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Slice of Life/ Pibby's Parents

*Pibby's POV*

I was talking with Matilda about her upcoming wedding.

I ask "Are you going to be okay?"

Matilda stutters "I-I-I-I don’t know!"

I spoke "Relax, it's going to be okay. Know what? I'll be your mare of honor."

Matilda asks "R-Really?"

I spoke "Of course, I'm a mare that keeps a promise."

Matilda started crying tears as she hugged me. “Thank you, so much Pibby.”

I calm the stressed donkey down just before my ears twitch.

I ask "You hear that?"

A frightened hinny was hiding in a bush near me and Matilda.

Matilda gasps "Oh my!"

The hinny was staring at Matilda with frightened rose pink eyes.

Matilda asks "Are you alright, young one?"

The hinny whimpers "I l-lost m-my p-parents...."

That left Matilda and I heartbroken and devastated.

I spoke "She's just like me... I can't remember where my real parents are but I've got Melira as my mom now."

The hinny soon nuzzled up against Matilda.

I ask "But how will Cranky take the news?"

Matilda wondered how to answer the question.

the fur on my neck bristles up suddenly.

I ask "Holy floppa, is that a bugbear?"

But then a tomahawk flew by, cutting the bugbear.

I groan "bugbears have rather thick hides, just like Nemean lions...."

But then I realized something, “Wait, where’d that tomahawk come from?”

Melira spoke "Don't look at me Pibby..."

The unicorn mare asks "Pibby?"

The Pegasus stallion asks "Is that really you, sweetie?"

I stammer "M-mom? D-dad?"

I broke down into tears before hugging my actual parents.

Bunbun was carrying Sam in his arms.

Bunbun gasps "Are they…?"

Melira spoke "They are."

I cry "I though I lost you...."

Kibby spoke "We were so scared..."

Bobby spoke "We’re so glad you’re safe…"

Danyelle had cross fused with Megaman while fighting the bugbear.

I spoke "Melira looked after me while you were gone, she's like a mother to me."

Kibby spoke "I knew it was the right choice to trust her. But I still wonder if she’ll ever find that tomcat of her dreams."

Sam giggles.

Kibby and Bobby ask "Hmm?"

Melira spoke "Long story short... You're grandparents."

Kibby and Bobby ask "Huh?"

I spoke "It's true... Sam's my daughter... But I'm holding off on getting married for four years..."

Kibby fainted.

But I can tell my dad was giving a death stare at Bunbun.

I glare at my dad despite the blind eye.

I spoke "Dad, stop it! You're scaring Sam! Don't make me call the Nine Tailed Terror."

But then Bobby noticed something. “Pibby? Your right front hoof…”

I spoke "Moms, dad, meet Matilda. She's getting married soon."

Matilda spoke "Hello."

Danyelle got swatted back by the bugbear, crashing into Melira.

Danyelle mewls "Ow...."

I sigh "Nekomata-gryphicorn down..."

Matilda spoke "You can help them if you want to."

I spoke "I'm not fighting anymore... Sam's safety comes first. Plus my right eye is useless..."

Matilda spoke "But even mothers need to fight to protect their families."

Getting back on her feet, Danyelle spoke "She's right Pibby... Like I told Fluttershy once... "A strong mare stands up for herself, a stronger mare stands up for others..." And blind eye or not, you've got a warrior's spirit."

I thought carefully about what Danyelle said, and realized she was right.

Twilight was in her Twirama form as she fought the bugbear.

The hinny kept close to Matilda.

I spoke "Oh hi Cranky."

Matilda spoke "Cranky, we need to talk."

Cranky asks "Hmm? What is it?"

Matilda spoke "This young hinny lost her parents so I was thinking we could adopt her."

I spoke "Either way, we have a wedding to plan!"

Matilda gasps "Oh my goodness! Where's Pinkie when I need her?!"

Danyelle yowls as she flew back into battle.

I spoke "We'll have to make do with what we got though!"

Matilda asks "Are you sure?"

I spoke "of course."

Kibby spoke "Maybe we could help."

Bobby spoke "Definitely. Besides, we also need to spend some quality time with our family."

I spoke "Most definitely, don't mind the Changelings and Diamond Dogs. They're friendly."

Kibby spoke "I can tell."

I spoke "The nekomata you saw earlier is their alpha-queen."

Bobby asks "A cat? Being a leader of a pack of diamond dogs and a hive of changelings?"

I spoke "She's more than just a nekomata, she's part gryphon and part unicorn."

Melira spoke "This mainly stems from the fact Iris is a Changeling princess... But since she's not old enough to rule a hive of her own, Danyelle took the role of queen. Some time after Breakfang moved into town, Danyelle scared ten Diamond Dogs into listening to her alone thus she became their alpha."

Maria was pacing about since Shadow was helping the Mane Six and Mobian Guard.

Kibby spoke "My, it certainly sounded like a lot has happened."

Melira spoke "Yeah and from what I know, Danyelle was the second Mobian to arrive in town. Lillian was the first one but the funny thing is, she used to be male.... Tempest used to be female."

That made my parents snicker a bit.

Maria spoke "But that's not the half of it.... I used to be human...."

That left my parents surprised.

Maria spoke "I was very sick back then but not now."

Maria bolted to a garbage can before throwing up the lunch she recently had.

I spoke "Wait, I know that sign... I had the same problem when I was pregnant with Sam."

Maria whimpered in worry and fear. “What am I gonna tell Shadow?"

I spoke "Just be honest with him."

But that made me start to think that I made it worse since Maria started to hyperventilate.

I hug Maria to calm her down.

I spoke "During the wedding, we'll talk to Shadow."

But then a portal opened, revealing a slug ninja, which I think is called an Accelgor, an armored joust beetle, which I also think it’s called Escavalier, and another Bonbon and Lyra Heartstrings.

Maria was hiding behind me since she was wary of the newcomers.

Accelgor spoke "Don’t tell me that we went through a portal."

Other Bonbon spoke "I’m afraid we did."

Escavalier exclaims "Whoa! There’s another Bonbon and Lyra!"

Other Lyra asks "Is this what Chameleo told us about?"

Maria whispers "freaky..."

*During the wedding*

Maria goes to talk to Shadow.

Maria asks "Shadow?"

Shadow asks "Hmm?"

Maria spoke "There’s something I need to tell you."

Shadow asks "What is it Maria?"

I groan "Spit it out already..."

Maria breathed in and out, preparing for the worst as she decided to just tell Shadow the truth.

To Maria's surprise, Shadow hugged her while his tail wagged a bit.

Shadow spoke "No need to tell me, Maria."

Maria asks "You sure you can handle a child?"

Shadow asks "Do you realize what I have been through?"

I spoke "If I can handle being a teen mom or if Pinkie can handle the Tri-Pies, I'm sure you can handle one child."

Maria spoke "She's right Shadow, we can handle raising a child together."

Shadow gently grabbed Maria’s hand. “And I’m not doubting that.”

Maria spoke "If it's a girl, I was thinking of calling her Ruby."

I spoke "That sounds like a pretty name."

Mayor Mare spoke "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in mare-trimony. As I look around this room, I can only imagine how uncomfortable Cranky must be. But I also see so many folks from all trots of life, brought together by love. Cranky searched all across this great land of ours to find Matilda, and no matter what obstacles kept them apart, love would finally bring them together, just as it has brought all of us together now. It's remarkable to me how a story like Cranky's search for Matilda could fill this room with such a unique collection of ponies, Mobians, chakats and other creatures! It makes you realize that everyone is the star of their own story. And it's not just the main characters in our stories that make life so rich! It's everyone – those who play big parts and those who play small. If it weren't for everyone in this room and many more who couldn't be here today, Cranky and Matilda's lives wouldn't be as full and vibrant as they are."

A crying Steven Magnet was squeezing a random Diamond Dog.

Mayor Mare asks "And so, in front of all these loved ones... Cranky, do you take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Cranky spoke "I do."

Mayor Mare asks "And do you, Matilda, take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

A teary eyed Matilda spoke "I do!"

Mayor Mare spoke "Then I'm proud to say, I now pronounce you jack and jenny!"

Matilda gives Cranky a kiss, thus causing the flameless fireworks to go off.

Dr. Hooves laughs "Of course! They need love to ignite! How could I have missed it?!"

The New Mane Six were cheering.

Derpy spoke "I just don’t know what went wrong."

Escavalier spoke "Deja vu."

Other Lyra spoke "Agreed, Rhijoustle.

Accelgor spoke "That was just yesterday for us."

Other Bonbon spoke "That’s right, Slunja."

Kevin spoke "You didn't do anything wrong Derpy."

Twilight Sparkle spoke "You know something, girls? We are so lucky to live in this town. I love you all!"

Rainbow Dash yelps "Ow! That's where the bugbear bit me!"

Twilight Sparkle spoke "Sorry."

Danyelle spoke "Silly Twilight."
