• Published 11th May 2019
  • 598 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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The air leader

Flash and friends were on an Island in the lake Flash was hugging Scale and said "I missed you more than you would ever know".

Shining then said "Look guys we escaped the shadow bolts we got Scale back we should go see the air leader and tell him our plan were on a role".

Twilight then said "one good hour after a week of trouble isn't much of a role".

Then Shining said "We can build on it If we want to invade the earth kingdom when the blood moon happens we need the air leaders support".

Scootaloo then said "what make you think will get it things don't usually go that well for us".

Shining then said "I know but I've got a good feeling about this".

Then Twilight said "Shining Caballeron still has control over the city his conspiracy with the shadow bolts is to powerful I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us".

Rainbow then said "I agree with sweetness I've seen enough of this city and I can't even see".

Then Flash came over and said "but now that we have Scale back there's nothing stopping us from telling the air leader the truth about the conspiracy and the war".

Then Shining said "see Flash is with me its the whole reason we came here in the first place we have to try".

Twilight then said "well if the air leader knew things could change".

Then Scootaloo said "I don't trust the knew positive Shining Caballeron brainwashed you didn't he".

Then they got on Scale and took off to the palace while they were flying Twilight said "Can we please get a new saddle riding bare back is terrifying".

They then arrived at the palace and shining said "okay that whole area is the palace the air leaders place is in the center"

Twilight then said "be careful Caballeron probably warned the leader that we were coming"

Then Shining said "what makes you say that".

Then sharp logs were shot up at them and Rainbow said "look out". They kept avoiding the logs then Flash air bend and blew the guards onto there backs they landed and kept on fighting making there way to the center they made it up into the building and Shining was opening random doors trying to find the air leader while the others were fighting off the guards.

Back with Timber they had returned to there apartment and Stygian said "you did the right thing letting the avatars dragon go free".

Then Timber said "I don't feel right" then he fell to the floor.

Stygian then ran to him and said "Timber".

Back with Flash shining saw a big door and said "now that is one impressive door its got to go somewhere" then tried to open it but couldn't rainbow and scoot then knocked it down with air bending and Shining said "a little warning would have been nice".

Then they got up and saw the air leader surrounded by guards and Shadow bolts and standing next to him was Caballeron and his pet bear. Flash then said "we need to talk to you".

Caballeron then said "there here to over throw you".

Shining then said "no were on your side were here to help".

Then Twilight said "you have to trust us".

the air leader then said "you invade my place lay waste to all my guards brake down my fancy door and you expect me to trust you".

Scootaloo then said "he has a good point".

The air leader then said "if your on my side you will drop your weapons and stand down" they did so but when they did chains flew over and trapped them.

Then Caballeron said "make sure the avatar and his friends never see the light of day".

Then the air leader said "wait the avatar? your the avatar?" as he pointed to shining.

Shining then said "um no he is".

Flash then said "over here".

Caballeron then said "what does it matter my leader there enemies of the state".

The air leader then said "maybe your right" then his pet bear went over and licked Flashes face "but Smokey seems to like him I will hear what he has to say".

Then Flash said well sir there's a war going on for the past one hundred years in fact the Shadow bolts have kept it secret from you its a conspiracy to control the city and to control you".

The air leader then said "a secret war that's crazy".

Flash then said "Caballeron didn't want us to tell you so he kidnapped our dragon to blackmail us and that is the least of his crimes he brainwashed our friend".

Caballeron then said "all lies I've never even seen a dragon frankly I thought they were extinct".

The air leader then said "your claim is difficult to believe even from an avatar".

Caballeron then said "these kids are part of a crime gang my troops have been hunting for months".

The air leader then said "I have to trust my adviser".

Then shining said "wait we can prove he's lying he said seen a dragon ask him to lift his robe".

Caballeron then said "what I am not disrobing".

Then rainbow blow a strong wind that lifted his robe reviling a mark on his leg and Flash said "there Scale bit him".

Then Caballeron said "that happens to be a large birth mark thanks for showing it".

The air leader then said "Well I guess there's no way to prove were those marks came from".

Shining then said "actually there is".

Then they had scale in the room and shown his teeth and then the mark on Caballeron's leg and the air leader then said "yep that petty much proves it but it doesn't prove this conspiracy theory but I suppose its a matter worth looking into".

Back with Timber he was lying in bed and said "I'm really thirsty" then Stygian gave him some water "what's happening to me".

Stygian then said "what you did down there messed up your alignments so now you are at war within your on mind it will not be a pleasant experience but when it is over you will feel great".

Back with Flash they were on a train and the air leader said "so this is what a train is like I didn't know it would be this public".

Twilight then said "so you've never been outside the upper city before?"

The air leader then said "I've never been outside the palace" then pointed out the window at Flash riding Scale and said "now that's the way to travel so may I ask where were going".

Shining then said "lake laogai sir to the shadow bolts secret base your about to see where all the brain washing happens" They got to the Lake but when they moved the branch making the rock move the cave had been collapsed shining then said "oh no they destroyed it".

Flash then said "wait we can still prove it if we go to the bottom of the city".

The air leader then said "I don't know".

Then Shining said "If you come with us you can ride on Scale this time".

A few minutes later he was riding on Scale a little scared and Twilight asked "your first time flying?"

He then said "Its both thrilling and terrifying at the same time you know I have to be honest with you a part of me hopes what your telling me about this war isn't true".

Then Flash said "I wish it wasn't" Later they arrived below the mountain and Flash said "right down there".

The air leader saw it and said "what is that?"

Shining then said "a giant machine the earth kingdom was using to climb the mountain and attack the city".

Later they were back on the outer circle and the air leader said "I can't believe I never knew".

Then Caballeron came over and said "I can explain this my leader this is nothing more than a building project".

Twilight then said "oh really then can you explain why there's an earth kingdom mark on it".

Caballeron then said "well its imported of course you know you can't trust your own technology surely you believe your trusted adviser over these kids".

The air leader then said "Shadow bolts arrest Caballeron I want him to stand trial for all he's done".

They did so and Shining said "ha looks like Caballeron is Caballer gone I've been waiting to use that one".

Later they were back at the palace and the air leader said "I want to thank you kids for opening my eyes all this time we've been at war for one hundred years".

Shining then said "That's why we came to Canterlot sir we need your help to end the war".

Flash then said "we don't have much time a comet is coming soon and it will give the earth kingdom incredible strength".

Shining then said "but there is hope before the comet there will be a blood moon that will render the earth benders powerless we need to plan an invasion".

The air leader thought for a moment and said "very well".

Then a guy came in and said "Sir but we cleaned out Caballeron's office I think we found something that will interest everyone" later they were in his office and the guy said "there are secret files on everyone in the city even you five".

The air leader then pulled one out and said "Rainbow and Scootaloo" as he handed them the scroll.

Rainbow then handed the scroll to Twilight and she read it the said "its from your mother she's in town and wants to see you two".

Scootaloo then said "Caballeron intercepted our letters from home that's just sad".

The air leader then said "Flash seems this scroll was tide to the horn of your dragon".

Flash then said "Its from the eastern fire city there's a guru living there and he can help me master the avatar state".

Twilight then said "is there a letter for me and Shining by any chance?"

The air leader then said "I'm afraid not".

Then the guy from earlier said "but there is an intelligence report that might interest you" as he handed them a scroll.

Twilight then red it "a small fleet of water tribe ships".

Shining then said "what that could be dad".

Twilight then continued to read it "protecting the mouth of chameleon bay lead by night light it is dad".

Later they were talking about what to do and Twilight said "I hate to say it but we have to spit up I'll stay here with the air leader to plan strategy the rest of you do your things".

Later Flash and Shining were on Scale about to head out then a guy came up and said "you should know that great female warriors have arrived here they say they are from the island of mist mane".

Shining then said "those are the mist mane warriors there good friends of ours".

At Caballeron's cell one of the shadow bolts gave him dinner and said "Caballeron you should know the palace guards and the general may be loyal to the air leader but the shadow bolts remain loyal only to you". With Rainbow and Scootaloo they had arrived at the house there mother was at but quickly got trapped in a metal box by Zephyr and Fire streak.

Author's Note:

Wow anther chaper done well leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.