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The Mane Attraction/ Equestria Girls Friendship Games

*Lillian's POV*

After stopping a feud between two rivaling clans, Applejack and Crosswind were busy setting things up for a concert.

“Hey guys. What’s going on?” I asked.

Crosswind spoke "There's a concert that's going to happen and Applejack's childhood friend's going to be in it!"

“Is it Coloratura?” I guessed.

Crosswind spoke "Eyup."

Danyelle was helping out with the construction.

Danyelle spoke "I’m really excited about this!"

Sonic spoke "A lot of us are though Dany."

Danyelle's eyes flash white due to a vision.

Megaman asks "You okay sis?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm fine."

Roll asks "What’d you see this time?"

Danyelle whispers into her in-law's ear.

Danyelle spoke "I had a vision of the Fairy Tail guild.... it was in ruins...."

Roll spoke "What?! We gotta keep that from happening!"

Danyelle spoke "I saw a dark version of Twilight too... But it's not our Twilight..."

But then Sunset showed up, having heard that. “Oh no. I hope that’s not my Twilight.”

Danyelle asks "Does the name Abacus Cinch ring any bells?"

Sunset spoke "Oh no! That means she’ll do anything to win, even blackmailing that Twilight to participate in the Friendship Games!"

Danyelle spoke "I can't bring you along though Sunny, there can't be two of you in the same place. Not to mention, Starline ruined your chance of being able to go back."

Sunset spoke "I-I know! But I just can’t stand by on the sidelines this time!"

Sonata spoke "Hey Baconhair! I need help here!"

Sunset spoke "O-Okay! Coming!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey Mega, I have an idea but I'm not sure if it'll work though."

Megaman asks "Soul fusion?"

Roll conks her husband on the head.

Roll spoke "She meant Double Soul you ninny."

Megaman spoke "I knew what she meant."

Bass spoke "As much as I still hate you Megaman, we have to work together to stop that woman."

With that, Danyelle and her five NetNavis head off to Twilight's castle to go through the magic mirror. But she was unaware that Sunset, Maylu and Lan had followed.

*EG world*

*Danyelle's POV*

I soon spot EG Rainbow and the others.

I spoke "Hey girls."

EG Rarity spoke "Hi Danyelle."

Lan groans "I can't feel my tails...."

Sunset spoke "Phew... It's good to be home."

I snicker "Uh Sunny, you're still a Mobian..."

Sunset spoke "I know. And I don't care about that anymore."

Other Sunset spoke "Woah... a talking...."

Danyelle spoke "I suggest you don't finish that sentence..."

Sunset asks "So you're the pony me who took my place in this world while I took your place in Equestria, right?"

Other Sunset spoke "Sort of, I wasn't aware there was another me in this world."

EG Rainbow spoke "The police had to file you as "presumed dead" since they weren't able to find any trace of your body."

Sunset spoke "Well you can see what happened to me after my disappearance."

I growl suddenly.

Sunset spoke "Oh no, please don't tell someone called you that."

I growl at Abacus.

Since he was inside the 2DS, Megaman spoke "My sister hates being called a stupid furball... The hedgehogs all have the same trigger but I dare not say it lest I get a thrashing from my wife."

I growl "What the crud do YOU want Abacus?"

Abacus asks "And how on Earth do you know my name, peasant?"

I snarl "THAT'S ALPHA-QUEEN DANYELLE TO YOU LADY! I'm the co-leader of the Mobian Guard, mother of eight and the most keenest there is!"

Abacus didn't see impressed. "So?"

Bad move on her part.

I set Abacus's ass on fire, causing the others to laugh.

Then Yu and his team showed up. "Hahahaha. That was a good one, Danyelle."

Roll spoke "Just goes to show you don't mess with a firebender. That stupid bear learned that lesson the hard way last time."

EG Applejack spoke "Well, it was good that y'all weren't participating in the Friendship Games, otherwise she'd would've made Crystal Prep think that we were cheating."

I spoke "I swear by the gods that woman's got a 39 and a half foot pole stuck up her rear..."

But then a portal opened, revealing a boy with blue skin and black spiky hair.

I spoke "Hello Swampsuke."

EG Swampsuke spoke "So this is the prime universe? Heh, maybe things will start to get interesting."

I growl "Oh, so you wanna fight huh?"

EG Swampsuke spoke "If you think I'm from Chameleo's world, you're dead wrong. I am from his dimension, but I'm also from this world."

I spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, nice to meet you."

I shook Swampsuke's hand, shocking him a bit due to the invisible joy buzzer on my hand.

Swampsuke scoffs "Tch. You can be annoying as he is."

I spoke "Nah, that's my world's Pinkie. Plus Princess Twilight has Matatabi and Kurama in her soul."

Swampsuke scoffs "Hmph."

Roll spoke "Play nice mister, unless you want to be sent flying with a roar..."

Swampsuke scoffs "Well I have my Sharingan."

I spoke "Watch it mister, that's my brother's wife you just annoyed."

"You, being a Megaman's sister? I honestly did not expect that." Swampsuke said to Danyelle.

Megaman was heard hissing in anger as Roll restrained him.

I growl "I'd rather not talk about how it happened, it's too emotional for me."

Swampsuke immediately knew what I was talking about. "I see."

I ask "Yeah... now, what should with do with Abacus?"

Bass spoke "Let's beat her up!"

Roll spoke "Are you NUTS Bass? That could get Danyelle arrested!"

Swampsuke spoke "Let things play as they are now. But keep an eye out during the second event."

I spoke "Good idea, I won't step in unless I have to. And that goes for you as well Sunny."

Sunset spoke "Alright. But I don't wanna make the other me jealous because of... *Points to her wings* these."

Other Sunset asks "Anthro alicorn say what?"

Sunset asks "Oh! Uh... Well... Can we talk for a minute?"

Other Sunset spoke "After the Games though."

Sunset spoke "Okay."

I was wary of Abacus since she was up to something.

I spoke "I'd rather not run into that dang perverted bear again..."

Then Naoto showed up. “I’m afraid that’s a bit likely.”

I spoke "Oh, I heard of you from Kanji!"

Naoto spoke "Um, yes. I’m Naoto Shirogame. I know I look like a boy, but I’m actually a girl."

I spoke "Well, Kanji's got a crush on you."

Naoto blushed as she tipped down her hat. “Uh… Well…”

Roll asks "Have you told him?"

I spoke "Guess that's a no.... and OH ****! My vision has come true!!!"

Bringing my own wings out via magic, I immediately take flight before crossfusing with Roll.

*Sunny's POV*

I spoke "Oh this is bad!"

Lan spoke "We have to do something!"

Swampsuke asks "Why not take action?"

Lan and Maylu darted over to where EG Rarity was barely holding on since two other students were weighing her down.

Lan and Maylu spoke "We got you!"

The two fox Mobians in human skin pull the three students up.

I throw the device to the other Sunset as I zip about, rescuing students from trouble.

Danyoll lets out a roar that sounded just like Lugia which caused everyone to stop.

Danyoll spoke "This is ridiculous, fighting over a trophy is not how friendship works!"

But then Midnight Sparkle appeared.

I had transformed into Solare Sunny.

Sunset spoke "This is wrong! Real friendship comes from Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, Magic, Empathy and Unity!"

But then magic started flowing into the device that the other Sunset held.

Both Lan and Maylu were glowing as well since they were the element of Unity as they take on midforms.

Other Sunset spoke "I do understand you, Twilight! And that’s why I’ll show you what the most powerful magic is."

Danyoll spoke "I've tussled with beings far older than anything you would imagine!"

Battle start! Daydream Shimmer, Solare Sunny and Danyoll VS Midnight Sparkle!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGuiZ48PbA was heard as Danyoll and I tagteam with Daydream Shimmer to fight Midnight.

Danyoll had gone beyond crossfusion, she was now Danyoll Double Soul Dialga Soul.

Danyoll roars loud as the damage that had been caused by Midnight was reversed.

Then we clashed beams against Midnight.

Dog Spike spoke "Twilight!"

Midnight saw Dog Spike as her eyes returned to normal for a second.

Twilight asks "Spike?"

Dog Spike nearly fell through a crack in the ground but EG Flash grabs the dog at the last minute thus saving him.

This gave Daydream, Danyoll and I the upper hand in stopping Midnight.

Holding Spike in his arms, EG Flash spoke "This isn't the same girl I had bumped into earlier!"

Dog Spike spoke "Twilight can’t control it!"

I shout "CHAOS HEAL!!!!!"

All of the darkness that had corrupted EG Twilight had vanished, which also destroyed Midnight's chances of coming back.

A remorseful EG Twilight spoke "I'm so sorry...."

The other Sunset put her hand on Sci-Twi’s shoulder in empathy. “It’s okay, Twi. I understand.”

EG Flash spoke "We all make mistakes though."

After reverting back, Danyelle spoke "Some more than others...."

Danyelle flung a stun spell at Abacus as she tried to run away.

Danyelle growls "You're not going anywhere lady."

Sour Sweet spoke "*Sweetly* Actually, we’re all to blame. *Sourly* Mostly it was her."

Danyelle spoke "She's just as bad as Spoiled Rich is..."

Fox ears pin back, Lan spoke "I'd hate to be the person that put her in charge of a school... Given that she uses the students for her own gain..."

After Abacus was dragged away by police, Danyelle and the three Mobians wave farewell to the Rainbooms.

Danyelle tosses a fresh blank magical book to Other Sunset since she might need it.

*Back in Equestria*

*Danyelle's POV*

After Roll and I had split apart, I noticed that Coloratura was napping beside Ji-Woon with her head on his lap.

Roll giggles "How cute."

"Heehee. Something's telling me that they'll sing love to each other soon enough." I giggled.

Twilight was resting on a pillow while in semi Twirama form since one of her foals was bigger than the other.

end of book 5

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