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Disease Disaster

*Nyx’s POV*

Me, the rest of the CMCs were hanging out with Narancia, and he was telling us about stands, which most of us kinda understood.

Danyelle was itching at her neck for some strange reason.

Danyelle spoke "That’s weird."

A voice moans "Brain!"

But then we all looked toward the source of that moan, revealed to be Fugo holding his head in pain.

Fugo groans "My brain!"

Pibby was flying away from her angry sister since someone had let slip about Sam.

Scootaloo asks "Uh… What’s going on with Fugo?"

Narancia spoke "Oh no! Rat Flu! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill, CMCs!"

Sonata and the other sirens roar loud, warning everycreature within hearing range to stay indoors.


Me, Narancia and the other CMCs were examining Fugo.

Fugo spoke "I feel terrible. Do I look terrible? Be honest with me."

Fugo did indeed look terrible.

Scootaloo spoke "Uh, nope! Not horribly sick at all!"

We then left Fugo alone.

Scootaloo spoke "Okay, Fugo’s horribly sick."

Narancia asks Alright, seeing as how bad it looked, this will affect Fugo’s whole brain, which means seven full stages before his body naturally recovers! And do you know what happens a stage seven?"

I ask "Would Maria's Chaos Heal be enough to cure him?"

Danyelle kept clawing at her fur since she had issues.

Narancia spoke "No, this flu has to run its course. But what happens at stage seven is, the chance to get anything we want!"

That left me and the rest of the CMCs caught completely off guard.

Danyelle yelps "Narancia, what’s that supposed to-WHOA!!!"

Danyelle was somehow sent flying into a wall.

Danyelle yelps "Ow!"

But then a strange anthro flea jumped off her fur and onto her nose, before his handlebar mustache straightened.

Danyelle growls "Didn't anyone teach you not to throw around pregnant females?"

Then the flea jumped off of her and jumped away into an ACME pothole back to Acme Acres.

Danyelle growls "I hate fleas...."

Sweetie Belle spoke "But at least he’s well-mannered."

Applebloom asks But seriously Narancia, y’all serious about that?"

Narancia spoke "Of course I am! Poor Fugo, but fortunately for us, he’ll say yes to anything we ask of him! But only if we survive this and get to the elusive stage seven, which means no one’s gonna get infected or bitten."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I picked up that protective spell from Sumarda in case I had gotten hurt or thrown around like a ragdoll."

We decided not to question that.

Narancia asks "Anyway, when we make it to the end, which is called the ‘Must Say Yes’ Stage, what’re we gonna ask for?"

Dusk and Daylight both spoke "We don't know."

Little did Dusk, Daylight and Silverstorm know, Twilight was at the hospital for another check-up since she was expecting another foal.

Narancia spoke "Maybe we’ll think about it on the go."

Tiago spoke "Wow! This is so awesome!"

Asriel spoke0" But it is terrible for Fugo."

But after noticing something, Asriel breathed out again, and all of us saw his breath as Narancia breathed into his hoof, seeing his own breath.

Narancia spoke "Get ready, Crusaders. It’s about to get weird, because we’re at stage one; Fever."

Twilight soon had a thin layer of fire covering her entire body to keep warm.

Twilight spoke "Hey Nara."

Narancia spoke "Hi, Twilight."

But little did they know, Fugo took off his clothes and stood right in front of the AC that was at full-blast in sub-zero temperature.

Four hours later, we were shivering to keep ourselves warm as snow surrounded us.

The crusaders had huddled around Twilight since she was radiating heat thanks to her flames.

Carla spoke "Brr! I think I hate stage one!"

Dusk spoke "Calm down, and think warm thoughts."

Narancia spoke "It’s been four hours in, Fugo’s fever should break soon."

Twilight spoke "good thing I have firebending or we would have frozen to death."

Twilight breathes harmless fire on Carla to warm her up.

Carla spoke "*Sigh of relief* Thanks, Twilight."

Then the AC went off as Fugo showed up.

Fugo spoke "*Sniff!* Sorry about that. Achoo!"

But then Fugo fell down flat on his face.

Twilight catches Fugo with magic before he collapsed and places him in bed.

But then Fugo started growling, before he got up on all fours, screeching, then started chasing us with me, Narancia and the rest of the CMCs screaming while running away from him.

Narancia spoke "We’re at stage two; Wild Rat Man!"

While we were running, we got some hazmat suits on.

Twilight turns towards Fugo before roaring at him.

That pushed Fugo back a bit before crawling into a vent that went to his room.

Narancia spoke "AB, Scoots, SB, follow me and be careful. We can’t lose anyone before the ‘Must Say Yes’ stage."

Twilight follows with the other Crusaders.

Narancia asks "Um… Is there a flashlight spell?"

Danyelle's claws glow with magic to provide light.

Narancia spoke "Thanks."

Danyelle decided to look under Fugo's bed, but found nothing. Unfortunately, unknown to her, Fugo was right behind her before grabbing onto her back so gently, the nekomata didn't notice, while Narancia, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were frightened speechless.

Danyelle kept her tails tucked between her legs while purring.

Twilight spoke "Uh... Danyelle? Don't look now, but Fugo's on your back."

Danyelle sets herself on fire.

Fugo snarled as he jumped off. But as he got up again, he suddenly had a strange smile with his arms wide open. “Oh, my favorite friends.”

Danyelle asks "Favorite Friends?"

Narancia spoke "Run! It’s Stage Three; Captain Cuddle Cakes!"

And the six of them started running away again.

*Meanwhile, with me and the rest of the crusaders…*

Danyelle flew off with me, Iris and Guinevere following her as Dusk, Daylight and Silverstorm followed Twilight.

Tiago asks "Huh?"

Narancia spoke "Run! Stage 3! Stage 3!"

The rest of the crusaders looked back to see Fugo chasing them.

Fugo spoke "Cute little creatures, come to Fugo!"

The rest of the crusaders started running away.

Tiago asks "Wait... *Sniff sniff* What's that smell?"

Then Fugo suddenly showed up inside Tiago's hazmat suit, much to everyone's surprise.

Fugo spoke "My favorite bird. I love you so much."

Tiago spoke "No! Stop!"

Narancia spoke "Oh no! Tiago's been infected! We need to quarantine him, STAT!"

A minute later, we put Tiago in a quarantine ball.

Rusty asks "Where did Twilight, Dusk, Daylight, Silverstorm, Nyx, Iris, Guinevere and auntie Danyelle go?

Asriel spoke "I'm not sure."

Tiago asks "Come on! I'm not infected! Not in the... Slightest... Whew... Getting a little hot here. Am I in an oven or something?"

Then the bubble sprayed Tiago with some water before that water disappeared.

Narancia asks "Bia, where's the target?"

Bia looked, only to find Fugo gone.

Bia spoke "We lost him."

But then a smoke bomb exploded, and when the smoke faded, it revealed Fugo in a ninja outfit.

Narancia spoke "Uh-oh! Stage 4; Ninja Supreme!"

Fugo charged forward and slashed past Narancia and the CMCs with a sword, slicing their hazmat suits to ribbons.

Rusty growls "Oh COME ON!!!!"

But then the lights went completely out.

Lance manages to create a weak light spell to provide some light.

Narancia spoke "Not good! Better track him!"

Narancia then had a small radar screen in front of his left eye while some of the Crusaders saw that Fugo was going after Twilight, Dusk, Daylight, Silverstorm, me, Iris, Guinevere and Danyelle.

Danyelle had to clamp Guinevere's beak shut as Twilight put an invisible barrier plus a scent masking spell over herself and the seven to hide from Fugo.

But little did they know that Fugo was right above them, and he sensed that they were directly below him.

Twilight fired a roar at Fugo, pushing him backwards.

But then next thing they knew, Fugo was on the other side of them with their hazmat suits cut to pieces.

Twilight growls "Dang it, I can't get a lock on him at this stage!"

Danyelle's clothes also got shredded to ribbons.

Covering the front of her body with her wings, Danyelle growls "AMATERASU DAMN IT FUGO! YOU RUINED MY FAVORITE CLOTHES!!!"

A minute later, they came back to us, and Twilight gave Danyelle a spare set of clothes. Unfortunately, some of them had a few cuts.

Narancia asks "You guys alright?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah but I couldn't get a lock on Fugo so I could use the roar on him..."

“But what’re we gonna ask Fugo?” I asked.

Narancia spoke "Hmm… Maybe-"

Fugo spoke "Hey!"

Narancia asks "What the?!"

Fugo landed on the high ground before he removed the ninja suit as music started playing with disco lights coming on. “~I’m…~

Narancia spoke "This is bad! Stage five; Karaoke Love Songs!"

Twilight put noise cancelling headsets on herself and the others to block out the songs.

Narancia spoke "Thanks, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "No problem."

Guinevere asks "*Sniff!* Why is it so hot in here?"

I pant "This is why I hate having black fur..... Darker colors absorb heat faster than lighter colors...."

Narancia spoke "Uh-oh! Guinevere’s infected!"

Then we put Guinevere into another quarantine bubble as some water sprayed her before it disappeared.

Danyelle uses a disinfectant spell to clean the other Crusaders before they got infected.

Twilight spoke "Good idea Dany!"

Narancia sighs with relief. "Phew! Talk about your close shaves."

Scootaloo asks "Wait, what stage are we on now?"

Narancia spoke "Right now, I’m guessing stage six; Fan Fiction."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I had that disinfectant spell on hand or the rest of us would've been infected."

Narancia spoke "Whew. Definitely."

A few minutes later, we saw Fugo telling us about ideas of what our stands would look like and what their abilities and names would be if we had stands.

Scootaloo spoke "Wow! Awesome! Keep going!"

Narancia spoke "Aw man! This is the closest we’ve been to Stage Seven, ever!"

I ask "Mom, what's a stand?"

Danyelle spoke "In a nutshell, it's kinda like Lucy's celestial spirits."

“Wow!” I awed before Scootaloo sneezed.

Then we put Scootaloo in a quarantine bubble.

Scootaloo spoke "Aw man! We’re gonna blow it! None of us know what to ask and… It’s getting really hot. It’s like I’m on Celestia’s sun here!"

Then the bubble sprayed water on Scootaloo before the water disappeared.

Iris spoke "I hate being in a quarantine bubble...."

Then Tiago started acting strange. “Big sisters, I love you, but you two tend to get boring. Blah blah. But that’s what makes you two you. Come here, I’m gonna hug you till you smile.”

Then Guinevere started hissing. “He’s gotta say yesssss. Make him say yessssss!”

Danyelle was itching at her fur again.

Danyelle groans "Oh come on!"

Narancia spoke "I think I know what to ask Fugo. But we only get to ask one thing. Alright, here we go. Stage Seven; Must Say Yes."

Twilight spoke "Then you ask him Nara."

Narancia spoke "Okay. *Deep breathe in, then out.* Fugo, I know you’ll say yes to whatever I ask. So I want you to-"

Tiago spoke "Give everyone a hug!"

Tiago stabbed his beak into the bubble, popping it as he ran in front of us.

Tiago spoke "Everyone loves hugs!"

Narancia stammers "N-No! Not that! Anything but that!"

Twilight restrains Tiago with magic, putting a band of magic around his beak.

But it was too late because after Tiago said that, Fugo started charging at us with arms wide open.

Danyelle's magic flares up, putting a bite-proof barrier around Fugo thus stopping him from getting closer.

But then Fugo started hugging the barriers before…

Fugo groans "Ugh… What? What happened?"

Fugo looked at what happened and jumped off.

Fugo spoke "Oh no. Please don’t tell me I got Rat Flu."

Narancia spoke "Well Fugo, you did. But now you’re cured!"

Danyelle spoke "Good thing my magic flared up at the right time or someone else would have gotten sick."

Fugo spoke "Well, I’m just glad I didn’t bring out Purple Smoke. Because when I lose my temper, my darkest thoughts take over."

Narancia spoke "*Shiver!* I know, Fugo. Purple Smoke’s the anger in you, not to mention it’s a viral cloud of death if one of its capsules break."

Nightfall spoke "Try being a literal Nightmare.... I was created from the left over scraps of Nightmare Moon..."

I spoke "I'm not truly a real pony though... It's why I can't travel to magicless worlds..."

I broke down into tears.

Twilight asks "Is there a way to bypass a problem like this?"

I had curled into a ball while crying.

Asriel came over to me. “Nyx?”

I whimper "Yeah Azzie?"

It was clear to Asriel that I was scared.

Asriel spoke "Please, calm down, Nyxie. I’m sure we’ll find some way to help you."

But then I sudden found myself in space, staring at a lifeless body in front of me. And that lifeless body was mine!

Twilight spoke "Mystic, I know I'd hate to use my last wish like this but it's for Nyx though... I wish that she was a fully living pony, one no longer bound to just a world with magic."

Mystic sighs "Ok-"

Giorno spoke "That will not be necessary. Golden Wind Requiem is already taking care of that."

I was in shock at seeing my own body, before I heard a strange voice.

The being spoke "What you're seeing is truth."

I turned around, only to see a strange humanoid being.

I was shaking in fear of the creature.

the being spoke "Calm yourself. I am Golden Wind Requiem, Stand of Giorno Giovanna. I can see that your soul is pure and that your actions are truth."

I whimper "But my body is fake...."

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "That is because your soul and magic became your being, limiting your life to one world. I have given life to a new body, one that you can bond yourself with. But the choice is yours, so make a truthful decision."

I spoke "It's just like what happened with Dusk...."

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "Yes, and he had reached the truth."

I spoke "Actually, that was because of a dying wish flower... His human body had died but he was reborn as a pegasus colt. The same thing with my uncle, he died before he was born but his soul survived and ended up becoming a netnavi."

Golden Wind Requiem nodded as the both of us already know my choice, as I was sucked into my new body without any consequences.

My plushie self had been sent back into Mobius since I no longer needed it.

*Back with Twilight and the others*

Giorno spoke "And I have a feeling you still have one wish left, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "And I know how to use it. Mystic, you've been trapped for so long that I've decided to use my last wish. I wish that you were free to go wherever you want to go!"

That left Mystic surprised completely. “Wait, what?”

But then magic started swirling around her as the shackles on her fell off.

The lamp became defunct as well.

Mystic spoke "I... I'm free... I'm free. Uh, wish for something. Anything! Uh, Canterlot! Wish for Canterlot!"

Twilight asks "Um... I wish for Canterlot?"

Mystic laughs "No way!"

Mystic started laughing with a smile as she started bouncing throughout the room like Pinkie Pie.

Mystic laughs "Oh boy, does that feel good! I'm free! I'm free at last!"

Kurama was chuckling.

Kurama chuckles "Too bad I can't be given a new body tough."

Danyelle asks "Anyone seen Nyx?"

Matatabi giggles "Heeheehee. That would be a terrible and dangerous idea, given how big we are."

Kurama spoke "Oh shut up Tabi..."

"Right here." I called out.

Danyelle was slack jawed.

"Thanks, Giorno. I really appreciate you and Golden Wind Requiem for giving me a real body." I said in gratitude.

Giorno simply smiled at me. "You're very much welcome, Nyx."

Asriel was blushing.

Then I started blushing too before I noticed a unicorn horn on his head.

Danyelle spoke "Toriel's gonna rip my wings off if she sees what had happened to her son...."

Giorno spoke "You do know that Golden Wind Requiem can create new body parts to help heal you."

Danyelle spoke "A gryphon isn't a gryphon without its wings."

Giorno spoke "And Golden Wind Requiem can make gryphon wings."

Danyelle's tails had bristled up in shock.

Danyelle spoke "We might want to be careful... I sense a powerful force coming...."

A male asks "Oh no! It's not Thanos, is it?"

Danyelle spoke "No... He's as bad as Pinkie and Bugs are when it comes to certain things...."

Kurama groans "Oh hell no... Not Deadpool...."

Deadpool spoke "Oh! So you're talking about me!"

Danyelle groans "Oh god..... What has the world come to?"

Then a guy in a red-and-black suit showed up. "Heyo!"

Danyelle groans "Hello Deadpool...."

Deadpool asks "Why so sad, chad?"

Twilight growls at Deadpool.

Danyelle spoke "Word of advice mister, don't provoke Princess Twilight or whack her. Any damage she takes, it'll affect her kyubi form."
