• Published 11th May 2019
  • 598 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

  • ...

The desert

Flash and the group were in the desert and Flash said "How could you let them take Scale why didn't you stop them?"

Then Rainbow said "we couldn't the library was sinking and you guys were still in there".

Flash then said "well one of you could have come and get us I could have saved him".

Twilight then said "Flash were all worried about Scale but if were going to find him we need it get moving".

Flash then said "Fine but I'm going to find Scale" as he took off then the others started walking.

Over with Timber he and his uncle were riding on there ostrich horse when a bunch of strange men appeared out of the bushes riding giant lizards then Stygian said to one of them "oh its you guys nice to see you again".

Then Timber said "You know these guys?"

Stygian then said "they are the the ruff rhinos each one is an expert at a different weapon, they are also a skilled singing group".

Then one of them said "were not here to sing a song were here to apprehend fugitives".

Then Timber made the ground shake around them and knocked them off of there lizards then they were riding away threw the dust Stygian then said "nice to see old friends".

Then Timber said "To bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to hurt us".

Stygian then said "old friends that don't want to hurt us? thats it".

Back in the desert they had been walking for an hour and Scootaloo said "Twilight can I have some water?"

Twilight then said "sure but we had better conserve it" as she water bent a drink of it into all there mouths.

Shining then said "were drinking your bending water you used it on the swamp guy".

Rainbow then said "I thought It taste swampy".

Then Twilight said "sorry but its all we have".

Shining then spotted a cactus and said "not anymore" he ran over to it cut it open with his sword and drank its insides.

Twilight then said "Shining you shouldn't eat strange plants".

Shining then said "there's water trapped inside these and it very thirst quenching" then his mind blurred "drink cactus juice it will quench you its the best".

Twilight then grabbed it from his hand and said "ya I think you've had enough".

Then Rainbow said "can we get some of that cactus?"

Twilight then said "I don't thing thats a good idea".

Shining then said "Who lit Scoots on fire?" as ring tail drank some of the cactus juice and Twilight then face palmed.

Flash was flying over the desert yelling Scales name but found nothing he then yelled "no!" as he stomped his foot making fire go everywhere.

Back at the oasis Zephyr and Fire streak were talking with someone and he said "yes two blind girls one with rainbow hair and one with orange skin passed threw here a while back".

Zephyr then said "which way did they go".

The guy then said "into the desert chances are they didn't survive".

Fire streak then said "thats alright there wanted dead or alive".

Zephyr then said "thats not true I'm pretty sure there father wants them alive".

Then Fire streak looked at a post board and said "look earth kingdom want posters".

Zephyr then said "so?"

Fire streak then said "so look who just showed up" as he pointed at two guys entering a drink shop and they were the same guys on the poster.

Back in the desert the sun was going down as Flash came back to the others Twilight went over to him and said "Flash I know its hard but right now we need to focus on getting out of the desert".

Flash then said "how do we do that?"

Twilight then said "guys you got any ideas?"

Then Shining said "why don't we ask the circle birds?" as he pointed up at the buzzard wasps circling them.

Twilight then said "that's It Shining let me see the stuff you took from the library maybe they can guide us out of the desert" as she took his bag and pulled out a star map "will rest during the day and travel at night when its cooler" then noticed they were laying down "just try to get some sleep will try again later".

Back at the drink shop Timber said "no one here is going to help us there all just dirty wanderers".

Stygian then said "so are we" then saw someone with a pai sho board and said "aha I think we may have found our friend" then walked over to him.

Meanwhile Fire streak and Zephyr were watching them and Fire streak said "lets take them now".

But Zephyr grabbed his shoulder and said "wait this place is full of desperate people if they learn we are collecting a bounty we might have to fight to keep our prize just wait".

Stygian went over to the guy and said "may I have this game?"

The guy then said "first move belongs to the guest" Stygian then placed a white lotus in the middle and the guy said "I see you favor the white lotus gambit not many still do".

Stygian then said "those who still do can always find a friend".

They placed more peaces down and formed an image and then the guy said welcome brother the white lotus opens wide to those who know its secrets".

Timber then said "what are you old guys talking about?"

Stygian then said "I told you pai sho is more than just a game".

Fire streak then said "I'm not waiting all night I'm going to get those two" then walked over to them and said "Its over you two fugitives are coming with us"

The guy then said "oh so you think your going to capture them and collect all that gold".

Then everyone heard them and they had to fight them but when they finished the two disappeared. Back in the desert they were on the move when rainbow tripped on something and said "ow what was that?"

Scoots then said "lets dig it up and see" as she and rainbow air bent it up.

Twilight then said "Its a sand glider the air benders use and look its got some kind of compass on it we can use it to get out of here Rainbow and scoots can air bend it forward and I'll guide you".

Later they were gliding throw the desert and ended up at a big rock and found caves on it Shining then said "I think my heads starting to clear out the cactus juice then saw something on a wall and tasted it then said "uh! it taste like rotten penguin meat!"

Twilight then said "you've been high on cactus juice all day and then you lick something you found stuck in a cave!?"

Shining then said "what can I say I'm the adventures type".

Then Flash said "do you hear buzzing".

Scootaloo then said "ya your right it sounds like oh no we have to get out of here".

Right as they ran out buzzard wasps flew out and started to attack they tried to fight back but there were to many when a super strong wind blew them away and they saw the air gliders the leader then said "what is going on here you appear to have a sand glider from the looks of it you stole it from our camp".

Twilight then said "we didn't steal it we found it lost in the desert our dragon was stolen and were trying to get to Canterlot".

One of them then said "you dare accuse us of stealing while you are traveling on a stolen sand glider".

The leader then said "calm down son no one accused us of stealing they need help and we will give it to them".

The son then said "alright father".

Rainbow then said "I know that voice the son he's the one who stole Scale".

Shining then said "are you sure".

Rainbow then said "I never forget a voice".

Flash then said "you took Scale where is he what did you do to him?"

The leader then said "what did you do?"

Flashes eyes started glowing and a ring of fire appeared around him as he said "Wheres my Dragon?"

The son then said "I had no idea he belonged to the avatar I sold him to some traveling sales men hes probably in Canterlot by now they were going to sell him there".

Twilight ran over and hugged Flash trying to calm him down.


Author's Note:

Well thats another chapter down later will meet a nice couple and travel a dangerous path but until then ghost out.