• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

  • ...

Chapter 16

The defeat of the Archmage brought about widespread peace throughout the Nexus Domain. In times of peace many stories were told chronicling the terrible things the Archmage did and the grueling battles to stop his attempts at taking over the world. These stories were often told as cautionary tales to make children behave with discipline and respect. Eventually these stories became less and less effective as such destruction and chaos seemed unrealistic or unbelievable. What was once advice and wisdom being used to guide youth had become propaganda that was widely ignored.

Chapter sixteen: The Nightmare

The Ponies were brought back to the City of Light along with all the villagers who were captured by Nightmare Moon. The ponies relaxed as Nightmare Moon was defeated (although none of them have any recollections of how exactly they defeated her) and contained within a cell along with the dark ponies. Twilight was the last to awaken from ordeal they had at Midnight Castle. She awoke in a room with Spike sleeping in a chair next to her. “Spike?” Twilight said. Spike staggered awake slipping off the chair and falling on the ground. “Twilight, You’re finally awake!” Spike said quickly standing back up again. “How long have I been out?” Twilight asked. “Not too long you've just spent a day asleep.” Spike said. “Wait a second. Where is Nightmare Moon?” Twilight said remembering that she was about to fight Nightmare Moon. “You don't remember either huh? You guys defeated her.” Spike said. “We did? How did we do that?” Twilight asked confused. “I don't know, I wasn't there remember? I just showed up to help you guys but everyone was knocked out.” Spike said. “Really, I do remember everything going blank now that you mention it. Where is Nightmare Moon now?” Twilight asked. “She's all locked up behind bars along with the rest of the dark ponies. I think. Wasn't there five dark ponies?” Spike asked. “Yes I believe so. Rainbow Dash sent one flying through the sky during our fight. No one has run into that pony?” Twilight asked.

“Nope, I think Rainbow Dash destroyed that guy. Too bad though, the dark ponies aren't bad like they were before.” Spike said. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “When you defeated Nightmare Moon you changed her. And when you changed her you also changed the dark ponies. Now they look like regular ponies.” Spike said. “This is very strange. Wait. Do you think this is because we managed to use the elements of harmony?” Twilight asked trying to figure things out. “I don't know. Probably, I mean that power was supposed to get rid of darkness and I think you did that.” Spike said. “Judging from what you said I would agree. And yet, I don't remember how we did it.” Twilight said. “Does it matter?” Spike asked. “Hm, I suppose it doesn't. Well then I guess that's it. We brought down Nightmare Moon. We should get ready to depart as soon as possible.” Twilight said. Twilight got out of bed and headed outside where the civilians were in the process of rebuilding the city. The ponies were wandering around parts of the city looking around and interacting with various creatures.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were strolling around the town looking at the people who were busy rebuilding and assessing the city to acknowledge them. “Are you excited Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie said as she happily hopped beside her. “Excited about what?” Fluttershy asked. “We finally get to go home!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Oh yes. That is great news.” Fluttershy said. “I can't wait to tell Gummy about all the cool stuff we did!” Pinkie Pie said. “Gummy?” Fluttershy said. “He's my pet alligator!” Pinkie Pie said. “You have a pet alligator!?” Fluttershy said flabbergasted. “Yep, He's probably all sad that I haven't been around lately.” Pinkie Pie said. “Aren't alligators dangerous? They do kind of like eating ponies. And anything else that moves...” Fluttershy said concerned. “Oh you shouldn't worry about that! Gummy would never eat any ponies! Say Fluttershy, what are you going to do when you get back home?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I'll head back home. Tend to the animals. And. That's it I guess....” Fluttershy said. “Hanging out with the animals? That sounds fun!” Pinkie Pie said. “I guess...” Fluttershy said with a sad expression on her face. Pinkie Pie looked at her. “Ya know if you ever get bored or anything you can always visit me.” Pinkie Pie said with a smile. “I could? No. I couldn't do that you have things to do and a job and stuff...” Fluttershy said. “Well I do have to go to work and I do throw a lot of parties for ponies but that doesn't mean I won't have any time for you. The Cakes are real nice ponies they wouldn't mind if you hung out at the store a bit from time to time.” Pinkie Pie said. “I don't know. I don't want to just hang around. They might think I’m loitering...” Fluttershy said. Pinkie Pie quickly jumped right in front of Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, Don't worry. Everything will be alright.” Pinkie Pie said smiling at Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled back at her. “Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie!” Twilight Sparkle called out as she approached them. “Twilight, you're awake!” Fluttershy said. “It's time for us to go. You ready to head out?” Twilight asked. “We're ready as we'll ever be!” Pinkie pie exclaimed.

Rarity was walking around the city peering into houses to see if there was anything of interest. She stopped to look at the remains of a store that appeared to have been a beauty shop at one point. She made a big sigh as she looked at the destroyed shop. “Feelin' homesick?” Applejack asked as she sat next to her. “It's that obvious huh?” Rarity asked. “Aw I reckon you've never really left Ponyville have you?” Applejack asked. “It's not that I’ve never traveled it's just that I’ve never traveled so far away from my own element. You do realize the things we've been doing lately haven't you? Fighting monsters, running around in odd places, sleeping in terrible environments, it’s been an entirely uncouth experience. And while I appreciate saving the world as much as the next lady I must protest that it does nothing to my business. In fact, I believe I’ve missed more than a few appointments. Oh. I sure hope Sweetie Bell didn't try to tailor an outfit in another vein attempt to get her cutie mark through cobbling. Wait. Did I lock the store up before I left? Oh no those girls could be running around in my store right now making a mess of things!” Rarity said with a groan.

“Yeah I reckon I need to get home as well. Applebloom is probably mighty worried. And she is definitely curious as to what I’ve been up to lately although I reckon she wouldn't believe some of the things we've been up to! Big Macintosh has probably fallen behind on the chores. Hopefully he got Slugger or one of his friends to mosey on down to help him. Aw shucks. He probably didn't.” Applejack said shaking her head. “Sounds like we both have to get back to work then.” Rarity said. “Yep, this was a mighty fun adventure but now we should get back to work and return to how things were before.” Applejack said. “Yes. How things were before....” Rarity said as she looked at Applejack. She frowned and looked away from her. Applejack did the same. “Applejack, Rarity!” Twilight Sparkle said calling out to them. “It's time to go girls.” She said. Applejack and Rarity looked at each other and then at Twilight and followed her without saying a word to each other.

Rainbow Dash was with Gilda and the Warriors of Light who were surrounding the Golem. “So you guys are going to send it back to the human city?” Rainbow Dash asked. “They should send it to the bottom of the ocean!” Gilda protested. “We have discussed this already. We have decided to preserve the item as an heirloom to humanity.” Sariel said. “Yeah sure that sounds nice and noble and all that but what about the part where someone picks up the Golem and tries to take over the world like Nightmare Moon did? The humans are dead, why waste time preserving anything they own much less this weapon?” Gilda asked. “Please don't destroy the Golem! It's a technological marvel! It's also really cool looking!” The Gizmonk said running up to the group. “So glad you dolts could join us. I heard I have you two to thank for restoring and making the Golem operational.” Gilda said her voice filled with disgust and annoyance. “No thanks are necessary! We love building things! And this was our biggest project ever!” The Gizmonk said. “About that, Gizmonks are known for tinkering with human technology. But they aren't known for getting some of there more sophisticated creations operational. I'm sure the Golem isn't the only thing in that city you've tried to fix or restore. How did you manage to get this operational?” Kao Huo-Yan asked.

“Well uh... to be honest we spent years trying to fix it and get it to work but everything fell into place when Nightmare Moon helped us find the journal that contained the information on the Golem.” the Gizmonk said. “Where is this journal now?” Lebranther asked. “I think Twilight has it.” Rainbow Dash said.
“Did somebody call my name?” Twilight Sparkle asked walking up to the group. “Didn't you use some book to stop the Golem?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Oh you mean this thing?” Twilight said. She used her magic to pull the journal from the backpack. Gilda snatched it while it was floating in the air. “I say we destroy the journal.” Gilda said gripping it as If she was ready to tear it to shreds. “No! Don't do that, if you do that then the technology of this device will be lost forever!” The Gizmonk said. “As it should be, it’s too much of a threat to keep around!” Gilda yelled. “I must side with the Gizmonks. We can't just destroy something because someone can use it as a weapon for destruction. The information in this journal is just as valuable as the Golem, maybe even more so as it lets us in on the thoughts of a race that is no longer with us. The journal must also be preserved.” Twilight said. “There is wisdom in your words young unicorn. However we cannot let this book sit idly in a library for the public to access. Someone must hold onto the book for safe keeping.” Kao Huo-Yan said. “I'll hold onto it. I have a private library in Ponyville. It's in Equestria which is far away from here and locked behind a barrier which doesn't allow anyone in or out of the city.” Twilight said. “It is settled then. The Golem shall be taken to the ruined city and the journal shall be entrusted to the unicorn.” Sariel said.

“You are all morons. This pacifist mindset is the reason why all this garbage happened in the first place!” Gilda said. “I see your perspective of reality has not shifted as of late.” Sariel said with a snide smile. “Same goes for you! I'm done hanging around here!” Gilda said in a huff taking to the skies and flying away. “Well. I guess that ends that. Rainbow Dash! It's time for us to go.” Twilight said.

Twilight, Spike, and the ponies were leaving the city of light when someone called out to them. It was Alanzo running towards them as he called them out.

“Wait, Ponies!” Alanzo yelled. Twilight and the group turn to Alanzo who stops in front of them. “Have you already begun your departure?” Alanzo asked. “Yes, we successfully finished our mission and defeated Nightmare Moon. It’s in our best interest to return home and report back to Princess Celestia.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Of course, It would unwise to keep royalty waiting it's just that we were going to throw a little celebration your honor. If it wasn't for you Nightmare Moon would have seized this city and quite possibly the rest of the world would have been in great danger.” Alanzo said. “That's very nice of you but I think its best that we return to our own land. I am sure there are more than a couple ponies who have prior obligations to return too.” Twilight Sparkle said. “I see, very well then. I was hoping after the celebration you could assist me in interrogating the Dark Ponies.” Alanzo said dejected. “You want me to interrogate them?” Twilight asked. “Why yes of course! Normally we wouldn't bother to do something like this but Nightmare Moon is a special case. As you may know Nightmare Moon has assaulted this city before. All those times ended in failure. This time however it was a near success. Such a shift from certain defeat to near victory demands that we investigate the situation thoroughly in order to find out how she tipped the scales in her favor. Seeing that you came all this way to apprehend her I would think you would like a few explanations yourself.” Alanzo said.
Twilight thought for a moment and looked at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked back at her and nodded. Twilight nodded back and looked at Alanzo. “We can't stay for a celebration but we can stall our departure just long enough for this particular interrogation.” Twilight said.

Alanzo led them to the building where they were containing the dark ponies and Nightmare Moon. Panza was sitting next to the door acting diligent but really just trying to not nod off. Just before Alanzo opened the door he turned to the ponies.

“I think it would be best if only one of you come in with me. The whole group might be a little off putting.” Alanzo said. “All right, Everypony, Spike, stay here while I go inside. It won't take too long.” Twilight said. Twilight Sparkle followed Alanzo into the building and closed the door while the Ponies and Spike sat around outside. Applejack looked at Spike who had a sad expression on his face. “Something gotcha down little feller?” Applejack asked. Spike said a few words but they were incomplete and indistinct and far to quiet to hear. “It's okay Spike, if there's something wrong you can tell us!” She said with a smile while looking at the other ponies to getting them to join in. “She's right, if there's a problem we're there for you.” Fluttershy said.

“What's going to happen to me after we all return home? Do you think things will back to normal, like they were before?” Spike asked. The ponies looked at each other unsure on what to say. “What are ya worried about Spike?” Pinkie Pie asked trying to remain cheerful. “I'm worried that I’ll just return to what I was before. Just some animal Celestia had around in the castle.” Spike said. “You, a pet, Winona is a pet you're a civilized creature just like any other pony and non pony!” Applejack said. “I didn't feel like that in Equestria. I felt so out of place there. Nobody treated me with any respect, I wasn't important; I never did anything worthwhile, I just hung around the castle and pretended to be important. But since I’ve been on this mission with you girls I actually feel like I have friends. You girls treat me like I'm a real person and not just some loathsome pet. I'm just afraid that when we go back home we'll all go our separate ways and I won't see any of you again.” Spike said. The ponies frowned and looked at each other. “We'll try to find some time for you. We aren't always busy...” Rarity said half halfheartedly. “Yeah, I can take some time when I’m on vacation an-no wait. I visit family during those times. And a ticket to Canterlot would be kinda steep...” Applejack said. “I'm going to be honest with you Spike. We probably won't see each other much at all. We all have lives to return to with certain obligations to fulfill. You'll spent long amounts of time alone. That's just how it is.” Rainbow Dash said.
Spike looked at his necklace he got from Magmari and then looked at Rainbow Dash. “I don't want to be a pet again.” Spike said. “Do whatever you think is best Spike. It's your life after all.” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight Sparkle and Alanzo made there way to the holding cells where Nightmare Moon was being held. Twilight looked at the Dark Ponies who were also imprisoned. They had undergone a physical change upon Nightmare Moon's defeat. There Dark colors and imposing forms were replaced by washed out colors and a rather meager appearance. The ponies looked at Twilight Sparkle, Their expressions mute and sullen. “Do you wish to speak to them?” Alanzo asked noticing Twilight's curiosity. Twilight looks at them and thinks to herself. Before Twilight could say anything Brainy asked a question. “What's it like in Equestria?” Brainy asked. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “Just what I asked, what’s it like there?” Brainy said. “Well I guess it's a really nice place. Seeing the rest of the world like it is its sort of like being in a haven, you lived an ideal life. There's work and play and nothing truly bad happens that can't be solved in a day. Equestria is a nice place.” Twilight said. “I see...” Brainy said with a somber expression. The other ponies looked down with sad expressions. “Is there anything else you would like to ask?” Twilight said. “No. Goodbye Twilight Sparkle...” Brainy said. He turned away from Twilight and continued sitting in his cell in silence with the ponies.
Twilight looked at the Dark Ponies with a look of concern on her face. “Nightmare Moon is in the next room Twilight.” Alanzo said trying to get her attention. “Oh yes, of course. Let’s go.” Twilight said shaking off the conversation with Brainy.

Alanzo walks Twilight into another room. The walls were reinforced and there were no windows. The cell wall was a solid mass of metal rather than bars leaving a handle to indicate that it could be opened in some manner. Alanzo opened a small latch showing the inside of the room. Alanzo motioned to let Twilight look inside. Twilight looked and saw Nightmare Moon sitting quietly in the cell room. Nightmare Moon sits there motionless not even responding to the light shining through the window. Her eyes open and focus on Twilight Sparkle. “What do you want?” Nightmare Moon said with hostility in her voice.

“My whole mission was to chase you down and to bring you to justice. It was weird that you existed at all but I thought very little of it at first. But traveling through these lands I find myself unsure on where to stand. There's so little I know and it feels as though I'm missing something important. What I want to know is. What did Princess Celestia do to you to make you hate her like you do?” Twilight Sparkle asked looking straight at Nightmare Moon. “You really want to know do you? Hmph, I will tell you. I hate Celestia because she hates me.” Nightmare Moon said. “What do you mean?” Twilight said stunned by the simple explanation. “She never liked me. I was always her burden to bear. She was always short with me. To her I was nothing more than a mistake. It's not my fault I wasn't perfect like her. She always hated me and only pretended to like me. I was ruining her life. That's why she tried to kill me.” Nightmare Moon said. Twilight Sparkle was dumbstruck by Nightmare Moon's words. “You aren't implying what I think you're implying are you?” Twilight asked disturbed. ““It was a mistake to do this to you. I must end you're suffering.” What hollow words those are. Nothing but lies to justify her assassination, to clear her conscience.” Nightmare Moon said with malice. Twilight was speechless she could not fathom the words that she had just heard. Alanzo sat in the back engrossed by the conversation.

“If Princess Celestia tried to kill you and you did not see it coming how did you survive the initial attempt?” Alanzo asked extremely curious. “She quickly realized that wasn't an option.” Nightmare Moon said. “I hope I’ve satisfied your curiosity. It's all moot as regardless of your understanding of things I will still resume my desire for revenge.” Nightmare Moon said getting up from the floor. “Nightmare Moon, I beseech to you! Carry not you're desires for revenge. This is surely a situation we can manage peacefully. It would be in you're best interest to stay here and accept you're punishment and go into proper reform.” Alanzo said becoming concerned. “Heh, like I would never get a fair trial. My sister's face is the fancy of all mortals, she only need to make a little frown and you'd give her some slap on the wrist while I continue to suffer like a dog. No. I am done talking to you. I am done with this city. I am done with always getting treated like some monster. You have no right to look down upon me! I will rip your eyes from your head so they will accuse me no longer!” Nightmare Moon said her voice filling with aggression at a disquieting pace. The room began to shake as Nightmare Moon began exhibiting her powers.
Alanzo quickly pulls his sword from his sheath and points it at Nightmare Moon. “Now see here Nightmare Moon, you're days of causing trouble are done. You're hideout has been found, you're allies finished, and you're plans thwarted. All you have is you're powers and even then you are no match for the Warriors of Light! Stand down!” Alanzo yelled trying to discourage Nightmare Moon. “You think that you're warriors will keep you safe? They are no safe haven. You're City of Light mocks me! It praises creatures like you and my sister! You all make me sick! If you desire nothing more than the destruction of what I am than I will seek your obliteration as well!” Nightmare Moon said her voice booming as seething with hatred. Dark bolts of lighting sprang from her body as she slowly lifts herself from the ground. A dark orb covers her and she disappears.

“This. Could be a real problem, I promote that we talk to the Warriors of Light immediately.” Alanzo said starting to succumb to fear. Twilight still shaken by Nightmare moon's words acknowledges Alanzo's request and they quickly dash out of the building. They run out attracting the attention of the Ponies and Panza. Who follow them even though they were confused about the sudden excitement. Alanzo runs up to the warriors of light falling flat on his face in the process. “What is the problem young one?” Lebranther asked. “It has to do with Nightmare Moon! She has escaped; I believe she plans to enact her revenge immediately and with extreme prejudice!” Alanzo said whilst getting up from the ground to hastily greet them properly. “This wouldn't be the first time Nightmare Moon has sworn vengeance after being captured.” Sariel said disinterested. “It would however be the quickest she's gone from being captured to demanding vengeance though. Surely she would not attack now, we stand guard and her powers are far too weak too expel even these mere warriors.” Kao Huo-Yan said. “I must attest that you were wise in coming to inform us so promptly but I must agree that Nightmare Moon could not be a threat with the situation as it stands now.” Lebranther said.
Suddenly a chill went down Twilight Sparkle's spine. She looked up at the sky which began to turn red. “No...It can't...” Twilight Sparkle said as she recognized the sky patterns. An otherworldly roar pierced the air. The air began to heat and buildings began to catch fire. “What in heavenly light is happening?” Alanzo said petrified by the events unfolding before him. The Warriors of Light became pale and looked at each other with a fearful expression. “Ponies, you must leave this place as soon as you can. Run and do not look back.” Sariel said. They then quickly went towards the center of the heat source. “Do they really expect us to just run away? Whatever Nightmare Moon is up to we got to stop her!” Rainbow Dash said. “I don't think that's a good idea Rainbow Dash. Those warriors of light are much stronger than us and even they looked afraid.” Fluttershy said. “Exactly, Those guys ran in to save the town from the Golem and look how that turned out. If you guys are too scared fine but I won't let them take on this threat alone.” Rainbow Dash said. She took off before anyone could get a word in edgewise.

The Rainbow Dash dashed through the heat and towards the Warriors of Light. They were fighting a large bull creature enthralled in fire. It thrashed and smashed into them knocking them down. The area they were fighting in was slowly being engulfed by flames. A veil of light shimmered around the Warriors of Light as they fought with the creature. Rainbow Dash geared up to attack when the creature gazed at her and roared at her. Its breath was so thick and hot it was almost visible. Rainbow Dash was stunned by the roar. Sariel quickly dashed in front of her. A blast of air rushed around him. Rainbow Dash saw that the breath itself was melting everything around it. “You were told to flee! What part of that did you not understand!?” Sariel said angrily while still giving Rainbow Dash cover. “You guys need help and you know it!” Rainbow Dash said. “You think it I would not be aware of that? This is our only option we must ensure the safety of the people!” Sariel said. Rainbow Dash looked on as she saw them fight the creature. At certain points they would stop fighting and strike some sort of meditative pose. Radiant light began to gather around them as they murmured a incantation but before they could finish whatever it was they were trying to do the creature would interrupt them ruining the whole attempt. Rainbow Dash thought to herself on the situation. And then it hit her all at once. She came up with an idea and quickly made her way to Twilight Sparkle.

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said flying up to her. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight Sparkle said. “Do you still have that book about the Golem?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It's in Spike's backpack, why do you ask?” Twilight asked. “You need to revive the Golem!” Rainbow Dash said. “Why the hay would you want to do that?” Applejack asked. “Those guys can't fight that monster and get rid of it at the same time. I think they have to create some special magic and get rid of it but the creature stops them every time. They need a distraction just long enough to get their magic ready so they can send that monster back where it came from!” Rainbow Dash said. Rarity used her magic and floated the book to Twilight Sparkle. “If you think this will work.” Twilight Sparkle said opening the book with her magic. “I don't, but it's better than nothing!” Rainbow Dash said.
Twilight started calling out to the Golem in an ancient language. At first it seemed like nothing would happen suddenly the spinning of gears and the creaking of joints could be heard. The footsteps of the Golem could be heard walking towards the ponies. It looked at Twilight. Twilight then used her magic to open the panel and put in more complicated commands. Its eyes flashed green with confirmation and fire burst out of its feet. It floated towards the creature. The Golem was unaffected by the fire and slammed right into the creature knocking it into a building the Warriors of Light were fairly stunned by the sight. Rainbow Dash whistled to them giving them the okay. They nodded and began charging their energy.
The creature bucked and bashed the Golem knocking it onto the ground. The Golem's hands grabbed the bull by the horns and slammed it into a building. The bull charged the Golem only for it to hold it in its place and began pushing it back. The Golem and the creature continued fighting equally match with neither tiring. A powerful surge of light began to surge around the warriors of light. A blast of light came down and engulfed the warriors of light. Their appearance began to an ethereal type state. Heavenly armor began materializing on their bodies. Around their necks an emblem marking the symbol of their forms shined brilliantly. They concentrated there powers all at once focusing on the creature. All at once they let out an extraordinary beam of energy that combined into a sort of rainbow like it form surrounded the creature atomizing it in mere seconds.

The sky quickly cleared up and the heat dissipated and all the fires went away. Twilight Sparkle sighed a breath of relief and turned off the Golem who then slumped to the ground. A scream of frustration filled the air. It was Nightmare Moon who was throwing a fit. In her anger she threw a book to the ground. She then lowered down in front of the Warriors of Light and the ponies. “The Red Bull plan was foolproof. It was going to destroy everything. I was going to get my revenge for sure...But you still won...” Nightmare Moon said looking very drained and tired. She fell to ground landing on her side.

“I never believed a creature would be so foolish as to wield the fire elemental given the destruction it possesses.” Sariel said. “There is a macabre sense of amusement that a victim to this creature would wield it as well.” Lebranther said. “This is truly reprehensible. Whatever sort of redemption we could have offered you has been burned to a crisp along with all the lives you have taken. Truly I have never seen a soul quite as despotic as you in quite a long time. We will offer you chances no longer. You will be restrained and imprisoned for the rest of you're known life.” Kao Huo-Yan said. Nightmare Moon opened her eyes and stumbled onto her hooves. Her dark energy was drained and her appearance looked to have returned to the state she was when she was hit by the elements of harmony. “That's where you think I belong don't you? In some dark hole where I’ll be lost and forgotten, you light creatures are all the same.” Nightmare Moon said angrily. “Don't give me that maudlin garbage, you decided to dedicate you're life to harming others. You refused to resist the temptation to commit to dark aspirations. This is something we must all do. Every living creature has known the allure, you are no exception! Spend an eternity cursing my name it will help me sleep all the better!” Sariel said.
Nightmare Moon didn't say anything in response. An orb of darkness covered her and she disappeared before the Warriors of Light could stop her. “We will not let her get away this time, we will hunt her! She will be brought to justice!” Lebranther said. “What should we do Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “Isn't it obvious? We have to help them find Nightmare Moon! She's on her last leg, if we can catch her now we'll put an end to all this and we can all go home.” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight didn't respond to either of them as she was looking around the area. “Sure of course.” Twilight said still distracted. “Something wrong Twilight?” Applejack asked. “It's nothing serious I'm just wondering where Spike is, I don't see him anywhere.” Twilight said. Twilight looked at the ponies that looked down with sad looks on their faces. Twilight noticed the looks on their faces and became concerned.