• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 538 Views, 3 Comments

The Bonds That Break - DJ Variety

The tragic tale of Sweetie Belle. A story one part Slice of Life, One part Adventure, and One part Sorrow

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Chapter 2.5

What an interesting day it's been so far. A fluster of emotions. I got kissed by Scootaloo, it might have only been on the cheek as a tease but still. Also, got in trouble just for there to be no consequences apparently. A lot of strange feelings about friends and even stranger conversation exchanges. Something about Apple Bloom and her sister's words seem to have some form of hidden meaning. My mind is racing with the possibilities, but there is only one that I want it to be. This one hope is what is keeping me from asking the yellow filly herself. The temptation to find out is strong. We're just on the outskirts of Ponyville heading towards Sweet Apple Acres, only her and I. Occasionally, whenever I look over at Bloom I can see her contemplating something too.

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna find out what all that crush business was about. I take a deep audible breath.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asks before I get a word out. I exhale.

"Yeah Apple Bloom," I answer. We both stop and she turns towards me.

"Promise ya won't get mad?" In my opinion I think that's a strange question to ask. I begin to reply.

"Get mad at wh..." I'm cut off by Apple Bloom grabbing my shoulders and planting a quick kiss on my lips. It was wonderful. All my senses seem to be gone. This kiss only lasted a brief moment but I wish it had been for more.

"Sweetie Belle?" I blink a few times to snap out of my trance. In front of me I see Apple Bloom with her head low, eyes gazing up at me. She looks scared.

Quietly, only just above a whisper I ask, "Am I your crush?" Her only response is a nod, and my heart soars. "Yes! This is the best day ever!" I dash up and return her kiss with one of my own. "Oh, Apple Bloom I'm so happy!"

"You're not upset that I'm not Scootaloo or Octavia?" Her previously low cast posture was starting to straighten up and her overall appearance more warm.

"What? Never! I was gonna tell you in class that I thought you were cute and Applejack mentioned you had a crush. Oh, I had hoped so bad that is was on me. You two were acting all strange about the whole thing and my mind was racing with possible reasons. All the worry..." my fast pace rambling was cut short by a yellow hoof in my mouth.

"I get it, yeesh. Ya'll get goin' an' your like a train with no breaks," Apple Bloom chuckles as she lowers her hoof with a warm smile on her face. My excitement can barely be contained. I hop enthusiastically in one spot. Finally someone who I can relate with and she's one of my best friends and really nice and super cute. Even in my mind I ramble. This is so awesome. I new thought crosses my mind.

"Does this mean we're each other's special somepony?" I squeak out. The question had gotten quieter and higher pitched as I was asking it.

Bloom smiles and nods while adding, "If you wanna be." There was a bit of hopeful dreaming in her voice brought on by nerves and excitement.

"Ofcourse!" I yell, embracing her in a hug. "I can't wait to tell Scootaloo that we're a thing. She's gonna be so surprised."

"Woah, now. Hold up a second. Applejack says I shouldn't mention stuff like this to ponies my age. Something about other ponies' families should be the ones to explain all these emotions to 'em." I don't fully understand why but if Applejack told Apple Bloom then it was probably the right move. It'd explain why Apple Bloom never told me about her having a crush. Well, that and I suppose since I was her crush it would have been pretty hard for her to talk to me about something like that. Wait.

"How long have you had a crush on me?" I ask. Immediately followed with, "And why? I'm nopony special?"

"Ha!" she laughs. "Nopony special? You've got an amazin' singin' voice. You're always so positive. Kind. Gentle. Easy to get along with. You care about everypony. Have a way of making them feel special, and those little voice cracks you get when you're excited are so adorable." I smile and my cheeks redden at all the compliments. "That affectious smile and the cute shade of red your cheeks turn when you're embarrassed," she adds with a smirk on her face.

"Apple Bloom stop," I laugh. "I never knew you felt this way. You're really good at hiding it. So, how long?

"Lookin' back I guess I've always noticed ya but didn't realize I liked ya that way till recently. It was only a little over a week ago that I talked to Applejack about it," she responds. "I'm guessing you've never really thought much about me that way till today though, huh?"

"It's kind of like you said. The thoughts never really resonated that way till you asked if I though you were cute, then all the little things you do started flooding into my brain. All your cute mannerisms. Your adorable bow. Beautiful smile. Sexy flank."

"Woah! I get it," chuckles Apple Bloom. "I don't need to hear about how nice ya'll think my flank is. I appreciate the compliment and all but it just ain't civil talk to be having with friends."

"But we're not just friends any more. Remember?" I say maybe a little to sultry like.

"Your right but let's not go gettin' ahead of ourselves. We're both young an' Applejack said I'd develop multiple crushes over time, as I'm sure ya understand. Let's just take it slow an' enjoy each others company for awhile."

"Yeah, your right. Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

"Don't sweat it. Now, while we won't tell Scootaloo quite yet it don't mean we can't have some fun. Her little stunt this mornin' is gonna backfire."

Author's Note:

I realize so far this doesn't match the description but patience. I promise. The adventuring and the darkness will be coming. My word goal for this story is a minimum of 50k so there's a long ways to go, bare with me.