• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Empress Celestia Solaris sat serenely at her favorite table, sipping a lovely cup of tea after partaking an exquisite breakfast. She was very fond of this room, for at least a couple reasons. The first was that it overlooked her personal garden. The second was that it faced the east, and gave a spectacular view of the sunrise, weather permitting.

She chuckled. Though, as a magus of her caliber, weather was all too easy to plan. A light clink followed as she placed the cup back on the saucer. Her eyes turned downcast as they fell upon the empty seat across from her.

It was finally today. Today, her beloved student would take a knight, and Fate would take her away. She scoffed at the idea. No. Twilight Sparkle would forge her own fate. Especially if a knight such as Rainbow Dash was at her side. A wide grin bloomed across her face. Those two would shake the very foundation of her empire, and she could not help but rejoice at it.

She had waited far too long, after all.


Morning turned to noon. Noon faded into evening.

Rainbow gave her armor one last check. The last thing she needed was something coming loose in the middle of all this.

Part of her still seethed that Shooting Star put her name forward; the other part of her trembled in eager anticipation.

After all, this wasn’t some simple line-up, where they waited for the magus to choose one of them. It was the final part of the Fall Tournament. The next wouldn’t be till near midwinter.

The circumstances were far different this time. The stakes higher than she’d ever known. There were only three other candidates. Elites. And she knew next to nothing about them.

Still not satisfied, but knowing nothing more could done, Rainbow settled onto a stool facing the door. Two hours ago, she had been shoved, figuratively, in here with her armor.

The Dusk Ceremony had a series of special rules to be followed. The first being that the candidates needed to be kept separate. They were not to bring their own weapons. They had to go all out, use as much of their powers and abilities. Specially crafted wards would prevent any fatalities or serious injury.

Quick footsteps approached the door right before it swung open. Sir Shooting Star stepped in, flanked by two other knights. Without a word, she picked up her helmet, staring into it before placing it on her head. Still, she felt bare without her sword at her side, and her shield strapped to her arm.

Rainbow followed after him, the other two knights trailing behind. No one said a word. Then again everything that needed to be said had been.

Shooting Star stopped at the entrance of a hallway. An elaborate door lay at the far end. “Beyond that door lies the next part of your search for answers. From there, you’re fate will be your own.”

She stepped beside him. “My fate...” She looked back at him as she started towards the door, “is going to be awesome.”


Twilight Sparkle watched as the few remaining seats in the arena were filled. A good portion of the empire had shown up to witness this event. Dignitaries from all over the empire had been arriving all week. Each one had questioned her, trying to see if they could guess who she would pick. Had picked.

She risked a glance to her mentor. Celestia was laughing and conversing with a dignitary from an outer province. Twilight knew she had something planned, and she knew that Celestia knew that she knew. All the same, the Empress has still insisted upon holding the ceremony.

She watched as Celestia waved for the dignitary to sit before turning to the crowd. She held her hands outward; a hush instantly fell. Once the last voice faded, the Empress spoke, her voice amplified to carry over the arena. “Greetings all to this year’s Fall Dusk Ceremony!” She waited for the cheers to quiet down. “As you know well, this Ceremony is a sacred time, where our advanced magi take a knight in order to protect therm as they travel the land. It gives me no greater honor than to announce that this year, my own student, Twilight Sparkle, shall take on her own knight!”

Twilight squirmed in her seat at the applause and cheering. As the noise died once again, however, she could not shake the feeling of dread now building in her gut.

Celestia gave her a small smile before continuing. “Traditionally, the Dusk Ceremony is the final part of the annual Fall Tournament, where our knights compete in a series of competitions to prove themselves. Usually, there are multiple candidates selected and brought forth, where they prove themselves to their prospective magi in combat. This year will mark a slight deviation.”

Twilight went rigid. Celestia couldn’t possibly be...there was no way she would do that!

The Empress gave her a smile so cunning, she shuddered from the chills it gave her. “This Ceremony will indeed be a challenge, a proving. Only, this time, there will only be one candidate! Bring her forth!”

Around the arena, four doors opened. Rainbow blinked as her eyes adjusted to the sudden sunlight. Five objects lay in the center of the arena, her eyes falling on the sword and shield placed just a smidge further from the other weapons. Her eyes roamed over the other candidates. A chill went down her spine. It couldn’t possibly... Each warrior wore the same black armor. The same crest rested upon their breast. These were the top four of Empress Celestia’s most elite soldiers.

“Sir Rainbow Dash! You have been chosen by my student to be her knight! However, as tradition dictates, you must prove your resolve before me! Before us all!” The voice of the Empress called down, like a goddess casting judgement. “To what lengths are you willing to go to keep your magus safe? Best of luck, oh knight! Warriors! Fight!”

Rainbow barely had time to process those words.