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The Challenge/ Bloom and Gloom

*Zoey's POV*

Danyelle was wearing a swimsuit as well as a lifejacket since she couldn't swim.

Twilight was teaching Akari to swim.

But then I noticed Aphmau, Aaron, Sonic and Blaze coming here.

Tails and Inari soon arrive as well.

Inari spoke "I had to tie that stupid hyena up earlier."

“Are you guys here for something?” I asked.

Aphmau spoke "Me and Aaron are joining the Challenge."

Sonic spoke "Same with me and Blaze."

Tails spoke "Me and Inari volunteered to participate too."

Danyelle spoke "No offense Sonic but you can't swim..."

Then Sumarda appeared. “I should let you know that all participants in the Challenge are giving the ability to swim until after the Challenge is over.”

But then Princess Celestia and Prince Pyre showed up.

Danyelle spoke "You can't change genetics though... my maternal grandfather couldn't swim so I'm unable to as well."

Sumarda spoke "Danyelle, I’m not changing genetics at all. I’m just saying that all participants will be able to swim. I try to give all participants fair odds."

Danyelle spoke "True...."

Twilight asks "Anyone seen Applejack?"

Blizzardstar spoke "She's not coming since she's busy with work."

A brown and white furred Mobian she-cat with yellow eyes was chasing a silver-gray Burmilla Mobian tomcat with deep emerald green eyes about.

“Wait, why are you and Prince Pyre here, Princess Celestia?” I asked.

Celestia spoke 'Well, me and Pyro-cake are gonna take part of the Challenge."

The brown and white furred Mobian she-cat spoke "Count me and Travis in!"

But then a black-coated earth pony stallion with gray mane and tail, along with a pink-coated Pegasus mare with red tail and pig-tailed mane.

"Yu! Rise! You here?!" Twilight asked.

Yu spoke "Well, we were only here for a visit, but then we heard about this Challenge."

Rise spoke "Plus, Senpai and I are totally competing in it too!"

Pibby spoke "Count me, Bunbun, Cam and Ashley in too!"

Sumarda spoke "Uh… You sure about that, Pib? I’m mean, you and Bunbun are still in your teen years. But then again, so are Yu and Rise. So okay."

Pibby spoke "I know but I've been through more than a normal teen though."

Sumarda spoke "Touche."

But the a warp pipe appeared, with Mario and Peach jumping out of it.

Mario spoke "Count me and Peach in this competition too!"

Sumarda spoke "Another team, so that makes… Hmm… 28 competitors, meaning 14 teams!"

Danyelle snarls suddenly as she jumped backwards.

Danyelle snarls "What DO YOU WANT THIS TIME EGGMAN?!?"

Sumarda just facepalmed in annoyance.

Danyelle leapt at Eggman in a rage, only for the male to shoot Sumarda in the heart.

Sumarda exclaims "What the?!"

But then smoke erupted from Sumarda, revealing inside the smoke to be… a log with the arrow stuck in it?!

Sumarda spoke "Hey! Watch it!"

Blaze and Haru both let out a loud yowl that got Cam's attention.

But Eggman shot Sumarda in the head just as Cam arrived.

Sumarda puffed into smoke, revealing to be, another log with an arrow in it?!

Sumarda spoke "You’re not gonna get me killed Robuttnik!"

Several dark crystals had trapped Sumarda.

Eggman laughs "You're a fool to have let your guard down! GET THEM SOMBRA!!"

“What?!” We all gasped.

Obsidian galloped over before clashing horns with his darker self.

Obsidian spoke "I should’ve known you would be back."

Danyelle fights with Eggman, biting and clawing the male.

Sombra blasts Obsidian with magic.

Sombra laughs "Muhahahahahaha! You have grown weak, fool!"

Yu spoke "Izanagi!"

Danyelle yowls "AMATERASU!!!"

A howl was heard as the godly wolf appears.

Sombra asks "What sorcery is this?!"

Lucy calls upon Loke to help her.

Lucy growls "Like we'd tell a jerk like you!"

Loke growls "And you can FORGET trying to take over the Crystal Empire!"

A double Chaos Spear hits Sombra in the side.

Shadow spoke "Get out of here you jerk!"

Maria's ears were flattened in anger.

Sombra snarls "Why you!"

Yu shouts "Cross Slash!"

A Riptide Rush hits Sombra from behind.

But then Yu slashed Sombra horizontally, followed by Izanagi vertically slicing Sombra, both attacks charged with electricity.

*Yuki's POV*

Lune and Haru were fighting with claws on fire.

“What am I gonna do?” I asked in complete worry as Tails landed beside me.

An orange nine tailed fox-like beast was towering over Twilight as it snarls at Eggman and Sombra, causing the two males to wet themselves in fear.

Kurama spoke "boo."

Eggman ran away screaming like a girl.

Sombra growls "Grr! Fine! If I cannot kill the body, I’ll cut of the head!"

Next thing I knew, Sombra teleported straight to Danyelle to kill her. I had to do something! “Stop!”

Sombra turned towards me and smirked nastily. “My, how the mighty have fallen. You’re no longer the bravest. You can’t even fight.”

His taunting was really pissing me off! “So what if I’m not the bravest anymore?! I can’t just stand by in concern, watching my friends and family get hurt. I won’t stand idly by… Never again!”

But as soon as I declared that, I heard a voice. “You made me wait for quite some time.”

The next thing I knew, my head was in complete agony as my irises turned golden.

A female voice spoke “You seek power, do you not? Then let us form a contract. Since you’re title has been forgotten already, why not raise the flag and start war? The other you within desires it thus. I am thou… Thou art I… There is no turning back. The sword of battle shall be your flag from here on out!”

My head started to clear as a warrior’s mask appeared on my face.

Lillian stammers "T-That looks like…"

I had the instinct to pull off my mask, and when I did that, blood was on my face, around my eyes, as a pillar of blue flames erupted below me. But when it faded, I was in a gladiator’s armor with a female warrior wielding a greatsword standing behind me, as I lifted my head with a confident grin.

Lune was also dressed in gladiator clothing since he had a similar power as his wife.

Lune was holding Mjölnir in his right hand.

Lune spoke "You can't hope to beat the Norse god of thunder!"

Danyelle puts a soundproof barrier around Tails since she knew he would cower in fear once Lune started throwing bolts of lightning around.

“Lune?” I asked in surprise.

Lune spoke "Let's get rid of this pesky unicorn together!"

For some reason, I was blushing as I started to love Lune more and more. “Alright! Let’s do this! Bellona!”

Bellona summoned a shield in her left hand and bashed Sombra with it.

Lune spoke "Mjölnir Thunder BASH!!!"

Thor brought down a big bolt of lightning on Sombra, electrocuting the stallion.

“Looks like it’s time to raise morale.” I declared as Bellona planted a Roman flag, increasing both my and Lune’s strengths and defenses, while Sombra felt weaker and more vulnerable.

Ben roars loud, sending Sombra flying far away.

Ben chuckles "Not bad you two."

Danyelle spoke "Y-yeah...."

“Is something wrong?” I asked in concern and fear.

Danyelle spoke "I was scared of losing my life...."

*Zoey's POV*

With Sombra gone, the gang could get some rest before the Challenge began.

Sumarda spoke "Alright! Let’s go!"

Sumarda snapped her fingers, bringing us to an infinite space, where me, Dren and all of the other teams were standing on ground and in our midforms.

Discord spoke "Hello, everyone!"

Pandora spoke "That’s right! It’s another Challenge contest! And a new one has been added to the second challenge, which will make its debut in this contest!"

Dren spoke "good thing natural born Mobians aren't affected..."

Danyelle gasps "L-Lillian! You look silly!"

Lillian looked mostly human except for the tailfeathers.

Lillian spoke "Well, it’s a bit awkward being a human girl."

Tempest spoke "I can agree with that, since I’m a girl in a man’s body."

Danyelle spoke "At least I have it easy, I'm 100% female."

But the Lillian realized something. “Wait a minute…!”

Tempest looked down on hir chest and blushed.

Sumarda spoke "That’s right you two. Lillian and Tempest are like Chakats now, except they’re Mobinis."

Throwing a shirt at Tempest, Danyelle spoke "Sumarda!"

Sumarda spoke "Sorry, forgot about that, due to my excitement of having this much competitors in the Challenge, me and Cronile included."

Maria was in Mobini form yet the eagle wings and hedgehog ears remained.

Maria asks "Wait, me and Shadow aren’t competing, are we?"

Blizzardstar spoke "I'm not affected though."

Flowerstep spoke "Me neither."

Sumarda spoke "That’s because chakats and ponykats have at least two arms and two legs. Taurs aren’t really affected at all in my dimension."

Finn suddenly showed up with Quicksilver.

Quicksilver asks "How in the flop did I get here?"

Sumarda spoke "Huh. I didn’t expect this."

Discord asks "Well, since all of the couples are gonna be watching, why not in person?"

Then Fizzlepop showed up in her midform.

Finn was suddenly blushing.

Fizzlepop asks "What gives?! What happened?!"

Quicksilver explained everything to her twin.

Fizzlepop asks "Let me get this straight, we’re watching a competition?"

Quicksilver spoke "Yeah and you might want to watch out sis, some jackal's got a crush on you."

A nervous Finn smiles at Fizzlepop.

Twilight was kneeling down while digging in the dirt, digging up a strange lamp.

Twilight spoke "Hey Suma, look what I found!"

Sumarda asks "Hmm? What’s this?"

Danyelle spoke "Looks like a genie lamp."

Twilight spoke "Are you sure? But there’s something written, but it’s covered in dust."

Danyelle spoke "Try dusting it off."

Twilight spoke "Okay."

Twilight rubbed the lamp, but then it started shaking and levitating, shooting out streams of blue colored smoke.

A blue unicorn mare suddenly appears.

The mare spoke "Greetings, thy name is Mystic Wish."

Danyelle was looking at Mystic with a curious gaze.

Mystic asks "Is something wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "I haven't seen a genie since 2007 though..."

Sonic spoke "Hmm… I wonder how she's doing."

Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing, as were the marks of the Mane Six.

Sumarda asks "Hmm… Another mission?"

Starlight pops up suddenly since her cutie mark was also glowing.

Starlight spoke "Well, this is a first..."

Sumarda asks "Hmm… Should this wait?"

Danyelle spoke "Might as well...."

Sonic spoke "I don't know what became of Shahra after I had stopped Erazor. Plus I don't have the book anymore..."

Sumarda spoke "Hmm… I‘ll help you guys look for it after the Challenge."

Blizzardstar spoke "It's still odd that not all of the Mobian Guard was called..."

Sumarda spoke "You might wanna look again."

The marks on all of the members of the Mobian Guard started glowing as well.

Sonic spoke "Sorry guys. The map specifically called for me, Danyelle, the Mane Six and Starlight. But where Twilight goes, Mystic goes too since her lamp is in Twilight's possession."

Underneath her armor, Fizzlepop's cutie mark was glowing as well.

Sumarda spoke "Fizzlepop’s needed as well."

Twilight spoke "Mystic, I wish that Fizzlepop's horn was fully repaired."

Fizzlepop stammers "W-wait, what?!"

Mystic spoke "Understood."

A blue glow surrounds Fizzlepop's broken horn, repairing it fully but the color was off.

Fizzlepop exclaims "What gives?!"

Twilight asks "Why is Fizzlepop’s horn a different color?"

Mystic spoke "Sorry, but for wishes, you need to be specific with your words."

Quicksilver spoke "Let me clear that up, our mother had golden yellow fur."

A teary eyed Fizzlepop spoke "I'm so happy..."

Quicksilver was about to go comfort her sister, when Finn stopped her. “I’ll take care of it.”

Twilight snickers as she put a bouquet of roses in Finn's hands, embarrassing the jackal.

Fizzlepop was flustered when she saw the roses.

Finn spoke "Not cool Twilight!!"

Twilight only giggle before Cadence grabbed her from behind. “Heehee! Since when did you start taking my job, Twily?”

Mystic was back in her lamp while giggling.

Akari, Dusk, Daylight and Silverstorm spoke "Auntie Cadence!"

Twilight asks "Cadence?"

Then Shining Armor showed up.

Shining spoke "Hey, Twily."

Akari, Dusk, Daylight and Silverstorm spoke "Uncle Shiny!"

the four children dogpile Shining.

Shining chuckles "H-Hey! *Laughing* Me and Cadence are in the Challenge too, ya know."

Cadence spoke "That’s true."

Danyelle pulls Cadence aside for a bit, putting up a soundproof barrier around them.

Danyelle spoke "Congrats on your foal."

Cadence asks "Clairvoyance?"

Danyelle spoke "My clairvoancy's blocked for some weird reason... But I can tell by scent. It'll be an alicorn foal..."

Cadence spoke "Oh."

But the joy in Fizzlepop was so great, she couldn’t stop herself from kissing Finn right on the lips, much to his surprise. But then Finn relaxed, and returned the kiss with his eyes closed.

Danyelle spoke "Well, we got another happy couple."

But then Fizzlepop and Finn disconnected, looking at each other with half-lidded eyes, before the unicorn mare declared, “Me and Finn are joining the Challenge too!” While Finn only chuckled in agreement.

Quicksilver was staring at the night sky.

Quicksilver sighs "I wonder if there is someone out there for me…"

Mystic thinks "I don't think I can help with love based wishes since it's against genie code to make someone fall in love."

Discord spoke "Well, it looks like two new teams joined the fray."

Pandora spoke "The team of Cadence and Shining Armor, and the newly formed team of Fizzlepop Berrytwist, formerly known as Tempest Shadow, and Finn, formerly known as Infinite."

Discord and Pandora ask "Are all teams ready for the first challenge, the eating competition?"

Mystic reappears in a puff of smoke.

Mystic asks "Is it possible for a same gendered team to enter?"

Sumarda asks "You mean hermaphrodites?"

Twilight spoke "She meant a team with two females..."

Sumarda spoke "Oh. Well then, sure you can, Mystic, but you won’t affect Twilight and Flash Sentry’s scores. There’s a bit of a rule for powerful beings confined in small spaces; they can compete with a team of two, but only for the first challenge and for fun."

Mystic spoke "Fair enough and I guess that applies to those two beasts inside Twilight too."

Matatabi giggles " Heehee! Given that genies are more powerful than Tailed Beasts."

Kurama retorts "Hey!"

Sonic chuckles "Hay's for horses."

Unfortunately, all of the ponies in their midforms glared at Sonic for that quip.

Discord asks "So, are all teams ready for the first challenge? That being the eating contest?"

Pandora spoke The time limit for each of the three challenges is two hours."

Blaze whacks Sonic on the back of the head.

Twilight had shifted to Blue Flame Twirama mode.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Ready!"

Flash spoke "Ready!"

Mystic spoke "All set!"

Various pairings spoke "READY!!!"

Sumarda spoke "Ready, cousin!"

Cronile spoke "All good here!"

“All ready!” I responded.

“Same here!” Dren agreed.

Pibby kicks a gong, indicating that the competition was underway.

Blue Flame Twirama chows down on several cakes, pies and what not.

Rainbow was chowing down on cake though but she left the pies for Soarin since she didn't like pie.

Flash Sentry and Mystic were eating just as fast as Blue Flame Twirama.

Soarin and Fleetfoot were eating as quickly as Rainbow Dash.

It seemed all of us were eating at the same pace, eating incredibly fast, since when the gong sounded, it felt like my stomach and hunger became insatiable, same being said for Dren and all of the other competitors.

Rainbow kept eating away at the cake.

Danyelle chows down on hundreds of strawberries.

Me, Dren and all of the competitors seemed to be getting bigger and fatter the more we ate, but we couldn’t even care less about it as we kept eating.

Blue Flame Twirama's belly was getting bloated from the amount of food.

All of the competitors, me and Dren included, started becoming more blubbery as all of us kept eating.

*Two hours later,*

Pibby kicks the gong once again, signaling that the contest was done.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "*burp* That was fun..."

Flash Sentry, Mystic, me, Dren and all of the other competitors burped in agreement, as we all at least weighed a million pounds, as big as mountains, only a few pounds different from each other.

Discord spoke "Wow! Those teams sure had hearty appetites!"

Pandora spoke "You said it! And now it’s time to rally the scores!"

Blue Flame Twirama asks "Who won?"

Discord spoke "The results are in!"

Pandora spoke "And the winner is…"

Spotlights started frenzying all around us before going out.

Discord and Pandora spoke "The team of Yu Narukami and Rise Kujikawa, the team of Blue Flame Twirama and Flash Sentry, even though Mystic weighs just as much as they do, the team of Sumarda and Cronile, the team of Haust and Vetur, and the team of Zoey and Dren, with all of them each weighing 1.04 thousand pounds!"

Spotlights then shined on me, Dren and the other teams who tied with us.

Pibby spoke "I didn't eat anything though!"

Sumarda asks "Didn’t you say you and Bunbun were entering?"

Pibby spoke "I did say that but I kinda have a sugar allergy...."

Discord spoke "Sumarda’s got a point."

Discord put up a screen and did a playback.


Pibby spoke "Count me, Bunbun, Cam and Ashley in too!"

*end flashback*

Renee spoke "Too much sugar could make her hyper..."

Pibby spoke "I know, but I don’t feel over energetic or over enthusiastic."

Renee spoke "Under normal circumstances, it would have a nasty effect..."

Sumarda asks "Well, it seems all of us are nice, big, stuffed and jiggly. Shall we move on to the next challenge?"

Blue Flame Twirama sheds off the extra weight easy.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Yeah."

Sumarda spoke "Sorry Twirama, but…"

But then the extra weight came back to Blue Flame Twirama as quickly as she shedded it.

Sumarda spoke "Those extra pounds stay throughout the rest of the Challenge. I thought you knew that."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "FLOP THAT!"

Discord spoke "It seems we’ll move on to the second challenge!"

Pandora spoke "And one that will make its debut!"

Sumarda snapped her fingers, before all of the girls, hermaphrodites and I found ourselves in bikinis while all of the boys found themselves in speedos.

Danyelle's Pikachu was crackling with static for some odd reason.

Tessa spoke "Pika... {Something's not right...}"

Sumarda spoke "Oh. Maybe Tessa should be in the audience, since we don’t want her accidentally shocking everyone in a country-sized pool for the next challenge."

Danyelle spoke "We might have to cancel the second contest.... The weather's going crazy!"

Rainbow spoke "Not even the weather team can control it!"

Sumarda spoke "Now who said that we’re doing the second challenge at the lake? It’s too small."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, summoning an incredibly deep and large pool, which seems to be as big as a country.

Cronile spoke "Oh yeah! Now that’s what I’m talking about!"

Tessa zaps Sumarda as Vetur spoke "Sumarda dear, something's wrong with the weather."

Sumarda asks "In this space I made? How, mom?"

Danyelle spoke "Pokémon and non sentient animals are more in tune with nature than Mobians and Equians are... They can sense things we can't."

Sumarda spoke "Wait… Are Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres missing?! If so, then the second challenge will have to be delayed."

Danyelle spoke "Moltres is missing and I fear the other two are being targeted."

Blue Flame Twirama reverts back to pony form, shedding off the extra weight.

Danyelle spoke "I remember an old prophecy... Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning. Lest these titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's great guardian shall rise to quell the fighting. Alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to ash..."
