• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 28th, 2013



After a high-energy experiment is conducted in the vicinity of a passenger jet, the flight crew of Gulf Air 1-2 Lima battle to keep the crippled aircraft airborne. When the unthinkable happens and the crew must keep over fifty survivors alive in harsh conditions, will they be stranded alone or is something more sinister afoot?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 41 )

Description is unexpected, shall read.

Chapter done.

Well, what can I say? I enjoyed the characters. A lot. Especially when things were going down. Reminded me the start of some actions movies.

I also really enjoyed the style. I didn't even know we could do effects like that in our texts. :pinkiegasp: The grammar was pretty good: I just found a little thing that I will note you later. Well, going to the next one! :twilightsmile:

A thrilling start, I'll keep reading with great interest.

1187721 I had four different choices of description :rainbowlaugh: I think this was the best though!

1187780 Thanks, that's what I was aiming for :twilightsmile: Are you talking about the bbcode header at the top? We get a few effects, but most of those I learnt myself. Stuff like size=32 and others like that

Chapter read.

What I said before still applies. :pinkiesmile:

I will read the third chapter before going into more details.

I like that you've paced everything out very well. It's not *BOOM!, PONIES!*. You take your time getting the humans there, and I think that's crucial in a crossover. Most of the pilot dialogue feels genuine, even if it does seem they're fairly calm during an emergency landing. And now to the next chapter!

1187814 It is a great interest provoking description no doubt, I need to finish reading :rainbowlaugh:

Am interested to see how the Equestrian folks respond to their guests. This is certainly a lot more intense than Brushy has been so far, it's cool to see some versatility in your writing. Will await the next chapter with great anticipation.

Chapter done.

Overall I enjoyed it! :twilightsmile: The drama really moved the course and I could feel the pressing of the situation. You really did share the emotions of your characters with the audience. Well done.

While the theme is a bit dark (blood and death), those things are expected in the face of an accident. The same was cursing: taking the severity of the situation, it really helps adding realism to it. :fluttershysad: I wonder if things will get brighter now that they are in other world... or even more edgier?

Here, have a positive vote. Congrats on your history! :pinkiehappy:


So you really did those with BBcode? Woah! :pinkiegasp:

The more you know! XD

1187882 Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Too many HiEs skip the reasons for getting there and just dive into pony. This, however, won't necessarily have much pony until later chapters :raritywink: There's much more to Equestria than ponies, after all :raritywink::raritywink:

1187996 Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :pinkiesmile:

Final Evolution has completed: :pinkiehappy:

Goooooood, gooooood, continue. :pinkiecrazy:

Why you gotta do this, why?

Very good chapter, I knew this was gonna get hot and heavy, as well as good, as soon as I set my eyes on the first chapter. I'm very pleased at the way this story is directed, and how it brought us into the lives and action of a plane wreckage. Can't wait for more!

1199977 It will only get better, my friend. Prepare your jimmies to be rustled. Rustled hard. :raritywink:

1200135 ... Preparing shall commence soon... As soon as my jimmies become unrustled...


This one of the few very good HiE fics, and doesn't get featured? :rainbowhuh:

1204023 *shrugs* Nope, the featured box is for stuff like 'Luna uses X piece of technology* or 'X fucks Y with a cucumber' or something. Oh well, their loss! I've been featured a few times, so I don't care anymore :rainbowlaugh:

...Did the pilot live? OH GOD THIS WOULD CLEAR UP SO MANY QUESTIONS! But anyway, good chapter.

1241353 *Pulls down sunglasses* Dear god... I got replied to! By the author, nonetheless!

Caught one little typo

"Umm, Lexus, you head that too?" Henry sounded... off.

I believe you meant "heard". Another solid chapter, and I'm totally banking on the fighter pilot having ejected before the crash. I'm really excited to see where you take this one, and to see what kind of conflict is in store. Maybe some smoke monsters and polar bears? Haha, I jest of course, but It should be fun watching each of the humans question their individual sanity with our favorite Appleoosans challenging every concept of reality mankind thinks it knows.

All in good fun, eh?

1241465 yeah, he's pretty good about that. i.imgur.com/hIzM2.png

1241500 :rainbowkiss: Fix'd

should be fun watching each of the humans question their individual sanity with our favorite Appleoosans challenging every concept of reality mankind thinks it knows.

If they can get a word in past Braeburn, that is :rainbowlaugh:

1241518 haha, if i ended up on some strange alien planet and someone like braeburn showed up, pretty sure I'd take that as an affirmation of the total loss of my mental facilities.

Nice, can't wait for the next chapter :D

1242731 Thanks, glad you're enjoying it this much :rainbowkiss:

Here we go. Now we got some shit goin' down, can't wait to see what comes of it.


... Cliché comment

So how much time do you think it will take after supplies are gone that they start losing it and try eating the buffalo?

1245695 Mmm, tastes like sentience. Nom. Hopefully they won't have to resort to Kentucky Fried Scootaloo later in the fic either :pinkiecrazy:

1246560 Sentience doesn't mean much to people if they are really hungry..... usually though it only happens if they are starving.... then anything edible becomes free game. That includes other people.

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