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Trouble in Abyssinia

*Melira's POV*

A young kitten was on my back since I was now a mother to a beautiful girl named Bree.

Bree meowed.

I spoke "I love you too Bree."

Then Capper showed up. “Hey, Sweetie Kitty.”

Danyelle spoke "Good timing Capper, Melira and I got called to Abyssinia for a friendship mission."

Capper asks "Say what now?"

I spoke "It's true Capper dear. Technically it'd be Pinkie, Trixie, Fluttershy and Discord going with you but the map called me and Danyelle instead."

Capper asks "Oh, should I look after the little kitty while you’re away?"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Capper, this concerns you too since I have a feeling that someone you know is there."

Capper asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle asks "Does the name Chummer ring any bells?"

Capper was starting to panic so Danyelle pulled his tail with magic.

Danyelle spoke "Calm down."

Bree mewls at her dad.

I spoke "We have to do this Capper..."

Capper spoke "Alright, Sweetie."

Bree meows.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not bringing the Diamond Dogs with me, it's a cat versus dog thing you know."

“Smart choice.” I agreed.

Danyelle uses a warp ring to get to the Abyssinian kingdom.

Hiding her wings with magic, Danyelle asks "Where do we go from here Capper?"

A gray cat asks "Capper? That you, buddy?"

Bree mewls in confusion just before Danyelle started hissing since she sensed trouble approaching.

Capper asks "Hold on… Why does that voice sound real familiar?"

Danyelle spoke "Uh toms, we got trouble heading this way...."

Danyelle quickly teleports with the four to a safer place.

I ask "Guess this is a bad time to ask but what the meow happened to the kingdom Chummer?"

Chummer spoke "It’s hard to explain."

Danyelle spoke "My guess that somecat's gone mad with power..."

Chummer spoke "The old king just for some reason, blew up in an explosion, coming from inside him!"

Danyelle spoke "That's kind of the same way Blaze and Lune's dad went.... It was NOT a pretty sight..."

Chummer spoke "But no one knows who the new king is, because he never reveals himself."

Danyelle growls "Guess he's too chicken to face an Alpha-Queen..."

A she-cat spoke "No, he knows it would cause unwanted attention."

We looked behind us to see five more Abyssinians, which Capper recognized.

Capper spoke "Guys! You’re all here!"

Kikyo spoke via hivemind "Alpha-Queen Danyelle, you and the others aren't gonna like this but Rocky just said that the current king's name is Kira!"

Danyelle spoke back via hivemind "Oh damn, I better get in touch with Josuke."

Kikyo spoke via hivemind "You do that while Tex, Rocky and I keep an eye on this jerk."

Danyelle spoke via hivemind "Good idea Kikyo."

*After the connection was closed,*

Danyelle spoke "I'm calling in an ally since I think the one in charge was the same prick that had killed Reimi once."

I spoke "Good idea, many of us Abyssinians don't have powers though."

Danyelle shouts via telepathy "JOSUKE!!! I FOUND OUT THE NAME OF REIMI'S KILLER!!!! IT'S YOSHIKAGE KIRA!!!!"

Josuke shouts "WHAT?! He’s back! That little! Don’t go anywhere! I’m on my way!"

Shady gasps "W-What? K-*Closes her mouth with her paws*"

Chummer spoke "Shh! we can't say his name out loud until backup arrives."

But then I saw a stand with a dark aura appear!

We all attacked him, but missed!

Yoshikage laughs "Hahahahaha! Nice try! But you’re too late! Killer Queen’s third bomb, Bites the Dust, is already activated, which means he’s already in your pupils if you saw him."

*Shady’s POV*

No! Not again! We all heard a click, and all of my friends and allies exploded, dying on the spot!

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” I screamed as I fell through time and space, going back one hour, seeing Killer Queen on me! This is the second time this happened!

I decided to try something, so I telepathically called Capper. “Capper! Can you, Danyelle and Melira hear me?

Holding onto Melira and Capper, Danyelle spoke via telepathy "Yeah! We can hear you! We got saved by Dialga and Palkia just before we got blown up!"

That must mean that you have the memories from the last timeline!” I telepathically realized before I encountered him. Yoshikage Kira!

Yoshikage chuckles "Oh, hello. How is my protective bomb doing?"

A fiery Chaos Spear hits Yoshikage.

Danyelle spoke "MURDERER!!!!"

Several of the Abyssinians soon turn against Yoshikage once they heard what Danyelle said.

Kira spoke "Damn! I need to deactivate Bites the Dust in order to defend myself! Deadly Queen!"

Deadly Queen then appeared, as I realized that I just saved everyone by beating fate!

Fire swirling around her, Danyelle snarls "Everycat here doesn't want a murderer as their leader... Given that it was YOU that killed Reimi!"

But then Deadly Queen grabbed Bree as the stand prepared to press the detonator!

“Oh no! If he uses Bites the Dust, everyone here except that kitten will die!” I dreaded.

Kira: I’ve reached my limit with you all! Time to die!

Melira growls "If you think you can weasel your way out of this mess you caused, Danyelle can call the Zone Cops on your sorry tail!"

But then Kira’s right hand fell to the ground, as we saw Koichi having arrived with his stand, Reverb Act 3!

Reverb Act 3 spoke "Act 3; 3 Freeze successful. The target is now within the 5 meter range! S H I T!"

Kira struggled to lift his hand. “Release me, you insignificant pest!”

A now pissed off Chummer leaps at Yoshikage with claws on fire.

Chummer slashes the detonator in half with Fire Claws.

Chummer growls "Nocreature threatens my best friend's daughter and gets away with it!"

Kira spoke "I’ll use that detonator, and Bite the Dust will blow you all to kingdom come… Then I can live my days in peace and quiet."

I couldn’t take it anymore as I roared before I felt stronger.

Danyelle drops the invisibility spell on her wings, causing me and the others to gasp in shock.

Max spoke "We no listen to murderer! We follow winged cat now! She treats others as equals!"

Danyelle started stomping a foot as she sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXGbhniTBrU as the other Abyssinians join in.

Josuke spoke "Heh! Looks like you have nowhere to run now!"

Yoshikage stammers "N-No… This has to be a nightmare… Such an occurrence would only happen in a dream…"

A roar rang loud since Twirama was heard approaching.

Danyelle growls "There's no redemption for a murderer like you!"

Twirama was carrying Reimi on her back.

Reimi growls "Did you really think we’d let you get away with it, Yoshikage Kira?"

But then we heard canine growls as Arnold jumped up from below and grabbed Kira’s wrist with his fangs and mouth.

Reimi spoke "Yeah, that’s it! Good boy, Arnold!"

Arnold twisted around, tearing Kira’s hand off as fire burned up below him with hands grabbing the murderer.

Kira spoke "What are these putrid things?! Deadly Queen! Make whatever this thing is explode!"

But when the hands grabbed Deadly Queen, Kira and his stand shattered to pieces.

Kira spoke "No! Not again! This can’t be happening! Reimi! Where are they taking me?! What’re they gonna do to me?! REIMI!!!"

Reimi spoke "Who knows? Although, I doubt you’ll live in peace and tranquility."

Kira screamed as he was dragged straight into hell!

Twirama spoke "Good riddance! I'd hate to see what would happen if that jerk had made his way to Ponyville."

Josuke spoke "You bet. And hopefully that's the last we'll see of him!"

Twirama spoke "At least we can close this case for good."

Danyelle spoke "But now that he's gone, Abyssinia is without a leader."

"Yeah... That's a problem." I agreed.

Danyelle spoke "It can't be me though, my place is in Ponyville with my friends and family plus my team needs me. I can't just up and leave them."

Twirama spoke "Danyelle may have rallied the cats together but there is another that can be a better leader. A responsible leader, one that listens to the needs of her subjects."

Danyelle spoke "Shady, you are to be the new queen of Abyssinia."

I... I couldn't believe it. I was the new queen of Abyssinia! But then Chummer walked up to me with a strange blush.

Danyelle spoke "Plus every good leader needs a partner to help them out."

Twirama nodded in agreement since she understood what Danyelle meant.

Danyelle bumped into me while Twirama bumped into Chummer, causing the two of us to lock lips. I... I... I couldn't describe the joy and happiness I felt...

Melira was giggling.

Vetur then showed up while me and the love of my life didn't stop our moment for a single second.

Twirama bops Vetur on the head with a tail.

Vetur spoke "Hey, I was only going to ask if I needed to clear the area because, you know. *Pointing to me and Chummer*"

Chummer picked me up and carried me off to a bedroom in the castle which was still standing.

“Chummer…” I purred.

Chummer purred "Shady…"

The two of us became lost to lust, love, bliss and pleasure as our world became covered in a pink haze.

Capper chuckles "Guess Chummer didn't need any help from a certain pink alicorn."

Melira giggles "Heehee! Yeah."

Danyelle then noticed something. “A grimoire?”

Twilight asks "Got any ideas Josuke?"

Josuke spoke "Hey. I’m not an expert on spooky mumbo-jumbo stuff. It gives me the willies."

Twilight spoke "Same...."

Danyelle spoke "Well, it looks like that problem's been solved."
