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Noodle-Eating Contest

*Zoey’s POV*

Me, Dren and our friends went to Chameleo’s universe to watch the Ramen-Eating contest, only to find ourselves in our midforms.

Sonic spoke "I forgot to mention, natural born Mobians like me and Tails aren't affected by the whole midform thing. But those like Danyelle, Lillian and Maria have midforms since they were born human."

But then a blue-masked creature landed in front of us, revealing to be some mutant turtle wielding katanas.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Leo, long time no see."

Leo asks "Back in this world already?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup though we're here for a ramen eating contest, my idea."

Leo chuckles "Hahaha. If it was a pizza-eating contest, Mikey would definitely be in it."

Megaman groans "Now you've gone and done it turtle boy... Danyelle loves pizza more than she loves ramen...."

But then Danyelle felt a shocking jolt, snapping her out of it, before turning around, seeing an electric eel mutant/beastman standing right next to another Michiru.

Nazuna kept her Michiru close.

But then another Nazuna showed up with a ninja foxbeastman.

Michiru was hissing like a cat at her other self.

Other Michiru stammers "W-Whoa! Calm down!"

Michi spoke "You look like me..."

Michiru spoke "That’s because I am you, well, your counterpart."

Nazu spoke "Least my counterpart didn't get turned into a siren."

Nazuna spoke "Maybe not normally when I enter Equestria, but I can turn into a siren and back at will."

Michi asks "I suppose you got bit by your world's Shirou when he went bonkers huh?"

Michiru spoke "Both me and Nazuna."

Michi spoke "I still have the scar from when I was bit..."

Michiru spoke "Our scars kinda healed though."

A warp ring opens up before Shirou and Luna step out with their two daughters following close behind.

Shirou asks "What the? Two tanukis?"

Another Shirou spoke "I shouldn’t be surprised that there’s a counterpart of me like in that mirror world."

We then saw another Shirou and Luna.

Moonlight and Evening were confused as to why there were doubles of their parents.

Luna spoke "This is so weird.... Least we have yet to see another version of Danyelle...."

The Electric Eel beastman spoke "Hola. My name’s Zeelo Montes. Don’t worry, I’m a friend."

Lucy and Natsu along with the other dragons bolted.

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind them, they kinda don't like eels..."

Zeelo spoke "I thought they looked similar to Toothless."

Danyelle spoke "Lucy's a Celestial Fury since her magic is tied to the zodiac."

Zeelo spoke "That’s certainly a surprise."

The blue furred ninja fox spoke "Well, my name’s Amidamaru."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Amidamaru gasps "Whoa! That certainly sounds amazing!"

A male nekomata spoke "You certainly are a strange cat."

We turned around, only to see a strange Anthro cat with two tails, wearing an orange hoodie and having an eyepatch over his left eye.

Danyelle spoke "I'm more than just a nekomata, I'm also part gryphon and part unicorn."

The other Luna spoke "It’s good to see you, Jubei."

Jubei asks "You too, Luna. And how is my sister-in-law doing?"

A flustered Brandy was hiding behind a tree.

The other Luna spoke "Oh, you mean my Celestia? She’s doing well."

Megaman was heard snickering inside Danyelle's 2DS.

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind him, he's a little crazy..."

Megaman retorts "Hey!"

But then a fiery pillar erupted, revealing a slim and beautiful woman.

Brandy thinks "Guess I'll be single for life...."

But then another cat like Jubei showed up.

Jubei snickers "Still single, Tomonori?"

Tomonori scoffs "Tch, whatever, brother."

Danyelle grabs Brandy with magic, throwing the yellow tabby at Tomo thus causing the two to lock lips.

Jubei scoffs "Tch. Did you really just stir the pot, kid?"

Danyelle giggles "I can't help but prank others at times... Plus Brandy was single... So it might work out."

Jubei spoke "Huh. Well it looks like it made the right touch, because look at ‘em."

Brandy and Tomo were then making out with their tails and legs intertwining with each other, their tongues wrestling for dominance, and they were lustfully purring.

Danyelle spoke "It's easy to figure my friends out though. For Shadow, what he needed was his best friend back so I found Maria in the abandoned Ark. Anyways, let's get this contest started!!!"

Chameleo calls out "Hey, Mr. Ping! You here?"

Mr Ping spoke "Coming!"

We then saw a small anthro goose with a noodle hat.

Danyelle bows in respect.

Danyelle spoke "Hello sir."

Rainbow spoke "Maybe I can help you guys out with the contest."

RD asks "Hold on! I’m already participating! Wouldn’t it be weird if two Rainbow Dashes competed?"

Rainbow growls "Is that a challenge?"

RD spoke "If you’re seriously challenging me, your Applejack’s joining in too!"

Applejack spoke "Sorry, Ah've got work ta do."

AJ taunts "Hehe. What’s wrong? Chicken?"

Holo growls "Nobody calls mah cousin a chicken and gits away wit it!"

Applejack spoke "On second thought, sign me up! It don’t matter if yer mah counterpart, I don’t take those who calls me or anyone of mah family chicken lightly!"

Myuri growls "Count me and mah ma in too!"

*At the Jade Palace*

Twilight was in partial Blue Flame Twirama form since she was taking part in the contest.

Myuri and her mom were in full wolf form.

Danyelle had her hair pulled back into a ponytail so it wasn't in the way.

Pibby was helping Mr Ping out with cooking.

RD was in her aura form, glowing green, blue and yellow, AJ was in that form too, glowing red, orange and white.

Rainbow was in dragon form.

Chameleo was in his aura form, glowing water and ice blue, with Viper in that form too, glowing red and pink, and Makoto in aura form as well, glowing orange/turquoise and yellow.

Melira was helping Mr Ping out as well.

Twiliterasu was ready as well.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {You're going down!}"

Chameleo chuckles "We’ll see who wins."

A gong rings, indicating the contest was underway.

Pibby uses her magic to move the bowls of noodles out to the competitors while bringing the empty bowls back to the kitchen.

Holo slurps up more noodles than the others since she was bigger.

Everyone else seemed to be eating the noodles incredibly quickly at the same pace, trying to out eat the others.

Holo ate thrice the amount.

The rest of the contestants saw it and ate faster! Although Applejack’s stomach started to become a bit more rounder.

Holo chuckles "What's the matter Applesmack? Feeling full already?"

But then suddenly, Applejack’s belly became less rounder as she started eating faster.

Myuri was eating six bowls of noodles to Twiliterasu's three.

But then Twiliterasu started catching up.

Mr. Ping spoke "Alright! I’m bringing in the next noodle course!"

Twilight spoke "*burp* Keep it coming!"

Mr. Ping spoke "Second course; Apple Skim Ramen!"

Bowls then were served to the contestants that had diet ramen with skinned apple slices in it.

Chameleo spoke "Alright! The Skim Recipe!"

Holo's tail was wagging excitedly since she loved apples.

All of the contestants immediately started digging in.

Holo ate ten times the amount since she really loved apples.

But the other contestants were quickly catching up with Holo as RD gained a Raquaza tail, Suicune crest on her head, and her wings became filled with electricity. AJ gains lush bushes on her shoulders, a Tapu Bulu tail, and her front hooves turned into Landorus claws.

Danyelle burps.

Chameleo belched as he and the rest of the contestants kept eating bowl after bowl.

Holo spoke "Keep it coming!"

Chameleo spoke "Ditto! I can go all day!"

Chameleo then somehow grew a headband on his head, black belt on his waist, three icicles on his forehead and Articuno wings.

Twilight had gone full on Blue Flame Twirama form before downing several bowls of ramen.

Danyelle used the multitrix to transform into a flameless version of Twirama before downing several bowls.

The four largest kept going as the others dropped out one by one.

But Viper and Applejack managed to keep going!

Danyelle spoke "Next flavor!"

The only ones left standing was Danyelle, Twirama, Holo, Myuri, Chameleo, Viper and Applejack.

Mr. Ping spoke "This is it! The third and final course! I had some help with this one, it’s Pizza Ramen Surprise!"

Danyelle was starry eyed since she really loved pizza.

Chameleo spoke "Oh! Looks like it’s time to go all out with this one!"

Chameleo then transformed into a fusion of an Inteleon, Rapid-Strike Style Urshifu and Articuno.

Melira rings the gong once more, signaling that the last round has begun.

Danyelle chows down on the ramen happily.

Chameleo and the rest of the contestants were chowing down at the same very fast speed as Danyelle was eating as Viper turned into a fusion of a green tree snake, an Entei and an Enamorus.

Holo passes out from overstuffed stomach, Myuri followed shortly after Applejack had passed out. Thus leaving four left in the contest.

The four of them kept eating, but time was running out.

Melira rings the gong, indicating that the contest was over.

Danyelle spoke "*belch* That was good..."

Chameleo spoke "*Burp!* Great meal!"

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Alright!"

Viper sighs "Phew!"

Danyelle asks "So who won?"

Melira spoke "In fourth place, Twirama."

Blue Flame Twirama was on her back while rubbing her bloated stomach.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "And I’m stuffed. *Burp!*"

Melira spoke "Third Place, Chameleo!"

Chameleo spoke "Alright!"

Melira spoke "Second Place, Danyelle!"

Chameleo exclaims "Wha?!"

Danyelle snaps "WHAT??? That means..... Applejack is first place?!?!?!?"

Applejack spoke "*Hiccup!* Didn’t ya hear? I dropped out due ta mah stomach."

Melira spoke "She’s right about that, Danyelle. Which means Viper is in first place!"

Blue Flame Twirama, Chameleo and Danyelle shout "HUH?!?"

Danyelle groans "I ate more than her...."

Chameleo spoke "I think you forgot that Viper has the spirits of my Entei and Enamorus sealed in her."

RD spoke "Heh… Viper won…."

AJ spoke "Who knew…"

Danyelle heads off to be alone since she was upset.

Sonic spoke "Melira, this contest was Danyelle's idea though. It didn't help her mood when she came in second place...."

Melira spoke "Don't pin this on me, she knew she wasn't going to win."

Danyelle was curled up into a ball while whimpering.

Viper spoke "Maybe I should talk to her."

Sonic spoke "Good idea."

Viper slithered over to Danyelle with an apologetic expression.

Danyelle had her face covered with her tails.

Viper spoke "Listen, Danyelle… I’m really sorry."

Danyelle whimpers.

Viper spoke "I wasn’t trying to win, I was trying to have fun with everyone. Even though I can unhinge my jaw and have spirits sealed in me, I was only participating with you and my friends. I never thought you would take the loss this bad, so I’m really sorry about that..."

Danyelle sighs "It was luck you won though so I should just accept the fact I can't win at everything and... wait, I smell smoke... Lots of it!"

The fur on Danyelle's neck bristles up in anger.


Robotnik spoke "Now now, blue boy. You’re talking about my counterpart, your Eggman."

Millie was snarling.

But then a portal opened up, revealing another Blaze.

Chameleo exclaims "Blaze!"

Danyelle spoke "Let's go Megaman! Time for Cross Fusion!"

Megaman spoke "You got it Dany!"

Since Danyelle was still in "Twirama" form, she was still able to pull off the cross fusion well.

Danyelle snarls "FLAMING ARROW!!!"

Danyelle shot a fiery arrow at Robotnik's mech.

Robotnik spoke "I’ll admit, you’re strong. But I’m smarter!"

But then a beam of dark magic, a fireball and laser blasts flew from the portal, destroying more of Robotnik’s mechs.

Danyelle was balancing on her back "paws" with the wings spread out.

Danyelle snarls "RAGING INFERNO OVERDRIVE!!!!"

Danyelle fired a large fireball at Robotnik.

Danyelle spoke "IT'S OVER! CHAOS BLAST!!!!"

The attack sends Robotnik flying far away.

Blaza groans "I hate fighting..."

Three more figures exited the portal, a dark unicorn with a floating book beside her, a Cinderace and an anthro fox.

The Cinderace spoke "Agreed."

A dark unicorn spoke "This fight was a waste of my time."

A magic skull spoke "Calm down, Olly."

Fox spoke "But still, we helped protect our friends, and that’s enough of a reason for me."

Chameleo exclaims "Cindocra! Oleander, Fred! Fox!"

Danyelle spoke "Though I was the one that sent Robuttnik flying."

Tails spoke "Long time no see Fox!"

Fox chuckles "Guess I haven’t seen you since that portal mishap back in my dimension."

Lance was beside Blaza which had confused Blaze.

Rusty asks "Who are you?"

Tails spoke "Sorry about that Fox, my son's a curious child. He and his friends are a rowdy lot given that Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are constantly searching for their cutie marks."

Fox spoke "But still, I can’t believe that I know two Tails."

Twirama spoke "Hmm? What’s that floating book next to you, Miss…"

Oleander scoff "Hmph, my name is Oleander."

Megaman was back in Danyelle's 2DS to get some rest.

Danyelle spoke "Least there's not another me though."

the magic book whines "Hey! What am I, chopped liver?!"

Me, Danyelle and everyone from my universe stared at the floating book in shock.

Oleander spoke Fred, calm yourself."
