• Published 11th May 2019
  • 598 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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Journey to canterlot part two the climber

Flash flew back to the others and Twilight said "Flash what are you doing I thought you went to find scale".

Flash then said "something came up come on".

Then they got to the mountain and Flash Rainbow and Scootaloo used air bending get them up there and Shining asked "so what so big that scale has to wait?"

Flash pointed to the climber and said "that".

Then Starlight said "we made it to Canterlot and were still not safe no one is".

Then a guard saw them and said "hey what are you doing here".

Flash then said "I'm the avatar take me to who ever is in charge here".

Over in the climbers cockpit the war general said "this climber is a great a great achievement in technology the city of Canterlot lays out of reach no more" he then turned around to gloriosa "once we reach the city you can claim the city in the name of your father".

Then night glider said "what about those air guys" as she looked threw a para scope.

The general then said "nonsense no air bending can damage the climber".

Gloriosa then said "understandable but just to be safe Night glider, Sunset you take them out".

Sunset then said "finally something to do".

Back with flash and friends they took them to the boss and he said "welcome avatar but your help is not needed"

Then Flash said "what?"

The boss then said "you see I already sent a team of skilled air benders to deal with it come see" as he walked over to the edge.

Air benders were trying to blow the climber off the mountain but then night glider came out and chi blocked them, shining then said "do you want the avatars help now?"

The boss then said "yes".

A couple minutes later Flash said "so how will we beat that thing?"

Then they all looked at Shining who then said "um why are you all looking at me?"

Flash then said "your the idea guy".

Meanwhile Timber and Stygian had arrived and the lady at the counter said "so Mr. Lee and Mr. Mushy"

Stygian then said "Actually its pronounced Moshi".

The Lady then said "okay well here" as she stamped there passports and handed them back to them.

Over with Comet he said "I think we could use a guy like lee on our team what do you think cheese?" Cheese looked then Comet said "I can respect that".

Back with Flash and friends Twilight was water healing one of the air benders and said "what happened to you?"

The air bender then said "we were attacked by a girl she didn't look dangerous but she gave me a few quick jabs and suddenly I couldn't air bend".

Twilight then said "Night glider she doesn't seem dangerous but she knows how the body works and can disable bending by hitting certain weak spots".

Shining then said "that's it will stop the climber the same way Night glider stopped these air benders".

Scootaloo then said "by hitting its weak spots".

Then Flash said "will take it down from the inside".

A few minutes later they were on the side of the mountain and Rainbow said "once Scoots and I create some cover you wont be able to see so stay close to us" then they blew up dust and the team ran into it.

Back in the cockpit Night glider saw the dust cloud throw the para scope and said "wow look at that puffy cloud".

The general then said to Gloriosa "no worries princess I'm sure its nothing".

Flash's group then got under the climber and Shining said "up there" as he pointed to an open panel they climbed in "Rainbow, Scoots come on".

Rainbow then said "there's now way were going in there".

Then Scootaloo said "Were gonna try and slow it down out here".

Shining then nodded and they started to blow huge gusts to try and knock it down inside the climber shining said "I need some kind of plans you know blue prints of how this thing works".

Then Shining took his sword and cut a pipe witch made the room fill with steam and Twilight said "Shining what are you doing someone could catch us".

Then Shining said "I think a machine this big would need engineers to run it so if something brakes".

Twilight then said "then they come to fix it".

A few minutes later worker came in holding a wrench and blueprints but then Twilight used her water bending on the steam to freeze him then Shining grabbed the blueprints from his hand and said "Thank you" as they ran out.

When they looked at the plans Flash said "so what's the plan".

Shining then said "It looks like the climber is made of two main parts the inner mechanism were we are now and the outer shell the inner part and the outer part are connected by these braces if we cut through them the whole thing will collapse".

Then Flash said "lets do it".

Back With Timber he and his uncle were sitting waiting for the train then Comet came over to them and said "so do you have plans for once your inside the city?"

Then a man came by and said "get your hot tea here best tea in Canterlot".

Stygian then said "oh jasmine please" the man then gave him a stone cup and poured the tea into it then walked away stygian took a sip then spit it out and said "coldest tea in Canterlot is more like it what a disgrace".

Then comet said to Timber "hey can I talk to you for a second" they walked over to the side and he said "you and I have a much better chance of surviving in the city if we stick together you wanna join our team?"

Timber then said "thank but I don't think you would want someone like me on your team".

Then Timber walk back to his uncle and Comet said "fine have it your way" Then saw stygian had hot tea and grew mad as he turned around and walked away.

Then Timber nocked the tea out of stygian hands and said "what are you doing lava bending your tea for a wise old man that was a pretty stupid move".

Stygian then said "I know you should not cry over spilt tea but its just so sad".

Back with Flash and friends they made it to the area with the braces and shining said "well you two should probably start cutting".

Twilight then pulled the water out of her canteen and she and Flash started to cut through after an hour they got through but Flash said "this is taking to long we need to think of something wait I know back when I was young my fire bending teacher told me you shouldn't use up all your strength at once you need to weaken your opponent then send in the final blow come on".

They started cutting them almost all the way then after an hour they cut through ten more up in the cockpit the general said "yes Canterlot will soon belong to the earth kingdom".

Then someone came on the radio and said "general one of the engineers was ambushed and his blueprints for the climber were stolen".

Then the general's jaw dropped when another one came on and said "general the support brace on the starboard side has been cut clean threw".

Gloriosa then said "come on girls lets go deal with this".

Back with Flash and friends they had just cut the final one they needed when lava when flying past them they looked up and saw Gloriosa and her friends and night glider said "you were right gloriosa it is the avatar and his friends".

Flash then said "come on lets get out of here" then they ran "you guys find a way out I'm gonna go give the final blow".

Twilight then said "Wait" as she tossed her canteen to him "you need this water more than I do".

Then they ran out Gloriosa said "you two follow them the avatar is mine".

Twilight and Shining then came up to a hatch and Twilight said "what's this?" as Shining opened it.

Shining then said "Its water it must be how they cool the engine it means our way out" as they both jumped in.

Then Sunset and Night glider came over and saw them in the water sunset then said "eww smells like motor oil".

Night glider then said "you heard Gloriosa we have to catch them".

Sunset then said "she can throw all the lava she wants to at me I am not getting in that stink water". Night glider then jumped in after them and sunset closed the hatch.

Twilight and Shining the came out the water release at the back of he climber then Night glider almost made it but twilight used her water bending to hold her up there then said "try blocking my chi now circus freak".

Shining then said "Hey Twilight keep that up the presser will build in the climber and when Flash gives the final blow it will be ready to pop".

Flash had just reached the top and said "well I better get started" as he bent the water out of the canteen and started cutting.

Back with Twilight and Shining Rainbow and Scootaloo came over and Rainbow said "need some help"

Twilight then said "girls use your air bending to help me" Rainbow and Scootaloo then blew air into the pipe pushing the water and night glider further in.

Back with Flash he had made a big enough dent to for the next part and said "now I just need to do one more thing" then a big rock landed next to him and he said "that could help" he the used air bending to push the rock over to the hole he made and used the water to cut it into a stake shape then used fire bending to fly into the air then rocket down just as gloriosa came out she tried to stop him but he was to fast he pushed the rock in and Gloriosa went flying away as the braces inside the climber broke apart.

Back with the others Rainbow then said "here it comes" as she and scootaloo used air bending to fly them out of there and the water came poring out with Night glider the climber then stopped and started falling of the mountain all the earth benders and other got out of the climber with parachutes and the air benders blew them away. Gloriosa then met up with Night glider and Sunset and sunset said "we lost".

Back with Timber he and Stygian were getting on a train into the lower city with Comet and his friends Dinky then said "Comet relax so the old man had hot tea what's the big deal".

Comet then said "he heated It himself those guys are earth benders".

On the train Stygian was sitting next to starlight and her family then said "what a beautiful girl".

Starlight then said "Thank you".

Author's Note:

Wow that wasint easy but did it feel free to leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out