• Published 11th May 2019
  • 597 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

  • ...

The blind sisters

Flash and the others were in town and Shining was looking at an air nation bag for sale and said "hmm Its pricey but I really do like it".

Twilight then said "then why don't you buy it?"

Shining then said "I don't know its really pricey".

Then Twilight said "well then lets move on".

They walked away but then Shining came back and said "what the hey I'm buying it".

Later they overheard a guy say "you hear a new air bending team is here to take on the champions".

Then the guy next to him said "Are you kidding they will have to take on many other great air bending teams just to get to them".

Flash then when up to them and said "hey sorry to interrupt but where is this the competition?"

The guy then said "on a cliff at the east side of town why?"

Flash then said "Just wondering".

Later they arrived at the stadium and took seats Flash then said "you know its funny the air nation use to be so strict in there traditions but now there fighting for fun".

Then the show started and a guy jumped into the stadium and said "welcome to twister rumble six I'm your host
Fire streak".

Twilight then said "This is just going to be a bunch of people shooting wind blasts at each other isn't it?"

Then Shining said "thats what I paid for".

Fire streak then said "The rules are simple just knock the other guys over and out of the ring and you win now our first match the wonder bolt duo, Fleet foot and Spitfire vs the Vapor Stinger, Sky stinger and vapor trail". Sky then blew a strong gust while Vapor jumped and tried to knock them off balance but Spitfire jumped as well but not as high she then blew a strong gust at vapor and blew her out then Fleet foot blew Sky out as well. Later they got to the final mach "now the moment you've all been waiting for Wonder bolt duo vs the blind sisters" as two girls came out one with rainbow colored hair and the other with purple hair.

Twilight then said "there not really blind are they?"

Then Flash said "actually I think they are".

Then shining said "I think they are going down".

Then Fleet foot said "Really were going to fight to blind girls that one looks like she's only thirteenth".

Then the older blind girl said "whats the matter you scared?"

The younger blind girl then said "ya scared to fight a couple blind girls".

Spitfire then said "well lets do this".

Then both blind girls said "Whenever your ready losers" then they both laughed.

When Flash heard them laugh he remember that time in the swamp. The battle then started Spitfire and Fleet foot were about to blow strong gusts at them but first the older blind girl waited and felt there moments so did the younger then right before The wonder bolt duo shoot there attacks both blind girls shoot air down which moved along the ground and pushed them off there feet then they shoot more air and threw them out of the ring and Fire streak then said "the winners and still champions The blind sisters".

Twilight then said "how did they do that?"

Then Flash said "they waited and felt the air".

Then Fire streak said "to make things more interesting I'm offering this bag of gold to anyone who can defeat the blind sisters" then no one said anything "what no one wants to take on the champions?"

Then Flash said "we accept" as he and Twilight went into the ring.

The older blind girl then said "well this should be easy".

They tried to blow them out but flash heated up the ground and then they jumped off it where flash then pushed them out. Then Fire streak said "Well what do you know the champions have been defeated".

The two girls then started walking away Flash tried to stop them but they started running and got away later Flash and the group were walking threw town and Shining said "you know now I'm glad I bought the bag It matches this belt perfectly".

Flash then said "we need to find the blind sisters let look around town for clues".

Then they ran into the guys from earlier and one said "hey your that guy who beat the blind sisters".

Flash then said "do you know where they live?"

Then the guy said "sorry but the blind sisters are a mystery no one knows where they live".

Twilight then said "hey Flash you said they looked like your vision in the swamp was there anything else that might be helpful?"

Flash then said "well they were with what looked like a turtle with wings but I don't know what that means".

Then a guy came up and said "did you say turtle with wings?"

Shining then said "you heard of it?"

Then the guy said "well the symbol of the wealthy hot hoof family is a flying tortoise but I also heard how you looking for the blind sisters you see the hot hoof family doesn't have any daughters I mean there was a rumor that they tried a couple times but it didn't work out".

Flash then said "well we should go see".

Back at the stadium Spitfire was talking with Fire streak and said "I'm telling you I saw it those two shoot no air blasts at all the sisters must have faked defeat and spit the money with them".

Fire streak then said "no one scams me and gets away with it".

Over with Flash and the group they made it to the Hot hoof mansion where they climbed over the wall and hid then an air blast sent them flying then hit the ground and the sisters from before came over only now they were both wearing white dresses and the older one said "what are you guys doing here how did you find us?"

Then Flash said "well an old friend told me I needed to find an air bending teacher then I had this vision in the swamp..."

Then Twilight said "what Flash means is he's the avatar and he needs to master the elements to save the world".

Then the younger girl said "not our problem".

The older one then said "now get out before we call the guards".

Then shining said "look please we all have to do our part to win this war and your part is to teach Flash air bending".

Both girls then turned around and the younger one yelled "guards come quick".

Flash and the others manage to get away before guards arrived and when they did one asked Rainbow, Scootaloo what happened?"

Rainbow then said "We thought we heard someone we got scared".

The guard then said "you two know your father doesn't want you two wandering the grounds wandering the ground unsupervised".

Later Rainbow and Scootaloo were inside with there parents and her father said to a guy in there "I'm glad to hear that both my daughter's lessons are doing well Zephyr but I want to make sure there not doing anything to dangerous".

Zephyr then said "not at all"

Then a butler came over and said "excuse me sir but you have a visitor".

The father then said "who thinks they are important enough to come to my home unannounced".

The butler then said "um the avatar sir" when Rainbow and Scootaloo heard that there head jolted up a little.

Later they were having dinner with the avatar and his friends and later when they were in guest rooms Rainbow and Scootaloo came in and Rainbow said "hey lets call a trues okay". Later they were all outside "even though we were both born blind we have never had a problem seeing you see we can see threw air bending kinda like seeing with our bodies we feel the movements of air".

Then Scootaloo said "we can feel everything you that tree even those bees".

Flash then said "incredible".

Rainbow then said "our parents don't understand they always treat us like were helpless".

Flash then said "is that why you became the blind sisters?"

Scootaloo then said "ya".

Then Flash said "then why stay here where your not happy?"

Then Rainbow said "there our parents where else are we suppose to go?"

Flash then said "you could come with us".

Then Scootaloo said "I don't know".

Then Rainbow said "wait were being ambushed".

They ran across the yard but ran into a trap then fire streak appeared and said I believe you kids have my money".

Later there parents along with Twilight and Shining found a note on a sword and Twilight read it aloud "If you want your daughters back you must pay me five hundred good coins sighed Fire streak".

Then Windy whistles said "oh my Rainbow and Scootaloo must be terrified".

Later at the stadium Rainbow said "you guys think your so tough".

Then Scootaloo said "why don't you come up here and face us for real?"

Then Fire streak said "Quite both of you"

Then bow hot hoof came in and yelled "Rainbow, Scootaloo".

Then shining said "here's your money now let them go" he threw the bag at them then signaled for them to open the cages which they did but only two of them opened and released Rainbow and Scootaloo who ran to there parents.

Twilight then said "what about Flash?"

Fire streak then held up a want poster and said "I think the earth kingdom will pay a nice price for the avatar now get out" as all his competitors from before came in.

Then a strong gust of wind blew them off balance Shining and Twilight looked and saw Rainbow and Scootaloo and Rainbow said "leave this to us".

Meanwhile there Parents were watching with fear. They blew all of them away and then took the keys and freed Flash afterwards Zephyr said "your daughters are more skilled than I thought"

Later back at there house Rainbow and Scootaloo explained everything and there father said "clearly I didn't have enough eyes watching you two you are never to leave this house".

Flash and the group would have said something but he had them leave. Later they were about to takeoff with Scale but then Rainbow shouted "Wait were coming with you".

They looked and saw Rainbow and Scootaloo coming over and Flash said "what about your dad?"

Scootaloo then said If we know our dad he will probably sent someone to find us but we can give him the slip every time".

Twilight then said "well then climb up before he discovers your gone".

They did and Scale took off later at the house Bow was speaking with both Zephyr and Fire streak and said "I know you two are very different but I have notice one thing you have in common" as he opened a chest of gold "you see the avatar has taken both of my daughters I wan't you guys to find them and bring them home".


Author's Note:

Wow that took me a few hours but meh anyway what do you think great hu well just wait until next time but for now ghost out.