• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

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Chapter 3

For as long as Equestria existed the Everfree forest has as well. It bordered the land like a gated community to a world without limits or restrictions. Countless ponies have tried traversing this forest only to find it never ends. Some so desperate for variety in life they spend days even weeks and months trying to travel through it. For those that spend such a long time in the forest they tend to speak of the same thing. That through the whole time they were there. Someone was watching there every move.

Chapter three: The shadow in the never ending forest.

The Pony paragons continue walking through the forest for what seemed like a full hour if not more. Just as the story goes the forest seemed to span infinitely across the land but determined to make it through they continue walking. While the ponies could do this all day it was starting to tire out Spike that was not as stout as them. “So tired, Twilight, Can I ride on your back again?” Spike said as he dragged his feet across the ground. “I told you before Spike. No pony rides.” Twilight said not even looking Spike in the eye as he begged for Twilight to give him another ride on her back. “It's okay Spike! You can ride on my back! Go ahead and hop on!” Pinkie Pie said as she bent down to let him climb on. “Thanks Pinkie!” Spike said as he got on her back. Pinkie Pie doesn't walk around like most ponies though. Her energetic nature makes her do a lot of hopping and skipping. At first it was okay but the constant hopping started getting to Spike and he became dizzy. “Pinkie Pie....” Spike said all dizzy and discombobulated. “What is it Spike?” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. “Please. Stop bouncing...” Spike said. “Why Spike?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Your. Making me Nauseous...” Spike said as he wobbled on her back. “Oh! Sorry Spike.” Pinkie pie said. She then stops letting Spike regain his composure. Spike reeling from the ride just slips off Pinkie's back completely falling on the ground.
“Spike's got the right idea lets take five and discuss some things.” Twilight said ignoring Spike's clearly woozy behavior. “Is there something wrong?” Rarity asked wondering why Twilight wants to stop. “Before we go any further I think we need to acknowledge our group. If we include Spike its 7 creatures total.” Twilight said. “And?” Rainbow Dash asked wondering what the point of the conversation was. “A group this large needs a bit of organization in order to function correctly.” Twilight said. “Oh, you are so right Twilight! We do need a bit of organization! For one thing 7 is too large a number. Why it's practically a crowd! A much better number for a traveling group is three.” Rarity said. “Three? Why three?” Twilight asked curious as to where Rarity was going. “Haven't you heard dear? Three is the magic number. It is! Think about it. You have a rough and tough person like Say Rainbow Dash whose primary job is hitting things and taking punches. You have someone like Fluttershy who as Celestia said is cunning and therefore perfect for out thinking and out maneuvering the enemy. And then you have myself as all important mage.” Rarity said. “I don't think I'm cunning really...” Fluttershy said bashfully. “Hey, when she's right she's right!” Rainbow Dash said as she was in full agreement with Rarity. “As nice as that sounds we aren't going to be a team of three even if that was more efficient. What I was actually talking about was that we need a leader.” Twilight said. “Oh! Of course, Twilight! We do need a leader. Someone to command and give orders, someone with poise and distinction, able to communicate with foes and friends alike to find the common ground, and organize everyone's skills to proper areas. But who would fit such a rank? Oh wait! That would be me! Oh my! How tasteless of me to choose myself but if I am truly the best pony for the job than there's nothing wrong in nominating myself.” Rarity said knee deep in her own vanity. “You’re about a good a choice as that stump over there! There ain't no way I’d take orders from a prissy pony like you!” Applejack protested. “Well who would you nominate hayseed?” Rarity said with annoyance in her voice. “Why I'd reckon I’d be better at this job than any of y’all ponies. After all I got experience commanding animals at the farm and let’s not forget who organizes Sweet Apple Acres weather changing events. I don't intend to brag but if one was going to be a leader it might as well be someone who actually knows how to lead.” Applejack said. “I'd sooner follow a scarecrow before I follow some apple picking earth pony! Like you get any sort of credit for herding around a bunch of mindless animals anyways.” Rarity said in complete protest to Applejack's self nomination. “Ponies, Lets not argue. Neither of you are good enough to lead this group. The only one fit to lead is me!” Rainbow Dash said confidently. “What makes you say that?” Rarity asked. “You said it yourself. I'm tough and rough! If anyone is going to get anyone out of a jam it's me which means I'm fit to command this group!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed being completely sure of her as usual. “I would sooner take orders from this bumpkin before I take orders from a complete meat head like you!” Rarity said shooting down Rainbow Dash's proposal. “Girls, I was thinking that I would be the leader!” Twilight said not realizing the situation would get out of hand like this. “Why you?” Rainbow Dash asked now peeved by Rarity's rejection. “Well for one thing I'm the most well read out of all of you and I have the greatest skills in magic usage. If anyone was going to be the leader I would think it would be the smartest person here.” Twilight said confident in her ascertain. “In other words “I'm a big nerd, and I should be the leader!”” Rainbow dash said completely mocking Twilight Sparkle.
The comment finally set all four of them off as they started arguing with each other over who should be leader throwing insults at each other all the while. Spike finally recovering gets up only to roll his eyes at the ponies’ antics. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie not interested in leadership or in arguing about it just look on as Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Hash it out verbally with each other. Fluttershy looks to her side and notices something that fills her with concern. “Uh girls...” Fluttershy says trying to get there attention. “Girls uh listen too me there's a....” Fluttershy said still unhappy that she isn't getting to them. “Something wrong Fluttershy?” Pinkie pie asked wondering what's wrong with Fluttershy. “I'm trying to get there attention but they are too busy talking too listen.” Fluttershy said sadly. “You gotta raise your voice! Like me!” Pinkie Pie stated. “I don't do loud noises...It's too disruptive...” Fluttershy said. “I like being disruptive! You want me to do it for you?” Pinkie Pie asked in her usual energetic way. “If you don't mind....” Fluttershy said. Pinkie pie cleared her throat and called out to the girls a couple times in a standard voice. But after seeing that they weren't being reached she took a deep breath and uttered another call for them but this time it was abnormally booming and loud. This stunned everyone as the sound was very unusual. “Look over there.” Fluttershy said as she pointed in a particular direction of the forest.

To all there surprise they saw what appeared to be a pony in a cloak it's appearance unnaturally hidden in darkness it's eyes yellow and piercing and it's nose are the only things that can be seen of it's face. “Its- a pony?” Spike said confused by this sudden appearance of this stranger. “Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Everfree Forest is not a joke!” The cloaked stranger said in an oddly rhythmic way. “Who are you? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “Who and what is none of your concern as to what you should discern. I am no one but a warning. An advisory you see. You wish to escape Everfree forest, well that is simply not to be.” The cloaked stranger chimed. “Is she really going to talk like that?” Rainbow Dash said annoyed by the Rhyming nature of this mysterious figure. “I'm thinkin' she's one of those ponies who spent a little too much time in the forest.” Applejack said concerned by this odd pony's behavior. “We are on a mission to travel the land at the request of Princess Celestia.” Twilight said. “Celestia has brought you here? Then she has made a mistake I fear. For you filly fools have not what it takes to undergo the dangerous perils one may face.” the cloaked figure stated still unmoving from the spot she became visible. “Pft, I'm not afraid of any perils I'd like to see what Nightmare Moon has in store for us I'd give her a bit of revenge for what she did to me back at the castle.” Rainbow Dash said while she hoof punched the air. “Cocky technicolor one let it be said, that you and your friends are way in over your head. Luna is but one of the many dangerous things roaming the land. Terrible monsters and beast unbeknownst to pony land.” The cloaked figure said with a chuckle. “I can't pretend to know what we may encounter but we have to go regardless. This is our mission that the princess has entrusted to us.” Twilight stated to the cloaked figure. “The jobs you have been given are ill fit. New jobs you must have for you are not ready to leave the pony land.” the cloaked figure said still maintaining her enigmatic rhyming. “Who cares what you think? You’re just some weirdo in a forest! If I think I have what it takes than that's all that matters! We are going and the last I checked there's nothing you can do about that!” Rainbow Dash said now entirely fed up with this protesting stranger. The cloaked figure stood and smiled. “Very well, Heed not my words and go forth. And as you walk this eternal path for which there will be no end you should remember my pony friends. Zecora is watching...” Zecora said as her image faded out of sight.
“Whoa. That spooky.” Spike said sort of intimidated by Zecora's ability to seemingly disappear. “She's just trying to psych us out. I don't know what she would gain from doing it though.” Twilight said confused and concerned by Zecora's very nature. They continue to walk only to still gain no ground. Eventually Twilight gets suspicious of the environment and hatches a plan “Spike. Lay down at that tree for moment.” Twilight tells Spike who's still tired of walking around. “You don't have too tell me twice. Wake me up when you find a way out okay?” Spike says as he prepares to take a nap. “Were really going to leave him there?” Applejack asks wondering what Twilight is up to. “I have an idea let's just keep walking.” Twilight says as she began walking again. They all continue to walk till they hear the sound of snoring. And as Twilight assumed was the case has indeed happened. They pass by Spike sleeping soundly at the tree they left him at. “I knew it! This forest isn't endless! It loops!” Twilight exclaimed. “Exemplary revelation my dear girl but pray tell what exactly does that mean? Are we not still stuck regardless of the situation?” Rarity asked happy that Twilight found something out but confused as to its value. “Yes but now we have a better understanding of what we are up against. To make this forest loop requires magic. And where there's a magic there's a magic maker or at the very least a source that's maintaining this illusion spell. We must find it if we are to get through this forest.” Twilight said with a very thoughtful look on her face. “What should we do?” Applejack asked wondering what there new course of action was. “I say we split up!” Pinkie Pie spouted. “That's not a bad idea Pinkie Pie. Everypony! Take off in an alternative direction of your choice so that we may find the source as quickly as possible!” Twilight proclaimed. “Works for me, I'll take too the skies.” Rainbow Dash said as she raced charged through the trees to the skies above. “I'll follow her...” Fluttershy said as she slowly floated up through the hole Rainbow Dash made. “I'll go this way.” Rarity said pointing in a direction. “And I’ll go in the opposite of that direction.” Applejack said as she pointed in another direction. “You do that.” Rarity said at Applejack as they exchanged harsh looks. “And I’ll go wherever the wind takes me!” Pinkie pie said as she hopped randomly through the forest. “And I’ll keep moving forward just in case moving in one direction for a certain amount of time is the secret.” Twilight said to herself. She just then noticed that everypony was gone and that Spike was still asleep. Her conscious getting the better of her she decided to put Spike on her back at least while he was asleep. “You’re no use to anyone tired I suppose.” She said convincing herself of that being a fine enough reason to do what she is doing.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy arrive in the air directly above the Everfree forest. For some reason Equestria is not visible from there location in the sky. “Funny. I should be able to see my house from here if Twilight was right about that looping thing.” Fluttershy said confused by the sea of endless trees. “It's magic Fluttershy it probably looks like that until we try to leave than it shows Equestria again. But that's beside the point! I'm going to break this spell!” Rainbow Dash says confidently. “Oh? How so?” Fluttershy asks wondering what Rainbow dash intends on doing. “This forest loops because it's magical but everything magical has its limit and I'm about to break it with my patented move, The Sonic Rainboom!” Rainbow Dash says as she strikes a pose for effect. “Sonic Rainboom, never heard of it. What does it do?” Fluttershy asks her interest piqued. “Quite simple, I'm going to break the sound barrier and create a rainbow all at once.” Rainbow Dash says beaming with confidence. “Sounds impressive.” Fluttershy says with a very restrained form of interest. “Glad you agree! Now don't blink. I'm about to make the sound barrier my filly!” Rainbow Dash said as she sped off. She kept on flying until Fluttershy could see her no longer than she started appearing at the other end of the forest. This began to loop with her bridging the amount of time it would take to pass by Fluttershy. As she flew she swore she could hear a voice. “You fancy thinking that with your speed I will break, but it is with your haste that your failure will take place...” The mysterious voice chimed. Rainbow Dash not about to be wavered by what she considered a taunt tries even harder to fly as fast as possible. She flew so fast that the area became a blur of shapes and colors. Though she couldn't notice herself Fluttershy who was watching had noticed that her increased speed was unstable and she was getting closer and closer towards hitting the trees. And just as the voice had predicted Rainbow Dash had crashed because of her speed blinding her of the environment around her. The trees clipped her and sent her cart wheeling into the forest like a pony rag doll. “That looked very painful.” Fluttershy said with a grimace. She then flew to Rainbow Dash's aid.

Rarity and Applejack had been wandering the forest hoping to find something but to no avail. And despite moving in opposite directions they found themselves in the same location. “You find anything yet?” Applejack asked. “Why yes. I did happen to find something I found the exit but instead of informing everyone about my findings I decided to continue randomly searching through this dirty black hole of a forest for my own amusement.” Rarity said sarcasm thick in her voice. “I was just asking a question Rarity no need to give me an attitude.” Applejack said offended by Rarity's sarcasm. “You asked a dumb question and I am sorry but I simply have very little patience for dumb questions.” Rarity said snobbishly. “Granny always told me that no question is dumb if you’re willing to ask it.” Applejack said in response to Rarity's opinion. “A dumb belief held by a dumb person obviously.” Rarity retorted. “Oh you've crossed the line now Rarity. You can insult me all you like but you are mistaken if you think I'm going to let you insult my family like that. It's go time prissy pony!” Applejack said as she looked ready to charge Rarity head on. “Bring it you apple planting miscreant!” Rarity said as she charged her horn up. Applejack charged Rarity head on while Rarity shot blast of her magic and Applejack. Applejack was agile though and dodged them easily while still maintaining her speed towards Rarity. Rarity desperate to get shot of her spams her horn blast weakening the effectiveness of each blast and making the shots just that easier to dodge and even endure. Before Rarity could think about creating a shield Applejack was within bucking distance and in a blink of an eye Applejack head butted Rarity with such force a loud smack sound could be heard throughout the forest Followed by a cry of pain.

The noise had managed to stir Spike awake who had gotten a rather decent nap (and drool) on Twilight's back. “Huh? What's going on? Did we save the day?” Spike said confused by what's going on around him. Twilight noticing that he's awake lifted him in the air and plopped him on the ground. “Oof, What the?” Spike said confused by the sudden rise and fall. “Now that you've gotten a nice nap you should be all ready to walk like the rest of us.” Twilight said as she continued moving. “Wait. You let me back on your back again.” Spike said realizing just what had happened. This stopped Twilight's movement for a moment. “I couldn't leave you behind. After all if I found the exit and you were still somewhere in the forest and we lost you the princess would be furious with me.” Twilight said almost sounding like she made that up as she said it. “Did it hurt?” Spike asked. “Did what hurt?” Twilight asked wondering what Spike could be referring too. “Did it hurt being nice for once?” Spike said as he walked up too her. “Shut up Spike.” Twilight said with a frown.

In another part of the forest Pinkie Pie was happily hopping all around not really paying attention to anything as she sang a random tune that she either made up or heard or a little bit of both. “Lots of butterflies in the air, lots of honeycomb everywhere! Lots of- hey! What's that?” Pinkie said. She found what appeared to be a hollowed out tree made to look like a house. “This calls for super sleuthing!” She said as she got low on the ground and comically snuck towards the front door of the tree house. She put her ear on the door and could hear voices. “Hmm. Someone lives here. This can only lead to one course of action.” Pinkie pie said to herself. Pinkie pie then violently knocked her hooves against the front door. The door opened to reveal a rather odd looking pony. Her coat and mane was in black and white stripes. She had distinguishable hooves and a Mohawk. She had hoop rings adorned on her ear and her neck and her leg as well. She was like no pony that has ever set foot in Equestria. “Whoa. You’re weird looking!” Pinkie Pie blurted. “How did you find my home pink pony?” Zecora asked unamused by Pinkie Pie at her house. “I followed my nose! Actually I didn't I just found it by chance. But since I'm here I would like to ask you to turn off the curse thingies you have on the Everfree forest pretty please with candy canes drenched in syrup?” Pinkie Pie asked. “What makes you think I'm behind the forest enchantment?” Zecora asks wondering what could have tipped Pinkie pie off. “It's pretty easy. You’re an enchantress.” Pinkie pie said with a sly grin as if she just bamboozled Zecora. “An enchantress you say?” Zecora said sounding interested in where Pinkie Pie was going. “You’re an evil enchantress and you do evil dances! And if you look into your eyes you will put us in trances! And then what will you do? You'll mix up an evil brew and gobble us up in a big tasty stew!” Pinkie Pie said having turned the phrase into a full blown impromptu song with a little dance to go with it. Zecora was completely stunned by Pinkie Pie's display that minute had gone where all she did was look at pinkie pie completely dumbfounded.
“You are.....very strange....” Zecora said as she attempted to shake off Pinkie pie's performance. “Thanks! Now how’s about letting me and my friends go through?” Pinkie Pie said with a big grin. “No go Pink pony, through the Everfree is something I will not let you see.” Zecora said shaking her head. “Why not?” Pinkie Pie said unhappy with Zecora's continued stance of refusal. “You ponies are not ready. No pony is ready for the dangerous world outside Equestria. My job is to protect you from this world. To which I don't plan too fail in doing.” Zecora stated. “I can see why you would say that. We are always arguing and at each others throats and we don't exactly function like a team. But we just started Zecora! You have to give us a chance to turn into a team that would be ready to brave that dangerous world you keep talking about. If not for us then for all of Equestria, Princess Celestia thinks were the best ponies for the job and though we are rough around the edges one day we really will be the Pony Paragons she says we are. But we will never get the chance if you never give us the chance! So please! Let us through!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a staggering display of intellect in contrast to her song and dance number just prior. Zecora was silent again for a moment or two she tapped her hoof on her chin and looked up at the sky. “Hmm.” She said to herself as she was deep in thought. Then her eyes lit up and she smiled at Pinkie Pie. “Very well, a test we shall have. Gather all your friends. Give it all you have. And perhaps I can arrange for you to have free passage through the Everfree forest.” Zecora said. “Now go! I must prepare. The test for you ponies requires great care!” Zecora said as the door closed on Pinkie Pie. “Gotta inform the gang super lickity split!” Pinkie Pie said as she dashed a darted through the forest to find the others.

She runs into Rainbow Dash who was getting patched up by Fluttershy. “Holy sugar cakes, what happened to you Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked confused as to Rainbow Dash getting hurt. “Nothing I'm fine.” Rainbow Dash said as she pushed Fluttershy away and got up on all fours. “Rainbow Dash crashed into the forest. You should have seen it. She had scratches and bruises all over.” Fluttershy said. “No pony worth there salt is going to grimace over some filly boo boos. What are you doing here Pinkie Pie shouldn't you be looking for a way out?” Rainbow Dash asked hoping to steer the attention away from her injuries. “I did find a way out! Turns out Zecora were behind all the trickery! All we gotta do is pass her test and we are out of here. But in order to start we gotta find the others!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed hopping around excitedly. “Awesome job Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash said with a hoof pump.

Rarity and Applejack were still going at it tussling with each other and throwing insults all the while. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grabbed the girls and pulled them away from each other. “What's the big idea Rainbow Dash?!” Applejack exclaimed trying to wrestle out of Rainbow Dash's grip. “Don't waste your time Applejack we have better things to be beating up.” Rainbow Dash said. “Unhand me Fluttershy! Don't you see I am giving this ruffian the what-for?” Rarity said trying to wiggle out of Fluttershy's grip. “I'd rather you didn't...” Fluttershy said as she somehow maintained a really good grip on Rarity. “Girls, we have to stop fighting! I found a way out. And it requires all of us working together so kiss and make up and let’s get going!” Pinkie Pie said as she hopped between them. Rarity and Applejack give each other a look for a moment and then quickly turn there faces away from each other. “We will settle this some other time Applejack.” Rarity said as she walked away with her nose in the air. “You bet your broncos we will!” Applejack said as she fastened her hat on her head. “Uh, Good enough I suppose.” Pinkie Pie said unsure if there truce will really stand long enough to past this mysterious test.

Twilight and Spike are still walking in the same path as before are soon interrupted by the whole gang. “Did you guys find anything?” Twilight asked hoping that they did. “Yep!” Zecora was responsible for the forest loop spell and now that were together she's going to lay a test on us and we'll be able to go through the Everfree forest.” Pinkie Pie said being clearly excited and happy. “Great! But what is this test?” Twilight asks. “I don't know I forgot to ask. I'm sure it's probably some multiple choice test or something pretty simple with pencils and paper and- did anypony hear something?” Pinkie pie said hearing odd noises coming from the bushes. Suddenly a pair of eyes appeared in the shadows. It was red and filled with menace. Suddenly the eyes grew in size and a body could be seen. A creature emerged from the shadows it had the body of a lion, a scorpion's tail, and a pair of wings. It roared furiously at the ponies. “Now this is my kind of test!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she slammed her hooves together. She then charged the creature slamming into its face a couple times in response the creature paws Rainbow Dash and pins her to the ground. “Don't worry Rainbow Dash I got your back!” Applejack yelled as she charged in to help Rainbow Dash who was being crushed by the creature's heavy paw. She bucked the creature's paw causing it to let go and roar in pain. The creature raised its scorpion tail and was poised to strike. Twilight being concerned by this movement began creating a shield for everyone. Just in time for the shield to come up the creature shot out poisonous spines at the ponies. “It's one thing to be ugly but to be rude as well! I guess I’ll just have to show you manners the hard way!” Rarity said as she started pelting the creature with horn blast. Twilight soon joins in and they shower the creature with horn blasts.
The creature backs down and shields itself with its paws. It then rises up to let out a roar and turns into a black cloud with the same pair of red eyes now moving away from the ponies. “Follow that cloud!” Twilight yelled. All the ponies and Spike went after it with the exception of Fluttershy who stayed back concerned as to what the black cloud was going to do next. The cloud possessed the trees surrounding the ponies and the trees morphed forming a jagged scary face and turned red. The limbs grabbed the ponies and covered them in the branches completely restricting their movement and getting tighter as time passed. “Fluttershy, Help us!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed trying to get out to know avail. “I don't know... It looks dangerous...” Fluttershy said fearfully. “Please Fluttershy! You gotta help us! If you don't! We're toast!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Okay...Here I go...” Fluttershy said as she got in a stance. She began to spin around wildly and launched herself at the branches severing them completely as she span around like a top. The trees cried out and the branches that bound the ponies and Spike decayed instantly freeing them in the process. The trees returned to normal as dark cloud floated away from them.
Once again they gave chase and soon the cloud formed another creature. It had the head of a chicken and the body of a snake. “What is that?” Rarity said completely appalled by the creatures’ appearance. “It has a head of a chicken I reckon.” Applejack said perplexed by this twisted form of an extremely common farm animal. “That's dumb. If that's the best Zecora can throw at us then consider this test aced!” Rainbow Dash said as she prepared to charge straight at the thing. “A creature this relatively harmless looking in comparison to the other ones must have a different advantage.” Fluttershy said to herself waiting for the creature to make its move. As Rainbow Dash charged the creature, it gave Rainbow Dash a stare that turned Rainbow Dash to stone in a flash. “What the tarnation?” Applejack said completely stunned by what just happened. “It's the eyes! It did that with its eyes!” Fluttershy said in what's considered loud for her. “Ponies, Spike close your eyes!” Twilight yelled. All the ponies closed there eyes tight. The creature loomed close to them shrieking and pecking them trying to egg them into opening there eyes. “You can't hurt us if we can't see you!” Pinkie Pie said in a sing song like way topping it off with a razz berry noise. The creature having no other way of doing harm deflated its aggressive stance and backed away from them. It then turned into a black cloud and released Rainbow Dash from the spell.

The evil cloud soon morphed into Zecora who seemed very pleased. “Today is a good day for you ponies have shown me the way. You proved to Zecora today that you are no filly fools and Celestia chose the right ponies after all. And with great happiness I am here to say, you wish to pass Everfree forest? You may.” Zecora said with a happy smile on her face. Path behind her changed as trees moved out of the way showing a clear path too the other side. “Finally, I thought we were going to be in this forest forever!” Spike exclaimed as he ran towards the exit with all the ponies following after him. Pinkie Pie hopped up to Zecora. “Thank you Zecora for giving us a chance to prove ourselves.” Pinkie Pie said happily. “It is you, I should thank. In my many years I succumb to cynicism and pessimism. And a bit of fear perhaps, But no longer! You are not the horses of my youth! You are ponies! And your skills are quite aloof. Take care and good luck.” Zecora said getting out of Pinkie pie's way. “Oh don't be so bashful Zecora give Pinkie Pie a good ol' hoof hug!” Pinkie exclaimed opening her arms to hug Zecora. When she tried to hug her she phased through Zecora's body and falls down as a result. “What?” Pinkie Pie said completely puzzled by what just happened. “I'm very sorry Pinkie. But I’m not exactly the type who can be hugged anymore...” Zecora said as she faded away.

And with that their journey continues.