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Roar Twilight, Roar!

*Eren's POV*

I spoke "We should get going..."

Danyelle spoke "Oookay…"

Twilight spoke "This might be good combat experience too Dany."

Danyelle spoke "True."

But then Kuzan and Rin showed up.

Twilight asks "What brings you two by?"

Kuzan spoke "For some reason, my descendant and I were summoned to a world of titans."

Rin asks "And this stallion is from that world, right?"

Eren spoke "Yeah but my human body is dead though...."

But then a portal opened, as RD from Chameleo’s universe showed up.

Twilight spoke "We can't take too large of a group though."

RD spoke "Don’t worry. I was the only one sent to help you guys."

Danyelle spoke "Let's go then."

*One warp ring to the Attack on Titan world later,*

I was in an anthro form since traces of my original form remained.

I spoke "I wonder where Mikasa and the others are..."

But RD was turned into a human for some reason. “This usually happens when I go to worlds that mostly have humans.”

Twilight was in her EG form though while Danyelle was a mix of human and animal forms.

Danyelle's ears twitch.

Danyelle spoke "I hear footsteps... Likely from a female."

I ask "Which one?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure but I also hear your name being called..."

“Wait, is it Mikasa?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but she and the others all think you're dead though."

Twilight shot a fireball into the sky so that Mikasa and the others could see.

RD spoke "Well, that just painted a target."

Danyelle spoke "Can it Crash...."

Twilight spoke "Using my roar would have been a bad idea though, it might give others the idea that a titan had got past those walls."

I was soon on my back since something or someone had pinned me down.

A female asks "Eren? Is that really you?"

I spoke "Yeah, it's me Mikasa. But I'm different now."

But to my surprise, she hugged me extremely tight, sobbing rivers.

I spoke "Ch-choking.... not b-breathing...."

But what really caught me off guard was that she kissed me right on my lips.

My eyes flutter closed as I returned the kiss, minding the length of my tongue.

I spoke "I'm sorry for scaring you and the others though..."

But then I felt a punch in my gut.

Mikasa spoke "That’s for dying on us. But that hug and kiss was for coming back."

I stutter "Strong as ever I see..."

My ears twitch upon hearing Armin's voice.

I spoke "Mikasa, these two are Princess Twilight and Alpha-Queen Danyelle. The others are Rainbow Dash, Kuzan and Rin. The five of them were called here to help with a friendship problem."

Mikasa asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Twilight and I were called by a special map to solve problems."

Mikasa asks "But what kind?"

Twilight spoke "Friendship problems... Where I'm from, I'm the Princess of Friendship. Danyelle's the Nekomata of Redemption, meaning she gives bad guys a second chance."

Danyelle growls when she heard screaming.

RD asks "Trouble?"

Twilight growls "Yeah..."

RD started using her Multitrix. “Come on… where is it?”

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "Over there!"

Flying fast, Danyelle grabs a child and its mother from getting eaten by a titan.

RD spoke "Got it!"

Rainbow Dash pushed in the button on the Multitrix and transformed into a Titan and fought the other one.

Twilight engulfs herself in fire as she transforms to Twirama before roaring loud.

RD spoke "Nice!"

But then RD became covered in wind, water, ice and electricity as she gained an ice crest on her forehead, blue shackles on her shoulders and waist, and green dragon scales on her body as she roared as well.

Twirama pounces on a random titan, going for the throat and ripping it out.

I spoke "I never told her the weak spot on a titan...."

Danyelle spoke "She's a smart mare though."

A beastly roar was heard before a plasma blast destroyed several titans outside the walls.

RD spoke "What the?! That doesn’t sound like Sombra Timeline Twilight!"

Danyelle spoke "That's the Kaijuverse Twilight, TWIZILLA!!!"

RD exclaims "Whoa! Did NOT see that coming."

Twirama spoke "Since she's handling those freaks outside the walls, we can handle the ones that slip past her."

Blood orbs from titans went into Kazan as his eyes glowing red, before sheathing his katana and bring out his Kanabō, jumping towards inside enemy titans and knocking them out in few hits.

After setting the two down near a house, Danyelle flew into battle as she form changed to Danyterasu before slashing several titans to shreds with a larger version of Caliwave.

One second, Rin was on the ground, the next, she was on one of the titans, attacking them with her katana.

Twirama and Danyterasu roar loud before fusing into Danyterama, slashing away at hundreds of titans.

I spoke "Holy cuss...."

RD laughs "Nice! Time to go all-out!"

RD gained a symbol on her forehead as ice swirled around her, and she started glowing green and orange.

I chuckle "Levi's gonna flip once he finds out about the legendary titan..."

Danyterama attacks a larger titan as Twizilla melted two with plasma breath.

RD shocked, froze, then threw a Titan up with a tornado, making it shatter as it crashed on the ground.

Danyterama incinerated five smaller titans with Fire Pillar.

Kazan stabbed his katana into a titan’s head and ripped out its tongue before bashing its head in with his Kanabō after withdrawing his katana.

Danyterama spoke "Back of the neck! That's the weak spot!"

Danyterama kicks one titan with a back leg, sending it flying far.

Rin suddenly appeared and stabbed a Titan at the back of its neck, before decapitating it from both sides.

The sphinx that was carrying Rin flew about while carrying the female on hir back.

Stormchaser spoke "Holy crap! This IS NOT what I signed up for!"

But then a Titan was smushed by… fat?

Danyterama spoke "Good timing Sumarda!"

We looked up to see a giant obese draconequus as big as a mountain at one million pounds.

Sumarda spoke "And I'm not alone!"

Then three more giant obese female anthro animals as big and fat as Sumarda showed up; a blue whale, a siberian tiger and a green anaconda.

Danyterama howls loud as she used Smash Summon, calling in all of her allies.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

All of Danyelle's allies from across the multiverse had come to help.

Sumarda asks "You ready girls?"

Christa spoke "You bet!"

Silena spoke "Definitely!"

Ana spoke "Yessiree!"

The four mountain-sized fat females stomped on the ground in unison, causing a lot of titans to find themselves in the air.

Sumarda, Christa, Silena and Ana spoke in unison. "Cardinal Collision!"

The four charged and collided their ginormous bellies and chests at full force, with all of the airborne titans in between caught right in the middle.

Danyterama reared up before slamming her forehooves down, causing the ground to shake.

Blaze was throwing fire as she rode on the back of her Beast-lord.

To Mikasa's surprise, a trio of large wolves show up to help.

Danyterama spoke "Shirou! Holo! Myuri! Good timing you three!"

But then a familiar new wolf showed up, having starry hair.

Danyterama exclaims "Wait, Luna?!"

Luna spoke "I have wolf blood in my veins now."

Danyterama spoke "Oh, right! The Dark Gaia curse."

Sonic spoke "I doubt it! It's Forme Change, same as what you have!"

Danyterama spoke "Oops! Sorry, my bad."

A roar was heard as Jinxie flew into battle as Rarity and Blizzardstar were on her back.


Yuki, Ben, Knuckles, Finn, Ace, Bell, Archie, Liam, Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack spoke "MOBIAN AND PONY GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Everyone was fighting the titans really well, but then we heard a dragon roar, one that Danyterama and the others didn’t recognize.

Natsu asks "What the cuss was that?!?"

Five male dragons with female riders on them appeared from a portal, before RD gasped at the sight of them.

Natsu spoke "No cussing way...."

RD spoke "Alright! The ninjas are here!"

There was a Night Fury, a Deadly Nadder, a Monstrous Nightmare, a Hideous Zippleback and a Gronckle, and the female riders certainly looked like ninjas, but they looked like total knockouts.

RD spoke "Asuka! Duskstorm! Yumi! Stingspike! Homura! Firescale! Methark! Yuyaki! Bucrow! It’s great to see you guys again!"

A female nightlight fury with no rider flew into battle.

Another Night Fury soon followed.

RD spoke "Toothless! Lunar!"

Lucy, Gajeel, Sting, Spyro and Cynder flew into battle.

RD shouts "AW YEAH!!!"

Twiliterasu and several other firebenders and airbenders whip up a fiery tornado to blow away the titans.

All of the dragons fired their fire breaths as the five kunoichi jumped and slashed the titans with elemental powers.

Natsu and Spyro used their fire breath as well while Danyterama charges up a Solare Fire Bomb.

A powerful Ice Spear was being formed by Blizzardstar.

Blizzardstar spoke "ICE SPEAR!!!!"

Natsu spoke "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!"

Danyterama shouts "SOLARE FIRE BOMB!!!"


Rd dashed right through a large group of titans, before a combined explosion of electricity, wind, water and ice went off, destroying the group of titans.

Rainbow shouts "EAT RAINBOOM SPEAR!!!!"

The Rainbow Dash from Danyterama’s universe showed up from a portal as she did that attack.

Danyterama howls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz82xbLvK_k as she charged into the fight, trampling several smaller titans.

Jotaro spoke "Star Finger!"

Star Platinum’s middle and pointer finger stretched and pierced right through a titan’s head.

I spoke "I feel so damn helpless!"

Chameleo spoke "I don’t think so."

I looked behind me and saw Chameleo from RD’s universe.

I sigh "I don't have my titan form anymore plus I'd only get in their way... Regardless of what Levi says...."

Chameleo spoke "You think you lost it, but… Seal Release!"

Chameleo palmed me right in the stomach!

I kick Chameleo in between the legs with a hoof.

I spoke "That cussing hurt!"

But that was only a clone as it turned into water, with the real Chameleo being behind me.

Chameleo spoke "I know, and I’m sorry for that. But it helped you."

“With what?” I asked before I started transforming!

I roar loud before galloping into battle, ripping apart several titans.

Suddenly, Levi had showed up with the rest of the squad.

Levi asks "Mikasa, what in the hell is going on out here?"

Mikasa spoke "For once, I have no idea."

Levi asks "That can't be Eren... Can it?"

Armin spoke "I thought he died!"

Mikasa spoke "It was him alright."

Armin spoke "But he's a horse now!"

Rainbow spoke "Correction... He's a pony..."

Armin asks "Huh? Who’re you supposed to be?"

Rainbow spoke "Me? I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest mare there is."

Natsu spoke "Don't even think about it blondie, she's married."

Armin spoke "Drat!"

But then we heard another dragon roar we haven’t heard before!

Natsu spoke "And with kids too."

Gajeel asks "The heck was that?"

A portal opened, revealing an anthro male ripped dragon.

All of a sudden, Mikasa's back was becoming irritated.

the dragon spoke "Let’s see if you titans can catch up with my muscles!"

Red fists appeared as they punched the titans.

Mikasa asks "Why does my back feel so itchy?"

“Mikasa, you okay?” I asked in concern.

Danyterama spoke "The Danyelle half of me will have a look at her after this fight is done."

*After the titans were driven off,*

Danyelle was talking to Mikasa alone in a room with the door locked with magic so that it kept the guys out.

Danyelle asks "Maybe I should look at your back... Mind taking the shirt off?"

Mikasa blushed.

RD spoke "Oookay. Boys, get out of the room."

Twilight spoke "Unless someone wants a kick in the butt, a roar to the face or set on fire... OUT!!!"

I drag Levi and Armin by the back of the shirts out.

Danyelle spoke "Some guys are perverts...."

*Danyelle’s POV*

After we made sure that there were no guys left, I took Mikasa’s shirt off, only to be shocked by what I saw.

Twilight spoke "Holy cuss.... Those are pinfeathers...."

Mikasa asks "Pinfeathers? What’re you talking about? Wait… Why does my face feel different?"

Twilight spoke "It seems you're starting to transform into a Pegasus, hence the developing wings."

Mikasa exclaims "Wait, what?!"

I spoke "That's likely because of the ambient magic that Twilight and I are emitting. even Eren has magic too but unlike Pegasi, unicorns and alicorns... Earth pony magic is more pooled in the hooves."

RD spoke "Sorry about the shirt, but I had to cut some holes on the back so your wings wouldn’t bother you."

I spoke "And I modified the pants since a tail is starting to grow."

Mikasa gasps "Wait, tail?!"

Mikasa looked behind her and saw a tail the same color as her hair starting to grow.

I scan Mikasa's bones and to my shock, they were hollow like Pegasus bones since Pegasi couldn't fly with normal bones in the body.

I spoke "Guess some humans are more absorbent than others... Your bones are becoming hollow..."

Mikasa asks "What?!"

Twilight spoke "It's a Pegasus, gryphon, hippogriff and alicorn thing though... If we didn't have hollow bones, we couldn't fly."

“Yeah, the same goes for creatures with wings.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Batponies have leathery wings Danyelle...."

“I know, Twi.” I responded.

Twilight spoke "Anyways, one thing you'll have to get used to once the changes are finished is preening lessons."

Mikasa asks "…What?"

I spoke "Basically, it's keeping your wings in good condition. I preen my wings whenever I have loose feathers."

Twilight spoke "And by the looks of things, you're starting to grow fur... light gray fur to be exact...."

Mikasa asks "Fur?"

A cat-like scream was heard from Armin.

“What the?” I wondered.

Mikasa spoke "Probably Armin... He's a total wuss that freaks out a lot...."

“But that sounded like an Abyssinian.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "We should go back before others start changing..."

Mikasa had put a modified shirt on.

I taunt "Hey Sparkles, I bet you 20 bits that Eren will freak the cuss out when he sees Mikasa."

Twilight spoke "Oh yeah? Well I bet you 50 bits that Eren kisses her!"

But then the roof of the house was lifted but Sumarda. “Well me and my friends are betting 400 bits that those two will be head over heels for each other and go into heat.”

Mikasa's wings had shot up in embarrassment.

Kurama chuckles "Oh yeah? 800 bits says that the gray Pegasus will beat the rainbow-colored crap out of Eren!"

Sumarda spoke "And it looks like the bet has begun."

I spoke "Yeah...."

RD spoke "Alright, guys. You can come back in."

Only Eren came back in before spazzing out at what happened to Mikasa.

“Guess I win.” I quipped.

But before Mikasa could explain, Eren dashed forward and kissed her right in the lips, with Mikasa kissing back.

Twilight giggles "I guess we both won."

Then the two started making out lustfully, telling us that they were in heat.

Sumarda spoke "Looks like all of us except Kurama won."

But Mikasa had punched Eren in the gut.

Twilight spoke "Guess that 800 bit bet goes to me since Kurama can't exactly touch anything..."

Sumarda spoke "I stand corrected. Everyone wins."

Twilight shot fire at Sumarda's face.

Twilight spoke "Actually, nobody does since the bets were called off."

Sumarda opened her mouth and swallow the fire whole. “Bit spicy. I’m just trying to look on the bright side.”

Eren rubs Mikasa's left ear, causing her to calm down.
