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School Daze Part 2

*Danyelle's POV*

I was flying through the school while dragging Mullet by the tail since something was wrong with Papi for some strange reason.

Mullet asks "What is going on with ye?! Didn’t ye tell the captain about draggin’ me here?!"

I spoke "Course I told her already."

Gallus and a few others chuckle at the sight.

But then I saw a spirit that I sensed was originally from Kimihito, go into Mullet. “That must’ve been one of the spirits inside Kimihito.”

Gingerheart calls out "Mullet! Get yer feathered butt over here!"

Mullet spoke "Fine!"

But somehow when Mullet ran over to Gingerheart, he was faster than before!

I think "Woah, he wasn't this fast before..."

My brother showed up. “Why do I have a feeling I know that spirit that went into Mullet too?”

I spoke "Silly NetNavi, you don't have the same memories as the other Megaman."

Megaman spoke "I know, but I can’t help but feel like I have a connection to him."

I spoke "Megaman...."

Megaman spoke "I know. I’m just saying."

I spoke "I know bro."

Roll asks "Mega?"

Megaman asks "Yeah, Roll?"

Megaman soon notices that Roll looked like a NetNavi version of Lauren for some strange reason.

Megaman asks "What the?! What happened to you?"

Roll spoke "I don't know but... You look like a hedgehog/NetNavi mix...."

Megaman gasps "What?!"

“Roll’s right, Mega!” I agreed as Megaman looked like a NetNavi version of Phantom.

Roll purrs "Me likey!"

Megaman stammers "A-Actually, your form just made me fall for you even more, Roll."

Lillian drags a Mobian wolf/NetNavi mix by the tail over to where I was.

I laugh "Guess Protoman's been affected too."

Lillian spoke "But what happened to Mullet? He’s as fast as Sonic now."

I spoke "I'd have to contact either X or the other Megaman."

Roll asks "Zero was it? Do you know?"

Zero spoke "I’ve known some fast reploids, and I have a certain feeling that it’s-"

An ostrich spoke "That’s right, Zero! It’s me, Overdrive Ostrich!"

We saw that Mullet came back with a spirit beside him.

Sonic's left eye twitches since he had felt that his title of Fastest Male Alive was threatened.

“Man… To think that Overdrive Ostrich was one of the spirits in Kimihito, now in Mullet. And I have a bad feeling that Sonic isn’t too glad about this.” I dreaded.

Roll spoke "He feels that his title of fastest male alive is threatened..."

Overdrive Ostrich spoke "Listen, I’m very proud of my speed, but I was once a member of the 7th Airborne Unit of the Maverick Hunters. Unfortunately, after an accident, I lost my ability to fly and retired. I’m a bit insecure when it comes to flying, and I only wanted my abilities to be appreciated."

Twilight spoke "Twiliterasu lost an entire foreleg because of Diavolo...."

Tails was starry eyed as he spoke "Maybe I can help! Mechanics are my specialty."

A voice asks "So you're making a prosthetic leg?"

We turned around and saw Polnareff.

Tails spoke "Not just any normal prosthetic, it's full automail. I heard rumors of it from someone over in the FMA world."

Polnareff spoke "Wait... Wasn't Mr. Joestar's prosthetic left hand like that? It was made by Germans."

Tails spoke "According to what I heard, some short guy with blond hair has an automail arm and leg."

*Meanwhile in the FMA world*

Edward sneezes.

Edward growls "Why do I feel like pounding someone?"

*Back in Equestria*

A voice spoke "Hmm? Joestar? It could be Joseph Joestar!"

The strange figure leapt across with mechanical noises coming from his legs as he started his journey to Ponyville.

Sonic shows up in front of the person.

Sonic asks "Need help?"

The stallion spoke "Nien, hedgehog. I am alright. After all, German science is the greatest in the vorld!"

The figure revealed himself to be an earth pony, but his legs and midsection were mechanical and shaped like dragon arms, midsection and legs.

Sonic scoffs "I trust Tails's inventions more than anything.... Plus that all looks like automail to me."

The stallion gasps "Vhat?!"

Sonic spoke "I heard about it from Tails that there's a dude with an automail arm and leg. Oh, I'm Sonic by the way. I'm one of the three most fastest Mobians there is. The other two are Shadow and Danyelle."

Sonic and the strange pony soon arrived in Ponyville.

Sonic spoke "The big sparkly castle belongs to Princess Twilight and her family. Just as a warning sir, don't piss Twilight off. She's got a savage side hence why many call her the Nine Tailed Terror. there's also a school for all creatures. And try not to insult the chakats... As Blueblood found out the hard way once with Blizzardstar, they don't like being called freaks."

The stallion spoke "Calm down. I already learned not to underestimate anyvone from ze Pillar Men."

Sonic laughs "Oh heavens no! Twilight's not a pillar man, she's just an alicorn with a savage side."

The stallion spoke "I knew vhat you meant, you idiot! Oh nien…"

Sonic growls "Only my sisters can call me an idiot..."

Rudol spoke "Really? Zhat must be very touching."

Sonic spoke "Then again, my brother's a tacobrain that married a pair of taco loving sirens."

Rudol asks "Zhat makes three tacos, don’t you think?"

Sonic chuckles "Aria called me a chilidogbrain. Only she and Blaze can call me that. Oh and do not mention ladybugs and quesadillas near Twilight, she will freak the cuss out and be up on the ceiling for three hours."

Rudol spoke "A fear of a kind of bug und food? Zhat is absolutely ridiculous!"

Sonic spoke "Well, it's true..."

The pony facepalmed himself before a warp ring appeared, revealing Joseph. “Huh? Stroheim, is that you?”

Stroheim spoke "Hmm? Jojo, it seems you’ve grown into an old man."

Joseph spoke "Well, it has been over fifty years."

Stroheim gasps "Vhat?!"

A sudden Chaos Blast had sent a random robot flying.

Sonic groans "That was Shadow..."

Stroheim spoke "Zhat vas certainly impressive."

Sonic chuckles "Shadow's got a weak spot but only his wife and children can touch it though."

Stroheim spoke "Somehow, I’m not surprised."

But then Stroheim saw something that made him freeze.

Stroheim gasps "N-No! It can’t be! How is Wamuu here?! And in broad daylight?! Don’t tell me he used ze stone and mask!"

Twilight was shouting Chronile's name while avoiding Sumarda.

Sonic spoke "Oh, you mean that horned diamond dog? He’s not a bad guy. He’s only like this because of that permanent sun-protection spell that was casted on him."

I spoke "That was courtesy of Twiliterasu herself."

The godly alicorn was sleeping on a large pillow.

Stroheim spoke "But…"

Joseph chuckles "Haha. Don’t worry yourself, Stroheim. I can see he really has changed for the better while still being a warrior, and he’s caught the eye of a young lady."

Breakfang spoke "That would be Rachel, she's a puphood friend of mine."

Joseph spoke "And airbending only made Wamuu’s wind form more stronger."

Breakfang giggles "Diamond Dogs are earthbenders by default since we prefer to be underground."

Joseph chuckles "Hehehe. Well, Wamuu isn’t a normal diamond dog."

Sonic chuckles "Dany's biological brother's made of pure data."

Joseph spoke "Yeah, we know. And I heard from Danyelle that Megaman became part hedgehog."

I hiss "You didn't hear it from me though! That was my brother's wife!"

Purple thorny vines appeared out of Joseph’s right arm. “Hermit Purple told me with his spirit photography. It took three pictures that showed me of what happened to Megaman, Roll and Protoman.”

I took the photos and saw that those forms on them were exactly like how my younger brother, Roll and Protoman were right now.

I spoke "This doesn't look like cross fusion or double soul...."

Sonic asks "Is this... Perma-Soul?"

Joseph asks "What? What was that?"

I spoke "It's kind of like cross fusion but it blends factors of two different people together... Daring Fire and Violet Rain are two such examples."

Chameleo then showed up. “Like the fusion dance and Potara fusion, right?”

I spoke "Not exactly, you can't split a perma-fusion apart."

I soon burp up a letter from Master Hand, indicating that two more fighters had been chosen but my face had paled at one of the two names.

I spoke "Sonic, you might want to read this...."

I hand the letter to Sonic.

Sonic spoke with fear in his voice. "You’ve gotta be kidding me!"

I spoke "We can't go against what Master Hand chooses..."

Sonic spoke "Well, let’s just hope their powers will be held back."

I spoke "Aside from Twiliterasu, Master Hand and Crazy Hand... Athena and Vetur are two of the god-tier fighters.... We low-tier Smashers don't stand a chance..."

Sonic asks "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! I can’t believe I’m saying this again, but slow down! We’ve beaten Tabuu, Galeem and Dharkon, right?"

I spoke "I know bro but Vetur's unbound form is trouble for the rest..."

Sonic spoke "But I’m guess that only a thousand pounds for her unbound form will be the limit until she gets that Smash Ball to do her final smash, which I’m guessing is her maximum limit of her unbound form. I mean, it’ll deal a lot of damage, but it’s not like it’s an instant-kill."

I laugh "Besides, I ended Tabuu with the Wuxi Finger Hold then struck down Galeem and Dharkon with the Kamehameha."

Sonic chuckles "Still can’t get over how way-past-cool that was!"

I giggle "I know, I saved everyone that day."

Arcana then showed up. “Hahaha… Those daughters of mine. I don’t think they’ll ever change.”

I spoke "At least Celestia and Luna are better behaved."

Leilani then showed up. “Oh, I don’t think so. They can have disputes like that too. You didn’t hear about when Starlight was summoned to Canterlot Castle?”

I spoke "Uh... That was my fault...."

Leilani asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "stupid magic surge...."

Leilani asks "*eerily calm* What happened?"

Roll growls "Leave my sister in law alone, her magic is unstable at times..."

But then Roll felt something from Leilani that made her back off.

Light Breeze snaps "Grandma... SIT GIRL!!!!"

Leilani yelps "GAH!!!"

Leilani found herself on the floor, much to me and the others' surprise.

Light Breeze spoke "Ever since that fight between her and Arcana not long ago, I had to put those beads on them that would respond to mine and Yui's voices alone."

I spoke "Smart thinking, last thing anyone wants is another rampaging alicorn."

Arcana was giggling.

Light Breeze spoke "Or another rampaging draconequus for that matter. Arcana... SIT GIRL!!!!"

But it didn't work since the necklace that Arcana wore was keyed to Yui's voice alone.

Yui spoke "Grandma.... SIT!"

Arcana yelps "GAH!!!"

Arcana fell to the ground face-first.

Twilight spoke "I'd hate to be snout down and flank up.... Last time it happened, I was in my kyubi form.... Basically, face down and flank up in the air...."

I spoke "Shining would definitely laugh at that, but I don't know how Flash will react to that though."

Twilight growls "don't make me roast you Danyelle."

I growl "Don't make me use the word on you Sparkle Butt."

Ben spoke "Danyelle..."

I spoke "Kids, go dogpile your dad."

Nyx, Iris, Bluestar, Thunder, Guinevere, Irene, Ralph and Stella tackle Ben before tickling him.

Gallus chuckles "Hahaha. That's actually kinda fun to watch. But what the hey? Maybe I'll join in too."

I giggle as Bluestar pounces on her brother and tickles him.

Yui spoke "I hate to see how grandpa's parents behave..."

Gallus playfully laughs "Hey! Oh, you're gonna get it now!"

Gallus started tickling Bluestar with his talons, wing feathers and tail fur, making her laugh uncontrollably.

Gallus asks "Give up yet?"

Bluestar laughs "N-Never!"

Gallus asks "Really? Then what about this?"

Gallus made his tail tickle Bluestar right on her belly button, making her go into a total laughing fit.

Bluestar laughs "NO-HOHOHOHO!!! NOT THERE-HAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay! I yield! I yield!"

Gallus spoke "Thought so."

Gallus stopped the tickle-torture as Bluestar calmed down.

But the young hen got back at her brother by aiming her wingtips at his stomach.

"Somehow, I really think you don't wanna know." I agreed.


Tails chuckles "You can't win against me though."

Big mistake on his part, as I lunged at Tails and started to relentlessly tickle my adopted brother, as he started laughing.

But Tails had used his namesakes to tickle me in the armpits, making me laugh like crazy.

"No-o-o-ot this ti-i-i-ime! I'm... Hahahahaha! taking you down... Hahahaha! with me!" I declared as I used my own tails and started tickling Tails' feet, making him laugh as crazy as I am.

Tails had grabbed my feet. BIG mistake on his end as I had sucker punched him through a wall.

I growl "I hate having my feet touched!"

Tails spoke "You started it."

"Miles..." I growled.

Inari spoke "You should have known better than to touch Danyelle's feet."

Ben spoke "Sit girl!"

I yelped as I found myself face down on the ground and my butt up in the air.

Sonic spoke "*sigh* I forgot to mention this before... About 7 or 8 Christmases ago, someone had her by her right ankle... She couldn't use her hands since she couldn't reach so she used her left foot and slapped them on the wrist. It's why nobody can touch her feet...."

Twilight spoke "And right now at this moment, she ended up just like I did."

I groan "Oh shut up and sit...."

Twilight fell to the ground in the same position she was before and I'm in now, with her face down and flank up, just as Flash Sentry showed up.

A sudden Pomf was heard as Flash Sentry's wings shot up on end.

But then Twilight sneezed, as Viper was suddenly here as a female Inteleon in her colors, before Chameleo saw her and blasted off like a rocket by his own nosebleed geysers.

Several Pegasus, gryphon and hippogriff wings had shot up on end from embarrassment.

I spoke "I think that form is permanent...."

But then the multitrix symbol appeared on Viper's chest. "I don't think so." Viper noticed as she pressed the button, reverting back to normal into her dragon form.

Multitrix spoke "Inteleon Transformation is now available."

But due to the magic surge's effects, the Inteleon form was in fact a permanent form.

Viper asks "Chameleo?"

A voice screams "AAAAHH!!!"

Someone fell onto the ground, with someone familiar there.

I hiss "What the cuss was that?"

We looked and saw a Greninja before it transformed back into a familiar Inteleon. “What was that all about?”

I spoke "I think that's the Chameleo from my world..."

Leon asks "Wait… Since when could I talk and transform into a Greninja?"

I spoke "Hey Leon."

Leon asks "Danyelle? What’s going on? And why am I seeing… another me?"

I spoke "That Chameleo's from a different universe."

Leon asks "Uh… okay. But where’s-?"

Vipera spoke "Right here, sweetie."

Leon had the exact same reaction that Chameleo had.

Raptor and Soulfire showed up.

Raptor groans "Good grief."

Soulfire spoke "You’re telling me."

Michelle giggles "Can't catch me Raptoris!"

Raptoris laughs "Hahaha! Bad move saying that, Michelle!"

Raptoris tackled and pinned Michelle.

Raptoris laughs "Because I’m the fastest Changeling there is!"

Michelle reached her head up to kiss Raptoris on the lips.

Raptoris returned the kiss, before the two love bugs started making out with each other passionately.

“So, when are you gonna start having kids?” I quipped, making the two changelings blush madly.

Michelle stammers "Q-queen Danyelle....."

Raptoris stutters "We… Uh… We really don’t have kids yet…"

Michelle spoke "Well... We have one on the way..."

“And how did that happen?” I asked, intrigued.

Michelle spoke "What happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom."
