The Bonds That Break

by DJ Variety

First published

The tragic tale of Sweetie Belle. A story one part Slice of Life, One part Adventure, and One part Sorrow

If you're here looking for a happy story where everyone walks away smiling, then you've come to the wrong place. There won't be any friendship or morale lessons to wrap up this tale. In the end there will be nothing left. Just a cold stone floor covered in blood. Death wasn't even the worst part though. Most people believe that dying is a painful act and I can't entirely disagree. It definitely wasn't a picnic but the physical pain I endured paled in comparison to the hurt in my heart. Watching as someone I loved and trusted killed me. Someone I always felt safe round, who'd protect me. Even now, in a place between the living world and the realm of the dead the aching pain I feel is worse then all the cuts and broken bones I had. Oh dear reader I beg you. If you want cupcakes and smiles look somewhere else. My name is Sweetie Belle and this is the story of how I died.

(Also if there's something you don't like feel free to thumbs down, but please leave me a reason why so I can improve in the future. Thanks.)

Chapter 1 (Complete and Revamped Version)

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So bright. I awaken to a blinding light shining onto my face from outside my bedroom window. "Why does it have to be so bright? Couldn't the weather team have started the day off partly cloudy?" I grumble too myself as I turn my back to Celestia's sun. I pull my blanket over my face to shield my eyes. Hoping for a few more minutes of sleep, but it's Wednesday and that means school.

"Sweetie Belle! I need you up and ready today. No time for sleeping in," sings Rarity from down the hall. I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling; I'm at Rarity's boutique again. I've always loved it here and I would do just about anything to spend time with my big sister, but I've been staying here a lot recently. My parents are always leaving town and by proxy, leaving me. There's something wrong with my parents, I know that much, however nobody will tell me. Every time I've asked Rarity she just looks at me with saddened eyes and says I'm too young and wouldn't understand. "Sweetie Belle are you coming? I've got breakfast waiting," yells Rarity a second time.

"Yeah I'm coming sis. Just give me a second," I holler back. Getting out of bed I approach the mirror in my room, my mane's a mess. I reach out with my magic and grab a brush that's sitting on my desk. Having spent my entire life around my sister I know from first hoof experience that she wouldn't appreciate my currently disheveled look. Thanks to Twilight Sparkle I now have enough magical control over my levitation spell to brush my mane effectively. This allows me to avoid Rarity having to brush it for me. I hate when she does, makes me feel like a foal. It's kind of funny because that use to be one of my favorite things when I was younger. Having Rarity dress me all up and do makeovers. Hindsight, I just enjoyed spending time with her and not having her mad or yelling at me.

"You almost finished Sweetie? I don't want your breakfast getting cold," Rarity says as she enters my room with a smile. I smile back with a wide grin. I've never been able to truly figure out why but whenever Rarity is present I always feel a bit more happy. Guess it's just family love.

"Yup. Just finishing up now. What'd you make?" I ask gleefully. With the exception of waking up to piercing rays of light this morning, everything else has gone by perfectly.

"Just some simple pancakes but I don't want them getting cold on us. So hop to it. I know how much you like sleeping in and I appreciate you making a quicker effort this morning. Maybe you'll make it to school on time today." It's not an accusatory statement but rather just an observation. My sleeping habit has caused me to be late to school nearly everyday this month. Miss Cheerilee spoke with Rarity several times about it. To my surprise Rarity never got mad. She just kept fine tuning our morning routine and we've slowly been getting it to work. It's been nice, she's been nice. Too nice.

We head down stairs to the kitchen where the pancakes are waiting. As we enter Opal is standing just on the other side of the door way. I reach out to pet her just to receive a hiss and swip at by her sharp claws. "Rarity? Why does Opal hate me?"

"She doesn't hate you Sweetie. You've just been a bit much for her in the past, that's all," replies Rarity, she's sugar coating it. She was trying to make my past escapades with her cat seem tamer then they were. I use to be quite clumsy and destructive and Opal has paid the price more than once because of it; paints, glue, glitter. Maybe Opal doesn't hate me but she definitely prefers it when I'm not around.

We start to eat the simple albeit delicious breakfast Rarity has made for us, but quickly my mind is starting to drift to other things. Less than pleasant things. If Opal doesn't like being around me then... "Rarity? Do mom and dad keep leaving because they don't like being around me?"

Rarity starts choking and coughing on her food. "What? Sweetie what makes you think that?"

"They leave a lot. They're gone more than they're home and I'm the only one who lives with them. I'm the only thing they're leaving." I answer with the straightest face and tone I could muster. I don't want to give off the appearance that it bothers me but I can tell my efforts are in vain. The hurt I feel in my heart at the thought of my parents fleeing from me was made evident by the little crack my voice at the end of my sentence. Curse these voice cracks.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle. No. It has nothing to do with you." Rarity gets up and embraces me in a hug. As much as I don't want them to my eyes start to water. It always seems like it's harder to keep your emotions inside while your being hugged.

"They use to be so happy when you lived with us. Now all they do is yell at each other. It's because I'm the only other pony there." I've never liked crying in front of other ponies, including family. Which is funny because I'm no good at holding in my emotions so I actually end up crying a lot in public. It's a curse and it embarrasses me. This time however I feel no shame. I want to be comforted, told I'm being foolish. These thoughts have been popping in and out of my head for a long time now.

"Sweetie listen to me," Rarity pushes me out of the hug and lifts my chin so our eyes meet. "Mom and dad are having some issues with each other right now but it is not your fault and I don't want you thinking it is. They both love you a lot and that will never change." There were tears building in her eyes now as well.

"Where do they go?" I ask.

"Anywhere. They leave to get a break," she answers with a sound of disgust in her voice.

"From me?" I sheepishly ask as I lower my eyes to the ground.

"What did I say about thinking like that, of course not. They leave to get a break from each other." Rarity stares at me, trying to see if I understand. I don't.

"But don't they leave together?" I'm completely lost and confused at this point. They always drop me off at Rarity's and leave together. How are they taking a break from each other if they're together?

"They leave at the same time but not always together. I know I've said this before and it must be terrible to hear but you're just too young to understand. I promise I'll explain when you're a little older but until then just know that I don't agree with their choices. Also, that I will always be here for you. I love you Sweetie Belle."

I dive back into my sisters chest as a few more tears drain from my eyes. "I love you too Rarity." The clock in the other room chimes.

"Well looks like you're going to be tardy again today. Better go and wash up. Can't be going out in public with puffy eyes now can you," teases Rarity with a chuckle and a reassuring smile. "You've got ten minutes to rejuvenate yourself. With a bit of luck you'll only be a couple minutes late for school. I'll write you a note for Miss Cheerilee telling her it's my fault and hopefully she won't count it against you."

I trot up to my room but pause at the top of the stairs. I don't know what all is going on with my parents but I'd be completely content staying with Rarity for the rest of my life. My big sister always makes me feel safe, even when she's yelling at me. She can have a bit of temper sometimes but I know that deep down that I'm always welcomed to stay with her. With her I'm wanted and loved.

"Sweetie are you all right?" Rarity asks as she catches me standing at the top of the stairs. I shake myself out of my blissful thoughts and gaze down at her.

Beaming with a huge smile I reply, "Everything's great. Just thinking about how awesome of a big sister you are."

"You're a pretty awesome sister too. Now, hurry along and get refreshed. A lady must always look her best, even if it's just for school." Rarity sometimes has a weird way with words. Makes me laugh on the inside. She treats every conversation with sophistication and class. Not much need of it here in Ponyville but it seems to make everyone feel more special. You might be a simple gardener but one conversation with my sister and you'll feel like you're an honored guest at Canterlot castle.

After splashing some water on my face and recombing my mane I head back downstairs. My stomach growls. Stupid emotional breakdown, made me forget to finish my breakfast. Rarity is waiting for me by the door, "You ready?"

"Not quite, I need to finish eating still. Kind of got distracted," I answer with an embarrassed smile. Seems to happen a lot actually. Getting embarrassed. I have a lot of quirks I guess and well, not much of a fan of any of them.

"No time. Plus I already threw out the remains. Here, the letter for Miss Cheerilee and your lunch." To say I was handed a bagged lunch and a note would be inaccurate. They were shoved at me as I myself was being shoved out the door.

"But I barely ate anything," I complain as I instinctively take the objects with my magic.

"I figured you'd be a little hungrier later today so I packed and extra apple for you. Eat it on the way if you must but there is no time to delay." Responds Rarity.

I'm out the door and a few steps outside of the boutique. One last try? "I'm already gonna be late, what's a few more minutes?" I ask.

"Oh no. As you know I've been having talks with Miss Cheerilee about your tardiness. Those aren't so bad, but what you don't know is Twilight has also been harping on me about your attendance. The importance of an education. That mare is obsessed with learning." A stern no. Rarity's answer wasn't unexpected but it was still worth a try to ask. I suppose it would have been foolish to assume I could have gotten an early morning break. It's not like I would have done anything anyway. Rarity would have to leave and go teach at Twilight's friendship school so it would have just been me. Well, and Opal but that probably wouldn't have turned into anything.

I shrug and wave goodbye to Rarity with a smile on my face. Time to start another exciting day in Ponyville. With it being the middle of the week Applebloom will have chores to do after school. Ever since Twilight opened her friendship school Apple Bloom has been busier than normal. With Applejack being away half the day teaching it leave little time for her to get everything done on the farm. Once both Apple sister's get out of school for the day there's a lot of chores that need to be finished. Since Apple Bloom can't join us the crusaders as a whole can't hang out after school, but at least I've still got Scootaloo. As always Scootaloo doesn't have much going on with the exception of the Rainbow Dash fan club that she's president of. They meet every Saturday.

While I think of ideas of what Scootaloo and I could do later, I continue to trot along towards the school yard. It's on the edge of town, on a hill. Seems cruel to make foals walk up hill just to go to school. Suppose it builds character or whatever it is adults are always saying to kids when they have to face some form of adversity.

I'm about half way to the school and glance around at the activity going on in my home town. Ponyville is always so pleasant in the mornings with friendly faces and welcoming greetings. I levitate the extra apple Rarity packed me out of my lunch bag. A beautiful, deep melody catches my ear. It's coming from inside one of the nearby houses. The town's local cellist. She's fantastic, not to mention gorgeous. My favorite part about heading to school is listening to her play.

I go to take a bite from my apple but pause. Wait, did I just call Octavia gorgeous? Hmm, that's strange. She's pretty but I've never thought of her as gorgeous before. Not being able to sleep in with this new morning routine must be getting to me. Oh well, it's still nice to hear her play. To my understanding she only has the mornings to practice in peace. For once her roommate wakes up that house will be a bit more booming.

My walk through the town is nearing its end. I'm half way up the small hill that the school resides on when the bell rings to signal that school is in session. Quickly I trot the remainder of the distance, take the last few bites of my apple, and toss the core into the garbagecan right outside the school. Rarity's new morning schedule seems to be working fairly well; I basically made it in time despite the small emotional breakdown at breakfast.

Entering the room I hear Miss Cheerilee call out, "Alright students take your seats. Time to start today's lessons." She turns to approach the chalkboard and sees me walking in. "Perfect timing Sweetie Belle, we were just about to start the morning off with some mathematics." The class moans and grumbles. None of us really like math all too much. "Go take your seat."

"Thanks Miss Cheerille," I reply as I head for my desk. As I pass by Diamond Tiara she extends her hoof and stops me.

"Barely made it on time today Sweetie Belle. If you'd like I could get you a watch if it'd help." There was a time when Diamond Tiara's comment would have been some form of teasing and using the idea of getting me a watch would have been an insult, but those days are gone. It's still strange to see her being nice towards my fellow crusaders and myself. She's our friend now but deep down I still hold a small grudge against her for all the teasing we've had to endure. I thank her for her offer but decline. She smiles and nods at me. Yup, still weird.

Slipping into my seat by Applebloom and Scootaloo I pull out some paper and prepare to start taking notes. The lesson is as it always is, Miss Cheerilee writing problems on the bored while we would copy them and write the answer. It was boring and repetitive. My mind starts to wander.

Why would my parents want a break from each other? If it isn't because of me and they are just trying to get distance between themselves, then why wouldn't only one of them leave and the other stay with me? Something grabs at my heart and squeezes as I contemplate my family. I can feel my emotions boiling around inside me, feel the water in my eyes. Glancing around I make sure no one is watching and taking notice of my inner turmoil. Mentally I scold myself. I hate crying in public, so I force myself to think of something happier.

Rarity. It seems like I've spent so much time with her. More time with her then my parents as of recent, and I'm okay with that. At some point I started to rely on my sister more than my parents. Who cares what happens to my parents? I've got Rarity. I continue to repeat this in my head over and over to myself. All the sadness and hurt starts to turn to anger. Anger toward my parents for leaving me, for putting me in this position. Who needs them? I've got Rarity. I take a breath. Being angry isn't any better then being sad. It can be just as embarrassing. Plus I don't really want to be mad at my parents. What else can I think of?

Octavia. Her incredible skills with music. The truly inspiring notes she plays that I can't help but hum along with. That adorable way she bends her back right as she hits that big note at the apex of a dramatic song. Her sleek mane draping down her back ending right above her round, perfectly plump...

"Sweetie Belle, ya alright?" I blink and shake my head.

"Huh, what?" I snap out of my haze and look around. The entire class, including Miss Cheerilee, are staring at me with puzzled expressions.

"Earth to Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asks while waving her hoof in front of my face this time. "Ya sighed real loud like and then just sat there grinnin'."

My cheeks begin to burn from embarrassment. Everyone is staring at me waiting for an answer. I sighed audibly? And loud enough for everyone to hear? Because I was thinking about Octavia and her...? I gulp, this is so embarrassing. Quick got a think of something fast. "I just... really like math?" Stupid, stupid idiot. That isn't gonna help any, it'll only make things worse.

"You really like math?" Scootaloo deadpans. I'm never gonna be able to leave this down. Worse day ever and it's only just begun. Celestia? Luna? Please help me.

"Excellent! Would you like to come up and solve the next problem for the class?" asks Miss Cheerilee. I could tell by the tone of her voice that Miss Cheerilee was asking earnestly and with no malice or trickery. She believes me.

"Oh, that's not necessary. I wouldn't want to disrupt the class," I reply followed by a nervous chuckle. My eyes dart from side to side, taking in all the stares from my fellow classmates.

"A little late for that don't you think," teased Scootaloo. I give her a cold glare. She responds in kind with a mischievous grin. "Get up there you math nut. We know how much you like math?"

"It won't be a problem at all Sweetie Belle. I was going to start calling on students anyway. You might as well be the first," says Miss Cheerilee, completely unaware of my current level of discomfort.

"Ugh. Fine," I answer just quiet enough not to be heard by our teacher. Scootaloo tries to hold in her snickering as I pass her on my way to the front of the room. Right about now I really wish I had been paying attention to the lesson.

"That was so great!" laughs Scootaloo as we walked through Ponyville. School had just gotten out and I had wasted no time in escaping that building. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had followed quickly, but Apple Bloom couldn't stay long. She had to go home to Sweet Apple Acres so she could do her chores. Meaning only Scootaloo remains with me as we walk through town. "You were all like I just really like math, and then you were called up front where you were all like is the answer seven." Scootaloo bursts out in uncontrollable laughter.

"I know, I was there," I say between gritted teeth.

"We were doing fractions, bwahahah!"

"Seven can be written as a fraction!" I yell at her defensively. What's the point in trying to justify myself. Clearly I hadn't been paying attention. The look of disappointment on Miss Cheerilee's face as she looked away and slowly shook her head was the worst part. I had really let her down.

"And that sigh?"

"Yeah, yeah. I looked like a fool today, so what? It's not like you've never answered a question wrong. Remember boxen?" I hiss at her, referring to an incident that happened a long time ago involving us learning plurals.

"Seriously though," she says between chuckles. "What was up with that sigh? What were you thinking about?"

I freeze. Instantly I can feel my cheeks getting warm. What are the odds that my white coat will hide my reddening cheeks?

"Are you blushing?"

Not good at all. I stammer and stutter for a second just to be interrupted by a loud blast coming from the house next to us. Normally I would have been thankful for the distraction but this wasn't a regular blast. No, this was a rhythmic blast of bass in the form of wubs. Of all the houses we could have stopped in front of our conversation would end us here. "Can we go somewhere else?" I ask.

"And miss DJ Pon-3's awesome beats? We got here at the perfect time," answers Scootaloo buzzing her tiny wings in excitement.

"You know her name's Vinyl right? DJ Pon-3 is just her stage name. Besides she won't be playing for very long. On Wednesdays her roommate Octavia leaves after lunch to go shopping. Normally she gets back around this time and she'll make Vinyl turn down the volume.

"Why do you know that?" a very puzzled looking Scootaloo asks.

"Oh! Uh, I'm just a really big fan. They're both just so talented?" Right as it leaves my mouth I know it's not enough to convince my friend who raises an eyebrow at my response.

"Right, and you really like math?" Scootaloo roles her eyes and chuckles with a shake of her head. "Fine, we'll go. Seems strange though that such a huge fan would want to leave so soon." And the never ending teasing begins agian, great. At least its just Scootaloo and not both of my closest friends.

As we start moving on I ponder to myself. Why did I know Octavia's schedule? When did I pick up on that? What is with me and that pony today? I never realized that I had taken such notice of her. Her music. Her routine. Her beauty. Her gorgeous mane. I've even taken notice of her posture and her nice round flank. We round a building at the corner and my thoughts are interrupted abruptly being crashed into, and I fall onto my back.

"Oh. I'm terrible sorry young filly." I grab a hoof that is extend towards me. With my free hoof I block out the blinding sun that's shining on my face. "Are you all right?" the friendly voice asks.

"I'm fine. Thanks," I look up at the mare who I had collided with. "Oc...tav…" I'm frozen slack jawed.

"Octavia Melody. Pleased to meet you."

"She know who you are, she's a really big fan of yours." Smirked Scootaloo with a snicker.

"Your hoof is so soft." Why did I say that? Stupid, stupid.

"Um, thanks? It's always nice to meet a fan. Especially one so young. Not many fillies or colts are interested in classical music."

"I wait outside your house every morning to listen to you play." What is wrong with me? She's gonna think I'm some kind of creep. Curse you thoughts, stay inside.

"I suppose my cello can be quite loud I suppose," she replies with a small chuckle. She probably thinks I'm the strangest pony alive. "Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you but I must get going before Vinyl breaks out the windows again." She says looking up at the vibrating building. "If you'd like I could play for you two some time. Miss.."

"Scootaloo, and this here is Sweetie Belle," answers my friend for the both of us, for which I'm grateful.

"Miss Scootaloo, Miss Belle. I'll see you around and don't be strangers." And with those final words Octavia passes me by and heads for her home. I sit there not looking back. Petrified at yet another embarrassing ordeal for the day.

"She's amazing," I whisper quietly to myself.

"What?" asks Scoots as she walks up beside me.

"Nothing," I say a little to loud.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't so awkward," laughs Scootaloo. "What is wrong with you today? Seems like it's one thing after the next." Today has been rough. No denying that. Seems like my lot in life is to be tortured by some weird force inside of me controlling my emotions, words, and actions. It's almost like I can see myself but can't stop myself.

"Scoots, if it's alright with you I think I'd like to go home for the day." Any desire I had to want to be around friends or play are gone. I just want to talk to Rarity about my day. Maybe I was under some weird spell or curse. Surely Rarity would be able to help.

"If it's about the teasing I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Scootaloo looks at me with remorse, ears flat against her head in the most adorable fashion. She probably thinks she's upset me with something she's said.

"It's not you Scoots. I've just had a rough day so far and just wanna talk to Rarity about it."

"Okay, but we're still gonna hang out tomorrow after school right? Apple Bloom said if she can catch up on her chores today that she'd be able to play tomorrow."

"Wouldn't miss it." I say with sincerity and a smile. Scootaloo hops on her scooter and waves as she turns to leave. "See you later good looking." Why did I say that?


"Um... uh... you know... just wanted to make sure you knew you look good?" That's not any better! "What I mean is, uh... you're looking more awesome today than normal?"

"Oh! Thanks? I think. Go... go talk with your sister. You've been acting really strange today." responds Scootaloo with a lot of hesitation, curiosity, and uncertainty. Her eyes shift around and she bites her lower lip.

"Yup. On it." I say quickly as I turn and walk at an increased pace towards Carousel Boutique. Good looking? Why? To my best friend? To Scootaloo? She's the last pony who'd care about looking good. A start to run at full speed towards my sanctuary. Upon reaching the boutique I burst trough the doors. "Rarity!" I holler as soon as I enter. "Please tell me you're home!" I don't know how long I can last. This is eating at me. It has to be a spell or a curse or something.

"Yes, Sweetie I'm here. What is with all this yelling? I have a lot I need to get done this afternoon. Orders to be prepared, designs drawn up, lessons to write," replies Rarity as she enters the main living space of the boutique.

"I'm having a mid life crisis!" I cry.

"Darling you're a little young to be having a mid life crisis," answers Rarity with a chuckle and a hint of annoyance. "For it to be a mid life crisis it has to be the middle of your life. You won't have to worry about that for awhile."

"I'm having strange thoughts about other ponies!" I blurt out. "I've been enchanted. We need Twilight!" In my chest I can feel my heart beating quickly. It hadn't taken long to get back to Carousel Boutique from where I left Scootaloo, but it was far enough to allow my brain to run a thousand different scenarios. Out of all possible outcomes I could think of, having been placed under an enchantment seemed the most logical.

"What kind of thoughts?" asks Rarity with a skeptical look.

"Like, I know their routines, notice their posture, and I say the strangest things about their appearance and stuff." Upon my response Rarity's skepticism fades. All that is left is a smile. Not a warm smile, but rather a smile that has a blended combination of excitement, mischief, and knowing.

"Sweetie, dear, you're not enchanted..." my sister reassures. What a relief I was scared for a second that... "You've got a crush."

"What!?" My brain shuts off and that word is all it can muster before it seemingly powers down.

Rarity squeals. "I've been waiting for this day for so long. Come you must tell me all about him. Who is the lucky colt." I stare blankly at nothing for what feels like an eternity. Finally I blink a couple times, shake my head to clear my thoughts and look at my sister.

"Are you sure that's what's going on?" I can't believe this. Of course I knew that one day I'd develop a crush on someone but Octavia? And what about the comment to Scootaloo? Does that mean I have two crushes? How can that even be?

"Yes, yes dear of course. You're hitting that age where you'll start to notice all the cute colts in your class, and similarly all the colts will start to notice you as well. If some haven't already that is. So out with it, who's the lucky colt? Who's caught your eye?" I really don't feel like talking about this now. It's a lot of information that I am not ready to process at the moment. Before I desperately wanted to talk to Rarity about everything, but that was when I thought I was cursed. Now that it's just a normal thing that happens to ponies it seems too personal to talk about. Especially since Rarity keeps saying colts and the only two ponies I've taken notice of have been mares, and one is my best friend.

"I'd rather not talk about it." A whole new set of worries are now filling my brain. There's got to be something wrong with me. Rarity always talks about finding her prince. She's told me that one day I'd find a colt that'll make me really happy. Can the same be true about a mare?

"Oh come now Sweetie please. It'll be between us," Rarity pleads. Maybe it would be best to get it off my chest. Maybe it's some kind of head disease that causes a pony to develop a crush on a pony of the same gender.

"Rarity, are you familiar with Octavia. The earth pony mare who plays the cello here in town?" I ask slowly, paying close attention to my sisters facial expressions. A bit of confusion and curiosity is all I notice.

"Yes, why?" she prods. Do I have to spell it out for you Rarity? This isn't something I'm super comfortable talking about. Please don't make me say it.

"Well, uh. Tada?" Why am I so awkward?

"Oh? Oh. Oh!" It took Rarity a second and to be honest watching her face as she finally understood was pretty priceless. Time to see how to cure me. I hope it's not painful.

"So how do we fix it?" I ask hesitantly.

"Fix it? Dear what ever do you mean? There isn't anything to fix." Rarity says with a reassuring smile that may have had a slight apologetic look to it.

"Aren't I suppose to have crushes on colts?" For some reason I can feel my eyes start to water. Relief is what I feel, so why would that make me cry? There wasn't anything wrong with me, right?

"I shouldn't have been so presumptuous. There is nothing wrong with a beautiful young mare like yourself being attracted to other mares. Everybody has a special somepony and there are no rules on that. If you like another filly and want to be mare friends than go for it." Rarity's response brightens up my mood. So much information had been thrown at me in such a short amount of time it seems like my emotions were all over the place. What a wild ride today had been. Rarity's comments start to resonate inside my head.

"So I should ask Octavia out on a date or something?" The smile that was on Rarity's face drops fast. It's replaced with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"Well, maybe there are some rules on having a special somepony. Octavia might be a tad old for you. Try looking for a filly your age." She says it with a gentle tone and it doesn't take me long to understand why my comment had surprised her. Obviously there would be an issue with an adult mare dating a filly. I'm still pretty young but plenty old enough to know about the laws designed to protect pony youth.

"So like Scootaloo?" I reply.

"Yes. Like Scootaloo. Like Scootaloo? You like Scootaloo?" Rarity asks with glazed eyes like she had just seen a litter of adorable kittens.

"Yeah, I guess. She's like my best friend and super nice and awesome and talented and cute..."

"Cute huh?" Rarity interrupts my list with a small grin. Was I really saying all those things out loud? I can feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

"Hey look at the time. I've got so much homework to do. Better get to it." I rush past my older sister and make a beeline for my room up the stairs.

"Ahh, to be young and in love," I hear Rarity say as I head down the hall and out of site. "How am I going to explain this to mom and dad." What a strange comment. I stop. I'm almost certain she believes I'm out of earshot. "They are not gonna be happy about this. Whatever happens I'll be here for her."

My heart races once again today as I stand frozen in the hall. My heart aches. Mom and dad are gonna be upset with me? Why? Today has been one crazy roller coaster. From good to bad. Happy to sad. Bored to embarrassed. Angry to embarrassed. Scared to embarrassed. I was really embarrassed a lot today. And finally Embarrassed to hurt, scared, and sad all at the same time.

Chapter 2.1

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So much bright. Are my mornings doomed to be cursed with a blinding light everyday? I role out of bed landing on the floor with a thump. Hopefully today is better than yesterday; talk about brutal. I'm getting a pretty early start on the morning though. Mane and teeth brushed, homework packed and ready for school. Everything seems to be lining up.

"Sweetie..." Rarity starts to call.

"I'm awake! Just finishing up," I holler back at her. Let's try and avoid an emotional breakdown at breakfast toady. Although I suppose I should ask Rarity about what I over heard her saying yesterday. Will she get mad at me for eavesdropping? Probably best just to wait. If it's going to be a problem in the future, then that's a problem for future Sweetie Belle.

I exit my room and head for the stairs. No scent is wafting from the kitchen so it's safe to assume Rarity didn't cook this morning. Better not be oat cereal. So bland and predictable. As I approach the kitchen I can hear my sister humming to herself. "What did you make for breakfast this morning?" I ask as I enter.

"Sorry Sweetie but I didn't make anything today, but I poured you a bowl of oat cereal." She replies without turning to look at me.

"Oh come on! They're so bland and predictable," I complain more to myself than actually to Rarity. She was hunched over the counter doing something with a pencil. Probably drawing a new dress design. Could be writing a lesson plan I suppose.

"Well, maybe next time you can make your own breakfast. Hmpf, so ungrateful," she retorts still not looking away from whatever project it is she is working on in front of her.

"Can I?" I ask with excitement. It's a foolish question. Clearly Rarity was more concerned with my comment having been rude and hadn't thought about what ramifications her words would have if I adhered to them. There has maybe been a reoccurring trend historically of me burning everything I've ever tried to cook.

Rarity's head perked up and she turned to look at me. "Oh dear Celestia no! I was kidding, do not try to cook anything tomorrow or ever," she pleaded. It was the answer I expected. I shrugged it off with a smile.

"What are you working on over there Rarity?" With my sister's gaze torn away from her project it seemed like the best time to ask.

"Oh, this?" she asks as she looks down at the paper. No the other thing your doing over there, ugh. Sometimes I wish I could say sarcastic things to my sister but I'd most likely just get scolded for it. Best to just wait for her to continue. "I'm just writing to our parents."

"Is it about me?" I ask nervously. It has to be about me. Rarity has never written to our parents while they've been away before. The only thing that's changed is my emotional status being all over the place of late.

"Life isn't all about you darling, no need to worry." Rarity teases with a small smile. I return her smile, a weight lifted. "But yes it is." And the weight comes crashing down.

"What are you telling them?" I panic a little, hopefully she can't read my face.

"Just the some small things, honest. Don't worry about it." She tries to reassure me but this is too important for me to back down. The letter is about me after all, so I deserve to know what's being said.

"I want to read it before you mail it."

"Not happening." That was the most stern tone I've heard Rarity use in awhile. No signs of budging there but I have to try. I can start to feel pressure building inside me.

"It's about me, I should know what you're trying to say behind my back!" I'm starting to get angry, and I hate that. I need to calm myself down. No reason to get into a fight with Rarity this morning, it'll only serve to dampen my day. Hopefully she doesn't fight back too hard like she normally does.

"Nothing more than you've already told me." She replies back but to my surprise without any form of anger. She even seemed a bit sorry. If her goal was to drain my rage completely by throwing me off by not matching my intensity then it worked. Rarity is normally quite combative with me when we argue.

"I still have a right to know," I remark with my last shred of defiance.

"You do Sweetie and I promise I'm not talking ill of you. It's just that there are other personal things in here. Things about our parents that they don't want you to know yet."

"Let me guess, because I'm too young." Normally this would have been enough to rekindle some of my anger but at this point I only felt defeated.

"I tell you that a lot don't I? I'll make it up to you, I promise. Now hurry and eat your oats. You'll need to leave for school soon."

"I'm not hungry," I say with my head hung low as I start to leave the kitchen. "I'm gonna leave now if that's okay."

"Wait let me pack you a lunch real quick."

"No thanks. I'll just eat at the cafeteria." I feel so defeated. There is obviously some sadness buried deep down inside me but mainly I feel just empty. So Rarity and my parents are keeping secrets from me. On top of that my parents aren't gonna be happy about my crush situation either as it seems if what I heard the other day is any indication. Oh and I almost forgot that my parents are also taking a break from each other by getting away from me. How great.

I glance back at Rarity and she looks hurt. Probably feels bad for me; it's not her fault though. She's done so much for me as of late with our parents always being gone. "I'll be fine Rarity. Just have a lot on my mind. Thanks for always being here for me, love you." I say with a smile on my face to reassure her that I'm okay and that she didn't do anything wrong to upset me.

"Love you too Sweetie Belle. I am sorry about the letter. I'll make it up to you, I promise." I can still see that look that screams I'm sorry in her eyes as she smiles back at me. I wave goodbye as I exit the boutique.

"Sweetie Belle. About time." I glance over towards the road and see Scootaloo waiting on her scooter. Behind her is a red wagon that she sometimes pulls Apple Bloom and myself in.

"Oh, hey Scoots. Nice of you to wait for me. Gonna give me a ride to school?" Today might have had a rough morning, not as bad as yesterdays I'll admit, but things will turn around. I find it best to try and be positive whenever possible, and with Scootaloo here to give my walk to school some company the day was already starting to look up.

"Yeah, that's what the wagons for," commented my pegasus friend with a tone that screamed obviously. "Also I think we need to talk." Shoot, I forgot about my slip up yesterday as we were parting ways. What's the odds it's about math homework?

"About what?" I ask as innocently as I can.

"You calling me cute," she answers while staring at what must have been the most interesting rock in Equestria. I can't say I didn't see that coming. "Please don't do that again. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I just kept thinking about it. It was like a curse." A curse?

"I thought I was cursed yesterday too!" I blurt out. "Rarity had to explain to me that I wasn't cursed but that I just had a crush. Did I just say that out loud? Am I still talking?!" I nervously laugh. Scootaloo looks up at me surprised with wide eyes that cause me to quickly turn my head away and towards my own interesting rock on the ground. What have I done? I'm never gonna live this down. I start to panic internally.

"Wait. Are you saying you have a crush on me?" Scootaloo stammers.

"No! No! Well, maybe. But Octavia! I've got a crush on Octavia!" I quickly respond not wanting to weird out my friend. Best not to let her dwell on the whole me having a crush on her thing.

I hear a creak from behind me. "You two love birds better get a move on you'll be late to school," Rarity yells from the door of her boutique. I'm almost petrified with dread and embarrassment. Almost.

I whisk around and shout, "Rarity, you're not helping!"

Chapter 2.2

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I'm sitting in a red wagon being towed by my best friend on her scooter. It hadn't taken long for Rarity to get Scootaloo and myself moving and on our way to school. Everything feels so awkward now. Every now and than I can see Scootaloo glance back at me; every time I glance away as if I'm not staring at her. I fear the end of this ride and the next time we look into each others eyes. Her brilliantly stunning grayish purple eyes. Stop mind! It's gonna be awkward enough once we get to school without thinking bout her beautiful eyes. Or that amazing figure. I've never noticed how when she flaps her wings into a buzz that they really emphasize the roundness of her...

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" Scootaloo's voice catches me off guard and snaps me out of my trance. Did she just catch me staring at her flank? Ugh, why am I continually making everything worse.

"Sorry." I peep out as I turn away to hide my face. I hide it out of both shame and embarrassment. It's a hard chore but I force myself to look at anything other than my friend. I refuse to even catch a glimpse of her for I fear if I do than my eyes will start to wander followed in short by my uncontrollable thoughts.

What feels like an eternity passes but finally we arrive at the schoolyard. Other students are still running around outside playing before class begins. This is probably the earliest I've been to school in a long time, Scoots sure is fast on her scooter. I hop out of the wagon and take off the helmet Scootaloo had given me. Putting it where I had previously been sitting. Scoots does the same with hers.

"So," I start slowly, "about this morning and the other day."

"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle." interjects my light, brilliant gamboge coated friend.

"Sorry? For what?" For some reason her words hurt me a little. Maybe it was the tone, so much sorrow.

"I still want to be friends but I don't wanna hang out with you if you're gonna stare at me all the time with dreamy eyes like you were earlier on the way here. Your eyes were, ah... kind of low. It made me feel uncomfortable." Oh no, I'm ruining our friendship. I can't loose Scootaloo or Apple Bloom, they mean everything to me. We do everything together.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing." I can feel my eyes start to water and I hate getting teary eyed in public. There's nothing I can do about it though. "I promise it won't happen again. Please don't leave," I plead as the first tear leaks from my eyes.

"Woah woah woah! Please don't cry Sweetie Belle. It's okay I meant it more like for the future. I'm not going anywhere. We've got plans with Apple Bloom after school today, remember?" My friend panics as she tries to comfort me. She walks around and hugs me from the side. Rubbing my back with her hoof as she tells me it's okay. It feels so good, her hoof massaging my back. I no longer feel like crying. Instead I want this moment to last forever, it feels perfect.

No, wait! I can't let my thoughts drift that way. "Stop!" I squeaked out as I step away from Scootaloo's warm embrace. "What you were doing right there, that doesn't help."

Scootaloo's posture stiffens at my words. "Oh," is all she says with reddened cheeks.

"I just don't want to ruin our friendship and when you do something as sensual as rub my back it cause my brain to start thinking..."

She stops me by shoving her hoof onto my mouth. "I get it. And please never use the word sensual again." She removes her hoof from my face and I instantly miss her scent. It was like a spring breeze. If her hoof smelt that good I wonder how strong that delectable scent would be from other parts of her body. Does she taste as good as she smells? What I would give to smell and taste every inch of her...

"Hey, maybe we should avoid physical contact for awhile," I suggest realizing how quickly out of control my thoughts were after a simple touch. Scoots cocks her head to the side confused; it looks super adorable.

"Do I even wanna know?" she asks hesitantly.

"Probably not," I chuckle nervously while staring away and up into the sky.

"What are y'all doin'?" an unmistakable accent asks.

"Nothing!" Scootaloo and myself answer startled and a bit to loud.

"Why's ya two's cheeks so red? Did I miss somethin'?" Apple Bloom asks while looking back and forth between us with a curious look. The school bell rings signaling that class is about to be in session.

I sigh in relief. "Better get to class," I say trying to end this moment as quickly as possible. As I walk past Scootaloo I see her expression change. She's now sporting a mischievous grin.

"Hey Apple Bloom wanna see something that'll keep you distracted from school all day?" Scootaloo asks. Without waiting for a response Scootaloo runs in front of me and kisses me quickly on the cheek. My heart explodes. Why? It was amazing but cruel. The sensation felt so good but why would she do that? She didn't like me thinking about her that way. She's teasing me, playing with my emotions. Slowly I raise my hoof to the blessed cheek. Scootaloo looks back and forth between me and Apple Bloom and chuckles, "Good luck in class today girls."

Scootaloo snickers as she trots into the school house. I don't move. Ages seem to pass but than I remember that Apple Bloom is standing next to me. My head turns to look at her; my cheeks are burning red. She's staring blankly with her jaw hanging open. If I wasn't so embarrassed I'd probably laugh at the look on her face. Explains why Scootaloo did it.

"Are you two like..." Apple Bloom starts to say before I cut her off.

"Let's not talk about this right now." My gaze shoots down towards the ground as I start to walk toward the door. My face feels like it's on fire. Is it possible to die from sheer embarrassment because I've got to be close.

Chapter 2.3

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Despite the extremely interesting grammar lesson Miss Cheerilee was teaching us I couldn't help but tune her out. The only noise my brain comprehends is the constant tick of the clock on the wall. A constant reminder of how slow time can pass. Every now and than I'll look up from my fixed stare on my desk to glance at Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Scootaloo just looks bored to be in class which is nothing new. It's like nothing that happened this morning matters to her and that just doesn't seem fair. She gets to be careless while I sit here suffering in uncertainty.

Apple Bloom is in a bit of a different position. Every time I look over at her I can see her trying to pay attention but she's struggling. Like me she keeps glancing around. She keeps looking between Scootaloo and myself. On several occasions our glances have caused our eyes to meet. Each time they do I quickly look back down at my desk; my thoughts racing to the metronome of the second hand on the clock.

The longer I sit here the more nervous I become. I don't know how much longer I can take this it feels like I'm about to explode. Then I feel something slide into my hoof on the floor. It's a piece a paper that I quickly reach down to retrieve. A part of me is grateful for the distraction but a larger part of me dreads what's inside. Judging by the placement of the note it could have only come from Apple Bloom. I open it and start to read.

I can't take it anymore. Scootatloo seems unfazed by what ever this morning was. But I can tell you're not having a good time with it so what's going on? Are you guys each others special some ponies now? -Apple Bloom

No. It's nothing like that. Scootaloo is just teasing me and having a little fun with you. -Sweetie Belle

Why would she be teasing you like that? She hates mushy stuff. It'd make more sense if you were the one going around kissing her. -Apple Bloom

It's kind of complicated. -Sweetie Belle

With today and how you were acting yesterday, are you alright? You seem a bit off recently. -Apple Bloom

I'm okay just dealing with growing up I guess. Scootaloo already knows so it's only fair I tell you also. I'm developing crushes. -Sweetie Belle

Is that all? There ain't nothing wrong with that. Is it on Scootaloo than? -Apple Bloom

Yes and no. I called her cute yesterday which made things awkward and I've been noticing things about her today. Primarily yesterday though I was exclusively thinking about that beautiful cellist in town. -Sweetie Belle

Octavia Melody? I suppose she's cute, I guess. She does seem like a pony you'd get along with. A little more relaxed version of your sister. All proper without being excessive about it like Rarity can be. No offense to your sister, I like her and she's great but you know how she can be sometimes. -Apple Bloom

You know Octavia? -Sweetie Belle

Yeah. She buys apples from our stand every weekend. Before I met you and Scootaloo I tried to get my cutie mark by playing cello. It didn't work obviously, but Octavia and I are pretty good friends. I could introduce you. -Apple Bloom

That would be awesome! I kind of met her yesterday but it was more like I happened to bump into her. -Sweetie Belle

We can stop by and see her tomorrow after school if you'd like. Meeting your crush. Excited? -Apple Bloom

I'm more excited because she's a really good musician. She's so talented. While I think she is absolutely stunning Rarity says I need to think about ponies around my own age. Which is fair I guess. -Sweetie Belle

That makes sense. Is that why you have a crush on Scootaloo? Not to make things weird but why Scootaloo? Am I not cute enough or something? -Apple Bloom

I read AB's last note and am shocked. Now not only do I make Scootaloo uncomfortable but I also make Apple Bloom feel less attractive. That's definitely not the case. Actually now that I'm thinking about it Apple Bloom does do a lot of adorable things. Her sassiness makes her extremely cute and that pink bow in her hair is the most adorable accessory I've ever seen. For some reason I've never really thought about Apple Bloom in this way before. Though I suppose I didn't think much about Scootaloo in this way till yesterday. Who knows where all this will go?

I begin to write my next note. This whole thing is really new to me Apple Bloom. I didn't really start noticing Scootaloo till this morning really. There was one small incident yesterday I guess. I haven't been around you much today to really think about it but I think your cute. You're different though. In a good way. You look adorable and...

I'm interrupted by another note being slid in front of me. I look up to see who put it there and all I see is Miss Cheerilee walking back to the front of the room. Apple Bloom also has a note on her desk and she doesn't look happy about it's contents. Slowly I open my own.

Please see me after class. -Miss Cheerilee

Chapter 2.4

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After the longest day of school ever, finally Miss Cheerilee dismisses the class. Apple Bloom and I wait patiently for the class to exit the building. I see Scootaloo look over at us from the door. She looks annoyed and just roles her eyes before leaving. Once all the other students are gone Apple Bloom and I head up to our teacher's desk.

"Girls? May I ask what was so important that you two couldn't wait till after class to discuss?" Miss Cheerilee asks. Even though I know I'm in trouble our teacher has a way of always coming across as though she's about to give you an award. Always so nice and helpful.

"It was mah fault Miss Cheerilee. I started it," confesses Apple Bloom. I prepare to counter my friend's noble sacrifice but Miss Cheerilee beats me to it.

"To me it looked like both of you were participating. It doesn't matter who passed the first note. Now come on my little ponies what were you discussing?" she re-asked. Apple Bloom just glances over at me. I look down in shame not wanting to tell my teacher about my new found feelings.

"Sorry Miss Cheerilee, but it ain't mah place to say. It'd be up to Sweetie Belle and if she don't wanna tell ya just know it's cause it's personal." Said Apple Bloom noticing my discomfort at the situation. Oh, what chivalry. My glorious knight protecting me. I love when Apple Bloom becomes protective, it makes me feel safe.

"I'll have to tell your sisters that you weren't paying attention in class if you're not willing to talk to me. I understand if it's personal though so it's up to you?" Miss Cheerilee asks while looking at me. My head is still hanging low. I look over to Apple Bloom who gives me a reassuring smile.

"Sorry Miss Cheerilee but I'd rather not talk about it," I respond, giving Apple Bloom an apologetic look.

"Then we'll have to go have a talk with your sisters. I'm sure both Applejack and Rarity will be able to come up with an appropriate punishment for the circumstance. Hopefully we can catch them before they leave Princess Twilight's Friendship School." Miss Cheerilee leads us out of the classroom. Upon exiting the schoolhouse I see Scootaloo waiting by her scooter for us. She looks up and over at us as we start to pass her by.

"Sorry Scoots. We're not gonna be able to play quite yet." I apologize as we start to walk down the hill away from the school. Scootaloo looked more annoyed now than she did earlier, maybe even a little mad. She has no right, this is basically her fault anyway with that stupid kiss.

"Meet us at the clubhouse. We'll be there as soon as we can," howlers Apple Bloom up to Scootaloo. Who in response only shakes her head mumbling as she dawns her helmet.

It doesn't take us very long to reach Twilight's school. As we approach we spot Applejack crossing the bridge that gaps the mote of the school. Why do school's need motes? It seems a bit strange to me but Twilight is the one who designed it and she is a bit strange herself.

"Good day Applejack," Miss Cheerilee greets. Apple Bloom's cheeks are red with a nervous smile. Her head low but eyes raised high to look at her sister. It's kind of cute.

"I recognize that face," Applejack sighs. Wasting no time she adds, "What she do now?"

"She and Sweetie Belle were passing notes in class. Normally I'd handle such things on my own but they wouldn't tell me what the notes were about. Only that they were personal," our teacher answers.

"Personal huh?" Applejack stares us down with an unconvinced look on her face. I feel myself shrink. "Thanks Miss Cheerilee, I can take it from here. I'll figure out the truth and let Rarity know."

"Thank you Applejack. I'm sure you will," and with that Miss Cheerilee turns to leave. "See you two in class tomorrow. And no more passing notes," she adds for good measure.

After Miss Cheerilee had left Applejack had us follow her into the school where she taught. I remember the first few times I saw the school. It left me in awe. Now it's just another part of Ponyville. Once we get to Applejack's classroom, Applejack closes the door and addresses us.

"What y'all got goin' on that's so personal that ya can't tell your own teacher about it, huh?" she comes out of the gate strong. Apple Bloom looks over at me expectantly. I sigh. It's only fair that I tell Applejack if only for Apple Bloom's sake. She's already done more than enough good by me today as is.

"Apple Bloom was just trying to help me feel better. It's really my fault," I confess. "She didn't do anything wrong."

"Now hold on. I was the one who started the note passin'. Don't go bein' all self sacrificial for me." Apple Bloom can be a very loyal friend which can sometimes can be a problem when you're trying to take the blame for her. It really is my fault though. If it weren't for this whole crush thing I wouldn't have called Scootaloo cute, which made her tease us by kissing my cheek, which caused the note passing in the first place.

"This must be might important to y'all if you're both willing to take the blame. Y'all can tell me, we're all family here the way I see," spoke up Applejack. She had a more comforting look on her face now compared to earlier. Apple Bloom nudges me and gives me a reassuring nod.

"I'm having a hard time handling some new emotions," I start slowly. "I've got these uncontrollable thoughts that pop into my head whenever I think of certain ponies. It makes my heart race and my hooves sweat and my brain think of all these really weird things, like I notice things about them that I shouldn't. Not just like things they do but like the curves of their back down to there..."

"She's got crushes," Apple Bloom interrupted. "It's just like me last month. Just. Like. Me." I'm grateful for Apple Bloom ceasing my ramblings but that emphasis was a little weird. Wait, Apple Bloom has a crush on somepony too.

"Sweetie Belle developing feelings for a colt..." Applejack stopped mid sentenced as if she had just realized something. "Just like you?" She asked looking at Apple Bloom. Whose response was a smile and a nodding of her head that looked almost a little too enthusiastic. Applejack smiles back at her before turning towards me. "Does Rarity know about your, ahh... little crush?"


"Well all's fine then. As long as you promise not to pass notes in class again. I know growing up can be hard but school's no place to be talking about ponies ya like. Y'all can do that on your own time." Applejack says as she walks out of her classroom. Are we really not in trouble? How did we get away home free? "Since we got all the chores done on the farm yesterday Apple Bloom you're free to play today. Maybe you two could head on over to the farm together, have some fun and discuss things. Just the two of ya" Applejack ends with a friendly chuckle and a wink directed more towards Apple Bloom than myself. Something seems strange.

"Yeah," replies Apple Bloom with a chuckle herself. "Scootaloo's already at the clubhouse. Can't split us up. Cutie Mark Crusaders yay." I wasn't prepared for that so I didn't have time to join in on the cheer but I smiled enthusiastically while nodding in agreement. Applejack in response just rolled her eyes with a warm smile while shaking her head slowly.

Chapter 2.5

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What an interesting day it's been so far. A fluster of emotions. I got kissed by Scootaloo, it might have only been on the cheek as a tease but still. Also, got in trouble just for there to be no consequences apparently. A lot of strange feelings about friends and even stranger conversation exchanges. Something about Apple Bloom and her sister's words seem to have some form of hidden meaning. My mind is racing with the possibilities, but there is only one that I want it to be. This one hope is what is keeping me from asking the yellow filly herself. The temptation to find out is strong. We're just on the outskirts of Ponyville heading towards Sweet Apple Acres, only her and I. Occasionally, whenever I look over at Bloom I can see her contemplating something too.

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna find out what all that crush business was about. I take a deep audible breath.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asks before I get a word out. I exhale.

"Yeah Apple Bloom," I answer. We both stop and she turns towards me.

"Promise ya won't get mad?" In my opinion I think that's a strange question to ask. I begin to reply.

"Get mad at wh..." I'm cut off by Apple Bloom grabbing my shoulders and planting a quick kiss on my lips. It was wonderful. All my senses seem to be gone. This kiss only lasted a brief moment but I wish it had been for more.

"Sweetie Belle?" I blink a few times to snap out of my trance. In front of me I see Apple Bloom with her head low, eyes gazing up at me. She looks scared.

Quietly, only just above a whisper I ask, "Am I your crush?" Her only response is a nod, and my heart soars. "Yes! This is the best day ever!" I dash up and return her kiss with one of my own. "Oh, Apple Bloom I'm so happy!"

"You're not upset that I'm not Scootaloo or Octavia?" Her previously low cast posture was starting to straighten up and her overall appearance more warm.

"What? Never! I was gonna tell you in class that I thought you were cute and Applejack mentioned you had a crush. Oh, I had hoped so bad that is was on me. You two were acting all strange about the whole thing and my mind was racing with possible reasons. All the worry..." my fast pace rambling was cut short by a yellow hoof in my mouth.

"I get it, yeesh. Ya'll get goin' an' your like a train with no breaks," Apple Bloom chuckles as she lowers her hoof with a warm smile on her face. My excitement can barely be contained. I hop enthusiastically in one spot. Finally someone who I can relate with and she's one of my best friends and really nice and super cute. Even in my mind I ramble. This is so awesome. I new thought crosses my mind.

"Does this mean we're each other's special somepony?" I squeak out. The question had gotten quieter and higher pitched as I was asking it.

Bloom smiles and nods while adding, "If you wanna be." There was a bit of hopeful dreaming in her voice brought on by nerves and excitement.

"Ofcourse!" I yell, embracing her in a hug. "I can't wait to tell Scootaloo that we're a thing. She's gonna be so surprised."

"Woah, now. Hold up a second. Applejack says I shouldn't mention stuff like this to ponies my age. Something about other ponies' families should be the ones to explain all these emotions to 'em." I don't fully understand why but if Applejack told Apple Bloom then it was probably the right move. It'd explain why Apple Bloom never told me about her having a crush. Well, that and I suppose since I was her crush it would have been pretty hard for her to talk to me about something like that. Wait.

"How long have you had a crush on me?" I ask. Immediately followed with, "And why? I'm nopony special?"

"Ha!" she laughs. "Nopony special? You've got an amazin' singin' voice. You're always so positive. Kind. Gentle. Easy to get along with. You care about everypony. Have a way of making them feel special, and those little voice cracks you get when you're excited are so adorable." I smile and my cheeks redden at all the compliments. "That affectious smile and the cute shade of red your cheeks turn when you're embarrassed," she adds with a smirk on her face.

"Apple Bloom stop," I laugh. "I never knew you felt this way. You're really good at hiding it. So, how long?

"Lookin' back I guess I've always noticed ya but didn't realize I liked ya that way till recently. It was only a little over a week ago that I talked to Applejack about it," she responds. "I'm guessing you've never really thought much about me that way till today though, huh?"

"It's kind of like you said. The thoughts never really resonated that way till you asked if I though you were cute, then all the little things you do started flooding into my brain. All your cute mannerisms. Your adorable bow. Beautiful smile. Sexy flank."

"Woah! I get it," chuckles Apple Bloom. "I don't need to hear about how nice ya'll think my flank is. I appreciate the compliment and all but it just ain't civil talk to be having with friends."

"But we're not just friends any more. Remember?" I say maybe a little to sultry like.

"Your right but let's not go gettin' ahead of ourselves. We're both young an' Applejack said I'd develop multiple crushes over time, as I'm sure ya understand. Let's just take it slow an' enjoy each others company for awhile."

"Yeah, your right. Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

"Don't sweat it. Now, while we won't tell Scootaloo quite yet it don't mean we can't have some fun. Her little stunt this mornin' is gonna backfire."

Chapter 2.6

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"Scootaloo!" I shout as I run into the Crusader Clubhouse. I'm running at full speed right towards her. Diving I tackle her into a giant hug. "I can't stop thinking about this morning Scoots. I... I think I love you. That kiss. My heart."

"Woah, woah, woah. We talked about this Sweetie. Get off," Scootaloo begged underneath my embrace. Just than Apple Bloom enters, just like we had planned.

"What are y'all doin'? You two can't be all lovey dovey," Apple Bloom states. "First this mornin' now..."

"It's not like that, Sweetie's just being..." Scootaloo starts.

"It ain't fair. Ever since y'all kissed this mornin' I can't help and feel jealous," replies Apple Bloom before Scootaloo can finish her sentence. I can tell by Scootaloo's face that she's confused, annoyed, and a little bit scared.

"What?" begins Scootaloo before I place my hoof over her mouth.

"I told you on the way here Apple Bloom that Scootaloo is mine. Just look at her beautiful eyes and savory lips." I say still covering Scoot's mouth. Locking eyes with her and doing my best to imitate what I think Rarity would do to seduce a colt. Lightly rubbing my free hoof on Scootaloo's chest.

"But you already got your kiss from Scootaloo. It's my turn," Apple Bloom protested. "Besides if you're only lookin' at her eyes then you haven't noticed all the cute little mannerisms she's got. Like the way her tail swishes when she's excited." With that last part Bloom added a more seductive tone to her voice.

"I didn't notice her tail because I was to busy gazing at that gorgeous flank."

"Her bravado."

"Her perfectly styled mane specifically worked on to look like it's naturally messy."

"The cute buzzin' noise her wings make when she gets excited."

"The adorableness of her tiny wings is enough to get my attention."

"Her reddenin' cheeks when she's embarrassed."

"Oh, here they are now," I say as me and Apple Bloom slowly lean in towards Scootaloo. My hoof is still covering her mouth. We had decided earlier to embarrass Scootaloo by complimenting everything that was attractive about her. Scootaloo isn't a fan of mushy stuff so we figured it would be perfect, and to top it off we'd end it by both giving her a kiss on the cheek. Unfortunately something had gone wrong. A tear.

I get off of Scootaloo and remove my hoof from her mouth. She curls up with her back to us and we hear her whimpering. Apple Bloom and I exchange worried expressions.

"Scoots. I'm... I'm sorry," Apple Bloom says hesitantly. "We were only tryin' to tease ya. We didn't mean to hurt you."

"We know how much you hate mushy stuff so we thought..." I begin my apology only to be cut off by a pained voice.

"Just leave me alone," sobs Scootaloo.

"But we're your friends and you're hurting," I say confused. Why would Scootaloo want us gone? Where did this come from? It was just harmless teasing. Basically the same thing she was doing to us this morning.

"Can you guys go get Rainbow Dash for me?" Scootaloo asks still curled up with her back to us. I can still hear her crying. Apple Bloom whispers to me to wait while she runs to get her sister.

After Apple Bloom ran to get Applejack a whole series of events transpired. Applejack had joined us at the clubhouse where she quickly sent Apple Bloom and me away to go find Rainbow Dash while she remained with Scootaloo. Once we had found Rainbow Dash a quick explanation left the cyan pegasus with a worried look on her face. In classic Rainbow Dash fashion she flew off towards Sweet Apple Acres at a tremendous pace. Apple Bloom and myself ran after her but it took us significantly longer to get back. By the time we did arrive Rainbow had already come by and had taken Scootaloo away. The only pony still there was Applejack and she had been waiting for us.

"I need to know everything that went down girls," she said plainly. Her tone was caring but stern and for some reason it scared me more than if she had been angry. We quickly filled her in on our teasing scheme. After we had finished Applejack took a deep sigh and said, "Apple Bloom, remember when I told ya not to go talkin' about crushes and what not with the foals in your class? Well there was a couple reasons for that. First, cause ya never know what the parents have all taught them about growing up and relationships and what not. And Secondly, I was worried about this."

There was a pause as Applejack collected herself, trying to find the right words to say. "Ya see girls, there ain't nothin' wrong with having crushes on your friends, but Scootaloo ain't in a place to be handling such strong emotions like y'all were displayin'."

"I don't understand," I say, beyond confused.

"Ya know how Scootaloo lives with her aunts?" Applejack asks. Apple Bloom and me both nod. "Well that's because her father was a rotten colt and..." Applejack pauses and lowers her gaze to the ground. "Well there ain't anymore to say. It ain't my place."

"What can we do to make it better? It's all our fault," I ask as I start to tear up. I hurt my friend somehow and I'm unsure of how to fix it. As my tears streak down my face I feel Apple Bloom put her arm over me and hold me tight in a hug.

"Now girls this ain't your fault." Applejack says putting an arm on my shoulder. "Y'all know Scootaloo's had a rough life. We've been over it before. This is just another part of her past coming back to haunt her, but she'll be fine. Rainbow will help her."

"Will she be mad at us?" I hear Apple Bloom ask.

"Nah, the Crusaders are to close for that," Applejack teased with a small chuckle, probably to lighten the mood. While I appreciated her attempt, I still feel pretty cruddy about the whole situation.

"I think I'm gonna head back to the boutique," I say quietly as I wipe my cheeks dry. I really need to talk to Rarity. I need answers. Both about all this emotion and growing up stuff as well as answers about Scootaloo.

"I'll walk with ya back to town," Apple Bloom offers as she kisses my gently on the cheek. "If that's okay," she asks her sister.

"That's fine," replied Applejack. She then grinned and looked us up and down. "So I see y'all have talked things through. Well, enjoy each others company. I'm happy for ya, and don't worry to much about Scootaloo. I promise she'll be fine and I don't lie."