• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 856 Views, 5 Comments

My little pony: An Equestrian Journey - Swifteye

A series of revelations await the heros who travel the land to stop Nightmare moon.

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Chapter 7

Once there was a little girl who loved to laugh and play with the animals in a nearby forest. She would spend all day frolicking and playing and would find displeasure at returning home where only sadness and frustration would take place. One day she returned home only to find the whole village had been obliterated. At first she was happy. No longer would she have to return there. Now she could live with the animals in the forest and spend all the time in the world with them. This joy was short lived however as she began to miss her family and her friends and everything she knew and grew up with. No longer could the animals bring her comfort or make her happy. Her heart began to ache and swell as she only wanted a companion to spend time with and as the years went by these feelings only magnified. They say that if you wander through the forest with a heart that aches for friendship she will befriend you for as long as you live.

Chapter seven: A soul that wants

Though the Diamond Dogs gave them a decent shelter they were unable to provide the ponies with proper food or water. The Diamond Dogs were meat eaters and there body was well immune to bacteria and other such things that could be found in contaminated water. The ponies however do not eat meat and would become gravely sick drinking from water that contains too much filth in it. When the sun rose once more they set off to find food and water. Their search last for several hours until they walked into a clearing. This clearing was suspiciously void of activity though birds and other creatures could be heard. None of them could be seen in the area itself. The ponies noticing this look around to make sure nothing is awry. They ran into small pond of water. It was crystal clear and pure in a very unnatural way. “All right, who wants to try it out first?” Twilight said looking at the others. The ponies and Spike looked away showing disinterest in doing such a task with the exception of Pinkie Pie who drank the pond without even taking a moment to worry about the repercussions. “Wow that was great! That was the best water ever almost as good as water with sugar in it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Well. She's not dead.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked at Pinkie Pie making sure nothing is happening to her. The ponies and Spike all walk up to the pond and start taking a drink.
A very faint giggle could be heard. Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie to see if that came from her but Pinkie Pie was busy hopping around quietly. Several small orbs of light appeared out of nowhere and circled around Fluttershy and the rest of the group. The orbs giggled and laughed as they floated around. “Whoa! What are these things?” Pinkie Pie said as she looked at them with amazement. “We aren't things, we are Pixies!” The Pixie said with glee. The light around them dimmed and there true form showed. They were different from the creatures seen so far. They lacked the trademark animal features previous creatures like the Diamond Dogs or even the foxes. They were as small as fireflies and wore ribbons around there body for reasons of modesty rather than fashion however some did wear hats of various shapes made of colorful thread and ribbon. They flew around with small butterfly wings that shined and sparkled against the sun light. One of them landed on the bridge of Twilight's nose and looked at her with much interest. “We've never seen creatures like you before! So colorful and pretty! What are you?” The Pixie asked as she plucked a hair from Twilight's nose. “Twilight shook the pixie off of her nose which only made the Pixie giggle as she landed on Twilight's nose again. “I'm a pony. We are all ponies, except Spike of course.” Twilight said as she tried to shake the Pixie off her nose yet again. “Ponies, what a cute name!” The Pixie exclaimed. The other pixies started saying the words pony and ponies over and over again as they continued to inspect and toy around with the ponies. “Do ponies have names?” A pixie asked as she flew into Pinkie Pie's hair getting stuck in it for a brief moment. “Sure! I'm Pinkie Pie! And that's Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie said as she pointed at the Ponies one by one. “What pretty names! Where do Ponies come from?” The pixie asked as she played in Pinkie Pie's hair. “We come from a far away land known as Equestria; it’s beyond the Everfree forest!” Pinkie Pie said. “Wow. That sounds cool!” The Pixie said happily.
“What's this thing on your butt?” A Pixie said as she poked Rarity's cutie mark. “A more appropriate term is hind or flank. Not butt. And it is a cutie mark by the way.” Rarity said unamused by the Pixies invading her space. “What's a cutie mark?” The pixie said rubbing the cutie mark to see if it would come off of Rarity's flank. “A cutie mark is a few things actually. They are a sign of our physical progression. Once we get our marks our bodies have entered a level of maturity making us available for reproduction but it also signifies emotional and mental development. You notice how our marks are different from each other? They represent our state of being at the moment we changed. It's a bit abstract for my taste but there's symbolism in our marks. What it means is up to the pony that has them but regardless of what the mark means it simply says that at the moment you changed you have become a specific individual and have fully developed values and beliefs. It is the core of your character for better and for worse.” Twilight said. “Whoa. What does your cutie mark mean?” The Pixie said awestruck by Twilight's display of knowledge. “Well. It bears similarity to the star Sirius which is the brightest star in the sky next to the sun itself. Celestia is our goddess, specifically the goddess of the sun. Therefore I am second to Celestia. I got my mark when I graduated my freshman year at Canterlot. It is one of the more abstract marks you may run into but it makes perfect sense if you think about it. There are more direct ones. Like Rainbow Dash's mark which a cloud is with a rainbow Lighting bolt coming out of it. Something she probably attained once becoming committed to her strives for power and speed through the perfection of her rainbows. Am I correct Dash?” Twilight said looking at Rainbow Dash for confirmation. “Pft. Ya you’re correct.” Rainbow Dash said unamused by Twilight’s ability to read her mark correctly.

“Wow! That is so amazing! Ponies are so cool! What are you doing so far away from home though?” The pixie said as it flew around the area. “We are on a mission to save Equestria from the wrath of Nightmare Moon and her dark ponies who threaten this world and ours. Although right now we could use a bit of food. We didn't exactly pack a lunch.” Pinkie Pie said as her stomach growled. The Pixies giggled and laughed as they flew around. “Stay here! We will feed you!” The Pixie said happily. “How, you’re so small. How can you feed us?” Pinkie Pie said. “Ask for something to eat and I shall show you.” The pixie said as she made a small bag appear in her hand. “Oh okay. Hmm, what should I ask for?” Pinkie Pie said as she put her hoof to her head and pondered while she talked. “Anything you want! As long as it's sweet and doesn't contain meat.” Pixie said as she opened her bag. “Okay! I want a cake! With vanilla icing and sprinkles lots of sprinkles!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “I would love that too!” The Pixie said. She pulled a handful of what appeared to be dust. It glittered and glowed in her hand like the stars in the sky. She whispered into the dust and threw it into the air. As the dust settled a cake began to materialize. It matched Pinkie Pie's description right now to the extra sprinkles. Pinkie Pie's eyes widened with joy and without a thought to spare to the possible danger of eating such a mysterious cake she threw her face in it and began eating with gusto. “This taste just like the real thing, In fact it’s even better!” Pinkie Pie said with glee. The ponies and Spike watched as Pinkie Pie devoured the cake with cartoonish quickness. “Hmph. Sweet you say? How about a Vanilla Crème Brûlée?” Rarity asked shaking her head at Pinkie Pie's lack of manners. “Hm, never heard of that one, but if that's what you wish than wish granted!” The pixie said curious as to what would appear. She threw a handful of dust and it formed into the baked custard that Rarity requested. “Hm. Y’all can make me an apple pie? It don't need to be fancy or nothin' like that.” Applejack said as she looked at Rarity's dish. “A homemade apple pie with no extra guss? That can be done easily!” The Pixie said as she threw yet another handful of dust that formed an apple pie right in front of Applejack. “Can you guys make liquid based sweets as well?” Rainbow Dash asked interested in the range of foods the Pixies can create. “Sure! What would you like?” The Pixie asked as it flew to Rainbow Dash. “I want a Neapolitan ice cream milkshake!” Rainbow Dash said excitingly. “Sure! That sounds great!” The Pixie said as she used her dust to create a glass filled with the milkshake Rainbow Dash requested. “I would like a chocolate mousse if you don't mind. If that's okay with you...” Fluttershy asked. “Mmm, Mousse, Yes it's okay with me!” The pixie said as she threw another handful of the dust forming a plate on which the soft chocolate mixture sat on. Fluttershy cautiously took a bite of it. Once she got a good taste of it she ate it slowly but happily. “What would you like?” The Pixie asked as it floated towards Twilight. “Coffee cookies would be nice.” Twilight said. “Coffee and cookies put together? That's a weird thing to like.” The pixie said as she threw another handful of dust and created the coffee cookies and a plate for them to sit on. “What about you little drake?” The pixie said as she faced Spike. “Eh. A donut will do.” Spike said with a shrug. “Okay!” The pixie said as she created a donut with her dust. The donut falls right into Spike's hand.

Despite the food being a dessert no one ended up with a stomach ache and everyone felt very satisfied with the food of there choice. The pixies watched as they ate the food giggling and frolicking all the while. “Ahhh that hit the spot.” Applejack said with a hearty sigh. “Thank you for the hospitality. Now if you don't mind we must be on our way.” Twilight said as she motioned to the others to leave. “Wait! Don't leave! You just arrived! We haven't even gotten to play yet.” The pixie said frantically as she flew in front of Twilight. “I'm sorry but we have things to do.” Twilight said as she moved around the Pixie. “Aw, come on Twilight, we could spare a moment or two to play with these guys. We've been hard at work bashing bad guys and making tracks it would be nice to cut loose and have a little fun.” Pinkie Pie said. “This is not some business trip Pinkie Pie, we are on a mission to save the world and negate evil. We have no time for frivolity.” Twilight said. “Come on Twilight, just for one day? Please?” Pinkie Pie said in a coaxing tone. The pixies chimed in with her all begging in unison repeating the word please and Twilight over and over again as they floated around her face. “Fine, Fine, one day; do what you want I don't care. But when the sun rises tomorrow we must be off! Hopefully one day will not be too vital.” Twilight said as she stomped away from the Pixies. The pixies cheered and yelled happily. “Yay! Wait. How do you play with Pixies? You guys are so small. And we are so big.” Pinkie Pie said stopping her celebration momentarily to consider the thought. The pixies stopped cheering coming to the realization of this thought as well. “Queen Izze can help us!” A pixie yelled. Suddenly all the other pixies yelled her name as they flew around the area. “Queen Izze?” Rarity asked quizzically as she looked at the other ponies who could only respond in shrugs.
At the other side of the clearing a figure could be seen. At first it was indistinct but as it moved out of the clearing it became visible. It was similar to the pixies in that it had butterfly wings and a mostly hairless body but after that its appearance had some key differences. Her hair was white and messy covering her face which upon close inspection was lacking in eyes, a nose, and even ears. All she had was a mouth that when it opened a few sharp teeth can be seen but beyond it was an eerie void of darkness. She was much longer and had a very lanky appearance. Her legs were bent at an uncomfortable angle making her actual height hard to decipher but with her legs bent she was a couple feet taller than the ponies. Her arms were equally as long, her fingers long with pointy finger nails. She wore a white dress that was ripped and well worn out over many years of wearing it. It was small and was only able to cover the base of her body which lacked any physical signs of maturity as well. She walked up to Twilight with a big toothy grin as she got very close to her face. “You look like a horse. I haven't seen a horse in a long time.” Izze said with a smile. “A horse, what’s a horse? I'm a pony.” Twilight said nervously. “A pony, that explains why you’re smaller and more colorful than a horse. Wait. You're a unicorn! I've always wanted to see a unicorn!” Izze said as she clasped her hands on Twilight's horn, her hands cold and clammy at the touch. Twilight pulled out of Izze's grasp trying to maintain a safe distance from this creature. “Yes. I am a unicorn. But how did you know that?” Twilight asked confused by someone who knew what sort of creature she was despite no one else knowing up until now.

“I never met one but I’ve read many stories about unicorns and pegasi. The graceful reclusive unicorns who worked wonders and the valiant Pegasus who flew into battle with there friends who rode them like steeds. My mother used to tell me stories about them all the time. Now they are no more.” Izze said with a frown. “You're parents?” Pinkie Pie asked concerned. “Everyone, it came and made them go away.” Izze said as her head lowered in sadness. “What do you mean it? What was it?” Twilight asked. “I would never speak its name even if it had a name. I didn't go away because it didn't know I was here. But everyone it saw went away. Wiped from the earth with the smell of death and poison to mark those for whom it destroyed without mercy or thought. “I-is it still alive?” Fluttershy said scared of the thought of running into such a creature. “If it continued to walk the earth no one else would be alive to speak of it. But I don't know for sure. It doesn't matter. I'm not leaving this forest. And you won't either. Cause you'll stay here and play with me.” Izze said with a smile. “Well for one night at least.” Twilight said nervously. “Twilight, I don't think this is a good idea at all!” Spike said as she nudged Twilight and spoke through his teeth. “We can't really play with the pixie's you guys are too small. If only we were both the same size.” Pinkie Pie said with a sigh. “Is that a wish?” Izze said with a grin as she looked in Pinkie Pie's direction. She grabbed the dirt on the ground and crushed it into a fine powder in her hands. She opened her palm and the dirt began to glow like the dust that was in the pixie's bag. “Yep, so we can play and stuff!” Pinkie Pie said. “I'd like that!” Izze said with a grin she blew the dust into the air. It surrounded ponies and glowed with intensity making things hard to see.
The blinding light was there for a moment or two but then died down. “Ugh! That was bright!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew around only to bump into a flower. “Eh? What the?” Rainbow Dash said confused. “Please tell me what just happened didn't just happen.” Spike said cringing at the realization. “We're small...” Twilight said silently cursing herself for giving Pinkie Pie her concession. “Aw it's not so bad guys! We're just going to be small for a day so we might as well make the best of it!” Pinkie Pie said as she ran around the now tall blades of grass. “I knew we should have run away the second they promised us food.” Fluttershy said to herself. The pixies flew down to the ponies and Spike. They were now of similar height. One of the pixies landed on Rainbow Dash's back taking Rainbow Dash by surprise. “What the, what do you think you are doing? Get off!” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to buck the pixie off to no avail as she giggled at her attempts. “Yay, So fun!” the pixie exclaimed. Another pixie grabbed Applejack's hat and began to inspect it. “Hey! That's my hat!” Applejack said angrily the pixie looked at Applejack's expression for a moment. She took off her hat and placed it on Applejack's head and placed Applejack's hat on her head. “You can wear mine from now on.” The pixie said as she flew away. “I don't want you're dang hat, give me back my hat!” Applejack yelled. “Don't worry my dear I shall help you out.” Rarity said. Her horn glowed as she let out a blast of light firing at the pixie. The pixie saw the blast coming and she pulled out her back and opened it. The blast got absorbed into the bag. “Want to have a magic fight? Okay!” the pixie said as she made a mischievous grin. She grabbed a handful of dust and threw it. The dust clumped together and turned red. Applejack pushed Rarity out the way of the ball of dust ball that raced towards her. It smacked the ground and burst into fireworks. “Whoa pretty!” Pinkie Pie said. “Pretty? She threw an explosive element at her!” Twilight said angrily.
Suddenly all the other pixies started joining in and lobbed dust balls every which place. At the ponies, at each other, and at Spike as well Twilight created a shield protecting her from harm while all the other ponies scrambled and scurried around to dodge the attacks. Spike wasn't fast enough to dodge them but his dragon skin made the dust balls harmless. Rainbow Dash was still flying around trying to get the pixie off her back. Not paying attention to where she was going she rammed into another pixie that was busy throwing dust balls at Applejack and Rarity. She fell to the ground as she was stunned by the impact with Rainbow Dash Applejack ran up to the pixie and took her hat right off of the pixie's head. “I'll be takin' my hat back thank you very much!” Applejack said as she sped off with the hat in her mouth. “Don't put your hat in your mouth like that Applejack! It's so dirty and it was on that creature's head. Here let me assist you.” Rarity said. She used her magic to take the hat out of Applejack's mouth and place it on her head adjusting it to her liking. “Ahhh, perfect!” Rarity exclaimed. “All right y’all we've had enough ponying around ya hear? Stop throwin' them dust balls okay?” Applejack said to the pixies that were busy pelting each other with dust balls.
“Ya that's boring now. Let’s do something else!” the pixie said as she gathered with the other pixies. “Oh man! That was pretty fun! I gotta get a bit of water. I'm just going to stroll to that pond and have a little to drink.” Pinkie Pie said as she moved towards the pond. The pixies dashed in front of her blocking her way. “If you wanted water why didn't you just ask?” The pixie said as she grabbed a handful of dust and threw it creating a glass of water. “Oh! Uh, thank you!” Pinkie Pie said perplexed by the pixie's actions. Izze grabbed Twilight and lifted her into the air. “You’re such a pretty horse. Why don't you play?” Izze said with a frown. “I'm not really a fan of frolicking. I prefer more reserved activities.” Twilight said as she tried to pull herself out of Izze's grip to no avail. “What activities would those be?” Izze asked. “Reading, studying, and doing whatever Princess Celestia requests of me, Right now you are interrupting one of those things.” Twilight said. “So you like to learn stuff?” Izze said. “Yes. I do like learning things and as it so happens I have things I wish to learn from you.” Twilight said. “Really, Ask Queen Izze. She will answer if she can.” Izze said with a smile. “You say you never saw it right? Well do you know anyone who did?” Twilight asked. “Don't know what it looks like or who stopped it or if it could be stopped at all. Sorry I can't give you a visual aid to help you.” Izze said with a frown. “Fine that's fair enough, you have been in this forest your whole life. Do you think anyone would know anything about this thing?” Twilight asked. “Maybe, you must understand purple unicorn horsy that I am really old. The event of which I speak took place centuries ago most mortal creatures have left this world. However, there are some creatures that last much longer. Dragons, Griffons, Qilins, and me! We are ancient creatures so we would remember things that happened back then just from memory. But it could have been written down by a society of some sort but I can't fathom what kind would be lucky and unfortunate enough to bare witness to it and live to talk about it.” Izze said.

“I understand. Does the name Nightmare Moon mean anything to you?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Nope, I've never heard of a Nightmare Moon. Who is she?” Izze said shaking her head. “That's what I would like to know as well. She appeared one day and said to be our goddess's sister. Up until then we never knew she had a sister. She is everything our goddess isn't. She threatens our way of life and makes a campaign to destroy Equestria. But what concerns me most is why. If Celestia is truly her sister, why would she want something so terrible? Is it something as simple as jealousy? Or could our goddess have actually done something horrible to her? The more I think about it the more it pains me to consider the thought.” Twilight said with a worried expression on her face. “I don't know anything about Celestia or Nightmare Moon. Sorry. This history is probably even more obscured than the one involving it. I've never seen a single book about either of these creatures. But I do know where they might have come from.” Izze said. “You do? Please you must tell me where!” Twilight said ecstatic at the chance for pivotal information. “If they are anything like you ponies they may have come from the Field of Dreams. A wondrous field on the Ursa Plains just north of the Afel Forest, Unicorns, Pegasus, and horses of many breeds and forms hailed from there and lived in harmony. Perhaps you will find your answers there.” Izze said. “Thank you for that info I’ll do just that. Once you change me back though.” Twilight said. “Wouldn't you prefer staying here with me? Nightmare Moon being evil, Celestia's background shifty and mysterious, they sound like terrible things to deal with. Stay with me, you can throw those responsibilities away. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll be your friend and we'll be together forever.” Izze said with a smile. “My responsibilities are more important than friends or a carefree lifestyle. I must do what Princess Celestia asks of me. Princess Celestia believes in me and entrusts me with her most private information and teaches me her most coveted powers. Her faith in me instills my drive and pushes me to be the best pony I can be. I owe her everything and I would gladly spend the rest of my days paying her generosity back.” Twilight said with confidence in her voice. Izze just looked at Twilight. Puzzled by her words, Izze lowered Twilight to the ground and let her go. Twilight looked up at Izze. It was hard to discern what she was feeling but it’s possible that the answer was not to her liking.

Most of the ponies and Spike were keeping to themselves trying not to gain the attention of the hyperactive pixies and taking this as a good chance for a respite. Pinkie Pie however was living it up with the Pixie creatures playing and laughing with them. Pinkie Pie even threw a party with them given that they provided the materials like cake and ice cream. “This is such a great party!” Pinkie Pie said. “You’re such a great party maker Pinkie!” the pixie said as she playfully moved in her chair. “Glad you like it. Um, Ur.” Pinkie Pie said realizing she hadn't gotten a name for them. “Call me Mr. Turnip!” Turnip said. “Call me Sir Lints-a-lot!” Lints said with a giggle. “I shall be called Madame La Flour!” Flour yelled. “And I’m going to be Rocky!” Rocky proclaimed. “Thank you all for coming it means so much to me that you came!” Pinkie pie said with a smile. “Can I have some more punch?” Turnip said as she raised her hand. “Why of course you can have some more punch Mr. Turnip!” Pinkie Pie said as she fetched a glass of punch already filled. “This is one great party! You've really outdone yourself!” Rocky said. “Why thank you Rocky!” Pinkie Pie said giving Rocky a hug. “I'm having a delightful time as well!” Lints said in a phony posh accent. “I'm so glad Sir Lints-a-lot!” Pinkie Pie said. “Might I trouble you for a little slice of cake?” Flour said in a very squeaky tone. “Anything for you Madame Le flour!” Pinkie Pie said as she pushed a slice of cake to her that was already cut.
“You're the best Pinkie Pie. You’re much better than all those other ponies!” Rocky said. “Oh, there not so bad, mostly, kind of.” Pinkie Pie said trying her best to be optimistic about them. “Not so bad? There a bunch of stick in the muds! Do they even like to have fun?” Rocky said angrily. “Well. I dunno, maybe.” Pinkie Pie said unsure on what to think. “We love having you around Pinkie Pie! Have they ever said anything like that too you?” Lints asked. “Well no. Mostly they just tolerate me. No one really likes me...” Pinkie Pie said sadly. “See? That's awful! You shouldn't be around people who don't like you. You should be around us! We love you Pinkie Pie!” Flour said hugging Pinkie Pie. “But, I have a mission. From Princess Celestia....” Pinkie Pie said her mind clouded in the thoughts the pixies have presented her with. “Why do you need Princess Celestia? All she did for you was force you to hang out with a bunch of jerks! Queen Izze gave you us! And all we want to do with you is be with you forever and ever. We can have cakes and parties forever!” Turnip shouted. “I would like to be where I'm wanted....And I would like to have cakes and parties everyday...And be with people who love me...” Pinkie Pie said with a tear coming out of her eye. “Then stay with us Pinkie Pie and you'll get to have everything you want and we'll love you forever!” Flour said. The pixies floated around Pinkie Pie praising her and hugging her as they laughed and cheered. “Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash yelled interrupting the pixies. Rocky flew up to Rainbow Dash's face. “Hey no other ponies are allowed in our party so buzz off!” Rocky said. Rainbow Dash growled and shoved her face at the pixie scaring her off. “I just wanted to let ya know that we are making a tent for the night. We expect you to be inside it before it gets too dark. You can continue your stupid party with the pixies.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew off.

Pinkie Pie walked towards the tent where Rainbow Dash was playing lookout. When Pinkie Pie got close Rainbow Dash motioned for her to go inside the tent. “Now are you sure that will reverse the effects?” Twilight asked. “It is only a hunch. But I have spent some time pondering it and I would put my word on the line to bet that it is indeed what I think it is.” Fluttershy said. “Why do we even need to do this? I thought they promised us our freedom tomorrow?” Applejack asked. “They can't be trusted. They are mischievous. Dangerous, playful, and most of all, wanting, they would never let us go if it's up to them.” Fluttershy said. “I believe that wholeheartedly. Very well tomorrow, be prepared.” Twilight said. “What are you guys talking about?” Pinkie Pie asked curious to the rather suspicious nature of there conversation. Everyone looked at Pinkie Pie and looked at each other. “Pinkie Pie, do not worry about it. Just expect to do what you’re told all right? I gave you this concession to amuse you but now I expect you to hunker down and return back to business. We can't waste another day with these creatures while Princess Celestia and all of Equestria depend on us to fulfill our obligations.” Twilight said. “Princess Celestia puts us through so much. She's the goddess. She should do it herself and we should get to do whatever we want.” Pinkie Pie said. “I'll pretend you didn't say that. Go to bed Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said restraining herself from reacting angrily to the words Pinkie Pie just uttered. Pinkie Pie bit her lip as her eyes started to well up. She sat the furthest away from everyone else and lay down. By the time Rainbow Dash came inside the tent she was already asleep.

Once daylight struck Fluttershy sneaked outside to survey the area. She looked around carefully making sure not to reveal herself in the open. Izze fell asleep on the ground with the pixies lying on top of her. Fluttershy whistled quietly to see if there would be any reaction. The pixies and Izze continued to sleep soundly. Finding this to be the results she desired to obtain she quietly flew back into the tent. “Wake up. Now is our time to escape. If we move fast and quietly we will make it into the pond and out of the area before they even wake up.” Fluttershy said as she nudged Twilight and the others awake. “Lead the way Fluttershy.” Twilight said. Fluttershy nodded and nudged Pinkie Pie and took off outside the tent with the others following close by. Pinkie Pie awakened and walked outside as well. “Where are we going?” Pinkie Pie said still sleepy. “We are heading to the pond. It contains the cure to make us big again. Once we get big again we can leave this place and continue forward.” Twilight said. “You don't want to stay here for a little longer and play?” Pinkie Pie said hoping to get more time to hang out with the pixies. “Do you even listen to yourself talk? We aren't some silly fillies we're adults Pinkie Pie! At least the rest of us are. Spike is actually a kid and he's more focused and mature than you.” Rainbow Dash said. “Quiet. Don't make so much noise.” Fluttershy said. “You're never too old to have fun. You all are just sticks in the mud!” Pinkie Pie said angrily. “I enjoy a party like any other pony but I must admit. There is a time for play. And then there's a time for work. And this, my dear is work. It's not supposed to be fun. But it's important and it must be done. And we are the ones to do it. So if you don't mind. Accept your responsibility with dignity and grace.” Rarity said. “Quiet. You'll stir them awake.” Fluttershy said frantically.
The sounds of one of the pixies yawning could be heard from a distance. “Hoof to it! We must get to that pond before they can intercept us!” Twilight said she motioned everyone to run. They all galloped and raced towards the pond. One of the pixies stirred herself awake and floated towards the tent. She looked inside and saw that it was empty. Frantically she flew into the air and tried to find where the ponies went. She saw the area where the ponies were parting the blades of grass with there movement. She flew in front of them but before she could say anything Applejack rammed into her sending her flying through the air. The pixie landed on the ground and was stunned for a couple seconds but quickly came too. “Queen Izze Queen Izze! The ponies are fleeing!” The pixie yelled. Izze began to stir awake and found the words the pixie spoke to be immediately troubling. She sprang up and jumped over to where the ponies were at. She slammed her hand right over them trapping them in her hand. But before she could do anything else a sharp pain went through her hand. Spike had bit her. She jerked her hand into the air sending Spike flying. Spike fell right into the pond. The ponies raced up to the pond to see what had become of Spike. Spike sprang out of the pond in the size he was before. “It worked! Quickly, everyone into the pond!” Twilight yelled. “No, don't leave! Please stay!” Izze pleaded. “I'm sorry Izze. But we have more important things to do.” Twilight said as she took a moment address Izze. “What could be more important than being happy and having fun? That's all I ever wanted. That's all anyone should ever want! Don't you want to have fun?” Izze asked desperate to gain there attention. Pinkie Pie stopped moving forward and looked back at Izze. “I do want to have fun...” Pinkie Pie said turning her body towards Izze.
“Come with me Pink pony! Queen Izze will make you happy! All she wants from you is to be happy with her! Please don't leave Izze!” Izze said reaching her hands out to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie, What do you think you are doing?” Twilight said in a very stern tone. Pinkie Pie looked back at Twilight and towards Izze. Without saying anything to either she began walking towards Izze. “Ugh! You’re so useless!” Rainbow Dash yelled. She flew Towards Pinkie Pie and grabbed her by the tail and threw her right into the pond water diving in afterward. Twilight and the others joined in while Izze began to yell and scream in anger. As they got out Izze began grabbing dirt and throwing it at them turning into the fire work dust balls the smaller pixies lobbed earlier. Twilight blocked the shot as she got out of the water. “I hate you!” Izze snarled as she grabbed another clump of dirt and threw it at the ponies. “Ya know what? I've had enough of this freak and her freak friends giving us a hard time. I'm about to wreck that ugly mug she calls a face!” Rainbow Dash said as she smacked her hoofs together. She raced towards Izze who was still throwing dust balls at the group. Rainbow Dash hoof punched the dust balls making them explode in her face but Rainbow Dash was not deterred by the fireworks and rushed through them straight towards Izze who became immediately frightened at Rainbow Dash's advance. She couldn't escape in time and Rainbow Dash hoof punched Izze right in the face. A loud smack rang out throughout the clearing as Izze was lifted off the ground landing right on her back and was knocked out in a single blow by Rainbow Dash. The pixies cried out and floated towards Izze who was out cold. “Well that ends that. Let’s get out of here!” Rainbow Dash said. All the ponies and Spike began to walk out of the place but Twilight stopped for a moment and looked to see where Pinkie Pie was. She was still sitting in the pond moping to herself. Her hair was no longer frizzy and bouncy and had become flat. Her appearance seemed a shade darker than before but it was hard to say for sure. “Pinkie Pie, You are coming right?” Twilight said in another stern tone. Pinkie Pie didn't say anything and just climbed out of the pond and walked with Twilight as they headed off out of the clearing and into a newer location. Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie and showed concern. She tried to show Pinkie Pie comfort but she just swiped her hoof away. “Princess Celestia...I may already have failed you...” Fluttershy says to herself.

Their journey continues.