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Truth Revealed/Rest and Relaxation

*Sonic's POV*

"You wanna run that by me again?" I ask.

Lightning Flash spoke "Well uh..."

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

Blaze asks "You okay Sonic?"

“I… I don’t know.” I answered, not sure how I was supposed to feel about this.

Danyelle spoke "You're probably confused..."

“Probably?” I sarcastically asked.

Danyelle wingslaps me upside the back of the head.

“Sorry.” I apologized.

Lightning spoke "Least you know where you got your speed from."

Danyelle asks "Uh Luna?"

Luna stammers "Y-Yes?"

Danyelle spoke "You seem kinda out of it..."

Luna spoke "I-I’m sorry. It’s just that I never expected…"

Lightning spoke "Oh hi mother."

Earmuffs appeared on me in the others as we counted down on Luna’s freak out.

Danyelle spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luna was soon screaming.

Danyelle spoke "I think someone better tell Shirou..."

Shirou spoke "No need."

We turned around and saw Shirou.

Shirou spoke "I heard that scream all the way to the castle."

Danyelle spoke "You might want to have a look at Sonic...."

Michiru sighs "Freaked out wolf in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Shirou was soon screaming.

Chameleo spoke "Okay, this is starting to get old."

Danyelle wingslaps both royals to shut them up.

Chameleo spoke "Good call."

Danyelle spoke "Like I always say..."

Nazuna, Treble, Operetta, Sonata, Adagio and Aria spoke "Slap in the face would be humiliating.... Back of the head's a wake up call..."

Chameleo chuckles "Hahaha! Yep."

I spoke "It's funny whenever Knuckles gets the headslap."

Raptor spoke "I don’t doubt that."

Soulfire spoke "Hehehe. True."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe that stupid hyena needs a headslap."

Aphmau spoke "I don’t think one will be enough."

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter from the Twilight of Chameleo's world which had hit Raptor in the face.

Raptor spoke "I really should be used to that by now."

Twilight spoke "Seems like your Rainbow is wanting something...."

Raptor asks "Huh?"

Raptor grabbed the letter and read it, before he froze as it fell from his claws.

Rainbow's wings had shot up from embarrassment.

Rainbow asks "Let me guess, she's in heat?"

Chameleo summoned a portal back to his Equus before throwing Raptor straight into it.

Danyelle spoke "Guess that answers your question Skittles."

Rainbow spoke "Oh shut up fuzzball..."

Soulfire chuckles "Hahaha! Man… if this turns out how I think it is, just like Chameleo and Viper, it’ll be for ten whole days."

Chameleo scoffs "Dude… Seriously?"

Danyelle giggles "Add Sumarda's magic into that mix... and who knows what can happen!"

Sumarda then appeared. “Unless they ask me to, I stay out of heat business. But I usually add my magic into the mix when they’re having real fun when not in heat, especially when the female’s pregnant. Besides, I only do that if I’m around the area and hear them.”

Chibi-Kari spoke "Yip yip, woof. {True there, but you didn't interfere back when Akari was born.}"

Sumarda spoke "That’s because me and my friends were busy helping rebuild our home from the Fat War."

Twilight spoke "She's got a point though, I didn't even know you back then."

Sumarda spoke "Like I said, I was busy."

I spoke "Anyways..... someone should teach me how to fly...."

Rainbow spoke "Obviously, that would be me, since speed is both of our games."

I chuckle "You sure about that Skittles, you could lose your title as the fastest flyer."

Rainbow spoke "Oh! It’s on!"

Despite having no prior flying knowledge, I took off flying like a rocket.


Rainbow yells "Why you!!!"

Rainbow flew off after me, becoming just as fast as me.

Twilight spoke "It's just like when Spike got his wings."

Chameleo asks "You’re telling me. Wait… What day’s today?"

Danyelle spoke "October 26th..."

Chameleo spoke "Oh. Better head back and get ready for the spooky holiday."

Soulfire spoke Same here."

Chameleo opened a portal back to his universe as he and Soulfire went into it, before the portal closed.

Twilight spoke "As should the rest of us!"

Danyelle spoke "Oi Skittles! I think Bold was calling you!"

Rainbow spoke "Don’t worry, Bold! Mama’s coming!"

I chuckle "He is such a mama's boy."

Twilight spoke "Hey, Dash is loyal to her friends and family."

I spoke "And as thick headed as I am since you could say that I'm her Mobian counterpart."

Twilight spoke "Touché."

Celestia spoke "Twilight, there's something I have to tell you."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Celestia spoke "Even though Light Breeze is next in line to succeed me, I'm planning to retire soon."

Twilight gasps "What?!"

Celestia spoke "I don't think I can put Ivory as next in line since she's not old enough yet. And I know Luna would say the same about Moonlight and Evening."

Danyelle spoke "With Nightmare Night coming up in a few days, I'm planning on hosting a town wide party. And before Pinkie asks, I will need her help to it all set up."

Pinkie spoke "YIPPEE!!!"

Danyelle spoke "cuss, Cheese can help too."


Danyelle teleports out the bear hug since she didn't want her bones crushed.

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Pinkie, I don't like having my ribs crushed."

Pinkie spoke "Oopsie. Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "It's okay. Oh, hello Starswirl."

Kelly was on Adagio's head.

Twilight spoke "Hopefully things turn out well."

I spoke "There's a lot of alicorns though."

Lightning spoke "Actually, there's something I need to tell."

Twilight asks "Well?"

Lightning spoke "Especially to Sonic."

I spoke "Well, spit it out."

Lightning breathed in and out, preparing himself for the worst to come.

I scoff "I'm not getting any younger ya know?"

But then to my surprise, Lightning hugged me.

Sonata asks "Can someone explain what the cuss is going on?"

Lightning spoke "Sonic… It’s been a long time… Son."

Luna fainted.

Blaze asks "What the heck?!?"

Blaze faints as well.

Aleena blushed, confirming it.

Lillian spoke "I don't get it..."

Aleena spoke "Lightning is my husband."

Lillian spoke "Then that means..... Sonic is Luna's grandson!!"

Mind… Blown…

Blaze asks "Would Sonic outlive me?"

Lightning spoke "You’ll live as long as my son, Blaze."

Blaze spoke "But I'm not immortal... Plus Lance is partial immortal."

I spoke "I'll be right back...."

I teleported into the DBZ world to talk to Goku.

Blaze spoke "My mom's mortal though... same with my brother, niece and nephew though."

Twilight asks "But it’s not like a wish-granting being can make people immortal, right?"

Danyelle spoke "Think back Twilight... Many unicorns had panicked when they suddenly got wings, Pegasi freaked out when they had grown horns and Earth ponies were scared since they had gotten both wings and horn..."

Twilight gasps "Wait… You’re not saying that…!"


Danyelle spoke "Faust damn it Shenron!"

All six of the Pony Guard along with the Crusaders and even Danyelle and here family started glowing.

Danyelle spoke "I don't look any different...."

Twilight spoke "Uh… I think it’s Blaze."

Danyelle spoke "Not just her! The Pony Guard and Mobian Guard plus their families are immortal now!"

Twilight shouts "WHAT?!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Whoa whoa whoa! I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but slow down!"

Danyelle spoke "I think Sonic was scared of outliving Blaze since he's half immortal though...."

A jack-o lantern-shaped leaf floated through the air.

Twilight spoke "Then the same must’ve been said for us, his friends and family!"

Lillian asks "But what about everyone else that Pinkie is friends with?"

Danyelle spoke Hopefully, they’re not affected."

Lillian spoke "Worst case scenario, everycreature ends up immortal...."

I returned just in time. “I made sure that didn’t happen.”

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, you idiot!"

“What?” I asked.

Danyelle shoves a scroll from Gilda in my face.

Danyelle spoke "Gilda's pissed off since she's unable to age!"

“Oooookay… Maybe that was a bit much.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "But it's also affected my family, Tails's family, Knuckles's family, Blaze's family, the ENTIRE Apple AND Pear family, my Diamond Dogs, my Changelings, Lillian's family, Twilight's family, Rarity's family, Pinkie's family, Fluttershy's family, Rainbow's family, Skystar's family.... Even some of the chakats got affected too!"

“Okay! I didn’t mean for that to happen!” I tried to explain.

Danyelle spoke "What's done is done and...."

Danyelle's ears perk up suddenly.

Rarity asks "What is that sound?"

A coffin suddenly appeared.

Toto was squawking in a panic.

But then the coffin stood upright and opened, revealing a Mobian fox in purple clothes, and having black and white face/body paint.

The fox spoke "Hello!"

I ask "Who are you?"

Twilight and Danyelle were both growling.

The fox spoke "Oh? Stolas hasn’t told you about me? The name is Baron Samedi, but you can call me Samedi. I’m still surprised Barbie didn’t tell Blitzo about me yet, but that’s not why I’m here."

Humbert asks "Is this about the immortality thing?"

Samedi spoke "My! You’re a sharp one! Yes! Past this coffin will be the party of a lifetime! Even death can be the life of a party!"

Danyelle had Pinkie and Cheese restrained with magic.

Samedi spoke "And I see that we have some real die-hard party-makers! The more the merrier! And who knows? Maybe you’ll meet familiar faces."

Danyelle snarls "NOT INTERESTED!!"

Samedi asks "Oh come on. Even if it meant seeing her again?"

Danyelle froze at that.

Ben spoke "SIT GIRL!"

Danyelle was soon face down on the floor.

Megaman spoke "Wait… You don’t mean…"

Samedi spoke "Yes, I do."

I spoke "Sorry but we have other things to do though."

Samedi spoke "Well, my door is always open, my friends!"

Samedi went back into the coffin before it sank down into the ground.

Zoey spoke "Strange guy..."
