• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 12,429 Views, 365 Comments

PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 28

Ichigo told the three to take Dash to Mayuri while he looks for his other members... Luna nods as Trixie and Spike carries Dash. Ichigo left her on their care as he walks off towards the darkest parts of the forest. Luna and the others went to the Castle, careful not to hurt Dash even further.

Ichigo ventures deeper, searching for his comrades with Zangetsu at ready for anything that might jump out of the bushes.

Meanwhile, other Soul Reapers are having the same problem as Ichigo earlier. Kenpachi massacres the hollow over and over, Ishida protects Rarity while shooting at his hollow, Byakuya killed his hollow effortlessly, Inoe protects her partner Fluttershy while slicing her hollow. All got their hands full as more and more hollows starts to appear.

Ichigo spots one of his friends, Inoe and Fluttershy. He quickly went to action, without wasting anytime.


At this very same time, Trixie, Luna, and Spike rushes Dash into the castle. But the castle is far from where they currently are and it will take more time from walking towards the castle! Luna thought that she might be able to teleport there, but will risk Dash to fall randomly from somewhere at the castle grounds.

“You have wings right? My not just fly over the castle, Luna?” Trixie said, thinking its a good idea.

“That may be so, but as you can see...the storm is at the path of the sky, I can not just fly over without risking a forceful gale that may blow Rainbow Dash out of my grasp.” Luna said, making a point.

“Lets just walk you guys, there’s no point if we argue here even more.” Spike said, as the two mares agreed.

They continued on towards their destination...

Trixie steadies her magic and concentrates on levitating Dash to the air, preventing her to bump on anything.

“I never thought, I would end up helping my most despised ponies I ever knew my entire life of...” Trixie said to herself. “But ever since that Soul Reaper talked to me... I think I knew that deep inside my anger and hatred over them... I longed for friends... friends that I should have made, a long time ago...”

Trixie seems to be in a daze, as Spike noticed towards her. Trixie was so into her day dream, that she didn’t notice that the road as a huge ditch on it...and Trixie is going straight for it!
“Trixie!” Luna shouts to get her attention, but it was too late...Trixie took another step and fell to the ditch, losing her focus, Dash was freed from the magic and fell as well. Luna was quick on her hooves and quickly caught her, inches to the bottom of the ditch, while Spike ran his little legs to catch Dash as she fell as well...

Spike gave a sigh of relief as he narrowly missed the catch on Rainbow Dash, but he didn’t catch her by his hands... Dash landed on top of him.

Spike felt his back was broken, and crawls out at the bottom of Dash coughing and wheezing as he clears his throat with dust and leaves.

“That was a close one...” Spike said.

Luna wasn’t happy at all, Trixie almost made Dash more injured as she already is. Trixie looks up and cries a bit, feeling sorry for not being attentive on her way, and by almost hurting Dash even more.

Luna was understanding enough to forgive Trixie and instead helped her up the ditch... Luna gave her a sweet smile and pats her head, knowing that she didn’t mean to do that on purpose... Trixie gave Luna a hug, knowing as well that she have found friends to help her in times of need...

Spike however... didn’t like this kind of ‘mooshie’ type of moments and just checked if Dash is still in ‘one piece’.

Luna took charge of transporting Dash instead, while Trixie assisted her along the way. Spike followed close to them as they walked along the melancholic way to memory lane...


“GETSUGA TENSHOU!” Ichigo sends another crescent slash over to another hollow as Byakuya and Toshiro finishes the last one...

“Where the fuck are these things coming from!?” Ichigo said, checking over to see if more are coming.

“Shouting won't help, Ichigo.” Toshiro said, as he puts his zanpaktou back to his sheath.

“Indeed, we can all assume that Aizen send them for a reason.” Byakuya said. He looks at everybody in the group, where other Soul Reapers are extremely tired, he noticed that Genryusai, their Head Captain was not in the group.

“Hey, wheres gramps?” Ichigo said, noticing it as well.
“He must have went deeper into the forest...” Kenpachi said, looking over at the woods.

“Typical...” Ichigo said. “He always wants a piece of Aizen, how selfish...”

“We he DID betray Soul Society, by going to Hueco Mundo, and assaulting us with a legion of powerful hollows and Arrancar...” Said Rukia who was already near Ichigo, which gave him a little jump, startled by her sudden appearance.

“Damn it Rukia! Stop doing that!” Ichigo said, Rukia just ignored this.

“Which reminds me... earlier I encountered, Ggio Vega.” Toshiro said, remembering his past battle with him.

“Him?!” Rukia said in surprise.

“No, it was Vegas!” Ichigo said, trolling Rukia, which she didn’t took it kindly and stomps at his feet, which made Ichigo jump around like an idiot.

“That sideshow aside. What should we do now? Ggio is somewhere in this place, Aizen is nowhere to be found, this Discord one is still missing and Genryusai is nowhere to be found...” Ukitake said, while thinking of the possibilities of where this persons and creatures might be hiding...

“By the way...” Applejack started, “Where’s Dashie?”

Ichigo looked at her, and told her she was injured during his battle with a hollow. The ponies suddenly flooded Ichigo with questions about her safety... Is she alright, how is she, is her injuries serious...

Ichigo can’t handle such questions flooding him all at once. Ukitake sees this dilemma in Ichigo and helped him out, saying that Dash will be alright and gave them some words of wisdom. It seems Ukitake’s plan worked...

Ichigo is grateful at him, but as the things was going smoothly... all of the Soul Reapers felt a sudden Spiritual Pressure coming right for them...