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Nightmare Night is back once again

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween/ Nightmare Night everyone!

*Lillian's POV*

With EMMA destroyed and a magic bell melted down to nothing, things were finally at peace.

I spoke "I'm glad things are peaceful now."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

But then a red coffin rose from the ground, revealing Baron Samedi in it. “Hello, my friends! Happy Halloween! Or as they say in Equis, Happy Nightmare Night!”

I spoke "You kinda caught some of us female Mobians at a bad time..."

Danyelle spoke "GET OUT!!!!"

It was clear that Danyelle didn't have a shirt on since she was busy getting her costume on.

Samedi spoke "Oops! My apologies!"

Samedi went back into the coffin and closed it.

Danyelle groans "Ugh... pervert..."

I spoke "To be honest with you Dany, it's fine if Ben walks in on you while you're changing though."

Danyelle spoke "That's because he's my husband. Samedi is not."

Twilight spoke "But it didn't look like he meant to do that."

I spoke "It could have been worse..."

Danyelle growls "Don't you dare say it Lillian!"

Twilight spoke "Anyways... We should get ready."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

A warp ring opens up before Cadence and Flurry show up.

Flurry spoke "Aunty Twilight!"

Twilight asks *Gasp!* Oh my gosh! *Hugs Flurry Heart* How's my favorite niece?"

Flurry spoke "I'm your only niece..."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Cadence spoke "Well, Shining and I were wondering if Flurry could stay with you this holiday."

Twilight spoke "Of course! Plus it'll be good for Akari, Astral and Midnight to sped time with their cousin."

Midnight's claws were glowing as he flings a bucket of ice water at Nightfall.

Nightfall screeches "MOM!!!! MIDNIGHT DRENCHED ME!!!"

Cadence asks "Who was that?"

Twilight sighed. "Kurama and Matatabi's kid, therefore my kid, Midnight."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, Cadence meant the one who had screamed...."

Twilight spoke "Oh, right. That was Nightfall, one of Lillian's adopted kids."

Cadence spoke "Minus the cutie mark, she looks like Nightmare Moon...."

Danyelle spoke "Don't even think about it Cadence, Nightfall's not evil."

Cadence spoke "Sorry about that."

I giggle "A mother's love is a powerful thing."

Danyelle spoke "Cuss yeah it is, I'd fight tooth and claw to keep my kids safe."

Cadence giggles "Heehee! I think all of us ladies can agree on that."

Rarity spoke "True there."

Danyelle spoke "As well as the hermaphrodites since they go both ways."

Luna soon knocks on the door.

Danyelle spoke "That must be Luna and her children now."

Cadence asks "Wait, where’d that coffin come from?"

Danyelle spoke "I have no idea... I never invited him here."

Then a portal opened, revealing Belladonna, Loona and a new demon.

Danyelle was soon in werecat form.

Danyelle spoke "Hey girls."

Belladonna spoke "Hi, Dany."

Loona spoke "Hey."

Twilight asks "Who’s she?"

Belladonna spoke "That’s Stolas’ daughter, Octavia, but to avoid confusion, you can call her Via."

Via scoffs "Whatever."

But then Belladonna realized something. “Wait… Twilight and Stolas have a lot in common.”

Twilight was in partial Twirama form.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe she needs some friends."

Belladonna chuckles "Heehee! Both Loona and Via could, even though they already found boyfriends, them being Cuetzpalli and Ali."

The hellhound and owl demon blushed at that.

Danyelle spoke "Least this Nightmare Night will be a peaceful one since the last one had freaky monsters from the underworld...."

Haru spoke "Arranged marriage is no joke.... I nearly got married to Lune but it wasn't a mutual agreement."

Via spoke "Ugh… don’t remind me of Dad and Stella’s marriage."

Haru spoke "But thankfully, Lune introduced me to Travis and the two of us got along great."

Via spoke "But… At least Dad has Mom, who is the Morrigan."

Haru spoke "I see."

Louise spoke "Mom!"

Haru asks "Yes?"

Louise spoke "The others will be here soon!"

Haru spoke "That’s great, sweetie."

But then Belladonna gasped at seeing the red coffin.

Danyelle asks "You okay Belladonna?"

Belladonna spoke "Oh boy. Looks like you have a new gateway to my home while keeping your life intact."

Danyelle spoke "I nearly pelted Samedi with fire since he walked in on me when I was getting ready for the party."

Belladonna spoke "Well, that was probably an accident since even though Samedi is a party guy, he certainly has manners."

Twilight spoke "Dany called him a pervert..."

Belladonna spoke "Last I checked, Samedi isn’t a pervert. That was just bad luck."

Danyelle spoke "Accident or not, he shouldn't have walked in on me."

Roll spoke "True there, oh hey Coloratura!"

Coloratura was dressed up like a female pony version of the Trickster.

Danyelle giggles "And is that a foal bump I see?"

Coloratura giggles "Heehee! Yes."

Twilight asks "Have you told Applejack yet?"

Coloratura spoke "Heeheehee! Not yet! I plan to surprise her!"

Luna spoke "I noticed that my grandson had an odd outfit on but he was also in werehog form."

Danyelle asks "How odd?"

Luna spoke "Never mind."

Danyelle asks "What?"

I spoke "Anyways, the party's starting soon."

Danyelle spoke "And I’m all ready."

Nyx asks "What are you though mom?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm a feline version of Werelight."

Aphmau was wearing a pair of fake wings on her back.

Nyx was balancing on her hind legs for some reason.

“Nyx? Is something wrong?” I asked in concern.

Nyx spoke "I was getting my costume on."

Danyelle asks "Costume?"

Nyx spoke "Yeah mom! I'm dressing up as Auntie Roll!"

Danyelle spoke "Aww!"

Roll spoke "Cute."

Roll was wearing a witch hat and dress.

But then a triangular magenta portal opened.

Twilight asks "What the?"

A skeletal pony emerged from it, along with a familiar trio of a Phoenix unicorn mare, Medusa Pegasus mare and Scylla earth pony mare, followed by a mutant pony stallion standing on his hind legs and his front ones being a pair of arms, having an orange-yellow bandana, mane and tail, and his cutie mark was a turtle shell behind a pair of nunchucks.

Twilight growls "Who are you guys?"

Mutant Stallion spoke "Uh-oh!"

The stallion brought out a shell-shaped phone.

Mutant Stallion spoke "Uh, Donnie? I think we’re in another Equestria."

Danyelle asks "Mikey?"

Mutant Stallion gasps "Whoa! How do you know me?!"

Danyelle spoke "You might have me mistaken for a gryphon beastman with my name."

Twilight asks "Wait… Adagio? Aria and Sonata?"

Dagio spoke "Yep, we’re in a different Equestria alright."

Nazuna spoke "You three aren't the Dazzlings I know."

Ari spoke "Me and my sisters usually go into our monster forms whenever we go to a magic world on Halloween."

Nata spoke "And we’re actually staying on the other side of that mirror in our universe, not in our Equestria."

Michiru spoke "And I suppose the Michiru you know isn't a fillyfooler."

Mikey spoke "Uh… The Michiru there has a boyfriend known as Zeelo Montes."

Michiru snickers "And I don't think that Shirou has had kids yet with his Luna."

Mikey spoke "My Rarity does have a suspicion that Shirou and Luna are an item."

Luna spoke "Too bad that Luna hasn't had children yet."

Moonlight was tussling with Evening.

Looking at Danyelle, Mikey asks "Wait, why do you look familiar?"

Danyelle spoke "You have me mistaken for a different Danyelle. I'm an immortal nekomata-gryphon-unicorn tribrid."

Mikey said nothing, before falling onto his back.

Dagio spoke "Huh, the Danyelle we know is a Gryphon Beastman."

Danyelle spoke "But unlike her, I have nine kids. Six of which are adopted though."

Ari spoke "Our Danyelle’s husband is named James, and they have one daughter called Selene."

Danyelle spoke "Let me guess, both of them are opinici."

Nata gasps "Whoa! Are you psychic?!"

Danyelle spoke "Lucky guess."

Dagio spoke "Anyway, it’s a good thing we’re here on Halloween, or Nightmare Night as Sunset called it in Equestria, since we brought one of our old friends, who happens to be one of the scariest beings out there."

Ari spoke "Yeah, he can scare people in dark moonlit nights perfectly without even the slightest of effort."

Nata spoke " Trust us! You don’t wanna get on his bad side!"

ENG Dazzlings spoke "Meet Jack Skellington!"

Jack spoke "Hello! I can see there’s a Halloween for this world as well!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey."

I shivered. “They weren’t kidding about you, Jack. Your presence alone is giving me goosebumps!”

Jack spoke "Why, thank you!"

Danyelle spoke "We've got all sorts of crazy around town, ranging from chaotic crazy to annoying crazy."

We then heard a scream from a certain hyena.

Followed by laughing from a pair of cats.

Danyelle spoke "That was the dumbass, Ein...."

Jack spoke "Some things don’t change."

Dagio spoke "Girls, I think we found our one-person package of Lock, Shock and Barrel."

Danyelle growls "Those three idiots?"

Ari spoke "Yeah, but me and my sisters will handle it. *Licks lips* I could use a snack."

Melody was on Nazuna's head for some reason.

Melody spoke "Hi!"

Kelly was on Dagio's head though.

Dagio asks "Huh? Who’s this little cutie?"

Adagio spoke "That's my and Sonia's daughter, Kelly."

Dagio asks "Wait, what?"

Adagio spoke "I'd rather not talk about it."

A purplish beige hedgehog boy was tussling with Harmony.

Dagio spoke "Ooookay…"

Adagio spoke "Sonata shares a male with another siren though, I'm a lesbian and Aria has a hedgehog husband."

Dagio was somehow gone.

Ari spoke "She bolted after you saying that, and besides, we need to catch up with her."

Ari and Nata ran off after their big sister to frighten Ein.

Adagio spoke "CUSS! Kelly was on her head!"

Adagio runs after Dagio to get Kelly back.

Mikey got back up. “Oops! Almost forgot, dudes! Dagio has a dragon beastman boyfriend.”

Aria spoke "Guess mythical Beastmen aren't commonplace..."

Michiru spoke "Nazuna and I are kitsune and tanuki beastmen... Even though we currently look like a siren and earth pony."

Jack asks "Well then, why don’t we explore the town?"

Danyelle spoke "Just watch out for Pinkie, Cheese and the Tri-Pies."

Mikey asks "Tri-Pies?"

Danyelle spoke "Triplet girls named Cherry Pie, Blueberry Pie and Raspberry Pie. The three of them as just as hyper as Pinkie is."

Mikey spoke "Aww!"

Danyelle spoke "As for my kids.... There's Nyx, Bluestar, Thunder, Iris, Guinevere, Irene, Ralph, Stella and Gallus."

Twilight spoke "I've got six kids. Dusk, Daylight, Silverstorm, Akari, Astral and Midnight."

I spoke "I've got three though. Katie, Nightfall and Cozy."

Luna spoke "I've got two, Moonlight Shadow and Evening Tides. Lightning Flash is my eldest son."

Mikey was just speechless as his jaw dropped to the floor.

Via spoke "Gotta admit, that is a lot."

Loona spoke "And I’m Blitz’s daughter only on paper, meaning adopted, even though I was almost eighteen when that happened."

Twilight spoke "Midnight was an accident though."

Mikey asks "Huh?"

Kurama spoke "That was my fault though..."

Mikey was still not getting it. “Uh…”

Jack spoke "Let’s just leave it at that."

Twilight spoke "It is what it is."

Mikey spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah plus a lot of nobles freaked out when the truth about Sonic got out."

Twilight spoke "What a mess that was...."

Then the red coffin opened again, revealing Samedi. “I do apologize for that little kerfuffle.”

Rarity spoke "It's okay though, we should have warned you that Danyelle and Lillian were getting their costumes on first."

Samedi spoke "Thank you. But here is my Nightmare Night gift! The Underworld Coffin! Have you ever wanted to find out where dead bad people go, but want to stay alive for that? Well, ask no more, look no further, go no farther! I managed to convince Hades that it’s important for me to make this specific coffin, and let’s just hope that no one causes any REAL trouble down there, since it’s mostly full of normal trouble."

Danyelle spoke "I do recall a gryphon that is descended from Hades... I think his name was Griff..."

*At the party*

I spoke "Happy Nightmare Night everyone!"

Danyelle spoke "I hope everyone has a great time."

Sonic was talking with Manic.

Sonic spoke "This sure is a fun party."

Manic chuckles "Yeah, especially with Pinkie, Cheese and Samedi around."

Haru had her head in a barrel of apples since she was grabbing one with her teeth.

But then something jumped behind us and roared, jump scaring me and Manic, only revealing to be Jack.

Haru's tail was fluffed up.

holding the apple in one hand, Haru spoke "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

Jack spoke "Sorry about that. I just love a good scare, especially on holidays like this."

Lucy spoke "It's all in good fun though!"

Jack spoke "Precisely!"

Cadence spoke "Yeah but go easy on the kids though, some of them haven't experienced Nightmare Night before."

Jack spoke "My apologies."

Natsu had several apples stuck on his teeth.

As Natsu turned them into baked apples with his fire dsm, Twilight and Danyelle went over to Loona and Via.

Roll was talking with Protoman.

Roll asks "How are you Proto?"

Protoman spoke "I’m doing fine."

Megaman spoke "You seem lonely though..."

Protoman spoke "I said I’m fine."

A female NetNavi asks "You sure about that Proto?"

Protoman was silent.

Roll asks "You seen her before Mega?"

Megaman spoke "Not really."

Hazel spoke "Don't be like that Proto...."

Cadence saw what was going on as she looked at me before we nodded.

Roll spoke "I swear, he's as stubborn as Applejack..."

Applejack spoke "HEY!!!"

Crosswind spoke "Chill out Jackie."

Hazel left in a foul mood.

Cadence spoke "They need help."

Roll spoke "I got an idea...."

Megaman and Roll grab Protoman and threw him at Hazel, causing the male to lose the helmet.

Hazel was on her back in surprise.

Hazel asks "Uh.... You okay?"

Protoman looked back at Megaman and Roll. “Grr…”

A giggling Hazel reaches up and grabs Protoman's face before kissing him on the lips.

Megaman and Roll fist-bumped with each other as they succeeded.

Danyelle giggles "What am I gonna do with you two?"

Cadence giggles "Heehee! Is everyone trying to do my job nowadays?"

Danyelle spoke "It's not that Cadence, NetNavis are made of data though... Minus Megaman and Roll since they're half Mobian half NetNavi..."

Cadence spoke "I didn't know that."

A werewolf NetNavi was laughing at Luna since the mare was covered in melted caramel.

“Huh?” I noticed.

Roll groans "That's Tsuki.... Bass's girlfriend... She's a rare type of NetNavi..."

“Wait, girlfriend?” I asked in surprise.

Danyelle groans "Why must I be a magnet for powerful NetNavi?"

Megaman spoke "Don't give me that look sis...."

Danyelle spoke "I’m not blaming you bro."

Luna spoke "I feel so sticky...."

Tsuki snickered at that.

Bass pulled his girlfriend's tail.

Tsuki yipped with a smiling blush.

Bass spoke "Be nice Tsuki."

Tsuki spoke "Heehee! If you say so, Bassy. *Lustful growling while twirling a finger on Bass’ chest*"

Bass chuckles "Save that for later Tsu-Tsu."

Tsuki playfully pouted. “Aw… I don’t know if I can wait long.”

Bass chuckles "Silly wolfgirl."

The party soon came to an end as folks disperse.

The same triangular portal appeared.

Dagio spoke "Well, we better get going."

Jack spoke "Yes, and good thing that the holiday in this universe was yesterday in our universe."

Danyelle spoke "And for once, we had no interruptions."

*After the guests had left,*

Tsuki spoke "Bassy, there's something I haven't told you yet."

Bass asks "Hmm? What, Tsu-Tsu?"

Tail wagging happily, Tsuki spoke "I'm expecting a child."

That left Bass speechless.

Even the Hikari family was speechless as well.

Danyelle spoke "Guess my crazy family's gonna get bigger."

Ben spoke "Yeah."

End of Book 8

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