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Return to Acme Acres/ Threats from the Upside-Down/ Sisters Reunited

*Lillian’s POV*

When we came back with Carmina and Flippy, Danyelle got a message from Bugs.

At that precise moment, Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing. And so was Pibby's mark.

Danyelle spoke "Looks like we got a new problem."

Twilight spoke "I have a feeling that something is going on...."

Then Chameleo showed up. “Phew! Sorry, that took a little longer than I thought.”

Danyelle spoke "Hey Chameleo."

Chameleo spoke "I know that it’s only been a few hours since we helped Discord for now, but I managed to reform Ji-Woon Hak."

Then the lynx Mobian showed up. "*Speaking a different language* Oh sorry, my English isn’t very good.*

Danyelle giggles "I'm not that good with Neighponese unless under the influence of poison joke.."

Chameleo spoke "No, that wasn’t Japanese. Danyelle, that was Korean."

Danyelle spoke "English is my strongest language though..."

Chameleo spoke "I can tell."

Pibby spoke "A new problem came up."

Chameleo asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "It's in Acme Acres...."

Chameleo asks "You mean they need help?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup... but I don't know why I was called, I've got a kitten on the way..."

But then Sumarda appeared. “Um… I don't know. I’m kinda sensing that you have triplets on the way. But I could be wrong.”

Danyelle stammers "T-triplets?!?"

The female faints.

Sumarda spoke Hey, I don’t know for sure, but if Danyelle does have triplets in her, at least she’d understand what Pinkie went through. It could be one baby, twins or triplets. But like I said, I don’t know for certain."

Blizzardstar spoke "Either way, she can't go on map missions anymore. Even if she's called, she can't go."

Sumarda spoke "Well…"

Sumarda snapped her fingers, but it seemed like nothing happened.

Sumarda spoke "When it comes to stuff like this, I put up impenetrable barriers around the womb, just so that the unborn children will be perfectly safe, even if the female pregnant with them goes on a mission."

Sonic spoke "Though I doubt it'd work against the Monstars... They're a very rowdy and dangerous team..."

Sumarda spoke "Even they won’t be able to break the barrier."

Ji-Woon spoke "Ooh… My killer senses are tingling."

Carmina spoke "Yeah, I’m sensing that too."

Ben spoke "Regardless, I can't let my wife go on such a dangerous mission."

Carmina spoke "I’ll go in Danyelle’s place, it’s the least I can do to repay her for helping me."

Roll spoke "Good idea since this way, Danyelle doesn't get hurt."

Megaman spoke "Plus I have a feeling that the Monstars have a dangerous new ally...."

Ji-Woon asks "And that’s who me and my artistic friend were sensing. You know Ben, you should stay with Danyelle. A wife needs her husband, does she not?"

Ben spoke "Right but I can't risk exposing the children to such a dangerous being..."

*One warp ring to Acme Acres later*

Danyelle spoke "Hey Bugs, I got your message."

Bugs spoke "Boy! Am I glad! Because those aliens are back with someone new! And we need to beat these guys!"

Danyelle spoke "I told Fluttershy to stay behind because whatever the Monstars allied themselves with will give her nightmares... And knowing Discord, he'll likely rip the creature to shreds..."

Bugs asks "But who’re those two?"

Danyelle spoke "Recently reformed baddies, the lynx is Ji-Woon and the crow is Carmina. I understood Carmina's pain because of my own past. My brother died before he was born but he was reborn as one of my NetNavis."

Bugs asks "But what’s with glamour cat’s story?"

Bass scoffs "You talking bout me?"

Ji-Woon spoke "No no, Bass. He was talking about me."

The NetNavi scoffs.

Megaman spoke "Just ignore Bass, someone put salt into his cyber-coffee today."

Ji-Woon spoke "I’ve yearned for people to scream for me, but I’ve been going at it the wrong way."

Danyelle spoke "Fear is not the way to get screams. Maybe you can ask Sans sometime, he's a punny comedian."

Ji-Woon chuckled at that joke. “That’s good. But I already know the right way to get screams of applause and joy. After all, I am a K-Pop Star."

Applejack spoke "Maybe mah fillyhood friend could learn a thing or two from ya, she's tryin ta make it as a famous singer..."

Ji-Woon spoke "Hmm…"

Twilight was snickering.

Danyelle snickers "By Amaterasu's light.... You've got a crush on somepony! And you haven't even met her yet!"

Ji-Woon spoke Please don’t misunderstand, I’m just saying that I’m somewhat interested."

Rainbow was snickering.

Applejack spoke "No doubt about it sugarcube, ya have it bad fer Coloratura."

Danyelle growls suddenly.

Ji-Woon just hmph’d as he threw a knife at a tree.

Ji-Woon spoke "Well, it seems they have arrived, and with flower face no less."

Danyelle snarls "What do you losers want?"

Twilight snarls at the six.

Danyelle asks "Wait a minute, who’s the new guy? The one who’s head looks like a closed flower?"

Twilight growls "Whatever it is, it's extremely dangerous...."

Carmina spoke "And there’s a good reason that Demogorgon is dangerous."

Ji-Woon spoke "Yes, it’s been quite some time since the two of us saw it."

Carmina spoke "But I’m guessing that the Demogorgon’s not taking our betrayal well."

The Demogorgon roared, revealing its five-way split mouth shaped like petals, and being full of needle-like teeth as it readied its claws for battle.

Bluish magenta flames swirl around Twilight as she shifted into Blue Flame Twirama before roaring back.

Blue Flame Twirama glares at the Monstars.

Pibby was also growling at the Monstars.

The Demogorgon hissed before lunging at Blue Flame Twirama’s face before closing its mouth on her nose while scratching her with its claws.

Blue Flame Twirama cranked up the heat of her flames, forcing the demogorgon off her face.

But when the Demogorgon landed, it growled before digging into the ground, leaving behind a strange set of covering the hole and the small area around it.

Blue Flame Twirama growls "It should have thought twice before attacking a firebender!"

Danyelle spoke "That may be so Twilight but that thing isn't the only monster that's harassing the Looney Tunes, there are others...."

Carmina spoke "No, it just went into the Upside-Down."

Blue Flame Twirama asks "The what?"

Ji-Woon spoke "An alternate realm, home to the Demogorgon. And as the name suggests, when you get into that world, it’ll make you feel like you’re walking on the ceiling."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "so basically, everything is backwards."

Carmina spoke Yes and no."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "I can't have the Mobian Guard or my friends get involved though...."

Danyelle spoke "She's got a point though."

Pibby spoke "I sense something coming...."

Rainbow Dash asks "What is it?"

Pibby's neck hair had bristled up.

Eyes shimmering, Rarity spoke "Oh no... THE CORRUPTION IS BACK!!!!"

Chameleo asks "What?

Carmina spoke "That can’t be good."

Blue Flame Twirama asks "Another one?"

Danyelle spoke "We have to get rid of this corruption!"

But then a giant glitched Demogorgon erupted from the ground.

Blue Flame Twirama grabs her friends with magic before taking flight to avoid the corrupted Demogorgon.

Broad wings flapping, Blue Flame Twirama spoke "That was bloody close...."

But then Pibby started feeling something strange as her front right hoof started turning into a claw that’s the same color as her mane.

Chameleo spoke "Wait a minute…"

Pibby exclaims "What the fuck is this?!?"

But the next thing Pibby knew, she glitched and she was flying right alongside Blue Flame Twirama.

Chameleo spoke "Wow! You have Vanellope’s power!"

Danyelle yowls "I'M GONNA WRECK IT!!!!!"

Chameleo spoke "Oh yeah! We can fix it!"

Blue Flame Twirama roars loud, pushing the corrupted Demogorgon back.

Ben and Finn roar as well, the combined power of all three roars send the corrupted Demogorgon flying far away.

Pibby spoke "That was good, but we need to destroy its core!"

Blue Flame Twirama roars "TWILITERASU!!!"

A howl rings loud as a Heaven's Piercing Light struck the corruption, shattering the core completely.

Danyelle asks "Is it over?"

But then an red orb of data started floating over to Pibby before she instinctively raised her claw, absorbing the orb instantly.

Chameleo spoke "Whoa! Just like Megaman!"

Megaman spoke "I heard that!"

Pibby asks "What just happened?"

Carmine spoke "It seems you purified some corrupted data from that copy and absorbed it."

Ji-Woon spoke "Yes, now you can use ‘Of The Abyss.’"

Danyelle spoke "Huh, neat.... But Pibby's parents and adopted mother don't know about this!"

Pibby spoke "But somehow I get the feeling that they sensed that."

Megaman spoke "It would be wiser if I handled the data since I'm pretty much data myself."

Bass scoffs "Tch, idiot. Haven’t you forgotten that you can only copy data from other NetNavis?"

Danyelle glares at Bass.

Danyelle spoke "One more rude comment from you and I'll remove you from my 2DS. Plus Megaman's soul is partially human."

A slightly darker sky blue Pegasus that has the same pink mane as Pibby suddenly tackles the alicorn to the ground.

The Pegasus asks "Who are you?"

One of the mare's front legs was shorter than the other since she had lost part of it to the corruption.

Pibby was trying to push the mare off her.

Pibby exclaims "I’m Pibby!"

The mare gasps "P-Pibby?"

Pibby was confused for a few seconds before letting out a gasp. “L-Libby?”

Despite having half a foreleg, Libby tickles her younger sister.

Pibby started giggling.

A blue maned Pegasus mare with a scar on one cheek asks "Forgetting someone?"

Pibby spoke "Daisy!"

Daisy spoke "I barely got Lib out of danger... But it was too late to fix her damaged limb..."

But then Giorno showed up. “Maybe I can help with that.”

Libby spoke "No amount of magic can regrow a severed limb...."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "That may be so but.... I can wish for it to happen."

Giorno picked up a rock and put it on Libby’s leg wound, before it somehow turned into an attached limb. “My Golden Wind can give life into inanimate objects and turn them into body parts.”

Mystic scoffs "Genie powers can fix almost anything."

Giorno spoke "Yes, that’s true. I didn’t mean any disrespect, Mystic."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "I wish that Libby's damaged foreleg was fully fixed."

Mystic spoke "Thou wish is thy command."

Mystic uses her magic to fully repair Libby's damaged leg as cerulean fur regrows out of repaired skin.

Mystic spoke "Thou hast one wish left, use it wisely."

Mystic goes back into her lamp for rest.

Giorno spoke "I suppose it wasn’t completely healed before Mystic helped out."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "There's only so much a single person can do before they turn to a stronger power source for help."

Fizzlepop spoke "My horn was one such example."
