• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 536 Views, 3 Comments

The Bonds That Break - DJ Variety

The tragic tale of Sweetie Belle. A story one part Slice of Life, One part Adventure, and One part Sorrow

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Chapter 2.6

"Scootaloo!" I shout as I run into the Crusader Clubhouse. I'm running at full speed right towards her. Diving I tackle her into a giant hug. "I can't stop thinking about this morning Scoots. I... I think I love you. That kiss. My heart."

"Woah, woah, woah. We talked about this Sweetie. Get off," Scootaloo begged underneath my embrace. Just than Apple Bloom enters, just like we had planned.

"What are y'all doin'? You two can't be all lovey dovey," Apple Bloom states. "First this mornin' now..."

"It's not like that, Sweetie's just being..." Scootaloo starts.

"It ain't fair. Ever since y'all kissed this mornin' I can't help and feel jealous," replies Apple Bloom before Scootaloo can finish her sentence. I can tell by Scootaloo's face that she's confused, annoyed, and a little bit scared.

"What?" begins Scootaloo before I place my hoof over her mouth.

"I told you on the way here Apple Bloom that Scootaloo is mine. Just look at her beautiful eyes and savory lips." I say still covering Scoot's mouth. Locking eyes with her and doing my best to imitate what I think Rarity would do to seduce a colt. Lightly rubbing my free hoof on Scootaloo's chest.

"But you already got your kiss from Scootaloo. It's my turn," Apple Bloom protested. "Besides if you're only lookin' at her eyes then you haven't noticed all the cute little mannerisms she's got. Like the way her tail swishes when she's excited." With that last part Bloom added a more seductive tone to her voice.

"I didn't notice her tail because I was to busy gazing at that gorgeous flank."

"Her bravado."

"Her perfectly styled mane specifically worked on to look like it's naturally messy."

"The cute buzzin' noise her wings make when she gets excited."

"The adorableness of her tiny wings is enough to get my attention."

"Her reddenin' cheeks when she's embarrassed."

"Oh, here they are now," I say as me and Apple Bloom slowly lean in towards Scootaloo. My hoof is still covering her mouth. We had decided earlier to embarrass Scootaloo by complimenting everything that was attractive about her. Scootaloo isn't a fan of mushy stuff so we figured it would be perfect, and to top it off we'd end it by both giving her a kiss on the cheek. Unfortunately something had gone wrong. A tear.

I get off of Scootaloo and remove my hoof from her mouth. She curls up with her back to us and we hear her whimpering. Apple Bloom and I exchange worried expressions.

"Scoots. I'm... I'm sorry," Apple Bloom says hesitantly. "We were only tryin' to tease ya. We didn't mean to hurt you."

"We know how much you hate mushy stuff so we thought..." I begin my apology only to be cut off by a pained voice.

"Just leave me alone," sobs Scootaloo.

"But we're your friends and you're hurting," I say confused. Why would Scootaloo want us gone? Where did this come from? It was just harmless teasing. Basically the same thing she was doing to us this morning.

"Can you guys go get Rainbow Dash for me?" Scootaloo asks still curled up with her back to us. I can still hear her crying. Apple Bloom whispers to me to wait while she runs to get her sister.

After Apple Bloom ran to get Applejack a whole series of events transpired. Applejack had joined us at the clubhouse where she quickly sent Apple Bloom and me away to go find Rainbow Dash while she remained with Scootaloo. Once we had found Rainbow Dash a quick explanation left the cyan pegasus with a worried look on her face. In classic Rainbow Dash fashion she flew off towards Sweet Apple Acres at a tremendous pace. Apple Bloom and myself ran after her but it took us significantly longer to get back. By the time we did arrive Rainbow had already come by and had taken Scootaloo away. The only pony still there was Applejack and she had been waiting for us.

"I need to know everything that went down girls," she said plainly. Her tone was caring but stern and for some reason it scared me more than if she had been angry. We quickly filled her in on our teasing scheme. After we had finished Applejack took a deep sigh and said, "Apple Bloom, remember when I told ya not to go talkin' about crushes and what not with the foals in your class? Well there was a couple reasons for that. First, cause ya never know what the parents have all taught them about growing up and relationships and what not. And Secondly, I was worried about this."

There was a pause as Applejack collected herself, trying to find the right words to say. "Ya see girls, there ain't nothin' wrong with having crushes on your friends, but Scootaloo ain't in a place to be handling such strong emotions like y'all were displayin'."

"I don't understand," I say, beyond confused.

"Ya know how Scootaloo lives with her aunts?" Applejack asks. Apple Bloom and me both nod. "Well that's because her father was a rotten colt and..." Applejack pauses and lowers her gaze to the ground. "Well there ain't anymore to say. It ain't my place."

"What can we do to make it better? It's all our fault," I ask as I start to tear up. I hurt my friend somehow and I'm unsure of how to fix it. As my tears streak down my face I feel Apple Bloom put her arm over me and hold me tight in a hug.

"Now girls this ain't your fault." Applejack says putting an arm on my shoulder. "Y'all know Scootaloo's had a rough life. We've been over it before. This is just another part of her past coming back to haunt her, but she'll be fine. Rainbow will help her."

"Will she be mad at us?" I hear Apple Bloom ask.

"Nah, the Crusaders are to close for that," Applejack teased with a small chuckle, probably to lighten the mood. While I appreciated her attempt, I still feel pretty cruddy about the whole situation.

"I think I'm gonna head back to the boutique," I say quietly as I wipe my cheeks dry. I really need to talk to Rarity. I need answers. Both about all this emotion and growing up stuff as well as answers about Scootaloo.

"I'll walk with ya back to town," Apple Bloom offers as she kisses my gently on the cheek. "If that's okay," she asks her sister.

"That's fine," replied Applejack. She then grinned and looked us up and down. "So I see y'all have talked things through. Well, enjoy each others company. I'm happy for ya, and don't worry to much about Scootaloo. I promise she'll be fine and I don't lie."

Author's Note:

Man writing is hard. I suck at this. And when am I getting to the death part. At least this one got a little sad or something. I probably won't go into much detail on Scoots past. I feel like anyone reading has a general idea of what is implied. We've all read plentty of Scootabuse fics. If you couldn't tell I have no idea where this is going. I have a plot outline and what not but getting to the places I need is all being winged. Probably not the best stratagey but here we are. Theres going to be one more part for Chapter 2 and it's going to be Rarity and Sweetie. Basically my chapters are just days, so that means chapter three should be Friday and will bring the story back around to Sweetie meeting Octavia which is where I feel like the story will develope a little more. I don't know, we'll see.

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