• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 538 Views, 3 Comments

The Bonds That Break - DJ Variety

The tragic tale of Sweetie Belle. A story one part Slice of Life, One part Adventure, and One part Sorrow

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Chapter 2.1

Author's Note:

So everything in Chapter 2 so far is before I've combined and revamped. With that said you can read it if you want but somethings may change. General plot will stay the same. Also if you do read the end of chapter 2 is not posted yet and won't be till it is all one chapter and not divided into parts like its currently is

So much bright. Are my mornings doomed to be cursed with a blinding light everyday? I role out of bed landing on the floor with a thump. Hopefully today is better than yesterday; talk about brutal. I'm getting a pretty early start on the morning though. Mane and teeth brushed, homework packed and ready for school. Everything seems to be lining up.

"Sweetie..." Rarity starts to call.

"I'm awake! Just finishing up," I holler back at her. Let's try and avoid an emotional breakdown at breakfast toady. Although I suppose I should ask Rarity about what I over heard her saying yesterday. Will she get mad at me for eavesdropping? Probably best just to wait. If it's going to be a problem in the future, then that's a problem for future Sweetie Belle.

I exit my room and head for the stairs. No scent is wafting from the kitchen so it's safe to assume Rarity didn't cook this morning. Better not be oat cereal. So bland and predictable. As I approach the kitchen I can hear my sister humming to herself. "What did you make for breakfast this morning?" I ask as I enter.

"Sorry Sweetie but I didn't make anything today, but I poured you a bowl of oat cereal." She replies without turning to look at me.

"Oh come on! They're so bland and predictable," I complain more to myself than actually to Rarity. She was hunched over the counter doing something with a pencil. Probably drawing a new dress design. Could be writing a lesson plan I suppose.

"Well, maybe next time you can make your own breakfast. Hmpf, so ungrateful," she retorts still not looking away from whatever project it is she is working on in front of her.

"Can I?" I ask with excitement. It's a foolish question. Clearly Rarity was more concerned with my comment having been rude and hadn't thought about what ramifications her words would have if I adhered to them. There has maybe been a reoccurring trend historically of me burning everything I've ever tried to cook.

Rarity's head perked up and she turned to look at me. "Oh dear Celestia no! I was kidding, do not try to cook anything tomorrow or ever," she pleaded. It was the answer I expected. I shrugged it off with a smile.

"What are you working on over there Rarity?" With my sister's gaze torn away from her project it seemed like the best time to ask.

"Oh, this?" she asks as she looks down at the paper. No the other thing your doing over there, ugh. Sometimes I wish I could say sarcastic things to my sister but I'd most likely just get scolded for it. Best to just wait for her to continue. "I'm just writing to our parents."

"Is it about me?" I ask nervously. It has to be about me. Rarity has never written to our parents while they've been away before. The only thing that's changed is my emotional status being all over the place of late.

"Life isn't all about you darling, no need to worry." Rarity teases with a small smile. I return her smile, a weight lifted. "But yes it is." And the weight comes crashing down.

"What are you telling them?" I panic a little, hopefully she can't read my face.

"Just the some small things, honest. Don't worry about it." She tries to reassure me but this is too important for me to back down. The letter is about me after all, so I deserve to know what's being said.

"I want to read it before you mail it."

"Not happening." That was the most stern tone I've heard Rarity use in awhile. No signs of budging there but I have to try. I can start to feel pressure building inside me.

"It's about me, I should know what you're trying to say behind my back!" I'm starting to get angry, and I hate that. I need to calm myself down. No reason to get into a fight with Rarity this morning, it'll only serve to dampen my day. Hopefully she doesn't fight back too hard like she normally does.

"Nothing more than you've already told me." She replies back but to my surprise without any form of anger. She even seemed a bit sorry. If her goal was to drain my rage completely by throwing me off by not matching my intensity then it worked. Rarity is normally quite combative with me when we argue.

"I still have a right to know," I remark with my last shred of defiance.

"You do Sweetie and I promise I'm not talking ill of you. It's just that there are other personal things in here. Things about our parents that they don't want you to know yet."

"Let me guess, because I'm too young." Normally this would have been enough to rekindle some of my anger but at this point I only felt defeated.

"I tell you that a lot don't I? I'll make it up to you, I promise. Now hurry and eat your oats. You'll need to leave for school soon."

"I'm not hungry," I say with my head hung low as I start to leave the kitchen. "I'm gonna leave now if that's okay."

"Wait let me pack you a lunch real quick."

"No thanks. I'll just eat at the cafeteria." I feel so defeated. There is obviously some sadness buried deep down inside me but mainly I feel just empty. So Rarity and my parents are keeping secrets from me. On top of that my parents aren't gonna be happy about my crush situation either as it seems if what I heard the other day is any indication. Oh and I almost forgot that my parents are also taking a break from each other by getting away from me. How great.

I glance back at Rarity and she looks hurt. Probably feels bad for me; it's not her fault though. She's done so much for me as of late with our parents always being gone. "I'll be fine Rarity. Just have a lot on my mind. Thanks for always being here for me, love you." I say with a smile on my face to reassure her that I'm okay and that she didn't do anything wrong to upset me.

"Love you too Sweetie Belle. I am sorry about the letter. I'll make it up to you, I promise." I can still see that look that screams I'm sorry in her eyes as she smiles back at me. I wave goodbye as I exit the boutique.

"Sweetie Belle. About time." I glance over towards the road and see Scootaloo waiting on her scooter. Behind her is a red wagon that she sometimes pulls Apple Bloom and myself in.

"Oh, hey Scoots. Nice of you to wait for me. Gonna give me a ride to school?" Today might have had a rough morning, not as bad as yesterdays I'll admit, but things will turn around. I find it best to try and be positive whenever possible, and with Scootaloo here to give my walk to school some company the day was already starting to look up.

"Yeah, that's what the wagons for," commented my pegasus friend with a tone that screamed obviously. "Also I think we need to talk." Shoot, I forgot about my slip up yesterday as we were parting ways. What's the odds it's about math homework?

"About what?" I ask as innocently as I can.

"You calling me cute," she answers while staring at what must have been the most interesting rock in Equestria. I can't say I didn't see that coming. "Please don't do that again. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I just kept thinking about it. It was like a curse." A curse?

"I thought I was cursed yesterday too!" I blurt out. "Rarity had to explain to me that I wasn't cursed but that I just had a crush. Did I just say that out loud? Am I still talking?!" I nervously laugh. Scootaloo looks up at me surprised with wide eyes that cause me to quickly turn my head away and towards my own interesting rock on the ground. What have I done? I'm never gonna live this down. I start to panic internally.

"Wait. Are you saying you have a crush on me?" Scootaloo stammers.

"No! No! Well, maybe. But Octavia! I've got a crush on Octavia!" I quickly respond not wanting to weird out my friend. Best not to let her dwell on the whole me having a crush on her thing.

I hear a creak from behind me. "You two love birds better get a move on you'll be late to school," Rarity yells from the door of her boutique. I'm almost petrified with dread and embarrassment. Almost.

I whisk around and shout, "Rarity, you're not helping!"