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School Raze Part 2

*Sandbar’s POV*

We heard that magic was starting to disappear, and that was definitely NOT good.

Shakir spoke "What are we going to do? I overheard that it's not Cozy's fault though since she had reformed."

Ocellus asks "M-Maybe we can find the seven relics?"

Shakir spoke "Well, Lance's mother has the seventh relic so we have to find the other six."

Wendy spoke "I can't find Natsu or Lucy!"

Beetlo spoke "We’ve gotta do something."

Wendy spoke "Maybe we could check under the school!"

Blaze walks over while carrying her family treasure.

Blaze spoke "Hi kids."

Lance spoke "Uh, mom? We might need that relic."

Blaze asks "Why son?"

Sonata was in hedgehog form since she couldn't switch back to her true form.

Sonata spoke "To be honest, there's four Mobian relics though. Three of which belong to Sonic, Manic and Sonia but since they're missing... we can't find their medallions."

But then we heard a voice that Blaze recognized. “That is because, in order to find the medallions of the three hedgehogs, you must play the song in your heart.”

Lance gasps "Grandma Aleena!"

We saw a female Mobian hedgehog.

Sonata spoke "Hello."

Lance asks "What brings you to the School of Friendship grandma?"

Aleena notices that Lance had Sonic's medallion.

Aleena giggles "Heehee! You have your father’s medallion."

Lance spoke "I sure do!"

Aleena spoke "That’s one of the Mobian relics."

Blaze spoke "I have the Felis family relic though since it originated in the Sol dimension."

*Meanwhile with the Mobian Guard*

*Twilight's POV*

I growl "Out with it Tirek! Is this your doing?"

Tirek scoffs "If I was doing this, would I be in here right now?"

I snarl "Magic is failing everywhere though!"

Stolas spoke "Even Hell is suffering from the magic loss, and I’m having difficulties with magic myself, even with my Grimoire."

Stolas showed us a book.

Rarity spoke "If we don't do something, nocreature will have magic!"

Chameleo: Worse than that, the entire multiverse will be completely stripped of magic or any kind of fighting energy, for good!

Rainbow spoke "Like Silver said... what happens in our era, will also affect the future."

I spoke "And I'd rather not have an angry hawk on my tail if this keeps up!"

A familiar stallion spoke "Guys… I know who’s behind this."

We turned around and saw Obsidian.

Sonic had tumbled out of a portal but something was off about his tail and his back.

Sonic groans "Ugh... what happened?"

Stolas spoke "Oh my! This is quite surprising."

Rainbow Dash asks "Uh… Sonic? *Pointing to her back and tail.*"

Sonic asks "What Skittles?"

Rainbow Dash just facehoofed.

Sonic spoke "Someone get me a mirror!"

Rarity spoke "Here."

I spoke "This might be our answer for getting the magic back!"

Sonic asks "Huh?"

After noticing the wings on his back, Sonic ends up letting out a Royal Voice boosted scream.

The rest of us covered our ears.

Stolas spoke "Ow! That hurts!"

I spoke "That's nothing compared to my roar though but with it blocked, my shouts are about normal."

Sonic groans "I hate this...."

Chameleo spoke "Mind… Blown."

Sonic spoke "I'm so going to have a little "chat" with my mom about this later...."

But then we heard a scream from Manic and Sonia.

Sonic asks "Bro! Sis! What the cuss happened to you?"

We looked at Sonic’s siblings, only for them to be in the same state he’s in.

I spoke "I just remembered an old prophecy! "When Equestria is at its lowest point, the alicorn-hedgehog of the wind shall appear and save everyone!" I thought it was just a old mare's tale but it's true!"

Rarity spoke "I think that prophecy only mentioned one alicorn-hedgehog... not three..."

*Back at the school*

*Sandbar's POV*

Lance spoke "Something feels strange!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah sense it too... It's as though an old forgotten prophecy came true."

Wendy pops her head up out of a air vent on the floor.

Wendy spoke "I found Natsu and Lucy!"

Lance asks "Are they alright?"

Wendy spoke "You might want to see this for yourselves...."

Wendy leads the Young Six along with Lance, Applebloom and Blaze down into the tunnels under the school.

Gallus spoke "I hate small spaces...."

Lance spoke "My dad doesn’t like them either."

Blaze spoke "Sonic's afraid of water... Tails is afraid of lightning..."

Lance spoke "Sorry, mom."

Wendy spoke "Over there!"

Lucy and Natsu were trapped in a sphere of raw magic but neither of them could get out.

Blaze spoke "That is really bad!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah agree!"

Gallus asks "Got any ideas Sandbar?"

I spoke "The relics!"

The Felis family relic along with Sonic's medallion were glowing as the Young Six grab onto their respective nation's relic.

But then green and pink lights showed showed up.

Melody had her dad's medallion and a purplish magenta hedgetiger hybrid had Sonia's medallion.

Lance asks "Huh?"

Melody spoke "Kelly and I will help you out cousin!"

Kelly chuffs since she couldn't talk yet.

Wendy's feathery ears twitch before she started growling.

A stallion screams "GAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

Obsidian crashed onto the ground, before Sombra appeared with a dark laughter.

Pearl Sky shouts "Daddy!"

Sombra laughed maliciously.

Pearl Sky leapt at Sombra, biting the corrupt stallion's leg hard.

Sombra laughs "GAH!!! Why you little-Wait… Hahahahahahahaha! You colossal moron!"

Jake shot fire at Sombra's face.

Jake laughs "How'd you like that, Dark Horse?"

Stitch arrived as well, before Sombra laughed as something started emerging from him.

Chibi-Kari blasted Sombra with light magic.

Sombra spoke "GAH!!! This is not the end. Hahahahahahahaha... My torch has already been passed to another..."

Danyelle pounds Sombra on the head before strangling him.

Danyelle snarls "Who the cuss are you talking about?"

But then Sombra's eyes went blank as he melted into shadows and faded away.

Danyelle spoke "Coward...."

Soon enough, magic was restored to all the realms.

Twilight and the rest of the Pony Guard soon return with the royal hedgehogs.

Stolas spoke "This is so great that everything has been restored. Blitzy called and told me that the jails back in my home realm are in top security."

Sonic spoke "That's not even the half of it."

Sonic unfurled his new wings, revealing them to everyone who hadn't seen yet.

Lance spoke "So that explains why I have wings.... I'm part alicorn!"

I spoke "I didn't see that coming."

Sonic spoke "Clearly someone has been hiding a rather big secret..."

Aleena sighed, knowing it was time to tell the truth.

A few light gray feathers were mixed in with the cobalt blue feathers on Sonic's wings.

Twilight spoke "Luna needs to hear this since I believe that there is some sort of connection between a missing alicorn and her..."

Danyelle spoke "If I'm right... Luna is going to freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luna screams "WHAT THE...!"

Ears flatten, Danyelle spoke "Ow.... Watch the tone Luna...."

Luna then showed up in a teleport.

Sonic spoke "Hey Luna."

But Luna's mouth was just agape in absolute shock.

Rarity drenches Luna.

Luna spat some of the water out in a spit-take as Stolas opened a portal back to Hell.

Stolas spoke "Well, I must be off. Ta-ta for now, my friends!"

Stolas went into the portal with his Grimoire as it closed.

A warp ring opens up before a light gray wolfish alicorn stallion with royal clothes on steps out.

Lightning Flash spoke "It's good to be back where I really belong."

Twilight asks "Uh... You okay Luna?"

Danyelle spoke "Not just her, Aleena is also speechless..."

Chameleo spoke "There's gonna be a LOT of explaining to do."

Danyelle spoke "And several popped ear drums too.... I can't hear anything right now."

Zoey spoke "I agree..."

Jake spoke "Ouch! At least Stitch’s ears will get better faster than us."

Stitch asks "Gaba?"

Sonic spoke "Immortals and demons have faster healing speeds than mortals do."
