, as something bounces down to where he is. Ichigo realizes that he’s inside a basement.

“Good morning, sunshine!” a bubbly voice said, as it leans at his side.

“Who are you? What do you want?!” Ichigo demands, as he wiggles his hands trying to get out from the tight rope.

“It’s me, silly. Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie lets out a giggle before she goes to the far center of the room...

Ichigo doesn't know why Pinkie is doing this...or the fact that she tied him on a table... Ichigo heard Pinkie scuffle in the darkness.

“Aha! Found it!” Pinkie exclaims and lights a couple of candles showing the whole room, which send chills down Ichigo’s spine as his eyes observed the room; it was a bloody mess, and everything inside were body parts of horses and skulls stacked on a shelf...

“Guess what...your time is up, Ichigo...” Pinkie grabs a coat like thing, with pictures of things, like a flower, a pot, fruits and things, and of what it seems to be dried blood in them, she also wore a necklace of cone shaped things around her neck.

“What are you talking about?!” Ichigo shouts as he struggles to break free...

Pinkie didn't answer and gets a knife from the table, and went close to him...

Ichigo panics and goes to full adrenaline mode, and shakes the ropes rapidly desperately trying to break the ropes.

“It’s time for harvest...” Pinkie said as she raised the knife and plunges over to Ichigo’s chest. Ichigo’s eyes narrows as Pinkie dives down over his body, he opens his mouth and lets out a scream...


Ichigo screamed on the top of his lungs, terrified and prepares for the pain...
Until a pillow hits him on the head...

“Will you shut up?! sheesh... you’ll wake the ponies up!” Pinkie said as she goes back to her room...

Ichigo woke up in cold sweat, he looks at his hand wondering why he had such a nightmare...

“What did I just dreamt about?” Ichigo said, as he looks out the window near his bed space, “Shit, I need to lay off the sweets before bed... Damn, those cupcakes gave me such an awkward dream.”
Ichigo slumps his head down the pillow again, and tries to go to sleep...

“Heh... Who’d ever heard a pony that can kill a Soul Reaper? That’s just pathetic” was his last words, before coming back to sleep...