• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 536 Views, 3 Comments

The Bonds That Break - DJ Variety

The tragic tale of Sweetie Belle. A story one part Slice of Life, One part Adventure, and One part Sorrow

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Chapter 2.2

I'm sitting in a red wagon being towed by my best friend on her scooter. It hadn't taken long for Rarity to get Scootaloo and myself moving and on our way to school. Everything feels so awkward now. Every now and than I can see Scootaloo glance back at me; every time I glance away as if I'm not staring at her. I fear the end of this ride and the next time we look into each others eyes. Her brilliantly stunning grayish purple eyes. Stop mind! It's gonna be awkward enough once we get to school without thinking bout her beautiful eyes. Or that amazing figure. I've never noticed how when she flaps her wings into a buzz that they really emphasize the roundness of her...

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" Scootaloo's voice catches me off guard and snaps me out of my trance. Did she just catch me staring at her flank? Ugh, why am I continually making everything worse.

"Sorry." I peep out as I turn away to hide my face. I hide it out of both shame and embarrassment. It's a hard chore but I force myself to look at anything other than my friend. I refuse to even catch a glimpse of her for I fear if I do than my eyes will start to wander followed in short by my uncontrollable thoughts.

What feels like an eternity passes but finally we arrive at the schoolyard. Other students are still running around outside playing before class begins. This is probably the earliest I've been to school in a long time, Scoots sure is fast on her scooter. I hop out of the wagon and take off the helmet Scootaloo had given me. Putting it where I had previously been sitting. Scoots does the same with hers.

"So," I start slowly, "about this morning and the other day."

"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle." interjects my light, brilliant gamboge coated friend.

"Sorry? For what?" For some reason her words hurt me a little. Maybe it was the tone, so much sorrow.

"I still want to be friends but I don't wanna hang out with you if you're gonna stare at me all the time with dreamy eyes like you were earlier on the way here. Your eyes were, ah... kind of low. It made me feel uncomfortable." Oh no, I'm ruining our friendship. I can't loose Scootaloo or Apple Bloom, they mean everything to me. We do everything together.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing." I can feel my eyes start to water and I hate getting teary eyed in public. There's nothing I can do about it though. "I promise it won't happen again. Please don't leave," I plead as the first tear leaks from my eyes.

"Woah woah woah! Please don't cry Sweetie Belle. It's okay I meant it more like for the future. I'm not going anywhere. We've got plans with Apple Bloom after school today, remember?" My friend panics as she tries to comfort me. She walks around and hugs me from the side. Rubbing my back with her hoof as she tells me it's okay. It feels so good, her hoof massaging my back. I no longer feel like crying. Instead I want this moment to last forever, it feels perfect.

No, wait! I can't let my thoughts drift that way. "Stop!" I squeaked out as I step away from Scootaloo's warm embrace. "What you were doing right there, that doesn't help."

Scootaloo's posture stiffens at my words. "Oh," is all she says with reddened cheeks.

"I just don't want to ruin our friendship and when you do something as sensual as rub my back it cause my brain to start thinking..."

She stops me by shoving her hoof onto my mouth. "I get it. And please never use the word sensual again." She removes her hoof from my face and I instantly miss her scent. It was like a spring breeze. If her hoof smelt that good I wonder how strong that delectable scent would be from other parts of her body. Does she taste as good as she smells? What I would give to smell and taste every inch of her...

"Hey, maybe we should avoid physical contact for awhile," I suggest realizing how quickly out of control my thoughts were after a simple touch. Scoots cocks her head to the side confused; it looks super adorable.

"Do I even wanna know?" she asks hesitantly.

"Probably not," I chuckle nervously while staring away and up into the sky.

"What are y'all doin'?" an unmistakable accent asks.

"Nothing!" Scootaloo and myself answer startled and a bit to loud.

"Why's ya two's cheeks so red? Did I miss somethin'?" Apple Bloom asks while looking back and forth between us with a curious look. The school bell rings signaling that class is about to be in session.

I sigh in relief. "Better get to class," I say trying to end this moment as quickly as possible. As I walk past Scootaloo I see her expression change. She's now sporting a mischievous grin.

"Hey Apple Bloom wanna see something that'll keep you distracted from school all day?" Scootaloo asks. Without waiting for a response Scootaloo runs in front of me and kisses me quickly on the cheek. My heart explodes. Why? It was amazing but cruel. The sensation felt so good but why would she do that? She didn't like me thinking about her that way. She's teasing me, playing with my emotions. Slowly I raise my hoof to the blessed cheek. Scootaloo looks back and forth between me and Apple Bloom and chuckles, "Good luck in class today girls."

Scootaloo snickers as she trots into the school house. I don't move. Ages seem to pass but than I remember that Apple Bloom is standing next to me. My head turns to look at her; my cheeks are burning red. She's staring blankly with her jaw hanging open. If I wasn't so embarrassed I'd probably laugh at the look on her face. Explains why Scootaloo did it.

"Are you two like..." Apple Bloom starts to say before I cut her off.

"Let's not talk about this right now." My gaze shoots down towards the ground as I start to walk toward the door. My face feels like it's on fire. Is it possible to die from sheer embarrassment because I've got to be close.

Author's Note:

So trust me when I say that eventually I'll get to the sad stuff and the whole Sweetie Belle dying thing. This is going to be a three part story probably where part one (Beginnings) is all Slice of Life basically. I wanted to explain how these versions of the characters think and act in day to day life before adding all the stressful events. If you're super excited for the adventure stuff to begin it'll be awhile probably. There is a lot of SoL coming before we start to hit the serious events that I have planned. Part 2 will be where a lot of stuff will start picking up and than finally part three will be the climax and end. Hopefully you will all stick it out with me.