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School Raze Part 1

*Lillian's POV*

Danyelle was shaking since she had seen something in her vision.

“Something bad?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Magic is going to fail in three days..."

Twilight shouts "WHAT?!"

Cozy spoke "Don't look at me."

“We know it’s not you, sweetie.” I comforted Cozy.

Radiant spoke "I know it's not Obsidian's fault though."

Danyelle asks "Has anyone checked on Tirek lately?"

Rarity spoke "To make matters worse.... Warp rings are starting to fail as well..."

Belladonna appeared, “Worse than that, there’s trouble in Hell too.”

Annabelle asks "What kind of trouble cousin?"

Belladonna spoke "The jails there are getting loose. And I’m sure Stolas noticed it as well."

Danyelle burped up a letter from Zelestia which had hit Belladonna in the face.

Belladonna growls "Could you please watch where you’re letter-burping?"

Danyelle spoke "I can't help it!"

Twilight gasps "This is REALLY bad! According to this scroll, it's happening in other pony dimensions too! Zwilight's unable to use her magic."

Then a portal opened, revealing Chameleo. “It’s happening again!”

A drenched Lance had crashed into a wall.

Lance groans "It's worse than I thought.... Element bending is starting to fail too...."

But then Soulfire came out of Chameleo’s portal, with a scar on his right eye. “So what’s the plan?”

Danyelle spoke "We can't leave the school unguarded though."

Meggy spoke "The blue fuzzball's got a point though."

Chameleo spoke "Maybe I can get some help!"

Chameleo started using his Multitrix for something.

Twilight spoke "I got word from Twily that the magic in Sumarda's dimension is failing as well."

Sumarda appeared, looking a bit chubbier. “And it’s getting harder to move! If this keeps up, Immobile City, and it’ll spread, which is the last thing me and my family wants!”

Twilight spoke "I can't switch to my Twirama form!"

Danyelle asks "Anyone seen my brother?"

Danyelle's NetNavis were unable to leave the 2DS for some reason.

Polnareff showed up. “This feeling…” Polnareff uttered as his stand, Silver Chariot emerged. “It’s just like with Chariot Requiem. Except someone else is responsible.”

Radiant spoke "It's worse than we originally thought... Magic, stands, warp rings, personas, bending... It's all failing!"

Lucy's magic was also failing too.

Polnareff spoke "No. It’s much worse, because the culprit’s plans are unveiling before your very eyes!"

The head of a piranha and crab claws erupted out of the right side of Polnareff’s neck.

Polnareff spoke "I’m beginning to mutate!"

Danyelle growls "So YOU'RE the one that's been stealing our magic?"

Polnareff spoke "No! This is only the culprit’s first stage of his grand plan! The prelude is over, now comes the crescendo! The entire multiverse and all of existence have been on the same path for a millennia. The culprit will create a new one in a matter of hours!"

A half weakened Fire Dragon Roar hits Polnareff.

Natsu spoke "Screw that! Our stories end only when we stop running!"

Polnareff spoke "However, the world has averted such a crisis as this before. I know the multiverse can stop this one as well!"

Twilight spoke "The Pony Guard will go with Belladonna to check on Tirek, Natsu and Lucy will check below the school for any clues, Danyelle's branch of the Mobian guard will protect the school."

The Warners then appeared.

Yakko spoke "Actually, we’d like to help too. Seriously."

We noticed that the Warners started losing their color.

Pibby spoke "It could be the corruption again...."

Chameleo spoke "No, things like that don’t happen on their own. Someone’s gotta be behind this."

Since warp rings were failing, the actual Elusive was currently stuck in the prime Equis zone.

Elusive spoke "I'll help in any way I can, with or without magic."

The other Sunset barges in after passing through the mirror.

Other Sunset spoke "Count me in too!"

Kirby and Beetlo appeared as the pink star warrior nodded, saying that he’ll help too.

Danyelle spoke "We need all the help we can get. Given that this mess is affecting the EG world as well despite low amounts of magic there."

Then Mario showed up.

Much to Danyelle's surprise, the rest of the Smashers arrive as well!

Twilight spoke "Anyways..... We should figure out where the jerk's hiding."

Then Raptor showed up. “Well, maybe in dark places.”

Twilight asks "Anyone seen Twiliterasu lately?"

A godly version of Akari soon arrives.

Chibi-Kari spoke "Yip yip! {Sorry about this but my mom's busy so I came her her place.}"

Twilight spoke "Guess Twiliterasu finally did it with Flashjin."

Chibi-Kari spoke "Yip yip {My mom wasn't interested in love since her job as a solar goddess came first.}"

Twilight spoke "Oops. Sorry."

Chameleo spoke "Got it!"

Danyelle asks "Got what?"

Chameleo summoned a portal, much to our shock, except Raptor and Soulfire.

Chibi-Kari spoke "yip yip! {If this keeps up.... Soon enough, MY powers will weaken!}"

Then a blue creature jumped out of the portal, followed by a red pegasus stallion.

Danyelle gasps "Stitch? Jake?"

Jake asks "Yo. What up, Dany?"

Stitch spoke "Danyelle!"

The alien jumped onto Danyelle and hugged her.

Chameleo asks "Guess you’ve been to that Earth too, huh?"

Danyelle spoke "I traveled a lot with Sonic though."

Chameleo spoke "Touché."

Twilight spoke "We have to stop this madman!"

Stitch spoke "Ih!"

Jake spoke "Aw yeah, man!"

A pair of earth mares with odd clothes on spoke "Count us both in!"

Chameleo asks "Huh?"

The mare with green trimmed clothes spoke "We want to help since where we're from, we're a pair of racers."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Awesome!"

Special spoke "I'm Special Week, Spe-chan to my friends."

Suzuka spoke "And I'm Silence Suzuka."

But then a red portal appeared, as an owl demon walked out of it. “Normally, I’d protect Hell, but sometimes, you have to go to the source of the problem."

Belladonna spoke "Stolas."

Stolas spoke "Ah, the lovely Belladonna. How wonderful to see you again, I heard that you have a boyfriend."

Annabelle spoke "Gag...."

Belladonna whispered to me and the others quietly enough for Stolas to not hear. “Stolas is the one-sided part of a one-sided relationship with Blitz. I know, pretty sad. Besides, Stolas and Stella are divorced.”

Danyelle spoke "Watch it dog girl... you have my youngest daughter confused for another..."

Belladonna whispers "I meant Stella Goetia. Besides, Stolas is taking care of his daughter, Octavia Goetia. And if possible, you can call her Via, just to avoid confusion with the cello earth pony mare."

Danyelle wingslaps Belladonna across the face.

Belladonna spoke "Okay, I probably deserved that one."

Twilight spoke "If only a stupid hyena could learn a few manners.... He wouldn't get into so much trouble all the time..."

Stolas asks "Ooh! What are you talking about, my friends?"

Danyelle spoke "Just a stupid hyena."

Stolas spoke "Oh. Must be a kook. Hmmhmm! Kook! Such a funny word."

Danyelle spoke "I call him the Screamer."

Stolas laughs "Ohohoho! Screamer! Hahaha. That’s a funny word too."

*After the Pony Guard left with Belladonna to check on Tirek*

I spoke "Someone should go talk to Starswirl though."

Adagio spoke "I'm not going near that crazy old badger."

Stolas spoke "Oh come on. It can’t be that bad."

Stitch asks "Gaba?"

Jake spoke "I’ll go search around. Dragon Up!"

Jake transformed into a dragon.

Nazuna spoke "You don't understand... Starswirl banished the Dazzlings a thousand years ago."

Carrying Alto with a foreleg, Michiru spoke "It's true... Not counting Harmony, Melody and Alto... There's only five true sirens."

Stolas spoke "Oh dear. That sounds complicated."

Nazuna spoke "Most of the true sirens died out over the years... Leaving only Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Treble and Operetta left..."

Michiru spoke "If this continues... Not even the five remaining true sirens will have magic..."

to be continued