• Published 11th May 2019
  • 598 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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The Crossroads of Destiny

Flash and Shining were Flying back to Canterlot and Shining asked "So what kind of trouble is Twilight in?"

Flash then said "I don't know in my vision I just knew she needed help".

Shining then said "it would be nice if your avatar powers could be a little more clear from time to time" then he saw a large dust cloud heading towards the mountain "what is that" They flew down to it and saw Rainbow and Scootaloo headed for the mountain and Shining then said "need a ride?"

Rainbow then said "sure thanks".

Back in the city Gloriosa was talking to the Shadow bolts and said "the air leader and the generals do not trust the Shadow bolts they imprisoned your leader Caballeron soon they will turn on you and eliminate you taking power today is a matter of life and death this plan must be swift the air leader and the generals must be taken out one at a time Caballeron has placed you in my command while we overthrow the government if I sense any weakness at all I will crush it that is all".

Then Night glider said "nice speech Gloriosa it was very poetic but also scary but in a good was".

Sunset then said "ya I thought you were going to make that one guy pee his pants".

Then Gloriosa said "there's still a few loose ends the avatar and my brother and uncle".

With Timber he and Stygian were at the palace and stygian said "I never thought I would be here like this destiny is a funny thing".

Then Timber said "It sure is uncle".

Back with Flash They were flying into the city and Rainbow asked "so how did it go with the guru?"

Flash remembered what the guru said and then said "fine just fine".

Back with Timber Stygian was poring a cup of tea and Timber said "what's taking so long?"

Then Stygian said "maybe the air leader is just busy".

Shadow bolts then came in and surrounded them and Timber said "Something is not right".

Then Gloriosa came in and said "its tea time".

Timber then said "Gloriosa?"

Gloriosa then said "have you met the shadow bolts there air benders but they an instinct that's very earth bender I just love it".

Then Stygian said "you know I'm going to drink some tea" as he took a sip he then made an earth wave that nocked down the shadow bolts then they busted throw the wall and ran the air benders tried to stop them but couldn't Stygian then jumped out a hole in the wall and yield up to Timber come on jump you will be fine".

Timber then said "no I'm tired of running its time I faced Gloriosa" as he turned around and went back as Stygian ran off.

Then back inside Gloriosa said "your so dramatic what are you going to challenge me to a lava power disc?"

Then Timber said "yes I challenge you".

Gloriosa then said "no thanks" Then Timber Threw lava at her but the Shadow bolts blow it away then threw chains on Timber.

Back with Flash they had arrived at the palace and asked the air leader and he said "Twilights fine nothing to worry about".

Then Flash said "but in my vision I saw Twilight in danger".

The air leader then said "well she met with the generals planed the attack and now she's with your friends the mist mane warriors".

Shining then said "see Flash she's with Cadence I bet there in our apartment right now talking about girl stuff or something".

Flash then said "okay maybe your right".

Then the air leader said "believe me if there were any dangers Smokey's animal instincts would know it".

Down in a crystal mine Twilight was looking for a way out then they opened it and threw in Timber.

Back with Flash They had arrived at there apartment and went in to find no one was there but Ring tail and Flash said "Twilight is in trouble I knew it".

Then there was a knock on the door they answered and saw it was Stygian and Rainbow said "hey its you old friend".

Stygian then said "I need your help".

Flash then said "you guys know each other?"

Then Scootaloo then said "we met him in the woods and nocked him down then he gave us tea and very good advice".

Stygian then asked "may I come in?" Rainbow nodded he came in and told them "princess Gloriosa is here in Canterlot".

Flash then said "she must have Twilight".

Then Stygian said "she has Timber too".

Flash then said "Then will work together to fight Gloriosa and save Twilight and Timber".

Then Shining said "hold on you lost me at Timber".

Stygian then said "I know how you must feel but believe me when I say there's good in him".

Flash then said "Shining Twilight is in trouble we have to help them both all of Canterlot is in trouble its our only chance".

Shining then said "fine".

Then Stygian said "I brought someone along who can help us" as he showed them the Shadow bolt he captured.

Stygian pulled the gag off of him and he said "Gloriosa and Caballeron are plotting to take down the air leader"

Then Shining said "my sister where are they keeping her?"

The guy then said "in the crystal mines beneath the palace".

Down in the mines Twilight said "why did they throw you in here? Oh Let me guess its a trap so when Flash shows up to help me you can capture him" Timber looked at her then looked away "your a terrible person you know that always following us so you can capture the avatar trying to capture the worlds only hope for peace oh what do you care your the earth kings son spreading war and hate over the world is in your blood".

Timber then said "You don't know what your talking about".

Twilight then said "I don't how dare you, you have no idea what this war has put me threw me specifically the earth kingdom took my mother away" as she had tears in her eyes.

Timber then said "I'm sorry something we have in common".

While they were talking Flash and Stygian were digging into the mines Flash said "So Rainbow and Scoots say you give great advice".

Stygian then said "yes what's on your mind?"

Flash then said "well I met with this guru who said in order to master the avatar state I have to let go of someone I love and I just couldn't".

Stygian then said "Perfection and power are over rated I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love".

Flash then said "but what happens if I cant save everyone and stop Gloriosa without the avatar state?"

Stygian then said "I do not have the answers sometimes life is like this dark tunnel it stays dark for a very long time but if you just keep moving you will find light" as the reached the mines.

Back with Shining, Rainbow and Scootaloo they were going to warn the air leader and shining said "look there's the first general" but they hid them selves and then the shadow bolts captured him Shining then said "its happening we have to warn the air leader now" as they ran in the other generals were being captured.

They ran to the air leader and he asked "hey what going on?"

Then one of the mist mane warriors there said "ya what is going on you cutie"

Then shining said "um I'm kind of involved with Cadence".

She then said "who?"

Then Rainbow blew her away and said "there not the real mist mane warriors".

Then the other girl there said sorry to disappoint you" as she threw knives at them but Scootaloo blow them away.

They fought until Gloriosa came in with a metal blade and grabbed the air leader and said "this fight is over" and they were taken to a cell.

Then Caballeron came in and said "now comes the part were I double cross you Shadow bolts arrest her" but they did nothing "I said arrest her what is wrong with you?"

Gloriosa then said "they haven't made up there minds there waiting to see how this will end you were born with nothing so you had to struggle and claw your way to power but true power to rule is something your born with the fact is they don't know which one of us will be sitting on that throne and which one will be bowing down but I know" she then sat in the throne "well".

Caballeron then got done and said "you beat me at my own game".

Gloriosa then said "don't flatter your self you were never even a player".

Down in the mines Twilight said "I'm sorry about what I said".

Timber then said "it doesn't matter".

Twilight then said "its just been so long since I would imagine the face of the enemy was your face".

Then Timber put his hand on his scar and said "my face I see".

Then Twilight said "no that's not what I meant".

Timber then said "Its okay its just I use to think this scar was my mark the mark of the banished prince cursed to chase the avatar forever but lately I've realized I'm free to discover my own destiny even if I will never be free of my mark".

Twilight then said "maybe you could be free of it I have healing ability's".

Timber then said "its a scar it can't be healed".

Then Twilight pulled out a small bottle pendent and said "this is water from the spirit pond at the north pole it has special properties so I've been saving it for something important but I don't know if it will work" Then Stygian and Flash broke throw the wall "Flash" Twilight then went up and hugged him "Flash I knew you would come".

Stygian then said "go help your other friends we will catch up with you" They Left and stygian said "Timber you are not the man you once were you are stronger and wiser and now you are at the cross roads of your destiny you must choose good".

Then platinum chains wrapped around Stygian Then two shadow bolts came in with Gloriosa and she said "Timber I would have expected this from uncle but not you prince Timber your not a trader are you?"

Timber then said "release him now".

Gloriosa then said "its not to late prince you can still redeem your self".

Stygian then said "the kind of redemption she offers is not for you".

Then Gloriosa said "why don't you let him decide uncle I need you Timber I've plotted every move of this day this glorious day in earth kingdom history and the only way we win is together at the end of this day you will have your honor back you will have everything you want".

Stygian then said "Timber I'm begging you look into your heart and see what it is you truly want".

Gloriosa then said "your free to choose" as the shadow bolts left and she went to look for the avatar Back with Flash and Twilight they were running to get out when a lava disk went flying at the which they dogged they then started fighting Gloriosa as she threw rocks at them then Timber came in and fought them as well.

Back with Shining and the others Rainbow asked "any guards nearby?"

Shining then said "nope all clear".

Then Rainbow and Scootaloo Used cold bending to shatter the door and they ran out the air leader said "I'm not leaving without Smokey".

Later they snuck into the room where the bear was Night glider said "come on its easy you just walk on you front paws instead of your back ones like this" as she did that chains were air bent on to her.

Then They went up to sunset and she said "just take the bear".

The air leader then said "Smokey" Back in the mines Flash saw Twilight in trouble and knew there was only one option as Shadow bolts came in he then created an ice dome and mediated then broke out in the avatar state but then Gloriosa shot an electric metal cable into his back and he started falling Twilight used water bending to get them out of there as Stygian came in and held them off later they were all together Flying away on Scales back Twilight used her spirit water on Flash which saved him the air leader then said "Canterlot has fallen".

Back with Timber Gloriosa said "you did it Timber when we return home you will be seen as a hero of war".


Author's Note:

Well thats all for this book but theres still one more book to do Please leave you thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.

Comments ( 3 )

Gloriosa then said "have you met the shadow bolts there air benders but they an instinct that's very air bender I just love it".

Wrong element.

No offense, but I think you lost a lot of the emotional impact of this episode. :ajsleepy: Sorry that you had to hear that from me.

Okay thank for pointing that out I was in a hurry typing this.

Hey I did mention it in the chapter capper of the water tribe.

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