• Published 5th Jan 2012
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PEACH! - ChromeRegios

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Peach 33

Pinkie swung her sword high and down, giving Aizen not time to counterattack, Pinkie was in complete rage, knowing that this guy hurt her friends, and treated them like some sort of trash.

“Damn, this creature is incredibly fast, she can even keep up with my flash steps!” Aizen said, having little time to move at all.

Pinkie swung it from the side, then to the middle, and at the top. Pinkie slightly went too far on the side, which gave Aizen the momentum he needed to take a strike. Aizen took his Zanpaktou and plunged it to Pinkie straight to the heart.

Aizen gave off a grin in his victor, but Pinkie had an even evil grin on her face. She immediately turned to a piñata, and immediately burst to thousands of confetti. Aizen was surprised and didn’t noticed Pinkie behind him. Pinkie slashed him by the shoulder, making Aizen jerked forward and dived on the pavement.

Pinkie drops down on the ground as she went close to Aizen, licking Aizens blood on her sword.

Aizen was unbelievably outmatched by Pinkie, who was ridiculously fast than any other Soul Reapers he ever known...

At this point, Trixie went down to the other Soul Reapers and helped them to break free... Ichigo was the first to see what was unfolding in front of him.

“Is that... Pinkie?” Ichigo asked Trixie as she breaks the other locks.

“Indeed she is...” Trixie simply said.

“Damn, she’s even more sadistic than Kenpachi.” Ukitake said, who helped Trixie to free the others.

“Hey!” Kenpachi yelled.

“No wonder she’s quite attached to you Kenny...” Yachiru said, giggling as she goes.

“Shut up!” I’m not like her...” Kenpachi denies, but deep down... he was quite impressed.

Trixie finally saw Toshiro and quickly freed him off his shackles.

“Toshiro! Toshiro!, Wake up please!” Trixie yelled at the unconscious Toshiro, then gave him a warm hug, that even his cold heart of ice will melt of it.

“Now’s not the time of cutesy stuff!” Rukia started. “Get him out of here and the ponies with you!” Rukia said while looking back at Pinkie and Aizen going at it...

Ichigo goes towards their Zanpaktous and grabbed them swiftly then distributed them to their rightful owners.

Byakuya catches his Zanpaktou and went out, clearing their way out by killing the hollow’s who are guarding the exit. Kenpachi took care of the oncoming Hollows behind them while Yachiru was on his back, while the others scramble outside. Rukia and Inoue Protected the remaining Elements towards the exit, While Ishida was escorting Ukitake out as his asthma was acting up again.

Ichigo was left inside, looking at the two battle it out.

“Pinkie! Get them to safety! I’ll deal with Aizen!” Ichigo shouts. Pinkie looked at him still blinded with fury, panting profusely and almost like she was on a killing spree... but then...

“Okay~! She simply said, and bounced off outside to meet up with her friends.

Ichigo and Aizen was the only ones left now...

“So, Ichigo... why didn’t you let her destroy me? She is capable of that much...” Aizen said, as he slowly heals himself.

“This isn't about those ponies Aizen... Its about you and me!” Ichigo said, pointing to Aizen.

“Oh please, are you looking for fighting me once more? Haven't you learned that a second time of defeat is most unlikely to happen?” Aizen said, with a calm orderly manner.

“Shut the fuck up!” Ichigo can’t stand long conversations, so he immediately charged head on, but as expected, Aizen was far more faster than Ichigo, compared to Pinkie earlier...

Ichigo kept missing on his target, as Aizen manipulates every move he makes, dodging faster than he did with Pinkie Pie.

Ichigo gets more and more irritated, swinging Zangetsu randomly everywhere.

Aizen stopped at his defensive and went for the offence, he then grabbed Ichigo’s neck then pressed the soulstone on Ichigo’s chest, draining some of Ichigo’s Spiritual Pressure, gaining more power than he already had.

Ichigo knew this was a bad situation he is right now. He tries to move his Zanpaktou to attack Aizen while he’s vulnerable, but the thing is, he’s body was not moving according to his will.
He was retrained.

“Destructive Spell No. 33~ Blue Firefall!”

Rukia blasted Aizen down, making him flinch a bit causing him to lose concentration. Ichigo saw this chance and kicked his way out of Aizens grip. But it was too late, he already got enough of Spiritual Energy to go to his Bankai state...

“If I can’t find the Elements within them, then I shall destroy everything until I find what I yearning to possess!” Aizen proclaims as he begins his hollowfication with his full form.


Aizen suddenly got wrapped by a dark energy then appears in a terrifying hollow form, his hair grew a bit, and his eyes became dark yellow, with a hole on his chest with several dark orbs in them, and with demon-like wings appear before them.

“So, that’s it.” Rukia started. “He won't stop until he obtains those Elements...” Rukia said as she went a bit pale on that remark.

“Rukia, get a grip!” Ichigo shouted to make her forget her fear of Aizen, but Ichigo himself was horrified to see such powerful Spiritual Pressure emitting on Aizen is overwhelming.

Aizen quickly appears in front of both Rukia and Ichigo, but before they can react they were tossed towards the ceiling, before Ichigo and Rukia can fall Aizen followed up with a mighty blow, breaking the ceiling and sending them flying across Ponyville.

Ichigo crashed landed at the side of Sugar Cube Corner, with Rukia crashing near the town hall.
Ponies around the area helped Ichigo regain his balance, as well as to Rukia.

Spike, who happens to be the area, sees Ichigo getting up from a small crater in front of the bakery.

“What happened?!” Spike said, “Where are Twilight and the others?”

Ichigo was about to say something, when Ukitake along with the other Soul Reapers and the Ponies called out.

“Ichigo, what happened?” Ukitake asked.

“Where's Aizen?” Toshiro asked, as he was clinging to Trixie as she helped him due to his injury.

Just then, Aizen crashed down in the middle of the town, in his ultimate Bankai/Hollow form.
The ponies of the town screamed in fright and terror as they fled on the sight of a very terrifying monster on their beloved town.

“WHERE ARE THE ELEMENTS!!!” Aizen yells as the very ground itself shook on his wake, then swings his sword-like hand as a dark energy flows out, slashing some houses on its left and right side.

All the Soul Reapers positioned themselves to in front of Aizen, preparing to fight. Just then, Celestia, Luna, Mayuri and Genryusai holding a small bag arrived on the scene.

“Celestia? What are you doing here?” Ichigo asked, as Rukia regrouped on her comrades.

“Please, let me and my little ponies help to fight this creature.” Celestia asked to the Soul Reapers.

“No! We can’t let any innocent people~ I mean ponies to get killed if this battle gets worst and~”

“Please, this is our land...” Luna said, interrupting Rukia’s words.

“Let them, Rukia...” Genryusai said. “This is their home, and they have the right to defend it...”
Genryusai then took something out of his small bag, then he brings out the Elements of Harmony.

Aizen sees them immediately, sensing such enormous power on those artifacts.

“The elements! Give them to me!” Aizen said, as she streaks towards them.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie charged and clashed swords with him, defending their friends.

“You won't have them! If you want them you will have to go through us!” Rainbow said as she kicks away Aizen.

“You will regret that!” Aizen responds.

“Over our dead bodies!” Pinkie shouts, going faster as she hits Aizen back and forth.

Aizen gained so much power that he easily breaks Pinkie’s and Dash’s Zanpaktou. Aizen was about to go for the kill, but Genryusai quickly deflects him and tossed him backwards.

“Give those elements to your ponies hurry!” Genryusai said to Celestia, as she obliged to do so.

Each of the mares took their Element, one by one until the last one was given to Twilight.

The six mares including the Soul Reapers, Ishida, Inoe, Trixie and the two princesses stood their ground, preparing to take down Aizen...

Once and for all...