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Hearths Warming Club

*Lillian's POV*

The Tokyo Five plus their families were helping Twilight prepare for the holidays.

Twilight spoke "Thanks for helping me out girls."

Dren spoke "And guys too, don't forget."

Twilight spoke "I know."

Danyelle was back on Mobius with her family, adopted siblings and her hive-pack since Queen Haruka had invited them over for the holidays.

Gallus was with his adopted family.

Zoey spoke "To be honest, I'm glad Nyx can be in non magical worlds now."

Twilight spoke "I’m sure everyone would agree with that."

Dren spoke "Aside from Zoey's parents, there's nobody waiting for me at home..."

Twilight asks "Wait… What?"

Dren spoke "My parents died when I was 6.... Nasty rockslide...."

Twilight spoke "I… I’m really sorry to hear that."

Zoey spoke "He doesn't like talking about his parents much."

Silverstorm was tussling with Dusk and Daylight.

Silverstorm laughs "I got you! You’re gonna be it soon!"

Dusk spoke "no way! You can't catch me fuzzball!"

Daylight spoke "Come and get us, birdie!"

Corina spoke "That's my nickname but only Jet can call me that."

Twilight spoke "They’re just playing, Corina."

Akari had pounced on Dusk from behind.

Akari giggles "Gotcha!"

Astral pounces on Akari.

Astral spoke "Pinned ya sis!"

Midnight pinned both of his siblings with two of his fingers. “Hahahaha! And I pinned you two.”

Akari spoke "No fair Midnight! You're bigger than we are!"

Midnight lifted his fingers, letting them go.

Akari and her siblings gang up on Midnight, tickling him.

Midnight: And you were saying I wasn’t playing fair!

Twilight spoke "Midnight, be careful when rough housing with your siblings. They are smaller than you."

Midnight spoke "I know, mom. And I was only playing with the others lightly."

Twilight spoke "Just mind your strength then."

Midnight spoke "Okay."

Midnight's ears twitch suddenly before he started growling.

Twilight transformed into Twirama. “Trouble?”

Corina spoke "Someone sabotaged the Flame of Friendship!"

Twirama gasps "WHAT?!"

Corina spoke "We have to figure out who did it."

Zoey spoke "Gallus aside, we can't rule the Young Six out since it could have been one of them."

Corina spoke "Think about it Zoey, four of the Young Six have wings though..."

Zoey spoke "But I haven't seen the midget in the last 30 minutes though."

Renee spoke "I just want to go home though!"

Bridget spoke "None of us are leaving until someone confesses."

A voice spoke "Man… What a drag."

We turned around and saw a laidback male Gengar, who looked bored.

Zoey was suddenly up on the ceiling with her tail fluffed out and wings stiff as boards.

Corina spoke "Jeeze.... You scared Zoey...."

The Gengar scoffs "Seriously? Just like that? What a drag."

Renee spoke "Zoey doesn't like ghosts... as well as ghost type Pokemon..."

A female spoke "Really? Now that’s just embarrassing."

We turned around and saw a brash Baile-Style female Oricorio with her wings crossed.

Zoey spoke "I c-can't h-help it...."

The female asks "Even this?"

The oricorio drank some purple nectar and went into Sensu style.

Corina asks "Do you want an angry cat on your tailfeathers?"

The Gengar sighs "That would be such a drag. Come on, Temorio."

Temorio spoke "Fine, Gengamaru."

The two ghost Pokémon left.

Zoey spoke "Let's never speak of this again.... I'd rather not have Natsu and Gajeel laughing at me."

Bridget spoke "At least they didn’t mean to be scary."

Zoey spoke "I can't help it though Bridget.... I've been scared of ghosts since I was Yuka's age...."

Silverstream spoke "Trust us, you don’t wanna know what Reimi and Arnold were when we first met her."

Sandbar spoke "Knock it off Silverstream, you're scaring Professor Zoey..."

Silverstream spoke "Sorry."

Twilight, Sandbar, Silverstream, Smolder, Salma, Shakir, Yona, Ocellus, Zoey, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee, Gadget, Tarb, Sardon and Dren are all standing around the messy tree.

Twilight asks “So, who broke it?”

Everyone murmurs.

Twilight spoke “I'm not mad, I just want to know.”

Silverstream spoke “I did it. I broke it.”

Twilight asks “No, no you didn't. Sandbar?”

Sandbar spoke “Don't look at me. Look at Smolder.”

Smolder spoke “What!? I didn't break it!”

Corina asks “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”

Bridget spoke “Because it's sitting right in front of us. And it's broken.”

Ocellus spoke “Hmm, suspicious.”

Yona spoke “No, it's not!”

Renee spoke “If it matters, probably not, but Kiki was the last one near it.”

Kiki spoke “Liar! I wasn’t near it!”

Tarb asks “Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the tree earlier?”

Zoey spoke “I use the trunk to sharpen my claws. Everyone knows that, Midget!”

Gadget spoke “Let's not fight. I broke it. Let me fix it, Twilight.”

Twilight growls “No! Who broke it?”

Salma spoke “Twilight... Sardon's been awfully quiet.”

Sardon scoffs “Really!?”

Shakir spoke “Yeah, really.”

Sardon spoke “Oh my god!”

Everyone starts arguing.

Dren thinks “I did it, I wanted to prank the others since I didn’t want to be alone for the holidays.

One dragon spoke "Hehehe. This is quite the heated argument."

The other dragon spoke "Heehee. I wonder what it’s about."

We turned around and saw two dragons, a male and female, and they looked like they could draw in crowds of them. But the male dragon looked real familiar.

Zoey was still up on the ceiling.

Chameleo then showed up from a portal. “Hinako, Sirenopus, what’re you two doing here?”

Twilight spoke "Don't look at me, the school's closed for the holidays."

Sirenopus spoke "Oh, just taking a bit of a tour of another universe."

Hinako asks "Yes, can you really blame us for being curious?"

Corina giggles "Curious as a cat huh?"

Sirenopus and Hinako spoke "Guilty."

Chameleo just facepalmed.

Zoey got her claws out of the ceiling.

Zoey asks "So Twilight, have you figured out who caused this to happen?"

Twilight sighs "No."

Dren spoke "Ugh... I admit it, I did it!"

We were all confused, while Hinako and Sirenopus were intrigued of what he had to say.

Zoey asks "D-Dren? But why?"

Dren spoke "No offense Kitten but I want to spend the holidays with my friends as well as you and your parents..."

Zoey spoke "Dren…"

Dren spoke "I'm sorry Kitten..."

Zoey gently grabbed Dren’s cheeks.

Dren spoke "Love you Kitten."

Twilight spoke "Come on everyone! Let's sing a song together!"

Twilight started singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSu6XO7caU as others join in.

Dren held Zoey close while singing with the others.

Danyelle and her family along with the hive-pack sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSu6XO7caU as well.

I spoke "Hey guys, happy Hearths Warming!"

Tempest spoke "Happy Hearths warming, Lills."

Katie was soon on my back.

Katie spoke "Mommy!"

Katie hugged me as I hugged my little girl back.

Tempest hugs me as well.

I hugged both my husband and my daughter.

Soon enough, Cozy and Nightfall were on my back.

Nightfall giggles "Hey mom."

I giggled. "Know where Nyx is?"

Cozy spoke "I think she's with her family."
