• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

  • ...

Chapter 17

It is said the powers that the warriors of light wield are given to them by a all knowing deity who granted them their abilities in order to keep the world safe from catastrophes and to stave off the ever present force of darkness that tend to manifest themselves as malevolent and destructive forces of nature. The City of Light stands guard to defend the world from those who would exploit it or fill it with evil. Because of this the whole land is more or less a domain to light and to those who are blessed with its powers are incredible warriors to deal with. In the land of light these people have the advantage but in the land of darkness the tables can be easily turned.

Chapter Seventeen: Not unlike us.

While Twilight Sparkle was talking to the dark ponies and Nightmare Moon Spike had decided to leave the ponies behind and head out on his own leaving the backpack behind. Although Twilight wanted to pursue Spike she had to let him go as the more pressing concern of Nightmare Moon's whereabouts were far more important. A quick search to Midnight Castle led them to a dead end as she was no where to be found inside it. It was decide that everyone should split up so more ground can be covered. The Warriors of Light all went there separate ways traveling to Dream Valley and other lands beyond the sea. Rainbow Dash went off alone while Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie went to the Mushromp to see if Moochick could assist them yet again. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy traveled further inland.

Rainbow Dash sped through the air hoping to find anything of interest. She decided to touch down in a village to rest her wings for a bit. The village was similar to the one in Dream Valley except all the villagers were elf and elf like creatures rather than talking animals. A voice called out to Rainbow Dash “Hey!” the voice called out. It was a blond haired girl in clothing that looked suitable for farm work. She walked right up to Rainbow Dash. “Are you a Pegasus as well?” She asked. “Yeah but how did you know that?” Rainbow Dash said slightly confused by the girl's knowledge. “I've met one before. Perhaps you've heard of him? My name is Megan by the way.” Megan said. “A male Pegasus, Typhoon Rampage...” Rainbow Dash said thinking back to when she last saw him. “Do you want to say hi? I know where he is.” Megan said happily. Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. She then decided to go ahead and accept the offer. “Sure. Take me to him.” Rainbow Dash said.

Megan escorted Rainbow Dash to a small house next to a farming acre. She let Rainbow Dash inside. She walked Rainbow Dash to a room. Inside the room was a lit lantern sitting on a table adjacent to the bed. Sitting on the bed was none other than Typhoon Rampage. His body had changed just like the other ponies losing the darkness and attaining a muted color scheme. Unlike the Dark ponies his body was bandaged up and he had stitches on certain parts of his body. He turned to Rainbow Dash. It took a moment for it to register in his head. “Hey, I know you!” Typhoon said energetically. Rainbow Dash was stunned for a moment and didn't quite know how to respond. “Is there something wrong?” Typhoon asked concerned. Rainbow Dash quickly snapped out of it and responded. “No nothing's wrong.” Rainbow Dash said shaking her head. “I bet you've been looking for him for awhile now haven't you? I found him near the road one day while I was making some deliveries. I saw his body on the ground in a real messy heap I honestly thought he wasn't going to make it. But he made a full recovery. Well maybe not a full one. His mind's a bit frazzled and his body is still pretty frail. He won't be flying around for quite awhile.” Megan said petting Typhoon's head.

“I can't tell ya how lucky I am Megan found me when she did.” Typhoon said. “What exactly happened to Typhoon anyhow?” Megan asked. Typhoon looked at Rainbow Dash with a serious expression and then looked at Megan. “Megan, can you leave us for a moment? I want to talk to her alone.” Typhoon said. “Are you sure?” Megan asked concerned. “It's okay, it will only be for a bit but it's important that it's just me and her.” Typhoon said. “If you say so Typhoon, I'll be outside if you need me.” Megan said as she walked out and closed the door behind her. Typhoon Rampage looked at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked back at him wondering what his next move will be.
“I remember how I ended up like this. You tried to kill me.” Typhoon said with stoicism. Typhoon's words sunk like sharp rocks in Rainbow Dash's gut. “I didn't try to do it on purpose I just. It was just.” Rainbow Dash said befuddled by Typhoon's accusation. “It's okay. I understand. I tried to kill you a few times as well.” Typhoon said with a smile. “You remember that too?” Rainbow Dash said feeling slightly relieved. “It's all I remember. I'm sure I have more memories but all I vividly remember is you and me fighting each other. Exchanging blows, exchanging words, I think one time you said you're name was, Rain-bow... Dash! Is that you're name?” Typhoon asked as he tried to manually remember. “Yep, that’s my name. Typhoon, I'm sorry I did this too you...” Rainbow Dash said as she lowered her head. “You shouldn't be. I deserved this. I was trying to hurt you. It only made sense to hurt me back.” Typhoon said. “I've wanted to meet with you ever since I started remembering you. I wanted to ask you a question. Will you answer it?” Typhoon asked. “Sure. What do you want to know?” Rainbow Dash asked curious. “Why did I hurt you?” Typhoon asked. “What do you mean? You don't remember Nightmare Moon?” Rainbow Dash said confused by the question. “All my memories are kinda fuzzy and warped but there's one thing that's consistent in them. I never felt happy. I could think about my actions but I didn't seem to regret them. When I lost against you I remember being overwhelmed in shame and jealously. When I was hurting you I remember feeling satisfactions at you’re upcoming demise. All I want to know is why. You know me pretty well I would think. Why was I hurting you? Why didn't I feel bad for doing bad things?” Typhoon asked looking very remorseful.

“I don't think you could help it. Nightmare Moon created you did her bidding. Nightmare Moon is a mean pony just like all the other dark ponies. Well up until we used the elements of harmony on her. Then the dark ponies changed. Nightmare Moon still seems mean though so I'm thinking you were under her control. She created you but she didn't grant you any real freedom to make decisions and stuff like that.” Rainbow Dash said. “I see...Where is Nightmare Moon now?” Typhoon asked. “I don't know. She left and we haven't found her location since then. I was just taking a break from searching for her.” Rainbow Dash said. “I hope you find her, Dash, Thank you.” Typhoon said. “Thank me, for what?” Rainbow Dash said once again confused. “Thanks for freeing me from Nightmare Moon. I know I’ve hurt other people because of her though. Creatures not as lucky as you, I don't know if I can fix that but I’ll try to make up for it by being a good pony from now on.” Typhoon said with a smile. Rainbow Dash smiled back and nodded. Megan knocked on the door and slowly opened it. “Are you guys done talking now?” Megan asked. “Yep, I've got to go though. I've got stuff I need to do.” Rainbow Dash said. “So soon, must be important then. Okay well come back soon you're always welcome!” Megan said happily.

Carefully traveling across the road and following the map directions as best he could Spike made his way to the Komodo Den. It was dark by the time he arrived and all the dragons had departed to their dens to sleep for the night. Being careful not to wake anyone up on accident he checks the dens seeing which one Magmari was in. He finally stumbles upon the den Magmari was in. he tried to think of a proper greeting to go with but before he could say anything Magmari's eyes opened hazily and addressed Spike. “Is that you Spike?” Magmari said slightly unsure if what she saw was correct. “Yep, It's me. I came back.” Spike said trying to look nonchalant. “I thought you were going to stay with you're friends.” Magmari said confused as she shook herself awake.

“I uh, I changed my mind...” Spike said. Magmari had a concerned look on her face and moved her head closer to Spike. “Did something bad happen to you're friends?” She said looking very concerned. “No. They're fine. I just thought. It was better that I just leave them behind.” Spike said trying to look confident. “Spike...I would be more than happy to let you live in my home I'm just worried that you might regret you're actions. Being a flightless dragon means you will be unable to visit creatures in other lands. I don't know what happened but I would hate to be responsible for something you might live to regret.” Magmari said as she carefully moved Spike's face with her finger making them have eye to eye contact. Spike closed his eyes and a tear came out of it. “You were right. They told me they would leave me behind. And that I would never really see them again. And that I would just return to being no one. I can't stand the thought of going all the way back there just to say goodbye so I left then and there. I like all my friends a lot. But I don't want to see them drift away from me. I won't regret this Ms. Magmari. It's better this way.” Spike said as he clutched Magmari's finger tightly.
Magmari slipped her finger out of Spike's grasp and scooped him up into her palm. She lifted him up to her face. She used her other finger to wipe the tears coming out of Spike's eyes. “I'm sorry things had to be this way Spike. I can tell you loved you're friends very much and that departing with them hurt you quite a bit. I am sure having seen you leave made them very sad as well. This is a thing that often happens to a friendship even the really good ones. I'm sure you're friends will always hold you in their hearts as you hold them in yours.” Magmari said putting Spike down. “Now, if you're going to live here we have a lot to catch up on.” Magmari said with a smile. “What do you mean more dragon stuff?” Spike asked. “Not at all, I want to learn more about you. You can ask me whatever you want as well. If we are going to get along it's important for us to learn about each other. So let’s not waste anytime yes?” Magmari said in a cheerful manner. “Okay then, Sure! Let’s do that!” Spike said finally cheering up.

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack arrive at the Mushromp hoping to gain some assistance from Moochick again. Head straight to Moochick's house and knock on the door. There was noise inside the house but no one answered. “Hmph, How rude, who just ignores an inquiry like that?” Rarity said knocking on the door once again. “Maybe he's busy or something?” Pinkie Pie said as she tried to find Moochick by peering through his window. “What could a hermit possibly busy himself with in this shroom filled forest? Rarity said with a scoff as she knocked the door once again getting more annoyed by the second. “Maybe he's lost something and he's looking for it. I bet that rabbit knows. Maybe we should look for the rabbit instead.” Pinkie Pie said as she began making faces in the window. “I reckon that's not a bad idea, although we could always break the door down.” Applejack said. “Break the door down? We are visitors not assailants! He has to open this door one of these days.” Rarity said as she continued knocking on the door.
Pinkie Pie ignoring Rarity and Applejack went off to find Habbit. Habbit was lounging around sitting underneath a mushroom when Pinkie Pie burst into the area loudly calling out his name. “Habbit!” Pinkie Pie said. Habbit jumped into the air smashing into the top of the mushroom getting his head briefly stuck in it. He fell to the ground and quickly got up to see who it was. Habbit shook his fist angrily at Pinkie Pie. “Oh sorry, were you sleeping?” Pinkie Pie said looking a little sorry for spooking Habbit. Habbit looked at her and sighed and crossed his arms while tapping his foot. “What are you doing? Are you telling me something in Morse code? Cause I don't know Morse code. I mean I used too but that was because I had this decoder bracelet and I used it to solve all sorts of Morse codes. Although none of them were very interesting. You'd think I'd unlock mysteries of the universe and what-not but nope! It was usually something boring like an answer to a dumb question or a request to eat more junk food. Which I did but I still didn't get anything awesome ya know what I mean?” Pinkie Pie said. Habbit looked at her with a dumbfounded look on his face. “I know that look. I should probably get down to business and tell you why I’m here.” Pinkie Pie said. Habbit's eyebrow rose with feigned interest.
Rarity both tired of arguing with Applejack and annoyed at Moochick still not responding to the door has begun knocking the door with her head out of frustration. Pinkie Pie suddenly burst into the area. “Girls!” Pinkie Pie said surprising Applejack and making Rarity jump. “Pinkie Pie, Don't do that! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Rarity said flustered. “Nope, I'm trying to open this door. And now I can. I found Habbit and he'll get us in no problem!” Pinkie Pie said letting Habbit pass by her. Habbit dug into his corduroy pocket and pulled out a pair of keys and unlocked the door. “Ya know Rarity you could have probably just used you're horn to open the door.” Pinkie Pie said. Rarity's face twitched as she slowly tilted her head to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie notices Rarity's upset expression and cringe at what Rarity intends to retort with. “If she used her horn that would be breakin' and entering which is still pretty rude I reckon.” Applejack said. They both looked at Applejack. Rarity looked back at Pinkie Pie. “She is quite right. It would be wrong to break into someone's house. It's no different from breaking into the door. Now if we are quite done with this nonsense we have a codger to interact with.” Rarity said as she regained her composure and walked inside.

“Thanks a bunch Applejack. Rarity was going to roast me for sure!” Pinkie Pie said. “Ah it was nothin' I was just helpin' ya both out.” Applejack said as she walked into the building.

Moochick's house was a mess. Random things were strewn all other the place from random priceless artifacts to his spare clothing. “Wow, Looks like somebody needs a maid!” Pinkie Pie said hopping around. She hopped up towards Moochick who was digging in his dresser drawer. “Whatcha looking for?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I'm looking for my keys.” Moochick said. “Keys?” Pinkie Pie said quizzically. “Keys, you don't possibly mean the ones that go to the house do you?” Rarity said with a sullen look on her face. “Yes! The very ones, I planned on going out for a stroll but I couldn't find my keys and if I don't lock the house behind me someone could break in and-” Moochick said suddenly being cutoff by Rarity “Steal you're garbage!? Oh yes everyone is pining for the sacred undergarments of the loony hermit who lives with mute rabbits!” Rarity said with cutting sarcasm. “Habbit had the keys the whole time!” Pinkie Pie said. Habbit nodded and tossed Moochick the keys. “Oh. Good work Habbit.” Moochick said. Habbit sighed and walked away. Applejack put her hat over her face to disguise the amusement she was getting at Rarity's overacting.

“Wait a second. I remember you ladies. You wanted to find Midnight Castle correct?” Moochick said. “That's right.” Applejack said adjusting her hat back on her head. “Did you not end up there? I'm sure you were close.” Moochick said confused. “Oh we got there but we weren't quite able to wrangle up old Nightmare Moon like we wanted too. So now we're hunting for her again and she doesn't seem to be in Midnight Castle like she was before. So we reckoned we might as well mosey on down to the Mushromp and see if you can help us again. You don't have to teleport us though. Directions would just be fine.” Applejack said. “Oh? Well now. I believe I can do that. Just let me get my things.” Moochick said as fetched his staff. He began searching for Nightmare Moon with his magic. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity looked on wondering what Moochick would discover. “Hmm, this isn't good at all...” Moochick said worryingly. “What's wrong? Is she somewhere dangerous or really far away?” Applejack asked concerned. “She isn't anywhere I'm afraid.” Moochick said. The group all had the same confused look on their face. “What?” They all said simultaneously. “Indeed. She is either hidden beneath a powerful barrier or she is no longer in this realm at all.” Moochick said putting his staff down. “I don't really know what you mean Mr. Moochick. Can ya possibly give some details?” Applejack asked.

“Well girls, as you well know you all lived in Equestria. Now no one was familiar with the place until you started showing up. This was due to you're princess's powers that made it to where one couldn't idly run into Equestria. If Nightmare Moon was using such magic on an area she was in she could hide herself and no one would truly be sure where to find her. But someone like Nightmare Moon is probably a creature who doesn't use barriers. In fact her ability to infiltrate Equestria was more than likely due to her knowing how to travel through realms via the power of The Void.” Moochick said. “The Void, I am not familiar with that kind of magic.” Rarity said. “It's a truly ancient magic used by powerful mages to travel to the other realms where otherworldly creatures lie. The Void can be used as a way to travel from one place to another in an instant. Nightmare Moon could have used The Void to escape from you.” Moochick said. “Sounds simple enough, so how do we go to where she is?” Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully. “I'm afraid that's not really an option.” Moochick said sadly. “What, Why not?” Pinkie Pie asked confused. “The other realms are impossible for normal mortal creatures to tread. To say it simply, Living things as you know them don't really exist in these realms. Only spirits and tangents of thoughts and demons of malevolent intent wander in such places. Traveling there would be suicide. You're very body and soul would be torn asunder and lost in whatever place you happened to be in.” Moochick said. “This wasn't quite the news we were hoping to gleam. Is there any way you can help us Mr. Moochick?” Applejack asked. “I'm sorry girls. You are just out of luck this time.” Moochick said.

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy arrived at a peculiar settlement next to a tower which seemed to endlessly climb into the sky. The people in the village looked to be an array of many different creatures and they all wore the same set of white robes. They tended to normal town duties but some of them just spent their time kneeling down in front of the tower. “Mm, you’re right Fluttershy. There is something peculiar about this place.” Twilight Sparkle said as she scanned the surroundings. “Do you think Nightmare Moon is hiding here?” Fluttershy asked. “I have no idea. I suppose the only way to know would be to ask and see what happens then. Prepare to make a hasty escape if things go awry.” Twilight said. “You can count on me!” Fluttershy said. Twilight Sparkle walked up to one of the robed villagers but before she was able to say anything he spoke first. “Finally you have arrived. But alas you're friends are not with you as well...” The robed person said. This stopped Twilight and Fluttershy in their tracks. “What, Friends?” Twilight said befuddled by the robed individual’s uncanny knowledge. “Yes, The other ponies. And Spike to a lesser extent but we knew he would not be here.” the robed person said. Other villagers started noticing Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle in the area and gathered around them. “Where is Pinkie Pie, And Applejack?” The robed child said eagerly. “H-how do you know our names?” Fluttershy said as she started become frightened.

“We know, because HE knows. HE has been waiting for you. All of the six ponies.” The robed villager said. “Who is this he, you speak of?” Twilight said very suspicious to the situation. “HE is the one who allowed you to meet HIM. HE is the one who will help you find the broken Alicorn Nightmare Moon. But only when you have assembled all the ponies.” The robed person said. Twilight Sparkle looked at the Tower. It had an otherworldly feel to it and filled the area with an eerie calm. “You say he can help us find Nightmare Moon?” Twilight Sparkle asked still gazing at the tower. “Yes. Do our words not fill you with ease?” The robed person asked. “No. I find this impressively odd and abnormal. You know about us though we've never met you. You know what we are after. And you tell us this person who apparently doesn't have a formal name will assist us for no reason that can clearly be discerned. It's very suspicious.” Twilight Sparkle said looking back at the robed villager. The villagers murmured to themselves but it sounded like humorous reactions to Twilight words. The robed person laughed.

“You really ARE the Paragon of intelligence. I supposed it would only be logical to give you something that can ease your suspicion of us. We have been aware of you for as long as Lady Amalthea has known of you. She is the reason why you are being granted access into the tower.” The robed person said. “Amalthea?” Twilight Sparkle said thinking back to when she first heard that name. “Who is that?” Fluttershy asked confused. “She was this unicorn woman who gave me a dream. No, a memory, of when the Red Bull attacked and massacred her people, the only survivor was Princess Celestia.” Twilight Sparkle said.

“That's right. Her spirit haunted the lands where her kind fell. When she saw you and you're kind traveling she felt herself being drawn to you. She then stopped haunting the lands and began following you. Since then she has pleaded to assist you in you're goals. She and her kind wish to help you save this land from the peril that awaits it.” The robed person said. “Hm. “We were lost. But not forgotten, for our future lies in you.”” Twilight said. “What?” Fluttershy said confused by Twilights words. “Those were the words Lady Amalthea told me. She said her future lies in us. I will take a leap of faith and agree that you and this HIM. Are indeed a force of good.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Hm, if you're willing to take that risk. Than I’m sure everyone else will.” Fluttershy said. “We are most happy that we have come to an agreement. We will send our more mobile people to collect you're friends. Please. Take anything you wish and rest. You are most welcome here.” The robed person said.

Twilight and Fluttershy waited for the others to escort to the village. Once they were all there they stood in front of the tall tower. Its doors were massive and it seemed impregnable. Suddenly the doors opened by themselves. All the robed villagers knelt and began citing phrases endlessly. Beyond the doors was an impenetrable darkness that filled the room. All the ponies waited for Twilight Sparkle to make the first move. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay. Here goes nothing.” Twilight Sparkle said as she began walking into the building. The ponies followed after her and once they were all clear of the door it closed behind them.
The ponies looked around hoping to see something but there was nothing. Just darkness they could barely see each other. “I-I d-don't like this....” Fluttershy said fearfully. “Are you scared of the dark Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Only when it's really dark, and this is as dark as it gets.” Fluttershy said nervously. “Well don't be! Pinkie Pie is here for you. Here, let me do something to calm you're nerves!” Pinkie Pie said. “Wah, What do you think you are doing!” Rarity yelled. “Whoops. Sorry. I thought this was Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie said. “Maybe you should ask first before putting you're hooves in things they shouldn't be in!” Rarity said with a huff. “What now, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I'm not sure. I've never quite been in a situation like this before.
Suddenly a burst of light emerged from the darkness and illuminated the room in a blinding light. The environment changed. It suddenly turned into a field similar to the ones in Dream Valley. The ponies looked around and there was no evidence they were even in a tower as the environment went on endlessly. A creature could faintly be seen moving towards them. At first it was hard to see but slowly it took solid form. It was a unicorn but not like the ponies. Its mane and coat was white like clouds in the sky. It's tail tassel like and the hair around her feet revealed her hooves. It's horn long and sharp. The unicorn had a mysterious beauty to her an aura of light almost seemed to emanate from her. She walked up to Twilight Sparkle and the ponies. “Lady Amalthea?” Twilight Sparkle said looking up at the unicorn. “I am most happy to finally meet you in face to face Twilight Sparkle.” Amalthea said with a smile. “You know this rather radiant looking creature Twilight?” Rarity said taken aback at the enchanting beauty Amalthea possessed. “Sort of yes, Lady Amalthea, Those people said you want to help us in our attempts to stop Nightmare Moon?” Twilight Sparkle said. “Indeed but I alone will not assist you. For the task that we have planned, two of my allies will play their parts.” Amalthea said. Suddenly two other creatures phased into view. One was a large red horse who was adorned in ornate armor. He walked up to Pinkie Pie and Applejack. “This is Red Hare. He is a war horse and he will lend his abilities to the earth ponies Applejack and Pinkamena.” Amalthea said. Red Hare looked at the two ponies.
Another figure appeared before the ponies. It was a Pegasus it's coat and mane was similar to Amalthea although it gave off a majestic presence rather than enchanting. The Pegasus walked up to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. “This is Bellerophon. He will lend his abilities to you.” Amalthea said. Bellerophon nodded to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. “And I will give my abilities to you two.” Amalthea said looking at Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. “About that, just how will you assist us?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “We are nothing more than spirits you see. We cannot truly impact the world in our forms. However, There is a ritual that you can undergo that will make it to where our spirits will bolster you're mortal abilities. With our powers channeled through you're spirits you will be able to do incredible things.” Amalthea said. “What's the catch?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You can never change back.” Amalthea said. “What do you mean change back?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You are incredible creatures, truly you are paragons of you're race. But you are still living creatures with restrained abilities and an average lifespan. This ritual will make you more than mortal. You're lives will change and what you stand for will become the core of who you are and what you do. Know that I am not speaking of one losing their own sanity or becoming a monstrous creature. You will simply be different. Different enough to alter what you're lives would have been. Knowing this, Will you still commit to this act?” Amalthea asked.
All the ponies stood there and thought about what could possibly befall them. They huddled together and began talking amongst themselves. After a minute or so they all came to an agreement and got out of the huddle looking at Twilight Sparkle. “I have to admit. We are a little worried. But it goes without saying that this must be done. If we don't do this then who knows what will happen? What are lives would have been is obvious. None of us would be alive for everyone would be enslaved and destroyed in the wake of Nightmare Moon's wrath and the evil forces she conjures. This will be a sacrifice. But one that must happen for good of all ponies, nay, for the good of all living beings!” Twilight Sparkle said with confidence in her voice. “You're words sound strong but before we can truly do this we must see if you can endure one of the hardest things a mortal creature can be presented with. I am sure you will succeed but it must be done just to show that it is true.” Amalthea said. “We are ready Lady Amalthea.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Good. Then let it begin.” Lady Amalthea said. Suddenly, cones of light enveloped the ponies whisking them away with where they were.

The cone of light disappeared around Twilight and she found herself in an empty and desolate area. A weird purplish gas floated in the air. She idly breathed the mysterious fumes. She exhaled and the gas that she exhaled began to take shape. The gas took a shape that mirrored her form except it was twisted and dark looking. “You look just like-” Twilight said before being cut off. “Just like you? That's because I am you. The real you, Celestia's faithful student, ever diligent and well read.” Mirror Twilight said. “That can't be right. I am the real me.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Are you? You've let yourself get needlessly attached to those ponies. All they do is slow you down with their nonsense.” Mirror Twilight said. “No, that's not true. Princess Celestia's chose us all to work together specifically.” Twilight said trying not to let the Mirror creature's words seep into her. “She chose them alright. But only to test you, to see if you can handle working with brainless fodder, you’re the only one that really matters. Face it. They'd be lost without you. And as well they should be. They are all nothing more than slack jawed fools, thoughtlessly wandering through there lives with only a faint purpose to their own existence. You're the only one with any sense of guidance and direction. The only one with the willpower and the only one with the intelligence to make something of yourself, to be someone useful, everyone else is useless in comparison to what you have to offer. They can only serve a means to an end. They have never been worthy of you're respect and acknowledgment.” Mirror Twilight said. Twilight looked at the creature that seemed confident in its words.

“You are wrong, they are worthy of my respect. Not that they had to earn it to begin with. I'm no one special I’m just another pony with hopes and dreams. My friends have such aspirations as well and it doesn't make them any inferior to me how they go about them or what they are. They may need me but I need them. I spent a long time truly thinking such things about others. Showing my fellow ponies nothing but contempt, thinking that friendship was a waste of time and that diligence to my work is all that matters. I was wrong. Friendship does matter. It may be the most important thing I have ever learned. I respect my friends as they respect me and there is nothing you can say that would persuade me to believe otherwise!” Twilight said confidently. A cone of light enveloped Twilight Sparkle taking her away from the area.

Rainbow Dash appeared in the desolate area just as Twilight Sparkle did. The gas she exhaled turned into a warped version of herself. “What the, what are you supposed to be?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Can't ya tell? I'm you. Well more like what you want to be. I'm the pinnacle of ponies. The greatest Pegasus Equestria has ever known. Everyone loves and adores the ever awesome Rainbow Dash.” Mirror Dash said as she postured around Rainbow Dash. “Oh boy, look kid. That sort of thinking is all in the past. I know way better than to think like that.” Rainbow Dash said with indignant scoff. “I don't see why you had to change. You were better off the way you were!” Mirror Dash said getting up close to Rainbow Dash's face. “Um no, I really wasn't. I was a bit of a jerk. I'm much better off how I am now.” Rainbow Dash said backing away from the mirror creature. “Pft, with those chumps taking up you're precious time? Ya right. Like you were in desperate need for an entourage of losers to slow you down, if it wasn't for them you would have been done with this nonsense by now, and despite being the most radical pony ever they still have the treat you like you're no better than them! Who needs them, I'd say. The only thing that matters is the roaring adoration of a crowd and the chance to be a Wonderbolt that's all that matters.” Mirror Dash said with a swagger. Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Wow. I was a real idiot. Listen here. My friends aren't chumps. They're awesome too. Not like me but they have their own awesomeness that's just as cool as mine. And ya know what makes them a pretty radical bunch? Even when I act like a big idiot and mess up they still take me in and treat me nice. Those guys make it all worthwhile. All my training just to please a bunch of random ponies who don't even care about me is the true waste of my time. No. I do what I do so I can help my friends! They stand by me when I’m down and I’ll do the same for them. I don't care what some idiots think of me. All that matters is that I can fight to help my friends!” Rainbow Dash said as she stared down the mirror creature. The light enveloped Rainbow Dash taking her out of the area.

Applejack looked on with confusion as the cloud of gas formed into a warped version of her. “What in tarnation?” Applejack said trying to comprehend just what exactly was happening in front of her. “Can't you tell? It's me. Or you, but not quite, it’s a little complicated.” Mirror Applejack said. “I figured as much. I don't know what this is supposed to be but I don't like it so I'd much prefer you mosey on back to wherever things like you go if that's all right with you.” Applejack said shooing the mirror creature away with her hoof. “Aw. That ain't very hospitable now is it? I came all this way to lend you some helpful advice no less.” Mirror Applejack said. “You look like the sort of varmint who has nothing good to say.” Applejack said taking a step away from the creature. “What do you plan to do when this Nightmare Moon business is all settled?” Mirror Applejack asked. “Well I plan to go back to Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack said unsure of where the conversation was going to go.

“Is that really where you want to be?” Mirror Applejack replied. “Where I wanna be?” Applejack said perplexed. “We both know that you don't want to be in Sweet Apple Acres. Or on any farm for that matter, I think you should do what you want to do. When it's all over just depart and make your own path, Just the trail and you, Free to wander the world and enjoy your life for once.” Mirror Applejack said taking a step towards Applejack. “I can't do that. That wouldn't be right. I have things that I have to do.” Applejack said feeling insecure. “What do you have to do that's so important? Buck those stupid apple trees? Make that dumb cider? We both know you want more than that out of your life. Don't tell me the world doesn't call you're name. So many places to see, So many things to experience, you’re in peak of you're physical being! The wild world calls out to ponies like you. Are you not going to heed its call just to tend to some stupid apples on some stupid apple farm?” Mirror Applejack asked. “But my father...I...I promised him I would look after the farm in his place...” Applejack said as she began to falter to the mirror creature's words. “Can't you see? You're father was just like you. A promising young pony with a future to look forward to, But he threw it all away to work at the farm. And what did he get? Nothing, But he did give you something. He gave you his chains. The future that he was chained too is now lacked onto to you. But unlike him an opportunity has presented itself. You've seen what the rest of the world has to offer. I think that's what you're father would REALLY want. He would want his daughter to live her life free of restrictions. To be happy and free, do you disagree?” Mirror Applejack said.
Mirror Applejack reached for Applejack's hat but before she could touch it Applejack slapped the hoof away from her hat. “There's a reason why my father did what he did. Why he gave up what he gave up. He did it because it had to be done. What if we all lived our lives like that? Just lie about and shirk our duties? This land would be in chaos. Ponies would go hungry. The ponies of Ponyville depend on me and my family to tend to the farm and provide a main source of food. It may not seem glamorous. And to be honest it ain't. But it needs to be done and I’ll be the one to do it. Tend the farm, save the world. Whatever you need from me I’ll get it done because that's the sort of pony I am and that's the sort of pony my father raised! Let others live that carefree life without consequence or responsibilities. I know where I belong. And that's helping my fellow ponies!” Applejack said regaining her confidence and standing up to the mirror creature. A light enveloped her she disappeared from the area.

Pinkie Pie fearfully backed away from the mirror image creature. “N-no, Go away! I don't want you here anymore!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Now, now, we gave you you're time. You had a quite a few years to shake this nonsense out of you. It's time to go back to where you belong and behave the way you were meant to behave.” Mirror Pinkamena said as she walked towards Pinkie Pie. “No! I'm never going back there! You can't make me!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “You need to return to the rock farm Pinkamena. That's where you belong. Not in Ponyville. You and I both know you have no place amongst normal ponies. You've seen the way they look at you. You can practically hear their thoughts. All those terrible names, all those patronizing words, it all rings the same. You don't belong. Go back home.” Mirror Pinkamena said as she closed in on Pinkie Pie. “No, not everyone is like that. I have friends now, Real friends!” Pinkie Pie said desperately trying to resist the mirror creature's words from getting to her.

“You think those ponies are you're real friends? You're living a lie Pinkamena. You always had! Those ponies will be glad to get you out of you're their manes! They've been forced to work with you but in reality. They don't care about you. No one does. You are all alone.” Mirror Pinkamena said. “No you're wrong! They do care about me! It's true that I’ve had a hard time getting ponies to like me, I'm a little weird that's just how I am but I know for a fact that my friends really do care about me! In fact they love me, and I love them too and I want to do nothing else than to spend the rest of my life standing by them and making them happy! As long as I have my friends to keep me company nothing will bring me down!” Pinkie Pie said finally standing up to the mirror creature. A light enveloped her and she disappeared.

“Hmph, What are you some sort of doppelganger?” Rarity said as she sized up the mirror creature. “On the contrary my dear Rarity, I'm you. Well let me re-phrase that. I'm who you want to be.” Mirror Rarity said. “Hah, why would I want to be you?” Rarity said with a scoff. “I'm the highly regarded fashionista. The trendsetter mistress, I'm the sort of pony everypony should know. My words guide the brainless yokels and the foolish vagabonds into leading a life of true beauty and grace. This world is filled with too many disgusting fools reveling in their own filth and worthlessness. Valuing garbage as treasure, ignoring current fashion styles, Disregarding proper etiquette and protocol, You know as well as I do that we know what's best for everypony. Without us the ponies of Equestria would be no better than a hog in the mud.” Mirror Rarity said.

“Hmph, Such baffling arrogance, if vanity was a makeup you'd look like clown! To say such things is to know nothing of what makes a ponies' inner beauty shine. It's not through some doctrine passed down by fashion centric designers and clothing critics. It's in the hearts of everypony. The thing that fills one heart with joy and strength brings out the true beauty in oneself. The path I have set for myself is perfectly fine for me but for others it will not be the way they may prefer to take their lives. You can never be comfortable in some pony else's skin so we must all find our own path to true perfection! Some-pony like me can only guide some pony to the path they desire but I will not demean ponies for being who they are for that is who they should be!” Rarity said striking a very dramatic pose. A light enveloped Rarity causing her disappears from the area.

Fluttershy stared back the mirror creature not saying anything to it. “Isn't it nice?” Mirror Fluttershy asked. “Isn't what, nice?” Fluttershy asked. “This silence, the emptiness, It's far more comforting than the noise we have to put up with.” Mirror Fluttershy said. “I kinda like some of the noise I get to hear. In fact some of it makes me very happy.” Fluttershy said unflinching. “Let me guess. You appreciate the sound of you're so called friends? Oh Fluttershy. You should know better than this. Have you forgotten the golden rule? No one can be trusted. Those ponies just use you so they can succeed in their goals. That's why the princess had you be apart of this. She is using you too. Everyone uses you.” Mirror Fluttershy said. Fluttershy didn't say anything and just kept staring back at her without changing her expression in the slightest. “It's just like before. Simple ponies can't resist the allure that Fluttershy has. Her grace, her skill, It's unmatched and it makes you desirable by many but nobody really cares about you. You are always better off alone. It's the safest place to be.” Mirror Fluttershy said.

“I remember when I used to think those things. I believed them too. I dwelled on the drama and the pain others had caused me. I almost let it drive me insane. But now I know that was a mistake. There are some real fake ponies out there but none of them are ponies I care about. My friends are genuine and they care about me. I'm not just some pony to use and exploit. You dredge up the past to harm me but it's far too late. Where that pain lingered has been replaced by love and it's far too strong to be destroyed by some weak attempt at breaking my mind with tricks as cheap as yours!” Fluttershy said with confidence. A light enveloped Fluttershy and she disappeared from the area.

Twilight Sparkle's eyes opened to her being a completely new environment. She appeared to be standing on a large platform with markings etched all along it. She looked to be somewhere high above the ground as the clouds surrounded the tower making it impossible to see the ground. She looked up and the sky was pristine and clear. The other ponies one by one appeared in the same area. “Whoa. What's this place?” Rainbow Dash said as she flew around the area. “I can only assume it’s the top of the tower. Although this really hasn't been a typical building in the slightest so we could be anywhere.” Fluttershy said as she looked around. “I'm more concerned as to what we will be assaulted with next. I felt the challenge I was presented with was lukewarm at best.” Rarity said. “No. I get the feeling we passed the test. If your test was anything like mine it involved some negative version of yourself. The hardest part a living creature can do is come to terms with its own dark aspirations. I'm glad all of you succeeded.” Twilight Sparkle said with a smile. “Pft, of course, do you think we would get all this way just to let you down at the finish line?” Pinkie Pie said with energetic smile. Rainbow Dash flew into the clouds only to emerge flying out of them. “That's familiar.” Rainbow Dash said.
Suddenly the area shook as a huge force of energy began materializing in front of the ponies Rainbow Dash flew toward the other ponies waiting for whatever intends to show up. Streams of light and energy amassed into a giant ball of light. A tear appeared in the sky and created a horizontal rip. Suddenly the rip opened to reveal a single eye. Along the edges of the eye was an endless stream of light. The ponies were utterly dumbfounded at the sight of such a thing. “I don't suppose you're HIM. Are you?” Twilight Sparkle asked slightly intimidated by the sight. It looked straight at Twilight Sparkle. “Yes.” Its voice echoed its words seemingly everywhere and nowhere and with several pitches at once being heard. “Oh. Um, we were told you would help us find Nightmare Moon?”
Twilight Sparkle said. “She is no longer in my domain.” It said. “Moochick spoke of different realms. Is Nightmare Moon in a different realm?” Rarity asked. “She is in a dilapidated city floating in the endless void of darkness.” It said. “We kinda figured that she probably might have gone somewhere dangerous like that.” Applejack said. “I can grant you the power to enter a realm such as this without losing you're mortal coils. I can take you there as well. But once you are there I can offer nothing more to help you and even then the powers I will grant you will be weakened.” It said. “So I guess it's sort of a one way trip then?” Rainbow Dash said to herself out loud. “I'm we will find our way back I won't worry about that for a moment.” Twilight Sparkle said confidently. “Yeah and besides we gotta get to Nightmare Moon before she causes more trouble so we might as well go in, suicide run or not!” She said.
All the other ponies nodded in agreement. Twilight Sparkle looked up at the eye.

“We're ready.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Very well.” It said. The three orbs of light that represented the Lady Amalthea, Red Hare, and Bellerophon surrounded the ponies they chose to support. Red Hare's spirit split and went into Applejack's and Pinkie Pie's body. The energy began to surge through them lifting them off the ground. Pinkie Pie's hair turned from curly to straight the hair covering her hooves shortened. A tiara adorned in Gardenia flowers. A necklace appeared on her neck bearing the symbol of optimism. Applejack's hair shortened and her hat turned into a helmet which fit over Applejack's face obscuring her face with the adjustable visor although her eyes could be seen. Her hooves enlarged slightly and metal boots appeared around them. A necklace appeared around her neck bearing the symbol of determination
Bellerophon's Spirit fused with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. A whirlwind surrounded Fluttershy's body as leaves and other plant life wrapped itself around her. A strand of sweat pea flowers wrap around her mane. A necklace bearing the symbol of cunning appears on her neck. Rainbow Dash wings expand in span and her mane has electricity running through it. A helmet similar to the kind Princess Celestia's guards wear forms around her head. The brush top also carries the current of electricity that's surging around her. Mesh stockings form around her hooves amplifying the current of electricity. A necklace bearing the symbol of courage appears on her neck.
Amalthea's Spirit fused with Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. Rarity's horn sharpened gave off a pulse of energy that converted loose debris turning into shards of rare gem pieces. A flamboyant pair of butterfly wings emerged from Rarity's backside and a rather extravagant looking outfit appeared on Rarity's body. A necklace bearing the symbol of order appeared on Rarity's neck. Twilight's horn sharpened and a wave of energy coming from her horn slightly warped the area around it drawing random elements around it causing them to orbit her. A cape with the constellations on it appeared and wrapped itself around her neck. Crystal horse shoes appeared on her hooves and tiara bearing the symbol of intelligence sat upon her head.

“Hey I could get used to something like this!” Rainbow Dash said as she posed with her new getup. “Simply wonderful, who knew being a paragon came with its own accessories?” Rarity exclaimed. “This form is not permanent and its powers can only be used to this extent to dispel evil forces and to save oneself from peril. The place that you will go too will restrict this transformed state but you will be able to maintain you're mortal souls. Upon you're return you can simply draw these powers by channeling the power of you're spirit. Although when faced with an incredible threat you can band together and combine you're powers. But such a display will only be done for when it is most necessary. Now I shall take you to where Nightmare Moon resides. Farewell ponies.” It said. The ponies were then enveloped by a ray of light and teleported away from the area.