• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

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Chapter 8

The creatures of the forest became enchanted in more ways than one. Besides gaining a more dexterous physical form and magical abilities they also gained a more complicated mind. Many creatures who wandered the forest in tribes and packs soon found even those activities to be beneath them. Some of these creatures left Afel Forest and traveled far and wide for a place they would consider home while some didn't want to really leave the forest behind as it was the only relevant way of living they knew but on that same token they too thirsted for a more sophisticated and structured life. Lucky for them everything they needed to build such a foundation was found in the remains of a village not too far away from the forest itself.

Chapter eight: The dangerous one

After much traveling through Afel forest they finally reached the other end of the expansive and mysterious forest. They left the forest and began traveling into the Ursa Plains. Between the Ursa Plains and the Forest of Afel however was a small village. The ponies curious but cautious approached the village carefully. Before they could get far into the village they were approached by a rabbit. But not like the rabbit they would see wandering around burrows in Ponyville. He was much larger than those and fully clothed. He prepared to greet them but was distracted by just what he was looking at. “How-dy? Huh. I reckon I’ve never seen your kind before. What do creatures like you call yourselves?” The rabbit asked quizzically. “We are ponies.” Twilight said. “Well howdy ponies! Welcome to Anthro Town! Where every creature is welcome, my name is Goluckie Glee I'm the mayor of this here town if there's anything you need to know you can ask me although anyone else here would be happy to answer your questions as well although many of us are busy with the daily chores and whatnot.” Glee said happily. “Thank you and as a matter of fact I do have some things I would like to ask you. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way.” Twilight said as she walked through the village with the mayor. The village contained many creatures who the ponies had seen back home as normal animals or in the forest as primal or tribal like groups. “I've noticed people here are different than in some of the other places we've been too despite them being the same creatures.” Twilight said as she looked around. “Well sure! Everyone comes from somewhere. But trust me when I say that vulgarity and violent natures that you may have seen in the forest is something we simply don't condone or play fiddle too. Here its peace and tranquility given that you can handle some labor on your part it isn't a resort after all.” Glee said as he waved to some villagers they passed by. “You town is simply quaint Mr. Goluckie it sort of reminds me of Ponyville. I don't suppose you have a boutique shop anywhere do you?” Rarity asked. “Boutique shop, Friad not, we kinda make our clothes for function not fashion or style or even a cultural thing. Nope. Clothes are just clothes here.” Glee said. “Sounds like my kind of town!” Applejack said happily. “This place looks boring.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. “Well it isn't exactly an entertainment center but we call it home. You all don't have to cling together or nothing like that this isn't some museum tour. Take off in any direction you fancy. Head to that building over there when your done for the day that's the Inn you'll be staying there unless someone decides to open there doors to ya although that's unlikely.” Glee said as he pointed towards the Inn. “He's right, you can hang loose this place looks fairly safe.” Twilight said.
The ponies and Spike nodded as they all diverged and went there separate paths. “Didn't you say you had questions you wanted to ask me?” Glee said. “Yes. How long has your society existed here?” Twilight asked. “What? Oh! This village was technically here before us. It was the remains of some town that was destroyed. Our founding fathers saw it and restored it and renamed it Anthro Town.” Glee said. “Hm, do you know what destroyed this town?” Twilight asked. “Nope, whatever it was it must have been some sort of thing. The place was in cinders. Most everything had to be replaced or just thrown away. Luckily the most important items like building tools and some books were in more resistant objects. Whoever lived here before us was a rather thoughtful bunch, a shame they didn't make it.” Glee said with a frown. “Hm, I see. Does the name Nightmare Moon or Celestia mean anything to you?” Twilight asked. “Nope, I don't know anybody by those names. Are you looking for them or something?” Glee asked curious. “Well we are on a mission to find a stop Nightmare Moon who has dark intentions for our homeland and perhaps the world at large. But I really don't know much about her or this world. I find myself wondering if I’m even heading in the right direction.” Twilight said showing concern. “Aw. Don't fret Twilight. Old Goluckie might be able to help you out a bit. Come. We have a library that's filled with a couple of things you might find useful!” Glee said as he hopped towards the library with Twilight following closely behind him.

Fluttershy didn't interact with any of the villagers and just sat and thought to herself. Her contemplation was interrupted by someone poking her. It was a little chipmunk girl. She looked straight at Fluttershy who looked back at her. “Hi.” The little girl said shyly. “Hello.” Fluttershy responded. “I like your hair.” the little girl said. “Thank you.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Can I brush it?” The little girl said wielding a brush she hid behind her back. “Um, Sure, I guess.” Fluttershy said unsure on accepting the request. The little girl began to brush her hair softly. “You're very pretty.” The girl said with a smile as she continued to brush Fluttershy's hair. “Thank you.” Fluttershy said in response. “What are you?” The girl asked. “I'm a pony, a Pegasus to be precise.” Fluttershy said. “Ponies are pretty. You must be the prettiest pony of all.” The little girl said. “Me? Oh no. I'm no one special.” Fluttershy said. “Hehe my mom always said that modesty is a girl's best friend.” The little girl said with a giggle. “Your mother is very smart.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Where did you come from?” The little girl asked. “I come from a land called Equestria and I was born and raised in Cloudsdale a city in the sky.” Fluttershy said. “Wow. That sounds wonderful. Can I visit Equestria?” The little girl asked. “Well. There's a bit of a barrier preventing anybody from leaving or entering it. But who knows. The barrier guardian Zecora is a fairly nice person. She might make an exception for you.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “I would like that.” The little girl said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash wandered around the town looking for something of interest only to find nothing. “Oh man! This place is so boring!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “You're telling me.” Said a creature within ear shot distance of Rainbow Dash. Even among all the other creatures in the village she stood out amongst them. She had the body of a lion and the head of an eagle with talons for forelimbs. Her head was white while the rest of her body was in brown and she had golden eyes that complimented her unusual features. She walked up to Rainbow Dash with a curious look on her face. “What are you supposed to be?” The griffon said with a smirk. “I'm a pony, A Pegasus pony!” Rainbow Dash said confidently. “A Pegasus, My old man told me about pegasi. But you don't look like anything he's ever described them to being. They looked a lot more, subtle than you do. But I suppose you do have wings and you do look like a horse so you are probably a Pegasus in one way at least. What's your name Pegasus?” The griffon said as she poked and prodded Rainbow Dash. “The names Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash said trying to look as impressive as possible. “Rainbow Dash huh. That name certainly fits. Call me Gilda.” Gilda said. “Come let’s chat.” Gilda said as she motioned Rainbow Dash to follow her.

“So where do you come from Dash?” Gilda asked. “I come from Equestria, Cloudsdale to be specific.” Rainbow Dash said as she kept up with Gilda. “Equestria, never heard of that place. Did you come here alone Dash?” Gilda asked as she snatched a piece of fruit sitting on a stand. “No I came with some other ponies and a dragon. We're like a herd or something like that.” Rainbow Dash said flatly. “Ha you don't sound so enthusiastic about it Dash.” Gilda said with a smirk. “Ya I’m not enthusiastic. They're lame, All of them, especially Twilight. She keeps bossing everyone around like she's the top pony or something like that.” Rainbow Dash said. “I know her type. My old man is like that a lot. Gilda do this. Gilda you must act like this. I expect you to protect these people with your life Gilda. Pah! It was always about what he wanted me to do. It was cute at first but it got old fast.” Gilda said as she finished the apple and swallowed the core. “So what did you do?” Rainbow Dash asked. “One day I just left. I wanted to do my own thing. Handle my life my own way. I never turned back either. Since then I’ve been in this village. These people treat me real nice here so I can hang out and not worry about taking orders from anyone. But it sure is boring here.” Gilda said. “I sure wish I could do what you did. I'm on a mission to stop Nightmare Moon but I’m always being slowed down and held back by the others, if I can just do things my own way.” Rainbow Dash said. “Then do it. You're not going to get anything done wishing about it. If you want something then it's already yours ya just gotta have the guts to take it.” Gilda said. “Thanks Gilda I’ll remember that.” Rainbow Dash said. “It's funny though. If your here to stop Nightmare Moon then you certainly have odd timing. My old man went toe to toe with that hag more than once. She's no one special.” Gilda said with a scoff. “You're dad fought Nightmare Moon and beat her multiple times?” Rainbow Dash said amazed at the information Gilda gave out so casually. “Yep, I've even seen the old hag up close.” Gilda said with a smile. “Why didn't you finish her off?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Couldn't or wouldn't. I'm not sure. I asked that same thing and my old man told me she couldn't really be killed so it was better to let her go. I didn't agree to that. If she can't die then she should at least spend her life locked away where she can't pester people anymore. But that's my old man, a nobleman to the very core.” Gilda said with a sigh.

“So who sent you to track down Nightmare Moon?” Gilda asked. “Princess Celestia. She's Nightmare Moon's sister actually. Nightmare Moon intends to take over the world and destroy Equestria as well.” Rainbow Dash said. “They're related? That is very interesting. I've never heard of this Celestia though. Who is she?” Gilda asked with piqued interest. “She's our princess. She created us and controls all of Equestria. Zecora is under her orders to keep our land protected by sealing it off from the rest of the world.” Rainbow Dash said. “She sounds like the Vetera.” Gilda said. “The what?” Rainbow Dash asked confused by the word. “Oh it's just a name for creatures that walk amongst mortals despite being comparable to gods. Me and my old man are Vetera.” Gilda said. “If Celestia is capable of such powers why doesn't she simply do away with her sister? She causes the rest of the world nothing but grief and after many years of her nonsense she decides now to do something about her? But no, she decides not to handle the situation herself and instead sends some ponies who know nothing of the world at large. It’s stupid. It would be like my father sending a bunch of pre-teen villagers armed with nothing but a helmet and a stick on a mission to destroy the Archmage.” Gilda said with disgust in her voice. “What are you suggesting?” Rainbow Dash asked concerned with Gilda's pondering. “I'm tellin' ya to watch your back. You may be tough but Vetera don't go down easy and Nightmare Moon seems to have a particular immunity to death. But if anyone knew how to kill her it would be your princess.” Gilda said. “Maybe Celestia doesn't want to kill her. She's kind of benevolent like your dad is.” Rainbow Dash said. “Heh, I didn't think of that. Stupid honor codes, only a chump would let there principles get in the way of doing what needs to be done. Oh well. See you later Dash I’m going to get a bite to eat. See ya when I see ya.” Gilda said as she took off into the air. Rainbow Dash stood there and thought about the things Gilda said.

Pinkie Pie still sullen and depressed slowly walks around the village mentally closed off from everything going on around her. Smell wafted into her nose. It was a familiar smell that appealed to her greatly. “Smells like.” Pinkie Pie said breaking her depressed attitude to acknowledge the smell. She followed the smell into a building. It was a kitchen where a few women were preparing food and treats to be eaten later on in the day. “What are you guys making?” Pinkie Pie said sniffing around. “Oh! Do you like it? We are making some cupcakes for the young ones. Do you like cupcakes?” the fox lady said as she stirred a bowel of batter. “I love cupcakes...” Pinkie Pie said finally breaking out of her funk to smile again. “Can I make some cupcakes with you girls?” Pinkie Pie asked. “If you can I'd be more than happy to have an extra pair of hands.” The fox lady said. Pinkie Pie hopped towards the counter and grabbed some utensil and set up a space for herself. “I like to sing a little song when I make cupcakes.” Pinkie Pie said as she prepared to make the mixture. “If singing is what pleases you then by all means sing!” The fox lady said happily. “Okay!
All you have to do is take a cup of flour,
Add it to the mix.
Now just take a little something sweet, not sour,
A bit of salt, just a pinch.
Baking these treats is such a cinch,
Add a teaspoon of vanilla,
Add a little more, and you count to four
And you never get your fill of…
Cupcakes – so sweet and tasty.
Cupcakes – don't be too hasty.
Cupcakes – cupcakes,” Pinkie Pie singing was suddenly ended when a loud smashing sound interrupted her singing. It was Gilda who smacked her fist into the counter in an effort to get Pinkie Pie's attention. “Hey. Shut up.” Gilda said in an irritated tone. Pinkie Pie was stunned and shaken by Gilda coming out of nowhere and making a loud noise. Gilda looks at the cupcakes Pinkie Pie made while she was singing. “Are those yours?” Gilda said pointing at her cupcakes. “Yep, I made them myself! Would you like one?” Pinkie Pie said happily. Gilda snatches one from the counter and takes a bite out of it chewing it slowly. “Do you like it?” Pinkie Pie asked curious as to what Gilda would say. Gilda looked at Pinkie Pie and spat the cupcake she was chewing right in her face. “Next time how about you spend less time singing and more time making sure your cupcakes don't taste like crap!” Gilda said as she mashed the rest of the cupcake on the counter.
Pinkie Pie stood there stunned and shaking. While Gilda walked around the room looking for something else to eat Pinkie Pie spaced and became incensed. A pain began to rise from her gut her breathing became heavy and it sounded she was losing air despite taking deep breath. Her body tightened her face grimace and she was seething with anger. She looked at Gilda with intensity. As Gilda began to walk out of the building Pinkie Pie made her move on Gilda. Before anyone could stop her she moved around the counter at lighting speed and rushed at Gilda head first. She head butted Gilda right in the hindquarters sending her flying into the building across the street. The attack left her stunned and discombobulated. Her eyes began to focus as she saw Pinkie Pie standing in front of the door where she was moments ago. Pinkie Pie stood there her rage dissipating but before she could regain her inhibitions and calm down Gilda quickly re-bounded, dashed at Pinkie Pie and grabbed her by the throat. Gilda rammed Pinkie Pie against the wall. “How dare you strike me from behind like that! Do you know who I am?” Gilda asked angrily Pinkie Pie didn't respond and just stared back at her. “I asked you a question! Do you know who I am?” Gilda yelled Smacking Pinkie Pie into the wall. She shook her head. “I am a griffon, a powerful creature far beyond your ability to fight. Tearing you limb from limb would as easy as breathing for me! But please. Try hitting me again. Go ahead. If you have a death wish why should I stop you?” Gilda said with a snarl. Pinkie Pie tried to pull out of Gilda's grip but it was far too strong to unhinge. Gilda began to slowly tighten her grip on Pinkie's throat. “Because I'm so generous I’m going to give you favor. You’re new to this part of this world so listen up. Creatures are not to be trifled with. Many of us can and will kill you at the slightest provocation for any given reason. Money, food, or just for fun, and you have only two options, either you fight or you run. And the way I see it. You don't have what it takes to fight so you better get going. In fact let me help you on your way!” Gilda said as she pulled Pinkie Pie away from the building. She tossed Pinkie Pie into air and jumped for her. She then re grabbed on by the tail and started swinging her violently, She then threw Pinkie Pie through the air sending her flying through the air.

Spike was wandering around trying to finding of something to interest to do when a ball bounced in front of him. A kid ran in front and grabbed the ball. He looked at Spike expecting him to say something. Then he looked at the ball and looked back at Spike. “Want to play with us?” The kid said motioning towards the other kids waiting for him to bring the ball back. Spike thought for a moment not sure what to think. “Yeah, I would like to play.” Spike said with a smile. The kid ran towards the others with Spike following right behind him. “It's not very often we get to see salamander dragons this far away from there den.” One of the kids said. “Well actually I’m not from a den I live somewhere else.” Spike said. The kids all looked at each other with concern. “What is there something wrong about that?” Spike asked worried that he may have said something wrong. The kids looked at each other again. “Don't worry about it stranger I’m sure you'll be fine. What's your name anyhow?” The kid asked as the other kids began forming a circle. “My name is Spike. What's yours?” Spike asked. “Chip Goober but you can call me Chip.” Chip said as he grabbed Spike's hand. “Come here you. Stand right here Spike.” Chip said as he pulled Spike to stand in a particular spot. “What are we doing anyhow?” Spike asked confused as to what the formation was for. “You don't know? It's called Keep In. someone throws the ball into the air and everybody has to make sure it stays in the air and inside the circle. Be careful with those claws there Spike. Don't want to pop my ball I reckon. Otherwise I’ll be kinda sad.” Chip said with a smile. “All right, Here goes!” Chip said. He threw the ball into the air. As the ball descended a couple of kids readied themselves to strike it one kid struck the ball right into the air. The ball floated for a bit and began to fall once more the ball this time was going to fall outside the circle so a couple of kids stepped back and got ready to hit it. This time two kids try to strike it at once but bumped into each other. Another kid ran in and struck the ball into the air. “It's coming towards you Spike! Give it a nice smack!” Chip yelled. Spike get ready to hit it making sure it wouldn't touch the pointy end of his claws. Spike gave it a vigorous bash sending it flying right into a building. The ball bounced off the building and right back into circle. Chip and the kids oohed at Spike's show of strength. Chip ran up and smacked the ball right into the air. Spike happily played with the kids for quite a while.

Applejack wandered onto the farm where the village gets most of there food. Just like any farm it contained cattle and vegetable fields. Applejack looks at the farmers tending to the field. “Today's a wonderful day to get some farm work done.” One of the farmers said as he passed by Applejack. “It sure is.” Applejack said with a sigh. “I know that sound. Sounds like someone misses their welcome home mat. Either that or your brain needs oxygen.” The farmer said with a chuckle as he locked the gate on a nearby fence. “Suppose there's no point in hiding that. Ya I am a little homesick.” Applejack said. “How long have you been traveling?” The farmer said giving his full attention to Applejack. “Not too long I would think. I guess being so far away from home makes me think how I really haven't been with my family like I'd like too.” Applejack said with a sigh. “You a family girl?” The farmer said and he lay on the fence. “A family girl, I love my family. I grew up with them. They're my best friends. If I have a problem I know I can always put my trust in them. I just wish I could see them more often.” Applejack said as she looked at the farmers working in the background. “I haven't seen my family in a long time either. They are part of the Tanooki tribe living in the forest. Some nasty blighters they are. Still I miss my mom every so often.” The farmer said. “Do you ever get to visit her?” Applejack asked. “Nope, can't. If I tried to hunt those people down they'd bind me and smash me like a melon. Like I said nasty blighters, but I know that my mom loved me. That's all that matters I suppose.” The farmer said. “I guess I'm just used to a certain kind of living. It was always tending the field and watching over grandma and Applebloom and then every once a year visiting the family in our reunions. I was fine then but now. I don't know it’s like now that the cycle has been broken I can feel the sort of life I’ve been living. It's important. But it makes me sad as well.” Applejack said with a sad expression on her face. “That's how life is sometimes I reckon. Sometimes we'd just like it if life was a little different but I suppose it is what it is. I'd like to tell myself that the reason why I feel sad from time to time is because that person meant a lot to me. And having people make such a good impact in your life is something good and special even if it does make you sad from time to time. That's my belief anyways, take it as you will.” the farmer said as he looked up at the sky. “I think I understand. Thanks for talking to me. I needed that.” Applejack said. “Glad I could help. I always love talking to travelers. Now I gotta get back to work so I don't get yelled at for slacking off again. See you later cowgirl.” The Farmer said as he jumped over the fence and started walking further into the field.

Rarity disinterested in wandering around the village decides to hang out at the Inn. She walks into the Inn. It becomes apparent that the Inn isn't used very often as the lobby area is a bit dusty in places and the receptionist has fallen asleep. “Hmph, and here I thought I was going to sleep in a much nicer environment.” Rarity said to herself. She walked up to the counter and rang the bell with her magic. This startled the receptionist awake. “Oh! Whuh? Oh! Hello! Would you like a room for the night?” The receptionist said wiping the slobber from his face and fixing his shirt. “Yes I would. In fact I would like two rooms. I have a party of 7 who all need a room but me in particular I need a room for myself. Do you perhaps have a suite room that I can stay in?” Rarity asked. “A sweet room, like a room made of candy?” The receptionist said in a perplexed voice. “No. Not S-W-E-E-T sweet S-U-I-T-E suite, as in a room with luxury accommodations!” Rarity said in an irritated voice. “Oh. Uh maybe, Lets take a look at the rooms. One of them might be a suite.” The receptionist said groggily. He off his seat and lead Rarity upstairs where most of the rooms were held, the rooms were fairly basic. A desk, a couple beds, a couch, and a bathroom with a sink that could be separated with a door. “Were those rooms to your liking Ms?” The receptionist asked. “Hmm, not really, sure they are good for my compatriots but none of the rooms had that suite quality.” Rarity said. “Well we have a rule here in Anthro Town. Travelers can stay one night in the hotel free of charge and have there lodgings however they like within reason. So we can't exactly transform our rooms for you but we can try to make you feel as comfortable as possible.” The receptionist said. “What a nice accommodation. I wish more hotels held that practice. Very well, if we are going to make my room nice we might as well start now.” Rarity said.

Glee leads Twilight around the library showing her the assorted books they had. Most were either written after the town's restoration or were so worn out from being so old they were unreadable anyways. “Thank you for your help so far but I would like to see the oldest. Most legible and important books your town has to offer.” Twilight said. “Oh sure, Let me fetch it for you!” Glee said as he hopped behind the librarian's desk. He reached down and rooted around for a bit. A lock could be heard being unlocked. He pulled out two large books and dropped them on the desk. “These are it! The Dictionary and the Farmer's Almanac! We've kept these books up in the best condition possible due to them being the most important books for our town. Without them who know where any of us would be?” Glee said happily. “Right, what preserved these books? They don't have a single singe or sign of weather damage at all.” Twilight said as she inspected and skimmed through the almanac. “Oh. They were kept in this contraption.” Glee said. He went under the desk for a moment and then pulled up a box. The box had an impressive design with conditioned metal that was far superior to anything in the village. Twilight looked at the box. She opened the box with her magic. The inside was equally fortified. “Where did this thing come from?” Twilight said amazed by the advanced level of workmanship on the container. “We don't really know. It wasn't made here; the almanac doesn't have any information regarding the device. I reckon someone else made it.” Glee said. “You don't mind if I inspect these for awhile do you?” Twilight asked. “It's no problem at all! Look to your hearts content.” Glee said happily.

Pinkie Pie was found unconscious lying on the ground by Rarity who was in the midst of gathering things for her room. Rarity picked her up with her magic and dropped her in the hotel room bed addressing her injuries and quickly getting back to fulfilling her own desires. One by one each pony and Spike finally had there fill of the village and took to the hotel room. The receptionist brought them a checkerboard as a form of entertainment while they stay in there room. The last one to arrive was Twilight Sparkle who had spent the whole day and afternoon looking at the books and inspecting the container. When she finally arrived in the room it had gotten dark and most people including the receptionist had fallen asleep. Twilight entered the room where all the ponies except Rarity and Spike were staying, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing checkers although both still looked fairly bored and disinterested doing it. Pinkie Pie was sound asleep in bed having not moved at all since Rarity brought her in. Spike had fallen asleep in bed nestled under the covers sleeping rather soundly. Twilight looked around to see where Rarity was but no one seemed to know and didn't concern themselves with the thought much either. Fluttershy was sitting outside looking at the window contemplating as before. Twilight decided to call it a night and claimed the other half of the bed Spike was sleeping in. Fluttershy took the other half of the bed Pinkie Pie was sleeping in and Applejack and Rainbow Dash shared the couch. Sleeping at both ends, Rarity slept in the room adjacent to them. She had gotten extra candles for her room and a bowel of grapes. The covers and pillows were cleaned and she showered for an extensive amount of time.

Fluttershy awoke in the middle wanting to get a drink of water. She walked over to the sink and drank the water that came out of the faucet. After a few gulps she wiped her face and turned off the faucet. As she walked by she idly looked out the window. At the corner of her eye she could see two people standing in the middle of the street. “Two people awake, at this time of night?” Fluttershy said to herself. This sight gained her immediate concern. She very quietly opened the window positioned her ears outside she focused her hearing tuning out all sounds as she tried to focus on hearing the two figures.
“I was hoping you would be easier to negotiate than this.” One figure said. “Your first mistake was assuming I could be bought off by whatever sort of table scraps your hag as gathered over the years.” The other figure said. “Hm.” Fluttershy said inside her mind as she listened in. She decided to take a close look at the people talking. One shared the features of a bird and a lion and the other looked to be a pony. Upon closer inspection it was Brainy the dark blue white manned unicorn. Noticing this Fluttershy quickly ducked out of sight but continued to listen in. “It is Queen Moon you ne'er-do-well. It would benefit you to show some respect!” Brainy said angrily. “And it would benefit you to remember who you are talking too. I have nothing to fear from your Queen or from you for that matter.” said the creature. “Now, now I have no intention to create friction with you. I simply want to know what it will take to get you out of the way.” Brainy said trying to ease the tension in the conversation. “You want to give me something huh? Give me information.” The creature said. “Information, What could I possibly know that you wouldn't?” Brainy asked confused by the request. “What does Nightmare Moon want with Equestria?” The creature asked. “Equestria, Wait. How do you even know that name?” Brainy said befuddled by the creature's knowledge of a sealed off place. “I'm the one asking the questions here. When she tries to lay siege to Equestria does she plan to kill her sister Celestia?” The creature asked. “No! You will tell me how you know such things!” Brainy yelled. “You really gotta work on that tone of yours. Let me help you with that.” The creature said. She quickly grabbed Brainy's head and gripped it tightly and smacked it head against the ground. Brainy let out a painful yelp. “There. Now that I’ve knocked some sense into you, you’ll think twice before you open your mouth like you run the place.” The creature said as she let go of Brainy's head. “Fine, if you must be like this. I don't know what she plans to do. She only gives me her orders and nothing else.” Brainy said as he wobbled due to the attack. “Left in the dark just like the others...fine. I'm tired of the place anyhow. I was planning on leaving anyways.” The creature said with a sigh. “You will tonight?” Brainy asked trying to pull himself together. “Yeah, whatever you plan on doing I won't be here to witness it.” The creature said as she started walking away. “Perfect.” Brainy said as he went his separate way away from the creature.
“What do they plan on doing? I must tell Twilight this!” Fluttershy said to herself as she made sure both creatures left the area. She walked up to Twilight and began prodding her awake. “Twilight!” Fluttershy said as she continued nudging Twilight awake. “What's your problem Fluttershy don't you know how late it is?” Twilight said half asleep and irritated by being woken up. “One of Nightmare Moon's dark ponies was here.” Fluttershy said. “What? When?” Twilight said immediately startled by this information. “Just moments ago, He was talking to one of the villagers I think. He wanted the villager to go away. He plans on doing something tomorrow but he didn't say what.” Fluttershy said. “Well its night right now so it isn't going to happen this second. But thanks for telling me this. If he's going to do anything that's going to cause people harm and help Nightmare Moon in her conquest than we must be there to impede her objectives.” Twilight said. “Don't worry Twilight I’ll get up early and let everyone know if something bad is going down.” Fluttershy said.

As daylight broke a group of creatures could be seen approaching the village from far away. At first no one paid any real attention to it and assumed it was just some travelers. But upon closer inspection caused some panic amongst the villagers. These creatures were large and intimidating with there bodies decked out in assorted weaponry and armor. There skin was green and covered in scars earned from countless fights. Vicious dog like creatures pulled a large empty cage while a rider snapped his whip at them. The Mayor stood at the entrance trying to maintain his composure but showing signs of genuine fear. “H-howdy, welcome to Anthro T-town.” Glee said his body shaking in fear. The group stopped in front of Glee and sized up the area. One creature walked past them and stood right in front of Glee he wielded a giant mallet on his back and looked to be the strongest and biggest of them. “Is there anything y’all need?” Glee said with fear in his voice. “Yep, We're gonna need you. And you, and everyone else in this village to stuff themselves in that cage right there. For you see I've been paid a nice bit of money to capture all of you and escort you to a location so you can lead a new life of toiling around for some big shot. Personally I want to get this done as fast as possible so I can take some extra time to pillage your town and strip it off its valuables and food. So if you don't mind.” The creature said as he pointed towards the cage. Glee looked around hoping someone would do something. “Where did she go?” Glee said as he looked around. “Tick tock. If you fur balls don't get into the cage within a few seconds I'm gonna have to shove you in there myself.
“They won't be going anywhere.” Said Twilight said as she and the others rushed up to Glee. “Hey those things look a lot like the creatures that hired us for this job. What's going on?” Said one of the creatures as he scratched his head in confusion, “We are different from that particular group, and you can tell your employer that you will be coming back empty handed.” Twilight said. “That's some big talk coming from such a small creature. You don't look like your part of this village. If you’re smart you will turn tail and run right now.” The creature said as he pulled the mallet from behind his back to show it off to Twilight as a warning. “Glee, Get out of the way.” Twilight said to Glee as she charged her horn up getting ready to fight. “Very well then have it your way!” The creature said as he swung the mallet at Twilight. She created a soft shield that absorbed the attack and bounced the mallet away. She started shooting the creature with magical blasts of energy. One of the creatures ran up to her ready to slice her with a sword but Rainbow Dash flew out of range and then stomped on the creatures head slamming him into the ground.
This made the fight go into the full swing as the rest of the creatures all charged them at once. The ponies fully engaged the creatures as well making sure not to be struck with there sharp weaponry. The boss creature still being pelted with blasts powers through the shots and grabs the dirt on the ground. He throws a bunch of dust at Twilight who gets sand in her eyes throwing off her concentration which caused her attacks to go away. The boss creature takes another swing at Twilight only for a beam of energy to blast right into his face. It was Rarity who used the blast she uses to polish rocks to hit the creature right in his face burning him. The burn caused the creature to drop his mallet on the ground as he fell to the ground in pain. While Rarity was doing that however a creature threw a chain around her wrapping it around her torso. With one good tug he sent Rarity into the air and crashing onto the ground close to him. As Rarity was dizzy from the sudden attack the creature pulled out a dagger and prepared to stab Rarity with it. But before he could deliver the blow Applejack rammed the creature head first sending him flying into the air.
A couple of armed creatures with spiked gloves cornered Pinkie Pie. One of them threw his fist out and she quickly dodged it and head butted him sending him tumbling onto the ground. Before the other one could react she quickly bucked him unto the ground. Rainbow Dash flew around randomly smacking the creatures as they tried to shoot at her with arrows shot from there bows. Distracted by Rainbow Dash Spike jumped in and set there quivers aflame. Rainbow Dash took the opening and swooped in crashing into the creatures sending them flying into the air. The boss creature got up again picking up his mallet only to have it shot out of his hand by Twilight. Twilight began creating a large ball energy that crackled and fizz while it gained in size. She pointed it at the boss creature and shot the blast straight at him. He jumped out of the way at the last second leading the blast to head straight for the cage and the rider. The rider jumped away but the creatures pulling the cage were chained to the cage and unable to get away in time. When the ball crashed into them it let off a loud bang as sparkles of light illuminated the area. The blast damaged the cage and broke the chains letting the creatures free where they ran away leaving the cage unmanned.
The creature noticing that his job had been pretty much ruined by these ponies became very angry and charged Twilight at full speed. Fluttershy flew in going for the creature's feet, she managed to take control of his momentum and spin him around and then throwing him in the direction of his cage. The creature landed right up top of the cage falling straight through the opening and crashing on the floor of it damaging the container in general. The remaining creatures looked at there boss who seemed beaten by Twilight and her friends. They then ran off pushing the cart with there boss in it as far and as fast as they could. Twilight watched closely as they ran further and further away. Suddenly cheers could be heard from behind them. The villagers had been watching the fight the whole time and expressed joy in the ponies' success

The villagers wanted to celebrate but Twilight insisted that they be on there way so they only stayed for a bit longer as the villager gathered something of value to reward them. Glee walked up to them with a small backpack in his hands, and handed it to Spike. “We thought you would need something like this seeing as your going to do a bit of traveling.” Glee said. “Thanks! It's kinda small though.” Spike said as he put the backpack on his back. “Looks can be deceiving. A couple of our more magically inclined villagers had a hand in making this backpack. You'd be surprised how much it carries and how light it is despite its contents. We already packed you a bit of money to pay for some of your future expenses, some food that has a very nice shelf life, a canteen of water for all of you, and an old map we found in the library. It's our way of saying thanks. If it wasn't for you those Orcs would have been carting us away in that cage of theirs.” Glee said. “Whoa all of those things are in this backpack right now? That's pretty amazing!” Spike said astounded by the information. “I can never thank you enough for the generosity you have bestowed us.” Twilight Sparkle said. “It's what we do here! So long Ponies! I hope you can come back and visit us real soon!” Glee said as he waved goodbye to Twilight and the others.

Their journey continues.