• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

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Chapter 6

The banquet was still in full swing when Rainbow finally slipped out onto one of the balconies of the palace. As one of the guests of honor, it had been impossible for her to slip away until now. Her stomach let out a loud gurgle, causing her to groan and glance back into the throng of people. All that time and she hadn’t even made it to the food.

Always one more dignitary, three more nobles. She turned away, heading further out into the cool embrace of night. The clink of cutlery drew her attention. She stared.

Twilight Sparkle sat on the ground against the railing, several plates of food surrounding her. Her eyes widened when she looked up, cloak billowed about her. “Oh there you are! I was just about to go fetch you!”

Rainbow sat down next to her with a groan. “I just escaped the ambassador from Griffinsrone.”

Twilight visibly clinched. “That’s why I told you to talk to him first.” She looked the other girl over. Rainbow had discarded her armor, for once, and was dressed in a nice blouse and a skirt that came down to her knees. Her prismatic hair was done up in a nice bun. Practical. “You cut it a little close today.”

A growl escaped Rainbow’s throat as she bit into a roll. “The wards messed with the seal on my mark.” The still shone on the back of her hand, faintly glowing.

Twilight frowned. “And the seal is completely off now.”

“Something I would like to know how that happened.” Celestia said, leaning against the rail. Her white gown practically flowed in the moonlight. Her ethereal hair flowed in an unseen wind, reflecting moonlight in shades of light blue, green, and pink. A wineglass held white wine, from which she took a sip. She glanced at the two shocked girls. “Honestly, you really thought I wouldn’t notice your friendship?” She chuckled. A sigh passed her lips as she gazed at the stars.

“Which is why you put Rainbow through that Ceremony!” Twilight said. Magic clamped her mouth shut, preventing her from saying further.

“Before you begin on your rant, Twilight, know this. I was also the one who sealed Rainbow’s mark.” Both girls went rigid, but Rainbow found herself in the same predicament as Twilight. Celestia sipped from her glass as she continued. “Yet it should not have broken as it did.”

Rainbow licked her lips as she felt the pressure fade off them. “I get it. You sealed it because of where I was found.”

“Partly.” Celestia shrugged. “Yet I’ve watched you, not because of any connection you may have to Umbra, but because you’re special.” She held out her left hand, palmside down. Her rune glowed at her command, golden, flowery, strong. “Twilight, reveal yours please.”

Twilight’s glowed with a lavender light, filled with circular, logica, smooth tunes.

“And now you, Rainbow. Focus clearly. Hold your power, but do not grip it.
I’m sure Twilight’s taught you.” Celestia spoke softly.

Tentatively, Rainbow held out her hand. Her rune pulsed blue, the other two pulsing faintly in response. Several runes ran the outer edge of the circle, in a script Twilight could never recognize. The inside consisted of jagged lines, interconnected with swirls and spirals.

“Already you see the difference. For a magus, their rune reflects themselves. Yours, however, reflects something else entirely.” Celestia continued. “But whatever it means, I have not been able to discover. Yet you will.” Another sigh passed her lips. “The answers are out there, not in this city. Perhaps not even in this kingdom. Which is why I am sending the two of you to the Lunar Confederacy. I may not have any answers here, but my sister might. Not to mention she will be your best lead on finding the Children. You may leave whenever you wish, and the gates of the city are open for you whenever you may return.” She finished off her wine. “Well, I feel I’ve been away from the party long enough. I swear the Griffinstone ambassador grows more long-winded with each passing year.” With a wink at them, the Empress turned and walked back inside.

Rainbow picked at her plate. “She unnerves me.”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle. “What do you expect? She’s been alive since before our great-great grandparents were born. Even then, I think she’s older than that.” After a sip from her mug, she looked over at Rainbow. “When will be able to leave?”

Rainbow shrugged as she finished off her last plate. “Whenever AJ gets the tank done.”

“The tank?” Twilight sat up straight. “Granny Smith’s letting us use the Apple Howzer?!”

“That’s What AJ said. Though when I talked with her yesterday, she was having problems with a couple gears. We’ll have to see where she is with it tomorrow morning.” A yawn escaped her. “Wouldn’t be surprised if she and Applebloom are still working on it right now, though.”

Twilight’s eyes softened. “We’ll go check tomorrow. Right now, it’s best you get some sleep.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll head home for the night. Night, Twi.” Rainbow said. She climbed to her feet and walked off.

Twilight sighed. “I never meant to lie to you.” She seemingly said to the shadows.

A soft chuckle accompanied Cadance’s appearance. Dressed in a pink gown, she folded her arms across her chest. “I wouldn’t say you lied directly. I would like to know why you never told me.”

Twilight gave a non-committal shrug. “I just figured you would be like Shiny, try to stop me.”

Cadance knelt before her. She gently reached out and cupped her cheek. “Oh Twilight. I’ve done my best to help you, but there’s only so much I can do. If hunting them down is what you need to do, then I won’t stand in your way. You know that.” She closed her eyes. “You lost a father. I lost both my parents. Aunty Celestia and Aunty Luna lost a brother. And you were left with a broken memory. The only thing in all this that worries me is how Rainbow Dash ties in.” A long, frustrated sigh shook her. “But that’s why you both need to go. Just promise me one thing.” She forced Twilight’s up. “Promise me you won’t let your anger blind you. If things get bad, don’t press on. Head back, whether it’s here, or to the Confederacy.” She pulled the girl to her. “Shining and I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

Twilight shuddered. “I promise.”