• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 4,227 Views, 53 Comments

Forgiveness for Peace - Chaotic Note

Chrysalis comes to the world's mother to ask for forgiveness. My headcanon version of what happened in Season 2 Finale. Also, it is a story writtened in 60 minutes-thus a story born from a 60minute story challenge.

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The Entire Thing (Heavily Edited)

Author's Notes

WELL IT TOOK 60 MINUTES. But it was soooo worth it in the end. I can't believe I bucking wrote this, because it is sooo amazing! Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoy it! In truth, I actually based the story on this video on posted on Equestria Daily. But don't' watch it yet until after the story. It's called Spoilers.

PS: I was expecting this story to turn out funny but it ends up being a Feel story. (At least, I think it's a feel story)

PPS: Shameful self advertising inbound. Equestrian Earth the MMORPG, Shy the Mafia, and Luna Plays!

PPPS: Okay it may not be that sad. But I think it's still a good story. You'll just have to give me your opinion. Btw. Today on this day is 9/28/12.

Author's Notes:
Just finished editing this. I got around to it. Yep. Enjoy if you're re-reading this. Also, Didney worl. You'll see why shortly.

The halls of Canterlot Castle were empty. Very empty. You could whistle in the halls and hear the sound bounce off its walls a hundreds times over. Reason? Currently, everypony was running from the invasion outside of the castle. The invasion of the horrid insectoids known as Changelings. Celestia, the mighty princess of the sun, was captured in green, gooey cage. It dripped resin all over the carpet as she struggled to break free from her reins. The Elements of Harmony were missing in action, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were held as hostages, and the city was being ransacked by the invaders. Overall, it couldn't be a worse day for anypony at all in Equestria. The princess of love struggled with her tight bonds, but failed to break them apart. Her magic was not an option due to the fact that Chrysalis might notice and detain her again. She gave the queen a stare filled emotions she rarely felt within herself: hatred.

“You won’t get away with this Chrysalis! Twilight and her friends are going to kick you where it hurts the most!” Cadance shouted.

“Oh ho ho, I doubt that my dear princess,” Chrysalis smirked. “My entire army is scattered around the area, looking for your petty little ponies. I have the top class and most elite of warriors in my ranks with me today. No doubt they will halt their vain-filled progress.”

“You're wrong! They’ll defeat you! Just you wait!”

Chrysalis looked out of the window to see her people ravaging the city like mad. It was a beautiful sight, to her anyway. But deep down inside her, she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. Yes she is about to take over a country full of innocents, but it was for the benefit for her own. After several minutes of reflection, something clicked. She decided on one thing only. Honestly, she never believed she would have to come to this conclusion, but for some reason she knew that she might fail because of some random aspect to come into play of the invasion. She didn't know why, but she must find it. The statue, she knew the Royal Sisters must have kept it here somewhere, might as well give it a visit.

“Well I’d love to stay and chat Cadance,” Chrysalis said. “But I have other matters to attend to. Pincer! Bittle!”

Two of the Changelings from the outside hovered in the room at the call of their queen. They knelt before their glorious leader, and waited for her command to rise up.

“You may rise now.”

So they did.

“Guard these two and their precious goddess until I get back. Call in the others to help as well. I don’t want any chances to be taken while I’m gone.”

“Yes my Queen,” the both buzzed

With the royalties and the captain secured, Chrysalis walked down the halls of Canterlot Castle in search of her target. She took the time to look at the glass stains portraying the most important moments of Equestrian History. One contained the image of a goddess subduing a nightmarish creature with the Elements of Harmony. Another showed the two Sisters battling monsters from Tatarus, caging them all back into its depths. The last one at the end of the hall was a large white Alicorn with a maroon mane and a cutie mark of a quill and ink well. Below the goddess were four of her children, a white mare with flowing colors of the light spectrum for a mane, a blue one with a mane of starry proportions, another blue one with a simple mane-style striped blue and white with a cutie mark of twin swords and an hourglass, and a creature of multiple body parts that seemed to be sewn together from different animals.

‘There it is,' she thought. ‘That’s a nice painting. It must be down beyond these doors.’

She pushed the doors to her destination. She was greeted by a stony hall dated with age and a few cobwebs. Nopony has been here for a while. The windows were still clear enough to let light shine through its panes, giving the chamber an ancient glowing feel. In the center was a statue of the Alicorn with no special mane properties showing off. The statue wasn’t colored at all, but its cutie mark of the quill and ink gave off its true identity.

“Hello, we finally meet,” Chrysalis greeted.

The statue didn’t respond.

“I know I have a quarrel with your people, and perhaps even more so with your daughters, but I’m doing this for the sake of my people.”

The statue didn’t respond.

“I know you must be mad at me from where ever you are, but I need to think for my people. They are like my children. You can understand that, can't you?”

The statue didn’t respond.

Chrysalis face hoofed the side of her head. What was she thinking coming in here? This was a waste of time. She turned back to make her way back to the royal halls but stopped at the doorway. She turned back. If she were to back out of this now, there's no telling of what might happen to her people. For their sake.

“Look, I’m sorry it had to come to this but I don’t know what else to do.”

The statue didn’t respond.

“I know I’ve done some wrong things. Horrid things! My actions today were not wrought by an innocent ruler, I'll admit that, but I still stand by what I said earlier.”

Tears began to flow down the queen’s eyes. She'd been containing this truth inside of her. She had no wish to know it. Nor understand it, but she must continue on with a strong will.

“My people are hungry. We have scoured the lands for a peaceful nation to coexist with, but each of them turned us down like a sack of worthless rocks. We had to take drastic measures this time. I know your daughters are caring to their subjects but so was every other leader I’ve met! Condemn me for all I care, but just so you know I’m your daughter as well!”

The statue didn’t respond. The queen stood there shocked at her own words. Had she really said that? Honestly, she wasn't thinking straight. The words seemed to come out from her heart. Chrysalis decided to press on, in hope that She was listening. If She wasn't, then this was all in vain. The Hive's chances of survival will surely be slimmed.

“I mean, you’re the reason we are all here right? It is only through your kindness that life was brought into this world. Ponies, Gryphons, Dragons, Kirins, . . . and Changelings.”

The statue didn’t respond.

“Even that odd draconequus of yours had a place in this world.” She took a deep breath. “And that was because of your kindness that we are still here. We are born into this world because you decided to give it life. We are your children. Ponies, Gryphons, Dragons, Kirins, and Changelings.”

The statue didn’t respond.

“But, you hate fighting.” She stopped to wipe the tears from her face. It was unbecoming of a queen. “You hate it when your children fight. I heard a tale from my mother that she heard from her mother and from her mother before her. A tale that was passed down from generations of queens. It was when Celestia, Luna, Discord, and the other were fighting over something. A cookie I guess? It was the last one in the jar and they all fought over it like children. Then you stepped in to halt the argument. You decided to split the cookie into four pieces, and sung them a lullaby to sleep.”

The queen chuckled softly. “I didn’t even know you had cookies back then. It sounded like a false tale, but I suppose I knew in my heart it was true. I believed it to be true.”

The statue didn’t respond.

“Can I ask you something, mother? I can call you mother right?

The statue didn’t respond.

“I know that I’m not the best child you ever had, but I’m weary of this war. I don't want to continue it but I must in ensure the wellbeing of my people. Should I lose, I want to ask you of this.” Chrysalis's eyes wandered up to meet the statue's eyes. “I ask of you that should we lose, you will give us a sign that we will not die of starvation. That my people will find a land fill of love, a nation willing to take us into their care, a nation that will not turn us away so we can finally live in peace, it will mean a great deal to me and everypony can win.”

The statue didn’t respond.

“I know I sound really silly for asking such a favor but it would mean a lot to me if you were to grant me this one wish. Peace. It’s the one of the few things that I wish for. If only I could make it happen myself, but I fear that it may be to late for me. I'm ignorant. I'm a complete fool, and this foolish queen is asking you for forgiveness.”

The statue didn’t respond.

Chrysalis sat there for what she felt was the longest time in her life. She felt like she could freeze into stone and lie there for the next few decades or so. She snapped back into focus as more of her Changelings pounded into the ground like green meteorites. She turned back towards the exit to keep her eye on Cadance, and then turned her head towards the statue.

“Please forgive me for this. Truthfully, I never wanted this to happen. Forgive me.”

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

She trotted out of the doorway to make her way towards the throne room, but before she could close the door behind her, she felt a warm breeze sweep through her mane. It gave off an alluring scent of flowers and sunshine. She quickly turned back to the statue to see if anything changed, but was greeted by the same statue and the same room. She knew, however, that her prayer was answered. She feel like she die with peace, but of course she won't. She still had a hive to care for. A bright smile formed around the queen’s lips, and tears flowed through her eyes again.

“Thank you, mother.”

“Well that wedding was a bust,” Luna complained.

The two royal sisters walked down the hallway towards their rooms. It was a long night, and the wedding was more than enough to tire out the two deities. Celestia was the sleepier princess because she was trapped by some meddle-some queen. It would have been nice if that Chrysalis character didn’t barge in so rudely, and take her down in front of all her subjects. She wanted to blame Shining Armor and his shield from blocking her connection to the sun. It was the only reason why she failed. It had to be the only reason. The shield was some really powerful stuff..

“And stupid,” Celestia muttered under her breath.

“What was that Tia?” Luna asked.

“Nothing! Just saying how stupid Chrysalis was.”

“Oh yes! You’ve told us about that!” Luna smirked. “You were completely owned were you?”

“Oh please Lulu! I could defeated her! The flow of the invasion was completely in her favor though. I couldn’t risk burning all of my subjects,” she objected.

“Whatever," Luna said, wanting to change the subject before Celestia got mad. "the wedding was nice, but I still would of preferred to stay in my room. Chaotic was about to challenge me to a Borderlands race before this incident banged on our doors. Get this; he tried to fight the bugs with the game controller!”

“Really now?”

“Yes!” she giggled. “It was really quite effective. You should of seen him. Too bad one of the bigger ones covered him in goo. I had to fight through the lot of them, and chip away at the cocoon at the same time! Do you know that thing hardens over time? Hours of work!”

“Sounded like you had quite the day too my little sister.”

“Yep,” Luna yawned.

They arrived at the end of the hallway where both of their bedrooms reside. Luna sleepily waved goodnight to her sister.

“Well I’m going to go catch some sleep," she nodded. "All this fighting exhausted all of my magic for today.”

“Same here," Celestia chirped. "Goodnight Luna.”

“Good night Tia.”

Celestia slowly closed the door behind her and looked at her bed. It was a huge bed. A really big bed. A soft bed.

“Oh how I missed you.” The princess leapt upon its covers and ravaged it like a wild animal.

She may be tired, she it couldn’t hurt to mess around a little before getting some sleep. It was a mischievous sort of fun. She needed that after what seemed like an eternity in the green cocoon. After a few minutes of wrestling with the pillow, she passed out and slept right there in the middle of her fluffy covers. The princess dreamed like any other pony and frolicked in her dream world of cakes. Thousands of cake layers built the roads and mountains, and it was all hers. She trotted towards a humongous hill that was layered with strawberries and donuts.

“Mmm. Oh my Mr. Cake, you sure look so handsome in that coat of sprinkles,” she seductively chided. “Wanna play with me?”

She was about to have a make-out session with the delectable goodness until a voice stopped her.

“Wow Celestia, I didn’t know you love cake so much. That that extent I mean.”

The solar princess whirled around for the intruder of her dream. She saw nopony at all.

“Where are you? Is that you Luna? Show yourself!”

“Up here.”

She turned back up the hill to see a white figure lying on the hill of ice cream and frosting. Her mane was a simple shade of maroon, and donned a cutie mark of a quill and ink on her flank. Celestia's pupils grew wide, and her jaw was agape. She felt like she could scream joy, but all she could manage was a tiny whisper.

“Mother?” Celestia murmured in wonder.

“Yes my child. It’s me.” The new goddess floated down gracefully to meet with her daughter.

As her hooves touched the ground, the world shifted and changed into a green area that was filled with fields of flowers and trees. The air smelled of spring.

“Mother!” Celestia tackle-hugged her to the ground. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Yes Celestia I missed you too,” she chuckled.

“Oh I have a lot of things to tell you! Luna is back from the moon all nice and normal! Discord tried to escape again but I had to have my student trap him down, sorry about that mom, and this queen tried to take over Equestria! Oh you should of seen it, it was-“

The Alicorn placed a hoof over the excited princess’s mouth. “Yes I know what has happened. I still wish my poor Discord would see reason over the years, but it is unfortunate. That isn’t what I’m here to talk about though.”

The two looked at each other for several moments. Celestia's mother finally released the princess’s mouth to reveal a small smile on her face.

“I’ve missed you mother.”

“I missed you too my little sun.”

Celestia made herself comfortable, and lied down on the grass. Her mother did so as well. Celestia nervously shifted around a little before getting to the question.

“So what brings you here?” Celestia asked. "It certainly has been a while."

“Well, I could go for the long and big story," her mother explained. "but I might as well just get to the point. I want you to forgive Chrysalis for what she has done.”

Celestia looked at her mother for several seconds. It felt like a dam had broke, and was flooding her mind with a lake of questions. She only responded with a simple one.


“Come now dear, you must forgive her. She was turned away by other nations at her request to live with them," the alicorn reasoned. "She came to me, and begged me for help. I can't ignore that.”

“But she invaded my kingdom!” Celestia complained.

“You and your sister’s kingdom.”

“She trapped my niece in the castle catacombs!”

“And she was saved unharmed. All those dirt marks were just caused by the dirty atmosphere, you’ve never had the basement cleaned.”

“And she caged me in a cocoon. Look at my hair!” She showed a spot where the gooey stuff was still.

“I don’t even know that is! It’s all sticky and gooey mom! Only you would know where it came from. Speaking of which, what is this?”

“It's just like moisturizing sweetheart," her mother assured. "You know, your skin looks a lot healthier. It’s about time you’ve got a spa treatment.”

“Mom!” The sun goddess, the patron of Equestria's star, was feeling more hotter than her big, burning ball of fire

“Okay okay,” she laughed, playfully holding up her hooves to show she surrendered.

“Why do you want me to forgive her anyway? She almost destroyed Canterlot.”

“Because she came to me for forgiveness dear.”


The Alicorn just sighed. “She came to the room where that statue of me was in your castle, and she asked me forgiveness. It’s been ages since my alters were visited. It kinda felt nice to have visitors.”

“Luna and I came by every now and then,” Celestia said softly. "and others as well."

“And I appreciate that very much, but I’m talking about somepony who was not mine... What would you say nowadays? A subject? She wasn't a subject of mine, and it certainly caught my attention.”

“But she isn’t even a pony!”

“That is no excuse for me to ignore her,” she placed a hoof over her daughter’s shoulders. “Please, can you do this one thing for me? It would mean a great deal to me.”

Celestia looked at the hoof and back at her mother. There was no arguing with her.

“Of course mom.”

“I want you to include the Changelings into your society. Let them live among the ponies. Your nation is by far the most loving out of all the others, and is probably the most accepting of others. She wept at my alter, so I expect you to do what’s right. I hate to see my children suffer.”

“Wait, children? What do you mean by that?”

“Well, she gave me some food for thought while praying to me. She had told me that all creatures in this world are my children. Perhaps she is right. I’m the one who helped give birth to this world, and I hate to see my children fight among each other. Please, do this for me?”

Celestia thought long and hard about the subject. It wasn’t like mother to ask her for favors. Like her, she was independant and strong. It could be her sister playing tricks on her, but of course, Celestia wouldn't have made it easy for Luna to just willy-nilly enter into her dreams. Only mother was strong enough to do that. Besides, it would be nice to make nice with Chrysalis. If her mother said it was okay . . .

“Okay mom, I’ll forgive her.”

“That’s my girl.” The Alicorn hugged Celestia tightly, with lots of warm love behind it. “I’ve got to go now Celestia, I must pay a visit to my little moon. She must have miss me a lot right?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe, mom.”

The dreamworld phased out of focus as fast as it came, and Celestia suddenly sat up from her bed. She looked out at the window to see the moon still high in the sky. How long was she in the dream? Celestia wanted to go back to sleep, but she felt that writing a letter in the middle of the night wouldn't hurt. She got up from her bed, and made her way to a nearby desk. She brought out a sheet of paper, quill, and ink to start writing.

"Dear Queen Chrysalis," Celestia hummed.

Done reading? Cool watch this.
Video that was based upon.

Comments ( 51 )

Eh. I haven't read anything you've written aside from this and EE, so I don't really know what liberties you've taken, but from my outside perspective, there's a lot of OOC-ness going on here. Mostly with Celestia. And neither the feels nor the comedy really hit me, to be honest.

Also, there's constant, slight grammatical errors. I mean, maybe I was just given that impression, and they're not really constant, but there sure were a lot.

1357272 There is no comedy. Also, it's a 60 minute challenge story, it should have errors. Also I think you would get feels if you've watched the video link.

Edit: btw what parts of Celestia was OOC?

1357307 If there's no comedy, then you have an odd sense for sadness. The entire second half seemed like it was supposed to be funny, except for a select few parts. I watched the link. It was very nicely done, and moderately sad, but it does nothing to sway my opinion of your work, a separate piece on a similar subject.

Strictly speaking from her portrayed personality in the show, almost all of Celestia's bits were OOC. I fully expect authors to do what you did (i.e. have her be playful and fun and whatnot) in moderation, as an exception to the rule, as it were. The rule in this case being dignity and/or elegance, which is something that canon Celestia is almost never without, even when she is being playful.

It should have errors

...That doesn't sit well with me.


..That doesn't sit well with me.

Of course not, but don't expect stories that are made in 60 minutes to be perfect.

The rule in this case being dignity and/or elegance, which is something that canon Celestia is almost never without, even when she is being playful.

Also I wasn't really trying to go for a canon story. It's what I interpret of what could of happened during the events of the invasion. But to just to prove that she isn't the most elegant princess Equestria has ever seen, here's a photo.

That cake looks awesome.


Of course not, but don't expect stories that are made in 60 minutes to be perfect.

I was more referring to the general attitude. This had a lot of errors, too. Not the really glaring kind either, but the kind that makes what you're saying muddled and harder to understand. It really detracted from the piece for me.

which is something that canon Celestia is almost never without

You've provided two examples of exceptions to the rule. Again, that is something I fully expect, for comedic purposes. Your Celestia was essentially ^that, but consistently, rather than occasionally. Hence, OOC.

Edit: Having just eaten a very full meal, I can honestly say that that cake horrifies me to the core.

Very good for a 60 minute challenge.

ChaoticNote used Controller Smack!
It's Super Effective!
A thousand pardons but I just HAD to. Also, poor Chrysalis, always left out hmm? Great story Sir Chaotic of Note. Great story indeed.
:moustache: : Bring forth the ale! And don't forget the hops this time!
You just had to post it after I stopped lurking fimfic eh? Just had to!

ughhhh that story and that video right in the feels:pinkiesad2::raritycry::applecry::fluttercry:

This is very good given the time frame you had to work with. :twilightsheepish: I applaud you, good sir.

1364278 Yea, if only it wasn't released at midnight when everypony is still asleep. I'm surprised I've even made it to the Popular Stories bar.

I'm sure your readers will find it quickly enough. Don't worry so much.

Please disregard the dumb comment I replaced. *beats head on desk* Stupid!

1364322 Don't hate yourself for that. I've read both of them.

1364351 i didnt see the connection of the story to she song till the last half then i was like
can we have some sort of epliouge or sequil

1365235 Only if I get enough people to support it, which this is a surprising number given the fact that the moderators released this while I was sleeping.

1365280 i think you will
trust me
this is too good for us to let slide

I like where this story is going.

it's :rainbowderp:

so :fluttershysad:

BEUTIFUL! :raritycry:

god i hope i spelled beutiful right, i can't spell anything

1366621 Every favorite counts. :pinkiehappy:

1357398 So what you are saying is essentially force ourselves to conform to canon just for the sake of it?
Bah, correct me if I am wrong, but I think it is called fanfiction for a reason. People will have many different interpretations upon a character, and quite frankly that is the spice of life to me. I don't want to have some character forced to act in a certain way, just because the source material demands it so, or they be shot on the firing line. Does that mean that we should forget any fan interpretations of Luna Pre-Season 2? I think not.

1367521 That means a lot thanks! :pinkiehappy:

1367357 You misunderstand me, a bit. I meant that Celestia was so out of character compared to canon that immersion was broken almost entirely for me, especially considering that this story was supposed to be sad. If I might reiterate:

I fully expect authors to do what you did (i.e. have her be playful and fun and whatnot) in moderation, as an exception to the rule, as it were.

This was said in reference to a serious type of story, as this one is supposed to be. For laughs, I'm entirely on board with an author setting canon down on a table and running for the hills. Here, though, that doesn't fit. A serious subject deserves a serious approach, would you not agree?

1367601 I HAD 60 MINUTES!

Edit: I was confused in the middle of writing as I couldn't decide if I wanted serious or funny. So I went with seriously funny.

1367736 No no, I understand. I've said my piece to you already, it's just that the guy I responded to seemed to have misunderstood what I was getting at.

It's pretty good, considering you did it in 60 minutes.

The video, and the first part of the story... all the flipping FEELS. :raritydespair:

Ah, I see I'm not the only one who saw that video. :fluttercry: I was thinking of it throughout all the dialogue with Chrysalis, and that was enough to make me get a watery-eyed. You did an amazing job.

Words, I can't even put it in WORDS!
The fic was good, I was goign to write a good review to that effect, and then I watched the video, and I went from:
:twilightsmile: to :pinkiesad2: to :raritycry:
Favourited and upvoted
Argh dammit I'm still tearing up. :raritydespair:
Honora Imperator
Edit: I wouldn't argue if you gave this a sequel or continued it, this was good. truly good.

Great story, and it has The Queens point of view. I said, in some other post, trying to feed your people means you aren't all bad.

The video you linked....words fail me. I already watched it twice.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. Even if this story was done in 60 minutes flat.:rainbowlaugh:

1357103 Lol, didn't know I got the first comment xD
Ahh, the memories...

1784494 Already did....
*manly tear* :applecry:

Aww that's alright! Here, let me hugz you!
Hugs M3Xkillers.
(Ye-esss. One down, a lot more to go...)

1784514 Accepts hug Can I have a hug from Luna? ;~;

1784573 Yay! :yay: Rubs Luna's belly ^3^

I like the story even more now. The feels aren't as pronounced as before but are still there.
My first reaction can be viewed on comment 15

So many years later, and this is still the best Queen Chrysalis story on Fimfiction. :heart:

Great Chrysilis story, is it to be continued?

Sorry to say I don't have any plans for a sequel.

I liked it. Nice characterisation, I actually found it more heartwarming than sad.


Sorry man. This story was only meant to be an interpretation of what could have happened during the episode. The best I'll do for it is go through the story once more and comb the mistakes. Maybe give it polish, but right I don't believe this story needs a sequel.

Wow, this isn't bad at all for something you only had 60 minutes to do. sounds like it was a fun challenge. I think going serious was the better choice. Thanks for this.

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