• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

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Chapter 9

Centuries ago a sorcerer rose to power and started enveloping the land in chaos turning harmless creatures into powerful monstrosities through his control of powers most dark and foul. To counter this threat, heroes from across the land gathered to work together to stop this sorcerer from taking over the world. One such hero showed great promise. Battle after battle he would show exceptional skill and magnificent power far beyond the average creature and well into the ballpark of gods themselves. There was one flaw though. He was extremely prideful and would boast often of his accomplishments and belittle those around him. When the time came to create an official group to represent the heroes of light he was refused a rank. Furious the creature cried out
“But I am the greatest of all warriors! You would be nothing without me!” When he was told his arrogance and his pride was to blame he scoffed at the notion and proclaimed that their insecurity with his greatness was why he was denied his rank. Though there were many who would rather reward the hero for his great work the warriors of light could not condone a person who lacked a sense of humility.

Chapter nine: One's own path

Twilight decided to follow the map rather than guess as where to go next. Upon inspecting the map for awhile she noticed some locations were worn out and hard to make out but two locations were still easy to see on the map. One image on the map showed the image of a somewhat modern looking city and another leading to a large body of water. Twilight decides to visit the city hoping she can learn even more valuable information. Fluttershy looks around as usual paying close attention to Pinkie Pie. Her upbeat behavior seems a distant thought as she follows the group silent and visibly unhappy. She then takes a look at Rainbow Dash who seemed to be thinking intently which was not normal for Rainbow Dash at least Fluttershy has never paid witness to her doing such things. “Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy said. “What?” Rainbow Dash said in a short tone. “You just. Um, I mean. Are you okay?” Fluttershy stammered. Rainbow Dash didn't respond to Fluttershy and just looked at her and then looked at Twilight. She then flew right up to Twilight ignoring Fluttershy's question. “I'm gonna take that as a no...” Fluttershy said.
Rainbow Dash walked right up to Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said. “What do you want Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked with disinterest. “I want to lead the herd from now on.” Rainbow Dash said. “I thought we've gone through this already. You don't have what it takes to lead our group.” Twilight said. “Says you, ever since we've started this mission you've taken the reigns like it always belonged to you.” Rainbow Dash said irritated. “That's because it always did belong to me. I am Princess Celestia's faithful student, her star pupil, who better to lead than the loyal follower of the person who sent us off to begin with?” Twilight said refusing to emotionally engage Rainbow Dash. “How about someone who isn't a sheep?” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight stopped moving forward and looked at Rainbow Dash unamused by her insult. “Excuse me.” Twilight said restraining her irritation. “You heard me. You're just some mindless minion doing whatever Celestia tells you to do. You’re no better than the dark ponies.” Rainbow Dash said. “How dare you compare me to them? And by extension how dare you compare Princess Celestia to Nightmare Moon. They are not one in the same!” Twilight said angrily. “Are you sure about that? What do we really know about either of them? For all we know Nightmare Moon has every right to be doing what she is doing.” Rainbow Dash said getting a very aggressive tone with Twilight Sparkle. “Are you suggesting that Nightmare Moon should take Equestria?” Twilight asked with aghast and disapproval. “No I'm not suggesting that. I'm just saying that we can't afford to keep marching on like some brain dead soldiers. Something is going on and we are apart of it. But we aren't important enough to know. No, we are just the pawns. Our job is to carry the will of the one giving the orders. Well if they think I don't have a right to know the full story then I have no interest in being their obedient slave.” Rainbow Dash said. “We are no slaves Rainbow Dash. We are on a mission to save Equestria. We don't need to know anything more than that.” Twilight said sternly trying to stamp out Rainbow Dash's comments. “We, more like you. All Celestia needs to do is call out your name and your already kissing her hoofs! You’re such a toadie Twilight! In case you haven't noticed, Celestia isn't the great goddess you think she is. For one thing, where is she? Why hasn't she helped us when we were in trouble? She just sits in that castle where she's safe and happy while we bust our flanks fighting monsters and aimlessly wandering around in uncharted territory! What if we were attacked by a giant monster of something! Would she save us then? I doubt it. She's the omnipotent creature around here not us. And yet we are the ones doing all the work. Anyone using there head would know that there's something not right about that.” Rainbow Dash said.
“Where is all this talk coming from? I thought you would gladly fight for the Princess Celestia.” Twilight said confused by Rainbow Dash's rebellious comments. “That was before we left Equestria. Things have changed since then. We can't afford to keep following Celestia's orders blindly. It's our lives at stake not hers. We have to start handling things our own way, namely mine.” Rainbow Dash said with confidence. “What makes your way better than my way?” Twilight asked. “Well for one thing I think for myself. I go by my own rules. I handle things my own way.” Rainbow Dash said. “Tch, I'm done listening to this nonsense. The only reason you want to lead is because you want your pathetic ego stroked. All the things you have said are a waste of our time. You only brought up problems but you have presented no true solutions to them. Perhaps you should spend less time thinking and focus more on the fights we shall no doubt face as the days go on. Leave the thinking to those who haven't ruined their minds using it as crash helmets.” Twilight said turning away from Rainbow Dash motioning the others to start walking again. “Ya know what? I've had just about enough of you! I don't need your approval to lead this herd!” Rainbow Dash said getting trying to keep Twilight's attention despite her now ignoring Rainbow Dash. “That's right you don't need my approval. Lets ask the others what they think. Do you think Rainbow Dash should lead this herd from now on?” Twilight said looking at the group that was behind her. The ponies and Spike just sort of stood there. Nobody said anything. They had a shifty look on there faces unsure on what to say or how to say it. “Silence speaks volumes.” Twilight Sparkle said as she kept on walking with the group following them except Rainbow Dash who stood there. “Fine, I don't need any of you guys anyways! You were all slowing me down! I'll save Equestria all by myself!” Rainbow Dash yelled. She took off into the air and flew away at high speeds in a different direction than Twilight was leading them. Fluttershy looked at the direction Rainbow Dash flew off to and then looked at Twilight. “Shouldn't we go after her?” Fluttershy asked. “She turned her back on us. She turned her back on Princess Celestia. There is no one to follow.” Twilight said stoically.

Rainbow Dash flew across the Ursa Plains and into the Kongming Mountains a steep windy environment with mountains that reach up to the clouds. Rainbow Dash was flying idly through the mountains when out of nowhere someone crashed into her pinning her to the mountain side. It was Typhoon Rampage “It's you! Where are your friends?” Typhoon said with a smirk. Rainbow Dash kicked him in the stomach and pushed him back giving her room to fly in the air again. “I left them behind not that it's any of your business.” Rainbow Dash said. “Perfect! I prefer a one on one fight anyway!” Typhoon said as he cracked his neck. Typhoon charged Rainbow Dash again but she dodged his attack letting him crash right into the mountain side. Rainbow Dash laughed at him as he pulled his face out of the rocky hills. “How dare you laugh at me? I'm gonna make you wish you were never born.” Typhoon Rampage said angrily as he adjusts his goggles.
The wind kicked up around and he rocketed towards Rainbow Dash at high speeds crashing into her pushing her through the sky. Rainbow Dash grabbed Typhoon's goggles, when she pulled them back she noticed that the eyes that were visible from his goggles were not actually on his face. This spooked her as she let go of the goggles letting it snap onto his face. He let out a yelp distracting him and slowing his speed down enough to where Rainbow Dash could break free of his push. Rainbow Dash grabbed his tail and threw him towards a nearby mountain side. Before he came in impact with the mountain he stopped himself and dashed towards Rainbow Dash with his hoofs charged with electricity. Typhoon hoof punched Rainbow Dash but she blocked the attack with her upper legs. Rainbow Dash quickly countered and hoof punched him in the face sending him flipping through the air for a couple spins before he could react she charged into him grabbing his midsection and charging straight for the mountains. Typhoon grabs onto Rainbow Dash's back legs and spins them around at high speeds. This Makes Rainbow Dash dizzy and by the time they get to the mountains Typhoon has taken control and smashes her against the mountain side. The impact with the jagged hard rocks knocked Rainbow Dash out cold. Typhoon swings Rainbow Dash around by the tail. “Ha! This is too much fun! You're always a good laugh. But I have work to do so it's time to get rid of you.” Typhoon says. He began spinning faster and faster till he almost reaches the speeds at which his wind funnel would start appearing. He then threw Rainbow Dash clear across the mountains. “Bon Voyage!” Typhoon yelled waving goodbye as Rainbow Dash's body starts flying out of sight.

Rainbow Dash flew through the sky like a rag doll in a tailwind. She eventually lost air and crashed onto the mountain side tumbling down it till she rolled off a slope and free fell to the jagged rocks on the ground. But before she could crash into the rocks her free fall stopped. Someone had grabbed her from the air and began pulling her away from the jagged rocks and into the higher parts of the mountains. She awoke in a bed with bandages covering parts of her body. She appeared to be in a rather large tent. Beside the bed was a large bird stand and underneath it was a box filled with assorted medical supplies. Rainbow Dash tried to move around but as she moved pain surged through her body. Just then someone walked into the tent. It looked like a bird but was much larger and moved around just like the creatures in Anthro Town despite being a bird. On the bird's face though was a bright red mask that made its face and beak look a lot larger than it actually was.

“Oh you’re awake! For awhile there I was not sure you were going to live.” The bird creature said as it got up close to Rainbow Dash taking of its mask to get a better look at her. “Where am I?” Rainbow Dash said weakly. “Oh dear you don't sound very good at all. Yep you may need to stay in bed for a day or two longer before you’re up to anything. Oh! Sorry. You are in the Kongming mountains have you ever been to such a place before?” The bird said as he hopped on the bird stand. “No, I've never been anywhere before. Every place is new to me.” Rainbow Dash said. “Really, Now that you mention it that does make sense, I've never seen anything like you before and you've never seen anything like me. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Fermin Fowler this is my medical tent as you can see if one is injured they lay in that bed while I look them over and examine them. You were in a very serious condition I should say. Although from what I hear you wouldn't have made it at all if it wasn't for the timely rescuing of Wukong.” Fermin said. “Wukong? Who's that?” Rainbow Dash asked. A creature just then walked into the tent. It had fur all over its body except for the area around his face and parts of his hands and feet. It wore ornate armor and wielded a staff. The creature looked at Rainbow Dash as he looked back at it. “This is Sun Wukong. He is the one who saved you.” Fermin said breaking the silence. “That's right! There I was sitting on nimbus having a regular day of meditation when I saw you fly through the sky like bat out of dodge! I knew that something was amiss and chased after you. “Faster nimbus, Faster!” I yelled as we darted along the sky to catch up to you. And just before your head crashed into the jagged rocks below I grabbed you by your tail and hoisted you up into the air where I then speedily made my way back to the village so Fermin can patch you up.” Sun said with zest. “Wukong saved your life Ms., Oh I'm sorry I have yet to get your name.” Fermin said embarrassed by his lack of manners. “The name is Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash said. “Rainbow Dash, It's cutesy but it's also sort of tough sounding too. Where does a creature like you hail from Rainbow Dash?” Sun Wukong asked as he pulled a chair off from a corner to sit in it. “I'm from Equestria you've probably never been there. It’s far away from this place.” Rainbow Dash said. “You're right I’ve never heard of Equestria not even when I raced that wind elemental across the continent. I won by the way. What are you doing all the way out here though?” Sun asked. “Well me and my, Well actually just me. I'm on a mission to save Equestria from the wrath of Nightmare Moon.” Rainbow Dash said omitting the others from the equation.

“Really, Seems like a daunting task for a simple creature like yourself.” Sun said incredulously. “I'm not just anyone you know! I'm a Pegasus pony! Masters of the wind and weather! And me, I'm the best Pegasus pony ever. I'm the fastest, toughest, bravest Pegasus to ever fly out of Cloudsdale!” Rainbow Dash said confidently. “That's a pretty lofty proclamation but I'm fairly skeptical. You don't look so tough.” Sun said. “I'm tougher looking than you!” Rainbow Dash said. “Tougher than me, that’s impossible. I am the monkey king! No one is tougher than me!” Sun said boastfully. “Pft, You're all talk is what you are!” Rainbow Dash said. “I am not all talk! And I will prove it!” Sun said getting angry. “I'd like to see you try!” Rainbow Dash replied. “I'd like to see you see me try as well!” Sun said. “Sounds like a challenge to me but might I interject? Ms. Dash you don't have the strength to take Wukong in a fight right now. You're going to need more time in bed before you could commit to such a goal.” Fermin said. “He's right. I want you fully healed so I can beat you and show you that the monkey king is the toughest of all!” Sun said as pounded his chest in assurance.

Twilight and the others eventually made it to the city. Unfortunately there was no one to interact with. The city was desolate and destroyed with not a single creature to be seen or found. It had been left in a destroyed state for so long that plant life can be seen growing all over buildings and other objects that once made sense or was relatively useful when the city wasn't dilapidated. “It destroyed this place as well...” Twilight said sadly. “What do we do?” Fluttershy asked. “Let’s split up and look around. Rarity Applejack you go that way. Fluttershy Pinkie Pie, You go that way. Spike, you come with me.” Twilight said. Twilight peers through the buildings trying to find anything useful but doesn't see anything of note. She puts her face to the glass wiping the dust away. It looked to be a grocery store at one point. Spike also wiped off the dust and looked through the window. “What are we looking for?” Spike asked. “Information.” Twilight replied as she moved away from the window and kept looking around. “Information, on what?” Spike asked. “On things.” Twilight said as she kept looking through buildings. “You mean like stuff related to Nightmare Moon, or that thing that destroyed this city, Or about Princess Celestia?” Spike asked as he tried to get a real answer out of Twilight. “It's none of your business Spike.” Twilight said. “I think it is my business Twilight. Princess Celestia is my friend and if you have found out anything about her, I should know.” Spike said unhappy with Twilight's replies “You may be Princess Celestia's favorite pet but you are no one that should be privy to important things.” Twilight said still searching around. “I told you, I'm not the princess's pet! I'm her friend! You think I'm here because I care about those ponies in Equestria? Nightmare Moon could enslave all of you and I wouldn't care at all. But if anything happens to the princess...” Spike said frustrated with Twilight's attitude towards him. Twilight looks at Spike who just stood there looking sad as if he was contemplating the worst. Twilight turned away from Spike. “I want to know what Nightmare Moon has to do with Princess Celestia. Their exact relationship is a mystery. It's terribly disconcerting. I'm worried. That's why I need to know. Princess Celestia is my friend too. I can't stomach the thought of something bad happening and me being powerless to stop it.” Twilight said trying to maintain her emotions as she talks. “Princess Celestia is your only friend too, isn't she?” Spike said. “...yes...” Twilight replied as she kept looking around.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked around the area making sure nothing dangerous was lurking around. Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie. “Come on Fluttershy. You told the Princess you would try to help but look what happened. We lost Rainbow Dash...I can't let this happen to Pinkie Pie too. What should I do? Maybe I should just try to be friendly. Yes friendly.” Fluttershy said to herself. Fluttershy floated down to Pinkie Pie who didn't even acknowledge her for a moment. “Hey there Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy said trying to be as enthusiastic as possible. Pinkie Pie didn't respond not and just continued to walk around. Fluttershy felt dejected for a moment but shook it off and made another attempt at appealing to Pinkie Pie. “This sure is an unusual place isn't it Pinkie Pie? Nothing like home, what are those things? They look like carts but they are made of metal and there wheels are huge. Who would ride such a thing? How would they ride it? Do they push those things with their feet too?” Fluttershy said breaking out a smile. Pinkie Pie still didn't respond. “Y-ya know Pinkie Pie if there's something wrong just let me know. I-I'm your friend y-you know.” Fluttershy said as she was saddened by her failures. Pinkie Pie did not reply or react to her in any visible way. “Please. Just say something. Anything to me...” Fluttershy said. “Fluttershy...” Pinkie Pie said. “Yes?” Fluttershy said excited to hear Pinkie Pie respond. “Leave me alone...” Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy just stood there feeling the weight of Pinkie Pie's depression weighing down on her. “What do I have to do to make you smile again? Princess Celestia...help me...” Fluttershy said as tears began to come out of her eyes.

Rarity and Applejack walk around the city looking into buildings and the wretched architecture. “Ya know what this place reminds me of?” Applejack said getting Rarity's attention. “What?” Rarity asked curious. “Manehattan.” Applejack said. “Really?” Rarity said. “Well Manehattan if it was completely turned inside out. Okay uh, maybe it's not a whole lot like Manehattan at all it's just a big city like Manehattan is.” Applejack said with a chuckle. “I'm surprised you’re even familiar with the place.” Rarity said. “Familiar? I've been to Manehattan. I had relatives there. The Oranges.” Applejack said. “You've been to Manehattan?” Rarity said surprised by the information. “Yep.” Applejack said casually. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go to Manehattan! The lights, the sounds, the people! Oh and all the clothes! Some of the best designers shops and boutiques are sitting smack dab in Apple Square! I am simply jealous of you right now!” Rarity exclaimed. “It's not all that great a place if you ask me.” Applejack said. “What? How can you say such a thing?” Rarity said dumbfounded by Applejack's lack of optimism. “Well I didn't enjoy it lets just put it like that. You might like it as they fancy, fancy stuff there but there's downsides to all that hustle and bustle. Namely the hustle and the bustle. Too many people doing too many things with too little time to do 'em.” Applejack said. “I shouldn't be surprised that you wouldn't like such a place like that after all it is cultured and distinguished unlike that farm of yours.” Rarity said with a bit of snark. “I reckon your right Rarity. But I should tell ya that when I was a filly I happened to have that same thought about Manehattan and Sweet Apple Acres. That's when I spent the summer with the Oranges. At first I was into the place. I fed into the pomp and the classiness. It was fun for a bit but it felt. Empty. I don't know if you'll understand the feeling but I reckon it's a nice place if you’re a shallow pony who doesn't have a lot to them. And I don't know a lot about you Rarity but given all I’ve seen of you. I wouldn't consider you a shallow pony. I'm not stopping you from going anywhere you want to go though; I’d just thought I’d give you a bit of my perspective is all.” Applejack said. Rarity once again didn't quite know what to say in response to Applejack's words. She thought for a moment. “Thank you for the compliment Applejack.” Rarity said with a smile. Applejack smiled back at her. “It's no problem at all Rarity.” Applejack said with a smile.

After hours of searching Twilight ran into a building that looked like someone had gone into it not too long ago. Twilight walked in being careful not to get any cobwebs on her or step on glass. She saw that someone made a path through the place leaving everything else untouched. She lit up her horn letting giving her light in the dark room. She noticed a book sitting on the table. It was sitting open on the table. Curious Twilight walked up to it to give it a read. “Our city is the shining example of the future. We have given the world many modern conveniences that mark just the beginning of our progression to greatness. I only wish our thinking was universal. The world at large still puts there faith in magic. But I know better. Magic is untrustworthy. It's far too powerful. It makes bears into Ursa Majors. It makes lizards into dragons. The chaos that magic brings and the destruction that comes from those who wield it cannot be the way of the future. At least it cannot be the future of men. We do not wield magic. We do not get to grant wishes nor have our wishes granted. We must live by our wits and ingenuity as we are not given the benefit of being magical or gifted. I take that back. We are gifted. And it shall be known by all soon. Many years of extensive research has been poured into this technological masterpiece. It is powered by man made materials and will fight at our beck and call. The world is dangerous filled with creatures that compare themselves to gods. If that can ever be the case for anyone then this shall be considered a Vetera as well.” Twilight read. Finding the information in the book to be valuable she put it in Spike's backpack and left the building to gather the group and call it a night.