• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

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Chapter 23

Chapter twenty three: This is Paradise

Twilight and the others were busy helping with the rebuilding of Equestria. After a month or so Equestria was well on it's way to becoming the beautiful country it was before Tirek's invasion. In celebration of Equestria freedom and restoration an invitation was sent out to the Paragon ponies that were all in their respective areas.

Twilight was offered a teaching job in the Canterlot School. She teaches superior magic and lore revolving around foreign lands and creatures. She is currently developing a book detailing the ponies’ adventure. As she puts down the finishing touches she thinks about Spike. She hasn't seen him ever since they left him behind at Komodo den. She knew he was more than likely fine and happy there but occasionally she would miss his company. Her thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. She opened the door to see who it was. It was a Pegasus with a bluish gray coat and a light yellow mane with bubbles for a cutie mark. She appeared to be cross eyed as well.

“Hello Ms. Sparkle, how are you doing today?” The pony said as she reached into her saddle bag with her tail. “Oh hello, I'm doing fine. You have some mail for me?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Sure, it's right in this bag. Somewhere...” the mail pony said as she dug into her saddle bag. She pulled out an invitation and looked at it while squinting with a very odd face expression. This one is yours I think!” the mail pony said as she handed it to Twilight who used her magic to float the letter closer to her.
She opened it and read the contents.

“What's it say?” the mail pony asked curious. Twilight looked at her with disapproval at her nosiness. The mail pony realizing what she did smiled sheepishly. “It's an invitation to a gala in me and my friends honor.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Wow that sounds pretty awesome! I better go deliver the rest of these invitations!” the mail pony said. “I should think so, the gala is tonight. Just what were you doing this whole time with these letters?” Twilight Sparkle said slightly annoyed by her having to change her schedule suddenly. “Sorry, I was supposed to give you these letters a week ago but I forgot!” the mail pony said. “Well better late than never I suppose. For once my friends are in town today so you should make haste and tell them about this party.” Twilight Sparkle said as she prepared to close the door. “Yep, I'll do that right now!” the mail pony said as she set off into the air. Twilight Sparkle shook her head. “The ponies they'll hire these days...” Twilight said as she closed the door and prepared.

Rainbow Dash was often training other pegasi into honing their flying skills and teaching them to handle and control harsh weather now that they were no longer in control of the weather and it happened naturally. She took a break from giving some lessons to a group of pegasi and is confronted by Scootaloo. Scootaloo called out to Rainbow Dash in an attempt to get her attention. “Hey I know you! You're that little squirt who formed a fan club around me!” Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah, I mean. Yep. That was me, just doing my part.” Scootaloo said as she tried her best to keep cool. “Well I do like the fan club I think it's pretty cool but why did you start it in the first place?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Why? Well isn't it obvious? Because you're awesome that's why!” Scootaloo said happily. “Yeah I’m pretty cool I guess.” Rainbow Dash said non-nonchalantly. “I wish I was cool like you. I'm barely even a flier at all...” Scootaloo said with a frown.

“Hey, don't talk about yourself like that! If you have thoughts like that in your head than you will never be a great flier!” Rainbow Dash said. “I'm sorry Ms. Dash. It's just. How will I ever be as good as you?” Scootaloo said. “Who said you had to be anything like me? I didn't get to where I needed to be by wishing I was someone else. All you need is good practice and good friends. Its okay that you look up to me but never devalue yourself cause you have something that makes you awesome too and you'll only find that out if you take the time to appreciate yourself and the ponies that care about you.” Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were interrupted by someone sniffling. They look to see the mail pony behind them and trying her very best not to tear up. “You're a real nice mare you know that Ms. Dash?” The mail pony said. “Ugh so lame, what do you want?” Scootaloo said irritated by the mail pony interrupting her conversation with Rainbow Dash.

“Urp, I just wanted to give Ms. Dash here her invitation to the gala. It's tonight you know!” The mail pony said. “Huh. Thanks for letting me know. Gotta cut this convo short little Squirt!” Rainbow Dash said taking the letter and flying off.

The mail pony went off to her next destination Sweet Apple Acres. Restoring the farmlands to their former glory has been a difficult task. Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh were overwhelmed by the amount of work they had to do. They requested help from other family members but they were also busy trying to fix the farmlands they took care of. Assistance did come however as Goluckie Glee arrived in town one day to see that she was in desperate need of help. Grateful and happy to help, a couple farmers from Anthro Town chipped in to help along with Rytonn and Alanzo.
The mail pony flew down to applejack who just got finished with a particular chore. “Hey there Ms. Applejack, I got some mail for you!” The mail pony said quickly pulling out the letter. “Oh? Who's it from?” Applejack asked curious. I dunno but it’s an invitation to go to a gala in the Paragon's honor. You're a paragon ya know!” The mail pony said happily. “As much as I’d like to go I’ve got too much work to do here to go off someplace else. I'm gonna have to decline on this offer.” Applejack said preparing to give the letter back. “I think you should go.” Big Macintosh said. “You know I can't Macintosh the farm-” Applejack protested. “Excuse my rudeness but I think you should attend Paragon Applejack! It is well deserved chances at respite with you’re fellow Paragons! Do not worry for I will stay until the farm returns to normal as instructed by Mrs. Smith!” Alanzo said bowing to Applejack. “I agree. We've practically restored this place as it is. Go off and hang out.” Rytonn said. “Aw shucks, y’all aren't going to take no for an answer are ya?” Applejack said with a smile. “What can we say? Determination is infectious.” Goluckie Glee said. “Well I guess that settles it, don't it now? I'll attend this party although I can't promise ya I’ll be the fanciest mare around but I’ll be there sure enough!” Applejack said. “I'm sure everypony will be happy to see you even if you showed up naked!” The mail pony said. “Allow me to read the note for you Paragon Applejack. My goodness, the gala is tonight!” Alanzo said as he opened and read the letter for Applejack. “I better get ready right now then.” Applejack said as she set off for the house to prepare for tonight.

The mail pony sets off for her next destination. She visits Pinkie Pie's house to see if she was there. She wasn't. At first she was just going to drop the mail off but then she remembers that she needed to know as soon as possible. So after asking a few ponies some questions she made her way to the Sugarcube Corner. She walked inside the building hoping to find Pinkie Pie working but to her misfortune she wasn't around. “Hey there, welcome to the Sugarcube Corner! I know what you want. We have some fresh muffins with a medley of berries in them!” Bon Bon said as she greeted the mail pony. “You do? Wait. I'm on the job. I can't eat muffins on the job anymore. I gotta a letter I need to deliver to Ms. Pie! Do you know where she is?” The mail pony asked. “Well if I had to guess. She's with Fluttershy right now. That's where she spends all her free time if gossip is correct.” Bon Bon said. “Fluttershy, Oh you mean Paragon Fluttershy? I have to deliver a letter to her too! Where does Fluttershy live? She doesn't have an address in Ponyville.” The mail pony said.

“She lives at that little house right next to the Everfree forest. It's the one with all the animals around it, you can't miss it, I hope.” Bon Bon said. “Oh, I think I know where that is. Thanks for the help. And uh, save the muffins. I'll be back.” The mail pony said as she left the store and took to the skies.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were sitting comfortably in the Fluttershy's garden. They were nuzzling each other not engaging in much talk and just having a nice quiet moment together. The mail pony landed nearby and strolled up to them. They were in their own little world and didn't notice that the mail pony had arrived. She walked up to them trying to get noticed visually but they had their eyes closed. The mail pony took a deep breath and loudly talked to them. “I got you a letter!” The mail pony yelled. The sudden noise spooked Fluttershy causing her to detach from Pinkie Pie and whisk right into her house causing the door to shut behind her. Pinkie Pie was surprised by the noise but didn't really go anywhere. However, Fluttershy moved so fast that Pinkie Pie, no longer was laying on her, fell to the ground in Fluttershy's absence.

“A couple of seconds had passed with Pinkie Pie lying down on the ground confused and surprised. Fluttershy quickly opened the door and walked back out. “Oh my, how embarrassing.” Fluttershy said feeling bad for her overreaction. Pinkie Pie lifted herself up and sat up right looking at the mail pony. “Letter?” She asked. “Yep, you have a gala to go to, tonight!” She said as she handed Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy their letters. “That's a bit unexpected. I-I I’ve never been to a gala. I-I mean. I don't even know what to wear.” Fluttershy said slightly panicking at the thought of going to a formal affair in nothing. “You don't have to worry Fluttershy; you can wear one of my clothes. I got a ton of them!” Pinkie Pie said happily. “D-do you really think any of your clothes will fit on me?” Fluttershy asked. “Sure, you fit me like a glove; you'll fit my clothes just fine!” Pinkie Pie said. “Hehe... wait what?” The mail pony said perplexed by Pinkie Pie's words. “Have you been giving these letters to all our friends?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Yep, all that's left is Rarity and then I’m done for the afternoon!” The mail pony said.

“Oh man, the gang will be there! It will be like one big party! And at a gala! A gala party! This night is going to be the best night ever!” Pinkie Pie said now excited and hopping around Fluttershy happily.

The mail pony went to Rarity's house but didn't find her there so she headed to her boutique shop. Except the shop was nowhere to be seen. She started panicking as she strolled back and forth through the streets feeling like she had completely lost her bearings on the town. Without looking to where she was going she tripped over a filly. It was Sweetie Belle. She was carrying a bag filled with cloth and screws. “Oh! Oops! I'll get that for you!” The mail pony said embarrassed by her blunder. She picks up the bag and Sweetie Belle lifts it with her magic putting the screws and cloth back into it. “It's okay.” Sweetie Belle said. “Ur. Can you tell me where Rarity's boutique shop is?” The mail pony asked sheepishly. “Whuh, oh, I know what you mean. Follow me, I was just going there!” Sweetie Belle said.

Sweetie Belle led her inside a store which didn't look anything like a proper boutique shop from the outside. Inside the idea of it not being a boutique shop was cemented. The shop was strewn with cloth and tools. Lined up in shelves and boxes were dolls, toys, and other random items. “Are you sure this is where Rarity works?” The mail pony asked completely confused by what she was seeing. “It most certainly is!” Rarity said as she entered the room. “I got the stuff for you big sis!” Sweetie Belle said floating the bag to her. “Good job Sweetie Belle! Who is you're friend?” Rarity asks. “I dunno she was looking for you though.” Sweetie Belle said with a shrug. “Well search no longer for I am here before you! What is you're inquiry? Do you need a keepsake fixed? Or would you like to have a special item custom made?” Rarity asked. “Uh, I thought you made dresses.” The mail pony said.

“Oh, it’s a dress you want! I can certainly provide you with that! You have a very particular style though. Sort of oddball, A bit frumpy but adorably so, Hmm, I'm thinking...khakis? No. Slacks, No, Hm, A dress? No you’d just look silly. Wait! Maybe that is you're way, yes! A pleasant summer dress! Sort of demure and a bit old fashioned looking but has that sort of charm about it like. “I'm just a nice ol' girl. A little quirky a little silly but fun loving and carefree, Needs a logo, Maybe a type of food too adorn on the dress. I'm thinking.... muffins, do you like muffins?” Rarity asked taking a moment to stop brainstorming. “I like muffins...” The mail pony said completely lost in Rarity's ramblings.

“I knew it! Muffins on a summer dress it is! I can stitch some blue berries on it and you will just simply shine with excellence!” Rarity said as she picked up a pencil and starting sketching the outfit design on a nearby piece of paper, “Uh, I didn't come here for a dress. I came to give you a letter...you and you're friends are going to gala...” the mail pony said pulling the letter out of her mailbag. “What? When is it?” Rarity said as she stopped dead in her tracks. “It's tonight.” The mail pony said. “What? Is this some kind of wretched joke? I don't even have a proper dress prepared. I had things scheduled! I'm going to have to cancel everything. Ooh! I should have gotten this weeks in advance, whoever responsible for this is going to pay dividends!” Rarity said angrily as she crumpled up the dress she was drawing and began feverishly sketching up her dress. “Place the letter on the desk and leave immediately!” Rarity said. “Oh boy, I better start making some calls for her. See you later mail pony lady!” Sweetie Bell said.

It didn't take too long for the Paragon ponies to get everything ready for their big appearance at the gala. A train pulled into the station just for them and it sped off to Canterlot at a brisk pace. They arrived at Canterlot just in time as the sun was beginning to set. As they walked through town all the ponies they passed by took notice of them. “I reckon this must be what it's like to be a celebrity.” Applejack said as she greeted the ponies who were paying attention to them. “I-I don't like all this attention...” Fluttershy said. “I'm afraid it's only uphill from here my dear. We have sort of ascended to a rather legendary status.” Rarity said.

“Did anyone actually read the letter? That ditzy pony sort of told us what we needed to know, except where the gala was being held.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. “I read the letter fully and we are heading to the destination right now. It’s actually a new building and was built by foreigners from the Nexus Domain. That's it right there!” Twilight Sparkle said pointing at the building. It was a huge theater with lots of statues and other foreign creatures carved into the architecture. A fountain sculpture of an elven woman sitting on a horse unicorn was in front of the entrance which was cluttered with ponies eager to enter. “Wow. This place is amazing! We're going to see a play? What’s the name of the play anyways?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I don't know. It didn't say in the letter.” Twilight Sparkle said. “I reckon this might be some indication of what we're seein'?” Applejack said as she pointed at a poster. On the poster was a picture of six women and one man. All of them were elves and they were posing on a stage. On the top was the supposed title of the play. “My little pony: Friendship is magic!”

“Is this what I think it is?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. “Those elves, they look kinda like us...” Fluttershy said as she looked at the individual pictures of the actors. “What do you think? A pretty accurate facsimile wouldn't you say?” A pony said. It was a unicorn with a light azure mane with a light gray coat and three golden crowns with purple jewels for a cutie mark. “Fancy Pants?” Rarity said surprised. “Good too see you again Rarity.” Fancy Pants said nodding to Rarity. “Di-did they really make a play about us?” Fluttershy asked sheepishly. “Of course, Plays were meant to tell the epic tale of a journey and no journey is more epic than the quest of the mane six and their adventure to stop Nightmare Moon! I can't take credit for it though. I may have assisted in the production but all the work was by a foreigner who was enamored with the Ponies and their quest. He apparently went to great pains to get as many eye witness accounts from as many different locals and yokels as possible. I saw the performance they did in Greyvale and I knew that you had to see it! So I invited you all to see the grand opening! You six are the honored guests in this feature presentation!” Fancy Pants said enthusiastically. “Well I’ll be...” Applejack said with a big grin, at a loss for words. “Welcome, one and all to grand opening of the Greyvale Theater, here in the magical castle city of Canterlot! Please make you're way to you're seats as the show is just about ready to begin!” Said an announcer over an intercom system, Everypony began filing into the building as Elvin ushers took their tickets and directed them to their seats. When the main six walked up an usher came up to them and escorted them to their seats. They sat in the front row. The theater was huge and could possibly sit all of Canterlot inside it. There was an entire space dedicated to orchestra which was comprised on different types of creatures all of which were bipeds.
Once everypony was sitting in their seats a woman walked out onto the stage. “Welcome everypony to the grand opening of the Greyvale Theater and its debut performance, my little pony: Friendship is magic! I am you're host. Bonnie Zacherle and it is my honor to guide you through this story. Please stay quiet during the performance leaving applause for moments indicated by the applause sign. Don't worry; you’ll know it when ya see it! Please. Do not take pictures or use devices that emit flashing lights as it distracts the actors. Now that we've gotten the formalities out of the way lets begin the story!” Bonnie said as she walked off the stage with the applause sign glowing. The lights in the theater dimmed and the orchestra began playing a tune. The curtains rose as the orchestra swelled showing an Elvin woman that bore a striking resemblance to Princess Celestia. Behind her was a stage that looked just like her throne room. Bonnie's voice could be heard overhead giving narration to the scene. “In the pristine castle of the glorious city resides the beloved queen of the ponies Celestia. Her benevolence is only equal to her beauty and her beauty is surpassed by her love for her ponies. From her castle windows she looks upon her empire like a mother looks upon her child.” Bonnie said. An Elvin woman that resembled Twilight Sparkle walked onto the stage. “Ah, why if it isn't my faithful student Twilight Sparkle. What brings you here today my child?” The Celestia actress asked.

“My queen, I come with dire news. In my research I have found that soon a great evil will fall upon our land. A mare by the name of Nightmare Moon will be freed from her imprisonment on the moon and will come to bring eternal night to Equestria! Something must be done before catastrophe assaults the kingdom and its ponies!” The Twilight actress said. “I have feared this day for quite some time. Indeed you are right Twilight. She is no doubt planning her vengeance even as we speak.” The Celestia actress said mournfully. “We must gather the elements of harmony as that is the only way to defeat her!” The Twilight actress said.

“I am afraid that the elements of harmony are no longer within my ability to wield. In my years of leisure my control over such powers has waned. But I foresaw the need to use them again so I had done something in preparation for this event. Take this scroll. It contains the names of the ponies that will be responsible for defending this land from Nightmare Moon's evil.” Celestia's actress said as she handed The Twilight Sparkle actress a rolled up piece of paper made to look like a scroll. Twilight Sparkle opened the scroll and saw that her own name was on the list. “M-my Queen, My name is on this list...” The Twilight Actress said confused by this. “Of course, you will be the leader. This is what you're training and studies have led to. I have appointed you as the leader of this group. You will be the arbiter of the elements of harmony.” The Celestia actress said as she put her hand on the Twilight Sparkle actress's shoulder. She holds the Celestia actress's hand in her hands as she knelt before her. “I will not fail you my queen! I shall do as told and deliver the results with a complete success and nothing less!” The Twilight actress said. “I expect no less from my dearest faithful student.” The Celestia actress said as she signaled The Twilight Actress to stand. The Twilight actor walked off the stage as the lights on the stage dimmed obscuring visibility from the actors and the set. Bonnie's voice could be heard yet again.

“And so a call to arms was sent and Twilight Sparkle went to gather the ponies that Queen Celestia had chosen. Her friend and assistant Spike joined in helping her in this endeavor. At last she had gathered the five ponies who will assist her in her quest. The flashy daredevil Rainbow Dash who was given the element of loyalty! The charming homespun gal Applejack who was given the element of truth! The loveable fool Pinkie Pie who was given the element of laughter! The artistic savant Rarity who was given the element of Generosity! And lastly the demure and affectionate Fluttershy who was given the element of kindness! Uniting these very different ponies was Twilight Sparkle who wielded the power of friendship. The conduit at which harmony surges through!
And so their adventure begins as they travel out of Equestria and into foreign lands to find and stop Nightmare Moon's plans!” Bonnie said.

“The stage lit up showing that the set had been changed during the narration. The environment now looked like a cave. A bunch of elven men dressed up to look like Diamond dogs walked onto the stage. They had the Rarity actress chained by the neck and waist. “You will help us find Diamonds pony!” the Diamond Dog actor said as he bore down on the Rarity actress. “First off, I would appreciate if you stop calling me “pony” I am a lady and I wish to be addressed as such, so you may call me Ms. or Rarity, Or Ms. Rarity.” The Rarity Actress said defiantly. “Shut it, stop you're whining!” the Diamond dog actor bellowed. “Whining? I am not whining. I am complaining. This is whining! Oh! This chain is too tight it's going to chafe, can't you loosen it! It's so nasty, why didn't you clean it first it's going to leave a stain! The chains are so heavy, why do I have to wear them?” The Rarity actress said in a very obnoxious tone. “I told you to shut it, pony!” The Diamond dog actor said as he pretended to strike the Rarity actress. The audiences’ stifled laughter turned to gasps of horror. Before the Diamond Dog actor could harm the Rarity actress anymore the Applejack actor stormed onto the stage. “Another pony, Get rid of her!” the diamond dog actor yelled. The other diamond dog actors surrounded Applejack and started grabbing her holding her down. “Y'all are going to have to try a little harder than that to stop this bronco!” The Applejack Actress said. She pushed them off her and tossed them aside. Soon the other ponies and Spike ran in to assist in freeing Rarity.
The Spike actor was Swash buckling with a spear wielding Diamond Dog actor. He deftly dodged the attacks and fake sliced the Diamond Dog solider actor causing him to fall down. A Diamond Dog actor charge Fluttershy with a loud war cry. “Ahh, Stay back!” She yelled. She grabbed the diamond Dog actor and threw him over her shoulder (with help from a cable crew who disguised themselves to keep the audience from knowing that the actor was wearing a harness). Another Diamond Dog actor was attacking the Pinkie Pie actress who was dodging his attacks in a comical manner. She grabbed his nose and pulled him by it grabbing his arm and slamming him to the ground. “Say uncle!” the Pinkie Pie actress said in a singsong tone. “Uncle!” The Diamond Dog actor said.
“Please stop, no more! Take you're stinking pony friend back! She's more trouble than she's worth!” The diamond Dog actor said as he relived her of the chains and pushed her towards her friends. “Victory is ours!” The Twilight Sparkle actor said. The audience cheered as the lights dimmed. “The treacherous Diamond Dogs tried to exploit Rarity's gift for finding diamonds but found that they couldn't get much out of her. Add to that her friends who quickly came to her rescue and they let her go. They continue their adventure through the land. Their travels lead them to a small village filled with Anthro creatures but not all is as serene as it looked to be!” Bonnie said.
The lights brightened showing a couple of Anthro actors in chains with some actors dressed like Orcs surrounding them. The set had changed into a village like environment. “Please, we’re just common folk! We're no use to anyone!” The Anthro actor pleaded. “I don't care if you're useful or not! I was paid to capture you and I’ll do just that! Now get in the cage before I beat you!” The Orc actor said as he waved his club at the Anthro actor. The ponies and Spike rushed onto the stage. The Twilight actress threw a handful of pop rocks at the Orc actor. When the rocks hit the ground it popped creating a smoke that matched the actress character color. The Orc actor falls down pretending to be harmed by the attack.

“The oppression of the downtrodden is unacceptable, leave these villagers alone or face our wrath!” The Twilight actress said. “You have a lot of nerve talking to us like that! Boys, put those chumps in their place!” The Orc actor leader said as he waved his club, signaling them to attack. One of the Orc actors started shooting arrows at the ponies. They dodged out of the way while the Rainbow Dash actress darted past the arrows and fake punched the archer, where upon he pretended to take the hit and fell down. The Rarity Actress gathered pop rocks in her hand and pelted them around the actors. Pretending that they were taking were damage they fell to the ground.
Surrounded by the ponies, the Orc leader actor surrendered running off stage. “And thus the humble people of Anthro celebrated the ponies who rescued them but they couldn't celebrate for long as the ponies soon set off on their journey to find and defeat Nightmare Moon.” Bonnie said as the stage darkened. “As you can see our heroines are a mighty force to be reckoned with. And while they may seem like inspiring role models, they too have their flaws. This is no more evident than in our very own Rainbow Dash. Truly she may be the most powerful Pegasus to ever grace the sky but she is often held back by her own ego.
Her inflated sense of self purpose and her misguided idolization often leaves her shortsighted and makes her selfish and cynical. Her arrogant attitude led to her fellow ponies disliking her and disapproving her actions and ideals. Unable to see a flaw within herself she rebelled from the group to defeat Nightmare Moon alone. She set off to the Kongming mountains where she runs into the monkey king, Sun Wukong an equally prideful being.” Bonnie said as the stage lit up showing a change in scenery. With the actor playing Sun Wukong already on stage, The actress playing Rainbow Dash walks onto the stage looking around only for Sun Wukong to rush up to her. “Hey, who are you and where do you hail from?” The Sun actor said as he pointed the staff right at the Rainbow Dash actress. “Pft, who do you think you are?” The Rainbow Dash actress said with a scoff as she batted away Sun Wukong's staff.

“What! How dare you show such impudence and ignorance? I am Sun Wukong; I am the most powerful warrior of all warriors everywhere past, present and future! You should be honored to even breathe the same air as me!” The Sun actor said with passionate indignation. “Hah, you don't seem so tough to me.” The Rainbow Dash actress said. “That is because you are a fool!” The Sun actor said getting right up in Rainbow Dash actress's face. The Rainbow Dash actress she grabbed Sun's face and pushed him back with her hand. “Ya know what? I've had it up to here with you. If you're really as cool as you say you are then proof it!” The Rainbow Dash actress said as she took an aggressive stance.
“Hmph, it will be my pleasure!” The Sun Wukong actor said as he took a fighting stance as well.
The two actors began to fight each other. Their choreography was very stylized with at one point both of them getting a harness and fighting off stage and above the audience.
Eventually the Monkey King actor defeats the Rainbow Dash actress laying the final blow where she safely lands face first onto the stage. “Wahahaha, you are tough but you are no match for me!” The Sun actor says while laughing boisterously. He looks at the Rainbow Dash actress. Tears were coming from her eyes as she laid on the stage. “Now, now, don’t be like that. You lost fair and square.” Sun actor said. “I'm such a failure...” The Rainbow Dash actress said somberly. “What?” The Sun actor said confused by her words. “I'm a loser all right, I can't do anything right. You're not the one that's all talk, I am...” The Rainbow Dash actress said. The Sun actor put his staff down and knelt next to the Rainbow Dash actress. “This is not right. Why must you be so hard on yourself? Surely losing to me doesn't mean you are a complete failure.” The Sun actor said trying his best to sound compassionate. “You think this is the first time I made a fool out of myself? I wish it was. I left the others thinking that they were just holding me back. But I was wrong. I just suck.” The Rainbow Dash actress said tearfully. The Sun actor interrupted the Rainbow Dash actress's moping by hitting her in the head with his staff. “Ack, what was that for?” The Rainbow Dash actress said as she rubbed her head. “You are most certainly a fool. But you are not a complete failure. A complete failure wouldn't stand a second fighting one such as me. You lasted longer in a fight with me than many, many others. You are truly powerful. But you will see many losses in you're future if you persist in foolishness.” Sun said sternly. “How do I stop being a fool?” The Rainbow Dash actress asked. “Ha, it is very simple actually! Those others you left behind. I assume they are you're allies are they not?” The Sun actor said as he pulled the Rainbow Dash actress up.

“Yeah, we kinda had a falling out though.” The Rainbow Dash actress said with guilt in her voice. “Apologize. But not just in words. From here on out you must no longer pine for glory and idolization. You are not the monkey king! I am an all powerful warrior who can take on the heavenly gods single-handedly. You are not. You need you're allies. Fight with them. Fight for them. Become one with them and they will become one with you and only then will you truly be a fool no longer.” The Sun actor said as he tried to lift the Rainbow Dash actress's spirits with his words. “Thank you; I really needed that knock to the head.” The Rainbow Dash actress said. “It was my pleasure! Now go forth! Reunite with you're allies and achieve you're goals together!” the Sun Wukong actor said. As the Rainbow Dash actress ran off the stage the lights dimmed.

“This is where true heroes shine! Not in battle where they fight mindless monsters but moments such as these! The battle to find true strength within is wrought with emotional turmoil and while we alone can only emerge victorious, a friend is vital if not integral to surviving and succeeding in these difficult trials. Two such individuals are our very own Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. They are the textbook introvert and extrovert. They approach life very differently and under most circumstances would be averse to hanging out with one another.
But as fate would have it they would get along because they were different!” Bonnie said. The stage lights came on and showed the set which had changed once more. This time it had the Pinkie Pie actress sitting solemnly on the ground. The Fluttershy actress eased onto the stage carefully approaching the Pinkie Pie actress. She knelt next to her hoping to attract her attention. The Pinkie Pie actress looked at Fluttershy and turned her back to her. “Go away.” She said sounding agitated. The Fluttershy actress immediately looked dejected and hurt. Her body began to shake as she tried to address The Pinkie Pie actress verbally. “P-P-Pinkie Pie, W-What's wrong?” The Fluttershy actress asked stuttering out of fraying nerves.

“You don't care.” The Pinkie Pie actress said still refusing to give the Fluttershy actress any eye contact. The Fluttershy actress squeaked in frustration as she tried to summon the courage to talk again. “Pinkie Pie, Please. Just tell me what's wrong.” She pleaded. “You don't care....No one really cares....” The Pinkie Pie actress said mournfully. “W-What, That's not true at all. What would make you think such a thing?” The Fluttershy actress said confused. “Nobody really likes me....they just think I’m some clown who throws parties and acts wacky everywhere I go....” The Pinkie Pie actress said. The Fluttershy actress had a confused look on her face. “Uh, I-I thought you liked all that clowning around and silly stuff?” The Fluttershy actress said completely confused by what she was hearing.

“That's the problem. I'm just some hapless comic relief character. I do a silly thing. You roll you're eyes and laugh, but nobody really cares about me. They just see me as some cartoon character to liven up their day. But I ask you. Where's my relief from comic relief?” The Pinkie Pie actress asked. “If you don't like being silly all the time, Why are you silly all the time?” The Fluttershy actress asked. “Would you pay any attention to me if I didn't act as wacky and as silly as possible?” The Pinkie Pie actress said. “Of course!” The Fluttershy actress said confidently. “See I kn- wait. What did you say?” The Pinkie Pie actress said breaking her foul mood into one of confusion. “I don't really care for all that madcap nonsense you like to do to amuse others. I like you best when you're just being regular old you. I mean it's still strange. But in a good kind of way, it makes life feel a little refreshing. None of it makes me laugh, but it keeps me in good spirits. I'm sorry you feel that you have to act out to make others happy. If it means anything, I’m just okay with whatever makes you okay.” The Fluttershy actress said happily. In the blink of an eye The Pinkie Pie actress tackles The Fluttershy actress onto the stage. She hugged her tightly. “I like being liked but sometimes putting on a show for ponies every time I interact someone with stresses me out. I love to hear others laugh but sometimes it would be nice to have the laughter where you don't laugh. I'm so happy that I can laugh with you.” The Pinkie Pie actress said as she snuggled The Fluttershy actress. “It was no problem Pinkie Pie. Really it was my pleasure.” The Fluttershy actress said as she tried to loosen her grip only to give up halfway and just embrace The Pinkie Pie actress in return.

“Pinkie Pie loves to entertain. Her quiet humdrum life made her starved for attention leading her to a life where she jumps through flaming hoops to get people to acknowledge her. It's fun but it's hardly a life where anybody really takes into account you're feelings. Such cartoonish acting can be dehumanizing at times. Fluttershy sits at the other end of the spectrum though. She's rather adverse to attention. Some would say completely petrified. The less attention she attracts to herself the better she feels. However, being alone isn't her intention either. She likes company just like anyone else. But it's very reserved attention she seeks.
Fluttershy the Introvert seeks company to stave off lonesomeness. And Pinkie Pie the Extrovert wishes to have moments where she can quietly unwind from time to time. Opposites do attract after all!” Bonnie said as the stage lights dimmed.

“After much traveling and a short trek across the sea Twilight Sparkle and the elements of harmony arrive at the Nexus Domain. Nightmare Moon was currently laying siege to the City of Light! Our warriors of light were defeated and captured. But the city refused to fall to her as Sir Alanzo and Lady Gilda defended the city with their very lives.” Bonnie said. The lights came on as it showed the actors playing Alanzo and Gilda fighting the actors who wore pony marionette outfits. As they fought, a voice rang out.

“Fools, do you not see that I have already won? Your city has fallen, your heroes are captured. Surrender for evil prevails!” The voice said. Clouds of smoke billowed into the stage making it hard to see the actual stage. The actors playing Gilda and Alanzo used the smoke to exit the stage while the actress playing Nightmare Moon rose from beneath it using a stage lift. The actress made an evil cackle as she waved her staff around. “Greyvale is only the beginning. No one shall impede my path to victory. I will take my sister's thrown and usher in a new age of darkness! Not just for Equestria but the whole world!” The Nightmare Moon actress said topping the line off with an evil cackle.

“Not if we have anything to say about it!” a voice yelled out. Colored smoke bombs covered parts of the stage. As the smoke faded the pony actresses could be seen. “Hmph, You filly fools, you expect me to be threatened by the likes of you? You are simple ponies. I am the mistress of evil!” The Nightmare Moon actress bellowed as the stage lighting simulated lighting strikes while foleys created thunder and lightning noises. “To you we may seem simple. And perhaps as individuals we may be. But we are not some random ponies. We are friends and paragons and we will use the power of our friendship to stop you!” The twilight actress said. The pony actresses got in a formation and lighting effects surrounded them. “We are truth, Just and fair!” The applejack actress said. “We are Loyalty, brave and determined!” The Rainbow Dash actress said. “We are Laughter, carefree and jovial! “We are generosity, circuitous and helpful!” The rarity actress said. “We are kindness, loving and sympathetic!” The Fluttershy actress said. “We are friends. And together we can overcome any obstacle!” The Twilight Sparkle actress said. Colored lights surrounded them. A beam of blinding rainbow colored light surrounded the Nightmare Moon actress. She let out a cry of pain as stage lift lowered her beneath the stage. The stage dimmed and Bonnie's narration could be heard. “Though Nightmare Moon was powerful she was no match for the power of friendship! The ponies saved the day and rescued the citizens of Greyvale. Upon their return they were treated as heroes. A celebration was held and why not for this was a great day for the ponies of Equestria. Nay, this was a great day for all things right and true!” Bonnie's voice said. The pony actresses started singing. One by one the searchlights pointed at them revealing them on the darkened stage. The song they sung was not native to Equestria but it synched with the principles of the land. As the actress sang in unison and the orchestra began to build the stage lit up showing a large rainbow casting over the castle Canterlot.
When the song ended the actors and actresses came onto the stage and bowed to the audience out as the curtain came down.
Twilight and others listened as the audience members reacted to the performance with ecstatic approval.
Twilight and the others made their way to the gala where the upper class members of Canterlot and the performers of the Greyvale Theater were already busy conversing with one another. When Twilight and the others entered, the room became silent. Bonnie Zacherle grabbed a microphone and spoke through it. “Let’s give a hand and hoof to the real heroines of our story, the paragon ponies!” Bonnie said. The crowd politely cheered for a bit before going back to conversing with one another. Twilight and the others looked around with little idea on what to do next. “Well, don't just stand there. Mingle!” Rarity said as she walked away from the group and started talking to other ponies.
The group separated and started interacting with the other patrons.

Twilight Sparkle walks around the main floor just browsing at the environment. While everyone talks and socializes a band plays music in the background to help suit the mood. Much to Pinkie's dismay she couldn't convince them to play a dance number. Twilight listens in on a particular conversation between a pony patron and the actor who played Spike in the play. “I think I had a pretty memorable role.” The actor said. “Hardly, while you had a decent performance, I do not think that playing such a disposable character will put you on the map.” The pony patron said. “Excuse me?” Twilight said as she wanted to engage them politely. “Oh, Lady Sparkle. Is there something wrong?” The patron asked. “No it's just. Well you said that Spike was a disposable character didn't you?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Well yes. I did say that. Do you not agree?” The pony patron asked. “Well no. I thought he was really important. He was an important companion.” Twilight Sparkle said. “He's technically a side character. At least in the play, I should know I played him. Name's Cathy Weseluck, it's an honor to make your acquaintance.” Cathy said. “I'm guessing you object because he was actually important in real life right?” He asked. “Well yes. He was my best friend.” Twilight said. “Oh. I just thought he was more your assistant than friend. The information I was provided regarding on capturing his character was to be “comically ignorable” it made sense to me. I mean a baby dragon surrounded by a bunch of adult mares? Doesn't sound like an opening for a really in depth character, in most stories a dragon among the cast usually leaves a big impression.
Mostly because dragons are powerful legendary creatures, but here you just have a dragon. For no reason, Spike could have been a talking cat it wouldn't have made too much of a difference. You knew the guy more than anyone else. Did his dragoness actually come into play?” Cathy asked. “It helped. But it wasn't his abilities as a creature that mattered. It was the support he provided. Emotional support, He stood by us all the way through.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Where is he now?” Cathy asked. “He, He went his separate way.” Twilight said with visible sadness on her face. “That's what I heard. He left you guys behind in the end. You defeated Nightmare Moon without him. You defeated Tirek without him. He was probably a really nice friend. But important he was not. That's my opinion though! Don't get too bent out of shape from it. I'm going to go get a drink it was nice meeting you Paragon Sparkle.” Cathy said as he walked away.

Rainbow Dash was hanging out not really interacting with anyone and was just basically chilling out. When two Wonderbolts walked up to her, it was Spitfire and Soarin. “Hey guys? How’s it hanging?” Rainbow Dash asked non-nonchalantly. “We need your opinion on something.” Spitfire said. “Oh, what’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked, curious. “It has to do with the Wukong character. Now Soarin' here just thinks that the Wukong character was a real creature. I disagreed. It was obvious that he was an analogue for you shedding yourself of your own arrogance and pride by facing it head on. Your fight with him was a romanticized version of an internal struggle.” Spitfire said.
Rainbow Dash looked at Spitfire who seemed fairly confident in her observation. “I hate to break it too you dude but Sun Wukong is a real person. He lives in the Kongming Mountains and everything.” Rainbow Dash said. “Ha! I knew it! You owe me a Zap-apple pop!” Soarin' said as his words echoed through the music hall.

Applejack casually strolls past a group of pony patrons having a discussion. One of them spots her and calls her out. “Lady Applejack! I say, can you come over here for a moment?” The pony patron said. Applejack walks over to the group. “Something wrong?” Applejack asked. “Well. Ya see. We know that in real life you are the paragon of determination. That goes without question. In the play though, you are for some strange reason the element of honesty.” The patron said. “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” Applejack asked. “Well. Can honesty really be a virtue? I can honestly state my opinion on anything but that doesn't make it a good thing just because I’m honest.
Honesty is just the expression of belief and understanding from one pony's perspective. It's a neutral force at best. Not good or bad.” The pony patron said. They all looked at Applejack waiting for her retort. She gives them a blank stare, unable to immediately respond. “I think that was a wee bit too heavy for the ol' gal. She's a paragon but she's still farm girl.” The pony patron said getting ready to dismiss Applejack's place in the conversation. Applejack, taking mild offense at the statement clears her throat and starts speaking in an alarmingly clear and distinct manner. “You do have a point there. Honesty is bit gray as far as it being a symbol of a clearly altruistic aspiration. Technically your honesty can be very easily corrupted or misinformed making your attempts at truth, false despite it being honest. It can also create problems and contention with whomever you happen to be placing your honesty on. However, being the element of honesty means that you must carefully wield the three truths. Truth of spirit, what you believe within despite the lack of proof or knowledge against, Truth of science, the researched and authenticated truth, and truth of culture, Truth as understand through society and lore.
The element of honesty is one with all three of these truths and has to carefully decide which one suits the situation best. She is always honest. But her honesty is tempered to support and is never used to be malicious or deceitful.” Applejack said in a very posh and sophisticated accent. The pony patrons were completely floored by her unexpected display of dialect and intellect. “I hope I solved that little discussion y’all were havin'.” Applejack said with a smile now returning her normal speaking voice. She strolled away with the patrons still collecting themselves.
“And what was that, might I ask?” Rarity said as she snuck up behind Applejack. “What was what Rarity?” Applejack asked coyly. “Tch, that little brain blast you had back there. Were you keeping eloquent Applejack tucked away for a raining day or some such nonsense?” Rarity asked accusingly. “I told ya I've been around city folk before. I know how to do that ol' fancy pants talk. No offense Mr. Pants.” Applejack said. “None taken!” Fancy Pants said. “Yes. Well. You did say that. But I just assumed...” Rarity said realizing that she had lost ground in the conversation. “Y’all know what those assumptions do. Don't ya?” Applejack said with a smile.

“Pft, you’re a piece of work you know that?” Rarity said. Applejack just grinned.

“Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy spend most of the time at the gala together. Talking to each other for the most part, a couple of pony patrons walked up to them and engaged them in conversation. “So it's true?” The patron asked. “Uh, what’s true?” Fluttershy asked slightly confused. “In the play it's more than a little suggested that you two are lovers. I thought that was just there so there would be a token romance in the story but seeing you two together I think it's true. Is it true though? Are you lovers?” The pony patron asked. “That's an awfully private question to ask a pony don't you think?” Fluttershy said as her face turned red with embarrassment.

“Yep, we love each other! Fluttershy makes me so happy! I make her happy too!” Pinkie Pie said enthusiastically. “This will be very disappointing news to my friend. For you see he always envisioned that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash was a couple.” The Pony patron said with a frown. Pinkie Pie barely contained herself as the mere thought had put her into hysterics. “Ha! I mean. What made your friend think that?” Pinkie Pie said still stifling her laughter. “I can't remember exactly but I think he just thinks that you two looked like a cute couple.” The pony patron said. “I understand that. I and Rainbow Dash have a little chemistry but it's nothing you can really base a true relationship on.
Take Rarity and Applejack there. They used to hate each other. Now they're friends but they are not lovers. They learned to tolerate and appreciate each others company but if they attempted to become a couple based on merely being able to tolerate each other they wouldn't tolerate each other for very long.
I would tell your friend that he can pretend that I and Rainbow Dash would make a cute couple but I would also advise him to remember that real relationships are more than just looking cute together.” Fluttershy said.
The gala went on for an hour or so but eventually everyone left to go home and Twilight and the others all left together to head back to Ponyville via the train.

The train comes into the station and opens its doors but before Twilight and the others walk in Pinkie Pie bounces in front of them. “Girls, I have an idea!” Pinkie Pie said. “What is it Pinkie Pie, can't it wait we need to get on the train.” Twilight Sparkle said. “I was thinking that we could have one more party.” Pinkie Pie said. “Wasn't the theater and the gala enough?” Rarity asked. “Eh. It was fine but it wasn't the sort of party I’d want to have with friends. It was way too stuffy and boring. I mean. We're all here. Together, who knows when we'll all get to hang out like this? I saw we go back to my place and we all have a real party. The sorts of party great friends like us have!” Pinkie Pie said happily. “Hm, what do you think girls?” Twilight Sparkle asked. The ponies thought for a moment. “The night is young. So why not?” Rarity said with a smile.
The group agrees much to Pinkie Pie's delight. They all hopped into the train just before it started leaving the station. When they arrived at Ponyville they immediately went to Pinkie Pie's house. She quickly set up her living room with all sorts of party items and games. They danced, they sang, they laughed, and they ate cupcakes for an hour or so. Eventually everyone had gotten far too tired to stay much longer. So one by one they left. As Fluttershy was leaving though Pinkie Pie stopped her, “Fluttershy wait.” Pinkie Pie said. “What is it Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy asked. “I was wondering if you could stay a bit longer. I don't have to work tomorrow and, I was wondering. If maybe we could have a little sleep over together.” Pinkie Pie said acting very sheepish as her face slightly reddens. “What do ya say, A little party with me and you?” She asks.
Fluttershy walks up to Pinkie Pie and softly nudges her nose against her face. “I'd love too.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle opens the door to her house. She walks into the dark library that is her main room. Sitting on her desk is the book she was writing. Just where she left it, She walks up the stairs to her bed but at the last second decides to walk out to her balcony. She stares at the sky, the night sky is beautifully illuminated with stars. A full moon shines brilliantly among them. Twilight closes her eyes and lets the environment embrace her. She took a deep breath and sighed.

“Dear Princess Celestia. Thank you, for everything.”

Comments ( 4 )


Oh um. Hmm.

Uhh. Gosh. I really don't know what to say. The proper response is thank you. And I am thankful. The reason why I made this thing at all was to gauge what others might think. The fact that you considered it so different from the Canon Equestria is interesting as the fandom has a interesting obsession with putting ponies in things that have nothing to do with the canon universe.

I don't really know. Or understand. The editing advice. I have a friend. She writes too. She tells me about the writing things too but I just don't really get it. I've been working on it. But you have similar complaints. I don't really know what to do about that. The desire to "not care" sort of creeps into me.

That's odd that the idea of having things come out slowly would be a suggestion. I used to submit sprite comics. And before I did that I read lots of comics and sprite comics. I HATED waiting for the next issue. It always seemed to take too long. I preferred to find something when it's all complete. So one can just run through it and not be left on cliff hangers. So I've always submitted things in high salvos. Save my readers the bother of waiting.

I always imagine people are impatient. The thought of someone reading a bit so they can feel it out. I don't understand that either. I am kicking myself that I didn't go through it one more time. I made that terrible mistake of saying people when I should have said ponies (It's like writing with your left hand when you're a rightie when I did this pony story I'm so used to anthros and humans). The idea of making people wait almost a year. That's how long it took. Like just last month last year is when I started (I wanted to capitalize on the bewildering fandom) and I just got done. Maybe a week ago.

I guess you've been here for awhile so you know how people think. I just joined today. Just to submit this. So I don't know nothin'.

I really wish I had pre-readers. Someone who could look at these things and edit it. But I have no one. My friends are far too busy and DON'T like the fandom. So I self edit. This is going to sound weird. But I don't know how people read. Like. How do you read words? I read my words and it seems no different from the words I just read that were the words you wrote. I don't get that either.

Oh... Oh man. I rebutted. No one likes a rebuttal. Thanks for saying that you think I have a passion.

Uh. I have passion.....

I have to admit that I love long stories and the mythos that you build up around your tale really peaked my attention, but I would recomend that you do some editing. :applejackunsure:You have a habit of switching between tenses and it makes it hard for me to immerse myself in the story. I would offer to edit it myself, because I think with a little bit of work it could be a very compelling novel, but I'm in the middle of my own story at the moment.:twilightblush: If it still needs done by the time I'm finished I would love to help you out.:twilightsmile:


Hey. That I would appreciate. Technically it is done but I could always use some editing help if someone is willing to lend it. I don't know what I'd give you as thanks for you're assistance but I'd come up with something.

So a Journey to the west Crossover Sounds interesting

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