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Castle Sweet Castle

*Twilight's POV*

A few days after Starlight moved to the Crystal Empire to be with Sunburst, I was spending more of my time at either Danyelle's mansion or at the ruins of my old home. Heck, Pibby was doing the same thing since she was wary of my new home.

But some of my friends started noticing that.

Melira was worried about Pibby.

Sam was on her mother's back since she was worried.

Crosswind spoke "We need ta do something girls."

Applejack asks "Yeah, but what?"

Flash spoke "She misses her old home, it's where we first met... I still can't get over the fact that Danyelle set up that prank to get Twi and I together."

Lillian giggled. “Not to mention you two had the time of your lives.”

Flash chuckles "Yeah, we wouldn't have had Akari either."

But then Danyelle and Lillian started giggling harder.

Danyelle giggles "You know, maybe you could have some more fun with your Twily Star."

Lillian giggles "And make your family bigger."

A sudden POMF was heard.

I stammer "I h-heard that!!"

But that started making Danyelle and Lillian start laughing before falling onto their backs, which made me and Flash blush as red as apples.

I spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle, I've heard you moaning in your sleep the last time I spent the night at your place!"

That seems to have gotten her good, since her entire body flushed red and her wings stiffened out like a board.

I laugh "Gotcha!"

Lillian teases "Wow, guess you’re think about making your family bigger with Ben."

Danyelle counters "Really? You couldn’t spot panting with a smile, playing with a certain spot the last time you were at my house."

That made Lillian blush just as much as me and Danyelle.

Danyelle stammers "Sh-shut up Birdbrain!"

Lillian laughs "Oh yeah, kitty cat?"

A red furred male wolf Mobian was laughing at a joke Chloe had made.

Danyelle spoke "Birdbrain."

Zoey flew past while saying "Catch me if you can Dren!"

Dren laughs "You’re on, furball!"

I giggled a bit at Lillian and Danyelle being blush-red like that. “You two birdies really have it real crazy-bad for your mates-for-life, don’t you?”

Danyelle spoke "Lillian and I can say the same thing about you and Flash."

Then me, Danyelle and Lillian started butting our heads at the same time with competitive looks on our faces. “You know what? Maybe next week, we could do that Challenge. Three teams; me and Flash Sentry, against Danyelle and Ben, versus Lillian and Tempest. So, whaddya say?”

Danyelle spoke "Oh, it’s on now!"

Lillian spoke "Challenge accepted!"

Sumarda then showed up out of nowhere. “Whoa! The Challenge with three teams of two competing in it?! This is gonna be awesome!”

Zoey spoke "Better make it four teams! Dren and I want in!"

Sumarda simply could not contain her excitement, so I decided to push her over the edge. "So girls, wanna do the Challenge tomorrow?" I asked, and Danyelle, Lillian and Zoey agreed without hesitation, before Sumarda blew up like a firework.

Sumarda spoke "GAH!!! If three more teams enter, me and Cronile will have to compete in the Challenge too!"

Renee spoke "I like a good challenge, you can count me and Gadget in!"

Sardon spoke "Count me and Bridget in."

Corina spoke "Count me and Jet in!"

Danyelle was laughing. "Guess it's eight teams now!"

Sumarda looked like she was about to fall apart in excitement, and she did, literally.

Sumarda spoke "That’s it! This Challenge Competition is gonna be broadcasted into the minds of ALL couples!"

Corina spoke "I call the shots on what we're going to do!"

Zoey spoke "Oh no you don't Birdie, I'm the leader of the Tokyo Five. I decide what we do."

Sumarda spoke "Hehe! Sorry. But the three challenges for the Challenge were already permanently decided on the first one that had couples participating. The first Challenge competition where me and Cronile were up against Discord and Pandora."

Zoey hisses "What about MY idea?"

Sumarda spoke "Sorry, but them’s the breaks. So off we go tomorrow morning."

Zoey flew off in anger.

Dren spoke "She's mad...."

Corina spoke "If only someone would LISTEN to Zoey's ideas once in a while... We wouldn't have a mad cat on our hands and hooves..."

Yui spoke in an angry tone "COUSIN SUMARDA!!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO THE PINK CAT?!?!"

Sumarda spoke "Although we could use more ideas for the second challenge."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, teleporting Zoey back to me and the others.

Zoey was in a foul mood since she was 3 months pregnant with a kitten.

Zoey growls "Didn't your mother tell you not to teleport pregnant females?"

Sumarda spoke "Sorry about that. But what did you exactly have in mind? I forgot we might need another idea for the second challenge."

Zoey spoke "Chicken fight at the lake!"

Sumarda asks "Hmm... That's a good idea, I'll add it. But the size of the lake depends. So I'll make as big as it needs to be depending on the results of the first challenge. You do know what the three challenges for the Challenge are, right?"

Zoey, Corina, Bridget and Renee spoke "Not really."

A loud crash was heard over at Sugarcube Corner since Mrs Cake had to chase a hyper Tarb out.

Zoey facepalms before saying "Corina, go get the grapefruit juice..."

Corina spoke "Right!"

The Lorikeet Mobian flew off to her house to get a bottle of grapefruit juice.

Sumarda asks "Sugar rush?"

Whitty spoke "Tarb... Cut.. That... OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sumarda spoke "Uh-oh! Now Whitty's gone ballistic!"

Corina spoke "TAR-TAR! SODA TIME!!!"

The hyper monkey Mobian grabs the bottle and drank the juice down thus calming down.

Whitty's scales looked more purple as his clothes were a bit brighter with him baring his teeth in an angry fashion, while his fuse seemed to be lit as his irises took different shapes in his eyes, before he calmed down, going back to normal after seeing that Tarb wasn't going crazy anymore.

Lillian spoke "Let this be a lesson for all of us... NEVER give Tarb sugar.... And that means you too Pinkie."

*The next day*

Pibby asks "Could I watch?"

Sumarda spoke "Hmm... Well, normally you wouldn't be able to, but since you're pregnant, yes."

Pibby bonks Sumarda on the head with a book.

Pibby spoke "Baka, I had my daughter."

Sumarda spoke "Sorry. Forgot about that, but still, since you gave birth to a child, it's still a yes."

Danyelle burped up a letter but it wasn't from Celestia or Luna.

Danyelle spoke "Holy floppa! Sumarda, you have a letter from your parents!"

Sumarda exclaims "Wait, what?!"

Sumarda eagerly grabbed the letter and read it, before gaining a smile as big as Pinkie Pie's.

Sumarda spoke "My parents are gonna help with the Challenge!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Check again, they've signed up for the challenge."

But then for some reason, Sumarda started panicking and hyperventilating.

Cronile spoke "Babe, take it easy. I had a feeling this would happen, so they're the extra guest stars."

Yui spoke "I don't get it."

Cronile spoke "Sometimes, when Sumarda's parents come to the Challenge, they usually help out. So this will be their first time competing."

I spoke "I smell a storm coming...."

The male spoke "Hakuna Matata."

But then I saw a pair of draconequui behind me.

Danyelle froze when she heard the term.

Lillian asks "Something wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "I haven't heard that term in a few years...."

A loud boom was heard, scaring Tails senseless.

Danyelle took flight before her eyes shimmered.

Danyelle spoke "Sumarda! Call off the challenge! A wild Everfree storm is coming!"

Sumarda spoke "It’ll be held off until tomorrow then!"

Danyelle spoke "It's the worst one yet, it may last a week!"

Sumarda spoke "After a week then!"

Danyelle's eyes narrow before spotting a robot inside the thundercloud.

Danyelle spoke "I knew it! Eggman caused this!"

Sumarda growls "Tch! Oh, he’ll definitely be an Egg Man when I’m through with him! Because nothing stands between me and the Challenge! Once we beat him, the Challenge!"

Danyelle spoke "Best leave him to me and my team."

A pained yowl splits the air.

Danyelle snarls "That flopping does it! Eggman is gonna die!"

A wounded Yuki was out cold on the ground near Lune who was crying.

Sumarda growls "No one, I mean, NO ONE hurts my friends! Leave Baldy McNosehair to me!"


Sumarda stopped. “I-I just wanted to help.”

Danyelle spoke "Eggman's main targets are me and Lillian because of what we have."

Sumarda spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "I made the wrong choice of picking Yuki to be the bravest, she's no fighter...."

Yuki spoke "I heard that!"

Lune spoke "She's right Yuki, you nearly died.... I don't want you to fight anymore..."

Yuki spoke "But I can still-"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Yuki, I can't let you fight anymore. Think about your children, their safety is your main concern."

Yuki was silent, knowing Danyelle was right.

Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry Yuki but your children's safety come first. I fight because I know that my Changelings and Diamond Dogs can keep my kids safe."

After Danyelle had destroyed the robot, Rarity and Blizzardstar had blindfolded me before guiding me to the map room.

I ask "Okay, what is going in.... here?"

I was speechless at what the others had done.

Danyelle spoke "Woah!"

Lillian spoke "This is… amazing!"

Blizzardstar chuckles "Each crystal represents the memories you made when you first arrived in Ponyville. Oh, this one is from when Danyelle and Nyx first arrived!"

Sumarda chuckles "Hehe. Guess it’s true what they say, memories last forever."

Athena spoke "Yeah, this one was from when I scolded Discord for that prank he pulled on Celestia."

Sumarda giggles "Hehehehe! You go, auntie!"

A pair of older Draconequui spoke "Guess who!"

Danyelle was suddenly up on the tree roots since she was jump scared.

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

Athena gasps "Vetur! Haust!"

Sumarda gasps "Mom! Dad!"

Sumarda and Cronile then hugged the two new Draconequi, before the four of them changed from thin to fat at 1,000 pounds.

“Mom and dad?!” Me and the non-Draconequi creatures gasped in shock.

Athena snaps her fingers before Discord fell out of a hole.

Danyelle asks "Can someone explain WHAT THE FLOP is going on here?"

Discord simply face-palmed himself. “Meet Aunt Vetur and Uncle Haust. Aunt Vetur is my mother’s sister. And Auntie’s family is from Grandpa’s side.”

Sumarda spoke "I should known you two were the warthog and fox from earlier!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh."
