• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 2,841 Views, 140 Comments

Ghosts of Skeleton's Past - Valorousspectre

The history of Skeleton Grin's scars revealed, and a little bit of a drama story afterwards, Ghosts of Skeleton's Past is the sequel to the much loved Nyctophobia. Enjoy!

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If tension were tangible, it would be so thick that it could be cut with a knife. On one side of Soarin, his saviour and carer Chemise stood, looking at Splintered Dreams. On the other stood his potential killer and possibly the scariest stallion he'd ever met, Splintered Dreams himself. His mind was still trying to comprehend the idea that these two ponies were hundreds of years old. He wasn't the cleverest pegasus to begin with, but he thought that even the smartest of smart ponies would have a hard time accepting this.

"Uh... so what, you two are like, hundreds of years old?" He asked blankly. Suddenly all eyes were on him and he gulped. He felt sheer animosity in one fierce gaze, and almost amusement from the other tinged with a little annoyance. Dreams was the first to speak.

"No you colossal fool, she is much younger than I. Chemise is just over two thousand years old, I am thousands of years older than her, you and everypony else on this forsaken rock you call Equestria."

He grunted and sat down, growling. He made no move to attack Soarin though, and for that Soarin was grateful.

"I watched this land grow, develop and weaken. At first, Equestria had prominent military prowess, led by the great Commander Hurricane. Hurricane collaborated with the others to not only improve their armed forces, but enhance his own. Yes, Hurricane was male. Private Pansy was not, but Hurricane was. Your memory is getting sloppy Chemise."

Chemise huffed defiantly.

"Commander Hurricane was female, and that's all there is to it!"

Dreams growled and took a step forward. Chemise, not to be intimidated, also took a step forward.

"Dammit woman, he was male and he was a complete Ass! And even that's an insult to the stubborn creatures!"

Somewhere in Equestria, a mule looked around and grumbled something about being insulted. Chemise snorted. All the while, Soarin was stepping back with each step they took forward.

"He was a she and yes, she was a fool, but a practical fool."

"He was a soldier who thought with all he muscles except the one that matters!"

"A trait you seem to share, it seems!"

"Don't you insult me! I've lived longer than you have, and will continue to do so longer that you will!"

"Don't be so certain about that! I'm just as strong willed as you are, I will live for much longer yet!"

The pair were now nose to nose, and Soarin hoped to dear Celestia they didn't start making out like in those cliche' romance novels he had at home. That would suck majorly. Their faces were screwed up in sheer rage. Or, Chemise's was. It was difficult to tell with Dreams because of his mask. Deciding this would be the best time to leave, Soarin started his attempt at sneaking away.

"Don't think we're done yet Wonderbolt, you will stay where you are!"

Dream's voice stopped Soarin before he could take a second step and the fear he felt before hit him like a freight train as Dream's horn burst spectacularly to life. The unicorn slowly turned to Soarin and began advancing as Soarin cowered in fear. Soarin had felt fear, for certain. But even last time seemed irrelevant to what he felt now. If fear was what he'd felt before, what was this? Terror? Hysteria? The feeling one gets when their soul is crushed? He couldn't tell.


The spell snapped and dissipated, and Soarin gasped out a breath, not even realising he hadn't been breathing before and Dreams snarled and turned on Chemise.


The sound startled Soarin so much, he seemed to jump ten feet off the floor and whirled to face the pair, his cry for Chemise silenced as he beheld the scene. Unlike what he thought, it was Chemise who had struck Dreams. Her hoof was still in the air from where it had impacted and she hadn't dropped it yet, and there was a part of Dream's mask that had actually shattered. A bruise had already begun to form on his face and his eyes were wide.

"You will NOT instigate violence in MY house Splintered Dreams!" She commanded, although Soarin couldn't feel the authority that normally went along with her commands, "Is that understood? No bloodshed, no nothing!"

There was a long pause as Soarin stared at Chemise in absolute shock. This stallion had scared Soarin, a Wonderbolt and thus part of Equestria's military, into an absolute wreck, and she seemed to find it simple to hit him!? But despite this, Soarin had felt that her voice carried no such authority that it had several times, and a low growl escaped Splintered Dreams. His horn lit up in an explosion of light and Chemise was sent flying off her hooves and Soarin bolted just as Dream's blade appeared in his mouth and he gave furious chase. Through the simple cottage they raced, pegasus against unicorn, ancient against wonderbolt. Soarin fled for his life until he finally remembered he had wings and leapt through a window, bursting the glass and opening his wings, ignoring the sting of cuts from the broken glass as adrenaline surged through him and he flapped hard and fast to get away.


A surge of fear gripped the blue pegasus and he rolled to the left instinctively just in time to void a net of raw energy that would have thundered into him with enough force to break something. Calling on his stunt training, he dodged once more, avoiding another.

Then they stopped, and a much more ominous noise began to follow him.

The clink of bone

Soarin spared a look behind him and his blood ran cold. The unicorn was off the ground, a pair of skeletal wings allowing him impossible liftoff. Soarin's mind tried to grasp the impossibility, but he shouldered it aside and forced himself to go faster, determined to get away from the madpony behind him. But despite his best efforts, Soarin couldn't shake him. In fact, the unicorn seemed to be gaining on him.

And then basic flight school lessons hit him and he almost facehoofed.

Slipstreams! Idiot Soarin, he's using your slipstream to reduce drag!

He wheeled out of the way and Splintered Dreams made a wide turn to compensate, but not before losing ground. Soarin felt a grin on his face widen.

You can scare me, but you can't keep up like a real Wonderbolt can fly!

Barrel rolls were now his best friend, since his pursuer didn't seem capable of doing them with the disproportioned, featherless wings he had, and Soarin began gaining ground once more. Until just before he barrel rolled for his fifth time. A sparkling net of raw magic, just like earlier, shot past his wing and he yelped, plunging through a cloud to throw Dreams and only managing in blocking another net with it. With that in mind, he began barging through every cloud he could, making holes only large enough or him to fit through, basically rendering the nets useless.

Then he spotted Cloudsdale and his first thought not about his survival popped into his head.


He bolted for Cloudsdale.


Meanwhile, Skeleton Grin was just finishing her third cup of tea with Gray Lapis and had insisted that she had to go home, as she was feeling much better now. Gray had helped her, spoken to her, listened to her, everything she'd needed from a completely unbiased (in her eyes) Source, and a friend to boot.

"I do hope you and Rarity can visit sometime," Skeleton said with a serene smile and Gray chuckled.

"Well, I'll see if we can't arrange it no?" He replied, "And perhaps you can visit us? I'm sure little Xero would be glad to make new friends."

"I'd be delighted to, once I've rounded up my wayward husband."

This was the conclusion the pair had finally reached. Through many tears, several large pieces of cake and three cups of tea and a light lunch, Skeleton had reached the conclusion that perhaps something she had done had spooked Soarin, and now it was up to her to fix it up. Perhaps the story wasn't the best idea, and that'd also been addressed, with Gray looking quite disturbed at her decision. Despite this, they parted still as good friends. There are some friendships that withstand even time itself. With a gentle nod to Gray and a thankful 'goodbye', Skeleton lifted into the sky silently, or almost. As she flew, she felt infinitely more confident. Gray was no psychiatrist, but he was her friend, and he'd helped her better than any silly shrink would. Even one married to the purple unicorn she'd been helped by to catch Soarin's heart.


Her children were her first concern. They were probably worried sick about her. It was time to reassure them that she was perfectly fine and back to her usual self. Or, mostly. She had the feeling she wouldn't be completely back to how she was until she had Soarin back and they'd sorted everything out. Cloudsdale wasn't too far from Ponyville, and she reached it in good time, heading immediately in the direction of her home. Judging by the time, she was sure her fillies would be getting home from school soon. But a casual asking of a nearby passerby informed her that this was incorrect. Instead, they'd be finishing school soon. With a small smile, Grin dropped off at a nearby bakery that she knew well. She knew it well because the baker was the one she normally went to to get Soarin's pies. It was his favorite place after all. Whilst there, and after a short chat to the baker himself, Grin left with three cream donuts and a large, steaming pie that he'd guaranteed would get the wayward Wonderbolt's attention.

Altogether, she felt pretty good about herself.

She arrived at the school with a few minutes to spare, and some of the other parents stared at her. They knew who she was. Mostly because of the occasional appearance in newspapers, most recently in the past weeks, saying she was having trouble with her relationship. In her mouth was the final item she'd purchased from the baker, a freshly baked apple turnover. She waved at a few of them and smiled and they smiled tentatively back. One tiny little colt ran on his stubby little legs over to her, chased by his mother and she giggled as the mother apologised profusely, waving it off as adorable.

The looks on her fillies faces when they saw their mother sitting, ready to pick them up, was heartwarming and the trio, even reserved little Pepper, rushed to their mother and showered her with hugs.

Heartwarming. The word used by many of the witnesses that day, including a sole journalist/photographer for the Cloudsdale Weekly magazine, who snapped a shot of it with a smile as his own young foal joined him to go home. Skeleton was lost in a sea of hugs, happy fillies and joy.


Soarin was afraid. And not just for his life.

He'd returned to his home to find it empty, and the Wonderbolt's normal place to stay was also empty, which probably meant they all went out as a group. Not uncommon. But he couldn't find anypony he knew anywhere.

Another net flew past him and hit a building, prompting screams from ponies beneath him as he was chased by the bone winged menace he'd come to hate so much. The last place he had to look he didn't want to go anywhere near whilst a maniac was flinging nets at him. Dipping and diving had worked so far as well as various different stunts and maneuvers, breaking his slipstream and dodging. Working quite often indeed. The maniac behind him had fallen behind enough that Soarin should have been able to lose him, but he hadn't. He just kept coming. He had no choice in the matter now, The school was the last place he could think of Grin being, and he headed there.

As luck would have it however, he didn't have to go far. A powerdive to the floor saw him land before what was his family and clutch at Skeleton in the fiercest embrace he could manage on his adrenaline, which was quite a powerful one. The sharp-toothed mare yelped and for a moment, almost fought back against the sudden randomness of the 'assault'. But the familiar smell of Cinnamon was one smell she knew well, almost perfectly one could say.


He was babbling in her ear, and she could feel tears hitting her coat as she stood, dumbfounded.

"Wow..." She mumbled, "That pie must have really done the trick."


Grin's ears perked up and, in an instant, all three fillies were behind her as a familiar sensation rolled over Grin. One she'd known for most of her life.

Skeleton felt an overwhelming fear.

The area around her seemed to darken and the one pony she never thought she'd see again appeared before her and her family. The bone mask was unmistakable, although there seemed to be a serious part of it missing, and he had massively disproportionate bony wings on his back. His horn was glowing ominously, sizzling with dark magic.

"You will find no solace hiding behind her! I warned you Soarin Wonderbolt, and now it's just about time you owed up and payed!"

There was a sword in his mouth and Skeleton's mind, in the nanoseconds that the brain can operate in a crisis, put two and two together.

Soarin was spooked, but it was nothing I did! It... It was this.. Fiend!

In the moment adrenaline is pumped into a pony's body, the world around them seems to slow down, moving in super slow motion as their mind and senses operate at superequine levels. She saw Dreams' wings shift as he started his descent in super slow motion, the way the shifted back before rotating at the joint to close, saw him alter his grip on the sword in his mouth as he began descending. She heard her daughters screaming and Soarin sobbing.

Without thinking, she grabbed her family and threw them to one side, a tuft of blue hair flying free of Soarin's mane as the blade missed his scalp by centimeters. She heard the stallion attacking her family land on the clouds with a clatter of bone and was bounding forward before anything else occurred to her.

Out of my way, sister, This is my fight!

Her vision turned red as she snarled, the feral sound ripping through the air as Dreams started to turn. She lunged, her wings snapping open threateningly as her bared fangs opened, ready to rip and tear flesh, muscle and sinew. Her teeth met his foreleg and she wrenched back viciously. The metallic taste of blood flooded her mouth as an agonised scream met and made love to her ears. Bloodlust hit her like a hammer and, as he turned and delivered a slash at her with his sword, she ducked under it and lunged again, missing his throat and latching onto his shoulder instead, tearing a chunk of it out instead.

Dreams staggered back, rage clouded his vision in tandem with pain and he lunged, swiping with his sword, scoring a shallow cut across the white mare's cheek before she found her mark.

Her teeth cut into his throat.

She longed to taste the sweet coppery taste of his blood again, burned to stop the threat to her family, and hungered to tear into his flesh to find bone. Her orange eyes burned with hellacious rage and bloodlust.


Like a bullet from a gun, a bolt of lightning split the clear skies and struck inches from the murderous scene and Skeleton Grin jumped back, wings flared, growling darkly. Splintered Dreams fell to his knees, weak from bloodloss and pain and, from the heavens that spawned the electrical display fell a blindingly bright light, hitting the clouds at great speed, was some sort of equine. It was followed by another, a shadow of an equine who landed not a split second afterwards. Two great wings of pure light engulfed the blood covered Skeleton Grin and dragged her, struggling, into...


"Shhhhh.... It's alright Grin, it's over now."

Grin's eyes went wide.

I know that voice...

Images started flashing through her mind. Images of her as a young mare, running to a small cottage with a rose garden, being taken in by a mare with a ruby red mane and a matching tail. Bright green eyes greeting her in the morning with a smile, a tray of food in mouth. Rocking in a rocking chair as an angelic voice read her a story when a storm raged overhead. Tending to roses in a small garden outside the house whilst a song was sung.

I know that voice...

Her eyes started clearing and she saw through the fog of bloodlust and rage. A light pink coat greeted her eyes, the blindingly bright wings keeping her warm as a gentle voice sang softly into her ear.


"Yes dear, it's been a while."

Skeleton was frozen for a long moment before, all of a sudden, she threw her forelegs around the neck of the mare before her, tears streaming down her face as she hugged Chemise, and Chemise hugged her back.

"It's okay now Grin, I'm here."


Soarin was more preoccupied with watching in astonishment. The second form that had fell was a mess of black and maroon, seemingly formless. As Skeleton was taken into the wings of the other entity, this one 'stood', and all around him bandages formed, wrapping around him. They engulfed it completely and, after they'd stopped moving, formed the shape of a proud stallion. The only opening in the bandages revealed one ruby red, burning eye. He ignored Soarin and his brood, instead focusing on the panting visage of Splintered Dreams.

"Splintered Dreams," He intoned darkly. Soarin felt rather than saw his daughters behind him cringe back in fear at the raw power in the voice before them. Even directed at the injured stallion, it affected even Soarin, "You have violated your vows. The master is... displeased."

Dreams looked at the stallion in question, then looked at his bleeding wounds. Soarin swore he saw a flash of irritation in the bandaged form's eye.

"Enough of your pathetic grasping for attention. Heal yourself, for you will receive no pity from me."

Dreams didn't heal himself, but he did stand up unsteadily. Only then did his horn alight. The blood around him, having soaked into the clouds, paused in its descent, and then reversed its flow, running in reverse to his wounds. It sank back into the injuries and, when the last of it hit them, it congealed, scabbed over and healed, fur even growing up in its place. But it was clear this magic took a toll on the unicorn, as he sagged.

"Did you not," Dreams panted, "Also violate yours by... assisting Her?"

The stallion didn't move.

"She came to us," It responded, "The master is displeased. I suggest you displease him no further. Favorite or not, even you have your limits."

Dreams glared at the stallion, who didn't even flinch.

"Dare not," It suddenly said, making Dreams, Soarin and the fillies flinch, "For all your power, you cannot defeat raw magic. I have no soul as you have, so you cannot siphon off my magic, and I am stronger than you have ever been."

Dreams glared rebelliously at the stallion for a moment before growling and letting his horn light up as, spectacularly, he burst into a ray of light and shot upwards into the sky, vanishing in an instant. The light around Skeleton faded and, out of the radiance, stepped not only Grin, but Chemise. Soarin sighed in relief.

Thank goodness.

There wasn't a speck of blood on Skeleton, which Soarin's mind barely registered as odd. He was just glad she was alright, and didn't seem upset anymore.

She walked over to the quartet of ponies slowly, and was surprised as she was hugged by all of them, tears coming to her eyes as she hugged back.

Their happy little family was whole again.


As Chemise told Skeleton to go back to her family, the bandage swathed stallion stood nearby, waiting. She turned to him as Skeleton walked away.

"Our master implores you again," The swathed stallion said, strangely affectionately, "Please join us. He could have many uses for one such as you. A place remains open for you."

Chemise smiled at the stallion, putting a hoof to his bandage swathed cheek. He almost flinched away, but leaned into it instead.

"Dear boy," She said gently, "I told him when we made our deal, I would have no master. My unique abilities are too powerful for anypony to have control over but me."

She smiled and let her hoof fall. from the bandaged cheek and the eye blinked, missing the contact.

"That's why he gave it to me," She said simply, "And he knows what I think. He's simply testing me. Thank you for the wings though dear, they were splendid."

There was a twinkle in the fiery eye, like it was smiling.

"Ah, Chemise. You should know, I can only cast the spell. The appearance of the wings is based purely upon the pony in question."

The being turned away, and the bandages began to melt away, crumbling as the black and maroon 'skin' of the stallion, swirling and moving erratically, began to show itself.

"The soul tends to have its own way of showing the truth of things. And, unlike me dear Chemise, Your soul is pure, uncorrupted. It will always be, and so long as it is, you will, as always, have my affections."

Chemise's smile faded and she looked sadly at the pony.

"Faze... You know I-"

"I know. But you will have it all the same. Call, and I shall answer."

The last bandage fell away and the form that was once a stallion shifted, transforming into that of a might, black and red bat. Now two fiery eyes watched from his head, still not looking at Chemise, but away.

"The memories in the immediate area have been wiped, but the family shall remember, as you asked. They are lucky to have you."

Before she could answer, his mighty wings spread and, with a powerful flap, he shot into the sky, a bolt of darkness among the blue, vanishing as fast as Dreams had.

"... Thank you, Faze."

Author's Note:

And thus, we have the repaired ending to Ghosts of Skeleton's Past! I hope you guys like it!

Comments ( 29 )

That was rather abrupt even though it worked.


I got sick of being stumped. Happenstance I'll fix it later.

A short but close to satisfying way to end it all...
Good to hear Chemise being in approve of the love and a family favorite than Dream.


Don't worry, you fixed it and I was quite satisfied with how you wrapped it up. Especially on Soarin's end. I just wish you could have documented it more from Skeleton's view.

you should acknowledge the original artist of that recoloured story picture


It occurs to me that it may not occur to you that I wasn't entirely certain who the original artist was. If you're going to leave a comment on my story, leave opinion or criticism or whatever. Things like that are best left for a Personal Message.

I enjoyed these stories; Skeleton is a clever and interesting OC, and after reading the first story and seeing her adorable infatuation with Soarin'?
You're a good author, undoubtedly one worth watching and these stories will forever remain within my faves. If you write any more including Skeleton or her cute little family, I look forward to reading them quite enthusiastically.

I woke up this morning thinking life is good, then I saw this fic had updated and thought life is great, and finally saw this fic was over and thought life sucks! In all seriousness this is an amazing fic and I thank you for writing it.

Oh, Grin... Best pony.

I have to say this fanfic is really something I never expected. You truly peeked my curiosity in the way of me always having to keep reading and ignoring the world in the process. Skeleton Grin in my eyes is the best female OC I have ever seen. This was truly a memorable experience. Thank you for all the time you spent writing this and bravo!

It was great! Though the ending was a little anti-climatic.


I lost my motivation at the end. I will eventually rewrite it though.

'Eventually' is the word of the procrastinator.

Comment posted by Valorousspectre deleted Apr 5th, 2013
Comment posted by Bubbabob deleted Apr 5th, 2013

But this just leaves more questions unanswered :raritydespair: granted its better than the last excuse for a conclusion but... come on man how could throw us off the edge like this.

will there ever be a part three to this family's story? i would love that alot:rainbowkiss::heart::yay:

2609654 aww okay thats fine. thanks for getting it done. I loved it alot. your a very talented author

That was amazing! I you've go to make another! I LOVE this so much!

Hmm...I really enjoyed both stories [this one and the prequel] but this one felt a little...over-the-top. The first one really hooked me, because it felt very...well, real. This one started out really well, but the whole concept of Cerise/Splintered Dreams and their powers felt out of place and really hurt the story for me as a collective whole. It also felt a bit rushed towards the end, after Soarin' landed near Skeleton Grin. Other than that, great story.

All in all, you earn a like, favorite, [heavily because of the first story] and a follow. <33



I can't say I blame you. Although, to be honest, Nyctophobia is one of my least favourite stories I've ever written, and this one was only written to answer the pleas of others for a sequel, so I had to make it up on the fly. Your comment perfectly describes my views on it as well, so don't worry, I take no offense :twilightsheepish:

To everyone else telling me I need to write another, please stop >.< An author knows when he needs to stop, and to be honest, I should have stopped at story one, so I'm not about to write a third. Thank you for your support though.

4520374 huh nyctophobia is my favorite of your stories...

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