• Published 11th May 2019
  • 598 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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Scales lost days


After the sand riders took Scale the leader said "ransack his saddle who knows what valuables are in it" they did so and found nothing "the guy then said no problem will still make a good bit when we sell him to those merchants".

They took him to the merchants and one of them said "hmm we I'm someone in Canterlot would pay nicely for him" then handed the leader a chest with there payment.

Scale tried to fly away but they shoot him with darts that knocked him out and the other merchant said "we have to get rid of this one he's to wild".

Later Scale woke up in a cage at a circus and the tamer said "wow its amazing whoever your first owner was they had no idea how to tame you but when I'm done you will brake later scale was alone trying to get a bale of hay the a kid walked by and saw it so she went over pushed the hay over to him so he could eat then she left as scale ate the hay the tamer then walked in with the ring master and said "he's not ready I need a few more days".

The ring master then said "a few more days we don't have that kind of time I want the fire lizard to preform tonight" as he walked out.

The tamer then said "you had better behave tonight or you will regret it".

Later the show started but when the ring master called him out scale shoot fire at him and flew away but still had chains on his arms and legs, Scale went back to the desert where It last saw Flash but the library was gone so after awhile he flew off again and felt hungry but then smelt something in a cave on a rock then flew in then came out chased but buzzard wasps which he chased away by breathing fire at them, then he licked the stuff off of his claws. Later at night he found an old barn and went inside where he found a barrel of water which he drank and a pile of hay that he ate then fell asleep and dreamt about how he met Flash. As a young dragon he was with his siblings and mother and fire benders were near Smart was there and she said "choose carefully a dragon is a companion for life" as she handed the young fire benders fish for the dragons.

Flash then went up to Scale and gave him the fish which scale ate and then licked Flash and Flash said "I guess this means will always be together".

Then Scale woke up to a guy screaming "AAA its some kind of monster" as he held up a pitchfork.

Scale then roared and flew threw the roof of the barn later he flew over a boat and stygian saw him and gasped Timber then woke up and said "uncle what is it did you see something?"

Stygian then said "no just go back to sleep".

Scale then landed near a cave and laid down but then a large animal with quills came out of the cave and attacked him which Scale then chased away by breathing fire but he had quills in his body and could not remove them himself so scale flew up and rested in the cave for three days later the Mist mane warriors were collecting fruit when one of them found some scales on the ground and said "wow must have been some fight".

Then Cadence saw what she was holding and said "wait Amethyst let me see that" as she handed it to her then Cadence looked around and said "no it couldn't be" she the climbed up a hill and gasped when she saw him in the cave "Scale oh no" Scale then got up an backed away cadence then said "its gonna be okay Scale I have to leave but I'll be back soon with help" as she left some food on the ground for him. She went back and got the other Mist mane warriors and brought them there "now be careful he's been lost for a while and looks like he's hurt he might be a little scared approach him gently".

Then one of them said "I can't believe you found the avatars dragon didn't you see the avatar a few days ago".

Cadence then said "yes so he can't be to far away returning Flash's dragon to him may be the most important mission we've had yet" when they all went up there Scale backed away in fear "give him some space Scale its me Cadence I want to help you" then Scale finally calmed down.

Later they got the chains and quills off of him when suddenly a lava disk flew over and hit a tree making it fall then Gloriosa and her friends came up she held up a scale and said "your just to easy to find".

Then The mist mane warriors pulled out there fans and shields and Cadence said "what do you want with us?"

Gloriosa then said "who are you the avatars fan girls?"

Night glider then said "oh I get it good one gloriosa".

Then cadence said "If your looking for the avatar your out of luck".

Sunset then said "Ugh I told you this was a waste of time".

Gloriosa then said "no avatar that's fine any friend of the avatar is an enemy of mine" As she started to shoot metal cables at them they tried to fight back but couldn't beat them.

Cadence then said "Scale you have to get out of here" Scale was hesitant but then flew off.

Scale flew all the way to the eastern fire city where he had flash backs of it then saw someone meditating and went up to lick him but didn't recognize him the guy then said "hello I am guru Sandal wood" then Scale backed up and he said "I know I am no who you were hoping to find but I was not expecting to be licked by a giant toing life is full of unexpected things" he waited until scale fell asleep then got up went over to him and placed a hand on him "oh dear you've been through so much recently hmm your still full of love but fear has moved in were trust should be I have been expecting you and the avatar for a long time I have been living here waiting for you" The next night Scale went over to him and he said "I have prepared a message for Flash may I tie it to your horn?" Scale the turned his head so the guru could tie it there then after he did he said "you and the avatar have an unbreakable bond your spirts are connected with this I can help you find him" as he placed his hand on scale and saw where Flash was "I will see you again my friend then scale Flew to Canterlot where he thought he heard Flashes whistle but when he got to the source he saw it wasn't Flash then a fire proof net fell on him and a trap door opened below him.


Author's Note:

Wow that was easy anyway let me know your thoughts in the coments below but for now ghost out.